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! ! i 1 ! Daily Racing Form A reflection of the American turf by telegraph. Published daily during the winter racing daily, escept Monday, during the summer. Subscription by first-class mail per month, May to November, inclusive; per month, December to April, inclusive. Monthly Racing Form Containing charts of all races run on recognized North American tracks during the month, comprehensively and completely indexed, index to all stakes run during the current year, American jockey records, I scale of weights, authentic statistical mat- I ter, calendar table of racing dates for com- e ing month and other valuable data. This I book is on sale in the eastern district on or about the fifth of the month. Frice, . U ordered by mail ten cents extra for regis- I tration. j Annual Racing Form Published in two volumes, contains charts j of all races run during the current year and all matter contained in Monthly Eacing Form covering the period of racing in each ! volume. The first volume is on sale on or about July 15 and the second volume on or about January 15. This publication is bound in durable leatherette. Price, 0 per volume. If ordered by mail ten cents extra for registration. t American Racing Manual The authoritative statistical work on !j American racing. Complete statistics of jl racing for the past year, histories of all im- portant stakes, summary of yearling sales, records of all horses racing during past year, histories of important foreign stakes, 1 bookmaking percentage table, handicap- i ping tables and instructions for application, complete track records, track diagrams, and many other features of value to the student of racing are contained in this pub- lication. Published annually and placed on sale on or about February 1. A limited num ber of the 1922 edition remain unsold. This book is issued in three bindings: full leather, per copy; leatherette, .50 and paper, . If ordered by mail ten cents extra for registration. ! THESE PUBLICATIONS I are recognized by racing associations here and abroad as 8S the real authority on American racing. Every racing secre- jjj I tary has these publications on his desk for ready reference, J j j and all leading owners, breeders, trainers and students of j j form depend on them for racing data. DAILY EACING fi POEM is 1 Complete, Accurate, Dependable I and the monthly and annual publications are the most com- I j plete books of their kind issued in any country. The charts I I of the races are compiled by racing experts, men who have 1 9 made the turf a subject of life-long study and research, men I who are capable, dependable and imbued with the spirit of service to the racing public which DAILY RACING- FOEM demands of all its employes. I The statistics published in DAILY EACING FOEM publica-I tions are compiled by a corps of experts from the most com-I plete and ingenious set of records ever kept on the subject I of racing anywhere. Almost any question of fact relating to the American turf can be settled quickly and finally by reference to one of these publications. j I Daily Racing Form Publishing Co. I 441 PLYMOUTH COURT, CHICAGO, ILL j