untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1923-02-07


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DO YOUR OWN I Perhaps the Most Valuable New Feature of THE Which Is Now On Sale Is the theSPEED SPEED CHART CHARTand and supplementary table through which it can be applied to racing at any recognized track in the country These tables applied to past performances of any horse will give a dependable handicap figure The time for the various distances as given in the speed charts has been revised and brought up to date The table is so arranged that these figures can be revised from time to time as various tracks show changes in speed for 1923 1923of of course contains the standard statistical features of 1922 racing which have given this work its enviable position among sport ¬ ing annuals The complete records of the twenty leading sires of the year the sires of twoyearold winners table of yearling sales showing pedigrees buyers sellers and prices records of all horses racing on North American tracks during 1922 leading own ¬ ers trainers and jockeys and many other features of equal importance and value are included Another new feature is the theCOMPLETE COMPLETE CROSS INDEX INDEXwhich which makes all of the valuable matter con ¬ tained in the Manual readily available for reference purposes It would be wise to order THE AMERICAN RACING MANUAL FOR 1923 at once to insure obtaining a copy promptly The attached order blank is for your convenience CUT OFF HERE CUT OFF HERE ORDER BLANK PRICES PRICESPaper DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO Paper 100 100Leatherette Leatherette 150 441 Plymouth Court Chicago 111 Do Laze Edi ¬ tion 200 Enclosed find for which send me a copy of THE AMERICAN RACING MANUAL FOR 1923 1923Name Name Street and Number P O and State Please print name and address plainly Ten cents additional to cover cost of registration must accompany mail orders

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923020701/drf1923020701_10_3
Local Identifier: drf1923020701_10_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800