Jefferson Park Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1922-12-23

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Jefferson Park Form Chart NEW ORLEANS, LA., FRIDAY. DECEMBER 22, 1922. Jefferson Tark 1 mile. Iflnoteenth day Jefferson Parish Pair Association. Winter Meeting of 20 days. Weather door; tomporaturo DO. Stewards, J. A. Murphy, II. P. Conklhrg and J. IJ. Campbell. Judges, J. McLennan, J. It. Header and J. P.. Campbell. Starter, William Snyder. Itncing Secretary, J. I!. Campbell. Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Chicago time 2:15 p. m.. W indicates whip, 3 spurs. It blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date, track record, ago of hone and weight carried. Indicatcs apprentice allowance. andr76pF? FIE ST RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. Dec. 1G, 1919 1:05 1112. Vnno G0. All Ages. O i M5 fl Kaidens. Claiming. Net value to winnor 2; iecod, 15; third, ?C0. Index Ilorfes AWtPPSt Vi Vz . Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 II 0 P S G7199 ZOONA w 2 1031 1 1 ll l1 l1 1 L McDoltO 13 Pons 10 15 15 G 3 51572 BILLY CONNOR. w 4 11G 5 2 31 21 21 2 E Barnoa J It Sklnker 10 30 SO 12 G G7088SREPOU?.1EU ws 2 103 3 3 4 31 31 31 A Abel J Arthur 8 8 7 3-1 G-5 G7069LKO FISILEIt w 4 115 0 10 El 4 4 4 13 Martin Southland SUble 2 2 11-S1 2-5 G23G1 HINKLE w 3 115 2 4 24 G1 5 B J Wallace L Reseget 10 15 15 G 3 GG305 JOHN JOSEPH w 3 116 7 7 GJ G 7 Gl IS KummerJ L Holland 4 7 G 31 G-5 GRENOBLE w 4 11G 4 5 91 3 6173 J D MneyL M Holmes !0 30 30 13 6 G7CG9 KRSKINE DALE w 3 11G G S 7l 71 8 8 It M berry J It Campbell 50 00 00 20 10 G3244JGMAN JOUETT w 3 116 8 11 Sl Sl 9 9 A Wilson 15 11 Bradley 8 8 4 2 1 GG83G GONDOLIER w 3 118 10 12 12 101 101 10J 15 Scoble J C Paisley 8 15 15 G 3 G2157 DR. LITTLE w 3 113 12 3 ll1 ll1 ll1 11 W HeinchC It Knebelkamp 30 50 50 30 10 FREE MARKET w 3 11G 11 9 10 12 12 12 C Lang il Nieoll 5 7 6 31 C-5 Time, ZIY5, 48, 1:08, l:09Vt. Track good. Winner B. f, by Vulcain Umatilla, by Clifford trained by O. H. Pons; bred by Mr. Cary T. Grayson. Went to post at 2:15. At poet 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and tlitril driving. ZOONA began well and. under a good ride, raced into the lead at once ami easily held the race safe for the entire way. HILLY CONNOR raced forwarrtly from the start and held second place safe in tiio final drive. KEFOItMKlt ran a good rare. LKO PI8UKU ran well and finished close up. GKNTLK-MAN JOLKTT was away poorly. Pit KB MAItKKT ran away a tialf Mile before the start. Scratched 013C3 Kennmare. 100; 0G8G7sAlluring, 100; 07115,Fcrnando, 180; G1168 Boris, 118; G7127 Louis Lichtenhcim, 110; G70G1 Diana Waters, 113. Overweights Zoona, 3 pounds. SECOND EACE 1 Milo. Doc. 23, 10191:305 108. Purse 5700. 3-yoor-olds and 0 O upward. Claiming-. Net valuo to winner M6; second, 16; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt tf Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II O P 8 G7175 WHITE HAVEN w 110 2 2 11111 91 31 P R Dority It N Dorlty 8 15 13 5 21 G7l7SHUTCHISON w 3 103 S 4 5 S 4 21 G Mcin J W Murphy 4 5 41 8-5 4-5 G7178WARLIKE wb 5 108 1 7 Sl S 81 6J 3 W Onran J M Collins S 12 10 4 2 G7175MARSE JIMMY ws 7 MS 10 10 71 V Sl 4 T BonhamW F Strausa 30 30 30 10 5 GG985 NAN McKLNNEY wb 3 105 12 G 1 1 ll 1 SJ J Majestic I. T Whiteliill 10 15 15 6 3 67127EDNA D. ws 4 105 1112 J1 S 3and 21 J Owens J H Murray 3 G G 2 1 G098G HARVEST KING w 8 113 8 3 2 2 2 71 7 J D MneyJ T Looney 21 1J-49-5 4-5 2-5 67223 WILL SOON wb 7 113 6 9 1 CI 5 S 8 It Hoi way D F Bryan 20 30 30 10 5 G7059BniBED VOTER wb S 108 9 11 1 10 ll 9 9 W DupltisG C Winfrey 10 15 15 G 3 G7175 CHALLENGER wb 5 113 3 1 41 4 S5 loUo G ManganO E Van Winkle 10 15 15 6 3 G712G ULA w 6 110 7 S 12 12 ll1 ll Ul J Merimee A Hellegarde 30 30 30 10 5 CG909 OLD DAVE ws 4 113 4 5 7and J1 12 12 IS L McDottA M Wallo 30 CO 30 12 Time. 2454, 49, 1:164, 1:434. Track good. Winner B. m, by Bourbon Beau Miss Thompson, by GoWcrest traiued by F. Borland; bred by Mr. M. Doyle. Went to poet at 2:30. At post - minutes. Start good aad slow. Won driving; second and third the Kama. WHITK nAVBN was repeatedly forced back in the early running, but came fast through the last quarter and. finishing gamely, got up to win in the last strides. HUTCHISON was hard ridden and r,;r-cd into the lead in the last sixteenth, bat failed to withstand the winners rush. WAULIKH came from far b;ic-k in the last quarter and was running gamely at the end. NAN MeKlNNKY set n good pare to the last eighth and tired. HARVEST KING snowed speed, but dropped back in the last quarter. LUNA D. was done after running well to the last eighth. MARSR JIMMY finished fast. Scratched 0G5S3 Troilus, 113: G722S Bees Wing, 106; 66900 Brown Bill, 10S; G0575Polygainlst, 113; CCTl Ferment, 113; 67173 Anna Gallop. 110. TBTED HACE 3-4 Kile. Doc. 31. 1919 1:12H 3 117. Porso 00. 2-year-ohk. 6F?"0 . 6 -fclOet? Allowances. Net value to winner 35; second, 15; third, ?00. Indx Hor3es AWtPPSt Vi 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O n O P S G6930 ANONYMOUS w 113 2 2 11 11 ll ll F Weiner J L Holland S-517-186-5 3-5 1-4 G7146;VENNIE w 1 4 5 6 6 I 21 J Owens Kirkfield Stablo 5 G 5 S-5 3-5 . G6987ROCK SALT wi 1W S 3 2l S- 2 31 L McDottH S Downs 2 1G-53 1 2-5 GGS79 BLUE NOSE w 113 5 S 61 4 41 4l H Thurberldle Hr S F Stb 5 7 5 S-5 3-5 GG581 MANICURE MAID vi 107 11 41 S S t1 J CorcoranM Goldblatt 10 15 12 5 2 67029 VANDBRBDRG w 104 64 3lSJ6CC Lans W J Kramer 10 15 15 5 21 Time, 24, 49, 1:15. Track gocd. Winner B. g, by Maintenant Valentine, by Marta Santa trained by W. Shields; bred by Mr. Jrsph B .Widener. Went to post at 3:07. At post 1 minute. Start good aad slow. Won easily; second and third driving. ANONYMOUS began fast and, showing the most speed from the start, set a good pace and won casing up. VENNIK began slowly and bad to race wide on the turns, but came with a rush in the .tetch :ir.d outstayed ROCK SALT. The latter raced forwardly for a half mile lie fore tiring. BLUK NOrB w:is going fast at the end. MANICURB MAID had no mishaps. VANDBKBURG ran a good half, but tired badly in the stretch. Overweights Vanderburg, 1 pound. OPTO A g FOURTH HACE 1 Mile aad 76 Tarda. Da. 4, 1S8 1:43 8 192. Palaco Theater hQ 0 Purse. Parse 08. 3-year-oMs and upward. Chiming. Net value to -winner 525; second, 16; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt 14 li 5 Str Hn Jockeys Owners O H C P S G70G2 GOALER w 6 M8 3 5 7 7 I" ll l1 H ThoraasS Loute 21 3 13-51 1-2 G7071 DIMPLES w Wl ! 8 8 4k 21 21 21 J Owens T P Devereaux 3 4 4 8-5 7-10 7 07 1 MATINEE IDOL ws 7 13 S 6 4 5 31 31 J CorcoranM Goldblatt 5 10 8 3 8-5 07091 TULALIP w 3 14 1 1 3 V- 41 41 4 C Lang G Drumheller 5 6 5 2 1 67033 FREEZY SNEEZY w 3 Ml 2 4 6 5 5- 5 G Mein J H Deaveoport 15 20 20 8 4 G7203;SEA MINT wb 0 110 5 3 3 2l 3l i J D MneyJ Dundee 3 G 41 8-5 4-5 GG989-KAMKIN WB4M877S 8 S 8 7 J Merimee E P Mataon G 10 8 3 8-5 CG7233ORLOVA w 5 1011 4 2 1 T1 71 I R Doyle R McGarvey 15 20 15 5 21 Time, .86, Setf, 1:1, l:4i, 1:47. Track good. Winner Br. h, by Duke Michael Gallows Hill, by Galashiels trained by M. J. Murphy; bred in England by Mr. August Belmont. Went to post at 3:29. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. GOAL.ER, showing vastly improved form over his previous race, was restrained UHtil passing the iialf ml if. where he moved up with a rush and, taking the lead, came away in the stretch to win as his ijd.r pl.-jsfd. DIMPLB8 moved up steadily after going a half mile and finished fast. MATIN KH IDOL yj5 outrun after going a half mile, but came again in the stretch and Unished resolutely. TULALH sJii-vpl .speed, but began tiring in the stretch. SKA MINT quit badly after going threo-quurters. OUI.OV A retired after leading for the first half mile. Scratched 87203 Nightboat. 102; 7203 Dark Horse. 10S: 07222 CaoMHiaage, 113; 7208 Tulane, 102. Overweights Dimples, 3 pounds; Tulalip. 5; Preezy Sneesy, 2; Sea Mint. 2; Orlovt. 1V. A - FIFTH KACE 8-4 Mile. Doc 31, 1919 1:1V6 117. Purse fm. 8-year-olds and GPfSTh 6 Q-JcJL upward. Cleiuinr. Ifet value to winner 28; saoead, 16; thkd, lad x Horses AWtPPSt 14 hi Str Fin Jockeys Owners O n 0 P 8 G7203;SEWELL CTMBS wb 7 116 S3 31 Ill ll J Owens VT M Cain 8-6 21 11-61 1-2 G6867 - LITTLE AMMIE w 3 186 4 7 661620 Mela L T Bauer 10 12 12 5 21 G7174 SERVICE STAR WD 5 115 3 5 4 4 4l f J Merimee A 8 Woodcllffe 6 7 G 21 f-5 G7174 THE PERUVIAN ws 3 118 6 4 2 l 3 4 L Lyke G Oddo 6 6 6 2 1 66955SRUGGLES w 3 106 2 1 14 21 5 J Corcoran F K Coursoa 41 8-5 4-6 67012 MONEY wb 8 110 12 7l l 6 6 R Doyle S Jones 8 18 7 H 6-6 G7069 VLAN w S ltt 6 8 d 7 7" 7 J D MneyL M Holmes M M M 20 19 G5398 MABEL CURTIS ws 3 112 7 6 8 t1 S S E Barnes W Durnan 8 18 If 6 3 G45GS HOT FOOT WB5M789 8 C Lona; A LelU 16 20 8 4 Time, M4. 48, 1:16. Track good. Winner Ch. h, by Jack Atkin Royal Captive, by Golden Maxim trained by J. B. Partridge; bred by Messrs. Gailaber Bros.. Went to post at 3:58. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driv-lc. SKWKLL. COMBS ran as if best and. taking the lead on the last tun, came away m the stretch to win as his rider pleased. LITTLE A MM IS began slowly, but came with a great rush through the last eighth tind was going fastest at the end. SERVICE STAB was taken back at the start, bat raced into a contending position in the stretch aad finished fast and close op. THH PBBOVIAN ran well under a good ride. KUGGLK8 set the early pace, bat tired badly in the last seventy yards. The others were badlv outrun. Scratched 67082 Col. Taylor. 105; 87218 Jock Scot, US; 07127Alva, 106; 67218Winaeconne, 112; G7219 Ettahe. 115; 67082 Sandy H., 110; 87220 Kirsties Cub. 113; 17218 Biasoury, 110; 871l8Saugs, 112. A O SIXTH RACE 1 Mila. rc. 88, 1918 1:88 6 188. Parse 8788. 8-yr-oUi and 6Pr and trpwaid. Claiming. Mai value to winner 8888; ascend, ; third, 880, I:ri x Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P 8 G7201-DR. RAE wn C MS 4 7 7 61 2i ll J Corcoran B L Rogers -6 8-6 8-e 7-181-1 G6826 DOCTOR JIM w51118S421112M SchwtsB B Chapsnaa I f t t 6-6 GG955 ATTOO was 3 1M 2 1 ll 3 3 G BrenlngR L Brarnar 8t 8J 68 1 f CG971 COCKROACH w C 113 f 6 41 4 4 4 A Wilson B Howard 8 f 8 I I S C72003 HELEN ATKIN w7Ut I 1 I 71 8 6 6 E Scokis H H Crist 111 8-6 1-6 GG847NEAJOi.iTAN w 2 185 1 3 6 7 7" 1 F Sharp J J Farrall Jr 18 11 1$ 6 U G7127 DUMi loi NDEB ws 3 108 8 4 3l 2 6 7 E Martin Southland SUble 8J If M 12 I 67011DIOC I.KTIAX w 4 188 2 1 1 8 I 8 8 T Bon ham V H Sovin 68 J ftt 88 16 G7128 AIIJ.IKO ws 1 113 7 Loot rides. C Lang G C Denny $ t I hB 67093 KTEK.MTiT wb 4 113 If Lt rider. J Wallace p G Magrit 16 16 16 8 3 Tfane, 88, mk. 1:18, 1:4. Traak gsd. Winner- P. t. by fiea King Stake and Cap, by ElUsdale trained by B. L. Rogers; bred by Mr. William Garth i. Went to mj t it 4:29. At post 3 minutes. Kt;irt Rood nnd i!.v. Wun handily: set oud ft ml tl.irl driving. DR. Tr K Min"er-! ton afser tin- nurt fn.tu ifii.-riVreii-e and ;g:itn in Hi.- Itr.-i lulf m.l-. b..t came fast through the last iiurter timl pa.-d lJUilOit JIM i., win f.u.g nw.iy. iiie l.ti.r 8.l..,-.-i much speed and raced Into a gnud lead after -.v r.-i.n.uiif :.t. n . , Imt n:. I n. r Ue- .mt. A l i oo ran a good race, but tired la the itret.-U. rw KHd.m u i.m ..-u jhJMI.iuI :. ii .,; a.i mo. i.i.ilA:, quit. ETKUNITY and AILLIRO bumped into each other at tue start, unseating botn noeita. Sera trhed 07223 Natural. 105; 67178-Grace Foster, 100; G084S-ilandfull, 113; fiTin1 Attorney Muir, 113, C7220 J;ike Sehas, 113; G7223 Transient, 113, 672J;Meust, KJS, 0127 Ardits, 113. Orervv eights- Neapolitan, 2 pounds.

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Local Identifier: drf1922122301_3_1
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