5th Race [5th Bowie, Daily Racing Form, 1923-04-04

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I • ! I i j I i r I t t . * i • e i 62466 62466 Erie Erie Ab Ab 5-8 5-S l:03%slow l:03%slow 6 6 105 105 31 31 O O Atwell Atwell 6 6 MyGracie, MyGracie, Sweep Sweep Up Up II II., , Shifty Shifty E + h DA OCT * Mile and TO Yards. Renning Pnrse. 4-year-j.Ms and upward. QUI nHL»L Allowances. I April lO, iyil 1:45 1-5 4 107. ROULEAU, br. h, 6 117 By Tracery — Royal Coinage, by Minting. Trainer, K. Spence. Owner, Montfort Jones. Bred in England by A. Belmont 60859 Dowie 1 1-16 l:49%fast 11 112 5 5 52 54 R Marielli 7 B.Homme, JohnP Jones K Albt 66837 Howie 1 1-16 1 :50%fast 8 1«S 4 3 32 V E Scobie I .Demon. Reparation J P Jones 66643 latonia 2 1-4 3:49 fast 1 105 1 3 6" 5: W Iocl 6 Radio. Kockminisier Cher Tree 66551 Latonia 1 3-16 1 :57%fast 4 106 7 8 S1 8al E Scobie 8 Firebrand. Guv, Kockminister 66381 Latonia 11-16 1:46 fast 4 107 4 3 4 4 W Pool 4 Firebd, LvMadcap UtedVerde 65859 Latonia 1 l:38Sfast 1 113 6 3 21 2» E Scobie 6 LyChamp, "chrvTree Dartmoor 65725 Latonia 1 1-16 l:4J4fast 11-10 109 7 S 11 1 FJ Scobie 8 UtedVerde, Cher Tree CapRock 65670 Latonia 11-16 1:45 fast 33-10 103 8 C 4 3J W Pool 9 LvMadcap, Kkminister P Peel C5437 Lexton 1 1-16 1 :44%good 6-5 103 3 2 2« 2» W Pool 4 Chterton, II E Colen, Mulciber 65201 Lexton Lm70y l:42fast 7 105 4 4 J* 3»* E Scobie 4 Chatton. LvMadcap, JohnFlnu MASTER HAND, b. c, 4 103 By BaRot— Shnck H., by Jean Bereaud. Trainer, W. H. Karrick. Owner. W. R. Coe. Breeder. W. C. Goodloe. 67591 Havana lm50y l:41%fast 1 106 2 3 25 1s J Prunner 4 Bluollawk, Seslrince, Croawell 67333 Havana 3-4 l:12V=fast 6 107 4 5 42 3:i J Urunner 7 C. Spsor. B ofKltows The Boy 67273 Havana 61 f 1 :0SVandslov 17-10 96 1 7 7 73 J Callahan 7 P.. ofEltown. C.Spor, UMVellia 67215 Havana 3-4 1:14%mud 3 105 4 4 4 31 J Prunner 4 ThoBoy, It. of Kltown, C Sponssr 62743 Aaueduct 1 l:40i,mud 4 113 1 4 4 5» C Fbther .", ComicSong, ExcuseMe. Thimbto 62474 Belmont 1 l::i94fast 18-5 112 3 3 2 121 C Fbther 9 Venizelos. I.etterman ETcelsis 62264 Beln.t 61 f MO 1 :18%good 41 ICC 4 6 41 31 J McCoy 9 Daydue, Dglniit. Ksf t.Uthcf COPPER DEMON, b. h. 5 110 By Ormondale— Lady Bedford, by Ogden. Trainer, 0. B. Akers. Owner, 0. B. Akera. Breeder, J. E. Madden. 68156 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1:48 mud 13 5 110 5 4 8* 81 H J Burke | Servitor. Amor Boy, J.HwM Jr. G8093 P. 3r*Bda lm7iy l:tr.vKUod 4 10S 6 2 21 In H Thurber 7 Hovce Rools. Kama Normal 87788 F.Grnds lm70y l:48%teat 1S-5 112 8 7 8 8" E Smwod S I/OuisA.. .IaekH.ire.Ir . lantorhe 7480 F.Grnds 1 1:42 hvy 21 111 7 2 11 2J 1, Morris 7 Maximae, Fas Swain Biff Bins C7418 I.Grnds 1 1-lti l::*-hvy 12 113 12 4 51 y- J D Mneyl3 Calcutta. SirT.Kean, Maximac 67287 Jefferson 1 1:40-Vast 6 112 6 11 104 9° J D Mney 12 ComicSong. Kalro, Tip. Witcliet 67176 Jefferson 1 1-16 1 :50H,hvy 4-5 117 I 3 8 | 2» J Butwell 5 Fantoche. ller.Kemble. All Fair 6C880 Bowie 1 1-4 2:09Lifast 28 1"6 13 4 31 5:1 M SchwtzU Maxim ic. Hephsto-. Roekmter SADDLE AND BOOTS, ch. g, 4 103 By Boots and Saddle— Flash of Lightning, by Bes Trainer, A. S. Wocdlilie. Owner, L. Lieblins. Brush or Prince of Monaco. Breeder, R. Varwig. 69037 Bowie 7-8 l:27*ifast 23 104 9 4 7» 7"J McCoy 10 Set.Sun, F. Phantom, Broomster 687 80 Jefferson 3-4 lt1t%»TT 3 116 5 2 2» 2« J McCoy ■ My Reverie, Hadrian, Barracuda 68655 Jefferson 3-4 linfasc 6 113 7 3 U 1 J McCoy 8 Barracuda. Calcutta, WolfsCry 68595 Jefferson 3-4 l:12**fast 6 111 1 1 1»» Ink j McCoy 7 Barracuda. Canyon, Orcus 68513 Jefferson 61 f l:07«*fast 31 106 5 4 6 6»i J McCoy 7 irons, Barracuda, Rapid Day 68445 Jefferson 61 f 1 OSmud 30 107 1 3 21 2J J McCoy J My Reverie. Bracada, BlueNose 1 67287 Jefferson 1 i.lK- ..Ut.t 30 106 10 10 9» 10" J Merimeel2 CvuucSonj Ralco. Tin. Witchst KAMA. ch. h. S 110 By Ballot— Jamma. by Delhi. 1 Breeder, J. H. Bnxcher. Owner. C. A. Coyle. Breeder. G. Starr. 69037 Bowie 7-8 1 :27%f ast 50 105 8 it S" S" R RomellilO Set. Sun, F. Phantom. Brcomster 6878. Jefferson 1 l:«%fhvy 4 182 0 2 Zh l«* K Romelli 0 Canyon, SirT.Kean. BhirySlone 68700 Jefferson 1 1-16 1 :4JC%slow 5 104 2 3 3 3J A Abel 7 Fannie Bean, Ralco. Gondolier ■ 8200 F.Grnds 1 3 1C 1 :i9%good 20 1*1 4 7 t* 7rJ J Orcoranll Best Pal. Koyee Rools. Olynthus j G8093 F.Grnds lm7»y l:45%good 1S-5 104 3 1 1 LJJ Corcoran 7 "op. Demon, RoyceRools, No;mal| 68029 FGrnds 1 1-16 1 :47%,fast 3 107 6 C 6 Cj J C rcoi an C Valor, Rmupjoi. Gem 07966 F.tirntls lmTOv 1 :44%fast 10 110 7 6 4 J J ClMfUl Iritis A., Servitor. Nose Dive 67838 F.Grnds lmTOy 1 :4G%hvy 21 106 5 2 lrJl» J "rroran « Macbeth. K.of theller. Klielieu 67810 F.Grnds lmTOy l:47%hvy 18-5 10S 2 3 l1 1= J Corcoran 8 Kttahe. Lampus, Slippery Elm TOP SERGEANT, ch. g. 5 105 By Cock o the Walk— Fairy Ray, by Radium. rTrainer, G. E. Hall. Owner, G. E. Hall. Breeder. A B. Hancock. 69037 Howie 7 I 1 :27%fatU C:; 108 M 10 9- ! - ■ Ambrsi 10 Set. Son. F. Phantom. Brcomster j 65819 1-iurel 1 1-16 1 :46%fast C 107 4 3 3s 3 » I! Mariclli 5 Betake, Captain Alcock. Blazes | 65530 H.deGce 1 1-16 1 :47%f ast 5 112 1 4 4A 4U F Keogh t*» BgaBuek. Fairway. Comic Song t 65445 H.deGce 1 1-16 l:4S%fast S 118 1 1 4» 3-1 F Keogh 8 Rebuke, Trevelyau, By Jiminy

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923040401/drf1923040401_4_4
Local Identifier: drf1923040401_4_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800