Jefferson Spring Meeting: No Additional Trainers or Jockeys License Fee to Be Asked.; Purse Distribution to Include Daily Handicap of ,000 and Two of That Sum on Every Saturday., Daily Racing Form, 1923-02-07


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JEFFERSON SPRING MEETING No Additional Trainers or Joc ¬ keys License Fee to Be Asked Purse Distribution to Include Daily Handi ¬ cap of 1600 and Two of That Sum on Every Saturday NEW ORLEANS La February 6 An ¬ nouncement was made by manager A Rou prich of the Jefferson Parish Fair Associa ¬ tion that it had been decided not to ask trainers or jockeys to pay an additional li ¬ cense fee for the spring racing meeting which opens at Jefferson Park February 14 14The The trainers and jockeys have paid license fees at Jefferson and the Fair Grounds al ¬ ready said Manager Rouprich and we think it no more than right that they should be exempt from the fee for the spring sea ¬ son sonThe The first weeks program book will be out Wednesday Racing secretary J B Campbell announced He said that in addition to the daily handicap of 1000 there would be two 51000 purses run each Saturday thus in ¬ creasing the purse distribution distributionJulius Julius Reeder Monday started issuing badges to owners trainers and jockeys and gave notice that all applications for badges should be made with him Monday MondayConcerning Concerning the rumor which went the rounds at the Fair Grounds to the effect that a compromise had been struck between Jefferson Park and the Fair Grounds Man ¬ ager Rouprich said saidThere There has been no discussion of a com ¬ promise between the Fair Grounds and Jef ¬ ferson We are conducting a spring meeting because in our spring meeting of 1920 we learned that the sport was much better and that we would stand some chance of realizing a revenue from the immense invest ¬ ment at Jefferson Park ParkA A season extended to March 17 will only be a few days longer than last years winter season was without our spring meeting And next year because of the fact that the Fair Grounds meeting will run until March 4 Jefferson only will be able to get in about ten days sport following the close of the B M R A meeting Because we have de ¬ cided that March 17 is as late in the spring as it is advisable to race we have no idea of extending any season beyond that date The Louisiana Derby will be run March 17 each year and will be our closing feature Our spring meeting will bring the total to about ninety days this year Last year there were eightythree days daysThe The Jefferson Parish Fair Association feels confident the 1923 spring meeting will be as well received as well patronized and as successful as its meeting in 1920 was We will conduct the racing on the same high plane as heretofore and violate no laws Our investment makes it necessary that we oper ¬ ate for a longer period than the poorly at ¬ tended and short December meeting runs and thats why we are returning to the spring meeting Moving picture shows theaters and other places of amusement find it impossible to close up for any special period during the year because of heavy expenses and because of the December meeting neing so unprofit ¬ able and the spring season proving so much better we were at one time considering the abandonment of the December meeting alto ¬ gether However we have decided not to carry the local meeting too far into the spring because of conflicting with dates of other race tracks

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Local Identifier: drf1923020701_1_3
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