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j Entries and Past Performances TIJUANA WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4 WEATHER CLEAR: TRACK FAST. j 1 j | 1 I | ! ! | j , I ! I 1 1 ! ,1 I r 5 I | I I | I I ! ____________________ The figures under the heading "Rec." in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1, 1921, no matter where it finished. In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track, abbreviations show track cenditions. — — — Racing starts at 1 :" p. m. Chicago time 3:55. ® Superior mud runner. X Good mud runner. $ Fair mud runner. M Maidens. *Apprentiee allowance, h Blinkers. First Race— 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upvvaid. Claiming. Track record: Dec. 20, 1916— 1:11%— 3— 110. Todays Ind. norse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. GSOSg •Havseed M 3 95.. 725 68848 Mane A. Ml 99 1:17-5 ■ 95. .720 69047 Mae Seth IM I 100. .715 68993 *Loeh lven 113 1:15% 5 10SX715 69015 •Romulus 115 1:13 ■ 113x715 69015= Sacramento 113 1:14 7 11K..715 68961 *b Iip 100 1:15% 7 110x710 1 68973 Seven Seas 103 1:14% 5 115. .710 67435 Madrono 109 1:15% 6 115X705, I 69015 rteata 9f 1:13% 4 111. .705! 67153 Millersburg 110 1:17%m 5 113:1:705! 68972 French Nurse Ml 115% 8 113. .700 1 69025 bSteve 109 1:15V.-, 6 115x700 69002 Rip Collins M . . .107 1:19% 5 115.. 700 69054 Rogon Jr. M ...116 1:19%h 4 110. .700 I Second Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. I Pama 00. 4-vear-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Feb. 25, 1923—1:05—8—122. 68891 Huzzas 113 1:09 8 112X725 68851 Horinga 109 1:07% 4 110. .721 , 68977 loon 105 1 :07% 5 110. . 715 , J 68240* Helen Major 106 1:08% 4 110X710 . 68987 Ermitana 105 1:08% 8 110X710 69004 Brolaski 1011:09% 5 112..7101 61155 Sir John Vergno. . .112 1 :0S»i 7 115. .710 , i 68914 Angelo 4 112X710| 68481 Review 110 1:08% 6 112X705: i 68713 Ml ista ke MB 1 07 % 7 1 12 X 705 | 68752 Santlna C 1111:09 5 110. .705 1 68914 Chrome 113 1:09 0 112X705. 64363 Herman Whit II. J ] Mt 114 1:10 6 112.700 J 69015 Gold 7 112. .700 ,: 68222 bTom Roach 97 1:08% 5 112X700 j [ Third Race— 1 1-8 Miles. Purse 00. 4 year-olds and upward. Claiming. 68973" Klohn Arbor 100 1:54% 5 107X725J J 69025 Work MS 1 :54% 8 107 X 72:t 69026 Orleans Girl 112 1:55% 6 105X715 -I 69025 Kobiita 110 1:55% 8 105X715 . 69026 Modiste • ItSXTlo i 69050 bUuena Moss 103 1:51% 7 105x710 69026 Ruth Harrigan ... • 105. .710 I1 69026 bPeerlesa One 108 1:55% 8 107x710 69051 Tag Day M 10.". 1:59% 4 107x705 ". 68973 Defers 106 1:56% 10 105x700 | 68973 Wilton Arrow 113 1:57% 6 107.. 700 » 6S973 bSlienandoah MS 1:55% 6107X700 1 1 69026 bSllex II 108 157% 0 107:1:700 1 I 1 I I , , J . , i i | 1 ] J J ,: j [ J -I . i I1 ". | » 1 1 Fourth Race — 1 Mile. Purse 00. 3 year -olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: June 17, 1910— 1:38— 3—95. » Todays Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt ilan. C?055 *llie Wood 113 1:42% 6 10SX725 68032 •blawaseutha 98 1:40% 5 100:1:720 69031 :bIotible Van 91 1:42% 6 10NX715 68991 Conichon 114 1:425 7 113x715 63959 nMaj Maulsby 8 106.. 710 69032 l.C.iam-ino 112 1:42% 8 113. .710 69051 * lenrfield 113 1:41% 7 108.710 69055 *Poor Puss 90 1:43 3 87X705 68930 Miss June 91 1:43% 3 92. .705 69024 Caunzel 100 1 :45% 4 107X705 68852 Theresa 1111:42% 5 111X705 68341 "Swenson IM 1:43% 1110X700 63979 bTutt 100 1:42% 5 114x700 Fifth Race— 1 Mile. Purse 00 4 year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: June 17, 1916 1:38— 3—95. 68976 *Tom Craven 98 1 :42% 4 100.. 725 68975- ♦Calithunip 111 1:43% 5 102X720 69022 Gipsy Joe 93 1:40% 4 90. .715 68929 *Rifle 106 1:40 8 102X715 68733- "Miss Manage 100 1:40% 7 108.715 69031 ""Plow Steel 104 1:42% 4 102x710 69028 Dare 97 1:41%, 4 109x710 68974 blohn Jr 115 1:41% 10 109x710 i68977 Vibrate 5 104.. 705 68827 b-Mannikin II 112 1:41% 6 113x705 68964 Hal Wright 88 1:42% 4 105..7H 68975 Dolph 110 1:41% 6 107x700 Sixth Race — 1 1-8 Miles. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Handicap. Track reord: March 27, 1921—1:52—5—117. G8933 bSILENT KING .. 90 1:53% 4 93.. 725 69020 bKast Indian 99 1:52 i 90X715 69030 John P.iul Jones .104 1:52 5 103. .715 68990 Scotland Yet 102 1:55% 5 85.. 710 68990 Van Patrick 110 1:54% 3 85x705 68990s Reap 110 1:54% 3 S8X705 69030- bOld Faithful 1011:52%" 5 100x705 Seventh Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Feb. 25, 1923—1:05—8—122. 68872 Carlos Fmrique 93 1:06% 3 110x725 69019s bDr. Johnson 117 1:07% 8 120X720 68965s Hazel Dale 117 1:07% 10 105X715 69028 *Coca Cola 116 1:06% 5 116x710 69054 *bSain Reh 103 1:0!,% 7 115x705 68993s •bDalton 117 1:09% 4 117. .700 69006s Remit 103 1:08 3 100.700 Eighth Race— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purse S700. 4-vear-olds and upward. Claiming. Track reccrd: March 10, 1923 -1 :42%— 6—118. 6£964»bBreeze 109 1 :44% 9 108X725 68933 MM! Orient 114 1:44% 10 113X720 G8005 MtaSlMa 119 1:4t 9 113X715 68993 •t.Fnll Mom 112 1:49 5 100x715 G9C18 *Silk Sox MS 1:45% 4 11*4X710 69053 Bill Head 110 1:45 I MBXTM 68949 1 avalcadour 11. ..1111:44% 7 113x705 t9055 bWhippet 109 1:40 S 113X700 69006 Sample 4 MIX MB 69053 Fitz-Boodle 10G 1:40% 0 113x700