Offers Preakness Trophy: R. T. Wilson Announces That Famous Woodlawn Vase Will be Added to Maryland Stake, Daily Racing Form, 1923-04-04


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I , OFFERS PREAKNESS TROPHY R. T. Wilson Announces that Famous Woodlawn Vase Will Be Added to Maryland Stake. NEW YORK. N. Y., April 3.— When Thomas Clyde presented the famous Woodlawn vase, I one of the historic trophies of the American turf, to the Maryland Jockey Club to be added to the Preakness, a clause of trie conditions of the deed of gift w:is that it was to be held by the owner of the winner for one year and then returned for competition. The holder is privileged to designate some race at any recognized track in the United States or Canada where it is to be offered, the only restrictions being that the race is to be at a distance of a mile or ovet and the added money be at least .." 00. The victory of Pillory in the PreaKness 01 last year gave It. T. Wilson the right to retain the vase for a year and the privilege of naming the race for which it should be offered this year. Mr. Wilson has notified the Maryland Jockey Club that it la his desire that it again be offered for the Preakness. Accordingly. it will be tendered for the race of 192:1, and will pass into the possession of the owner of the colt or filly first to the finish on Saturday, May 12. the closing day of the spring meeting at Pimlico.

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Local Identifier: drf1923040401_1_4
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