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Entries and Past Performance! BOWIE TUESDAY, APRIL 10 WKATIIKIl CLBAtl TRACK FAST. Tlio figures under the heading "Rec." in the entries below show the best time of ea. b horse at the distance since January 1, 1921, no matter where it finished. In cases where record wus made on other than a fast or good track, abbreviations show tiack conditions. Racing Marts at 2:18 . m. Chicago lime 1:15. ® Superior muil runner. X Good mud runner. ■.■ Fair mud runner. M Maidens. Apprentice allowance, b I.linkers. First Race — 1-2 Mile. Purse ,200. 2 year olds. Maiilens. ■pedal Weights. Track record: April 4. 19111 -is1.1. 2 114. Todays Ind. Horse. Wt. Reo. A.Wt.llan Boat lit; Close Work lit! Black Art IM Wong Bok lit! tiold Ieiidant llti 69033 Gladys V 113 :SS% 113.7111 63086 Friday 13th 110 :52:Vin 118. .088 69040 li.ionda 113 :31% 110.. 095 Fantasia 113 Second Race — 6 1-2 Furlongs. Pur-c ,200. 4 year olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Nov. 29. 1917 -l:l!t.-.-4 112. 69O901*bMinute Man MB I:!!!":.* t; KiSg72.~. 69034 bll.-leii Atkin 107U :22— . 8 1IISX720 69129 I.Flr-ff 109 1 :21 .-.m 3 108X71S 6SO90 Feodor 110 1:22 B 108X713 690SO Alva 10Sl:23:,s 4 108X712 66882 *.lohn Morrill MB 1:22-.-. 4 103.. 71.". 69103- The Peruvian 112 1:22% 4 11.".. .710 09G303,l.Pclhi Maid 105 1:23s 4 101 v 710 69074,hM.irgaret White .. 4 MIX TIB 69072 *Simplieity 9 OS. .710 C9077 Scil.ian 7 113X70.". 691291*LSt. ponard IB? 1:21% 5 10S. .70r. 63080- *t liarles J. Crnigmilc 109 121% ■ 112X706 69129 I.Kin-v Champion .. t; 110X705 C9073 bllobey Paker 114 121% 8 110x700 66791 Doyle 112 1:30:-; SIM. .IBB 65304 *Diadi 12 MBsfcTBB 69077 *Blue Prush 113 121% 4 IBB. .MB Third Race— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Pan* ,200. 4 year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: April 10. 1919—1 :4..u,— 4 107.1 69129 •Smarly 107 1:46-. B 103X725 Todays Ind. Horse. Wt. Ree. A.Wt.llan. 6904C Man let Star MB 1:08% 8 188X720 69058-*bZouave 101 1:44 B MB X 713 69076 Radical 100 1:48% 4 103. .71:. 6S076 Neapolitan M7 1:48% 4 1«3 ,10 69072 l.Kiitle 8611:48% 4 98.. 705 6C091 l.K.ziah 112 l:48%hi M 18BX703 69074 The Foreigner 98 1:4911 5 103x700 63088 •Jocose Ml 4 M. .788 6C833 Bogart 109 1:31% 14 MBX7B8 Fourth Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Mt. Vernon Purse. Purse ,400. 4 vear-olds and upward. Allowances. .Track record: April It. 1919 1 :43% 4 107.1 69107 l.Fannie Bean 96 1:43% 4 103x750 6S1073 I.Kanikin 1M 1:48% 5 101. .745 69132 1. Kama 110 1:44% 5 10SX74.I 66880 Oppcrniiin 1111:47% 4 113x735 ! CCS53 Muyland Belle 100 1:48 4 97X730 Fifth Race— 1 1-16 Miles. Princeton Handicap. Purse SI 200. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Claiming. Tlacft record: Nov. 15. 1915 1 :4S- 4 116.1 C9107 *bG0ND0LIER 112 1:48% 4 99x725 , 69107 l.Piff Pang lit. 1:45 0 103X715 1 69106 F.pisode 1M 1 :48% 5 105 710 1 6S107 *1. Pastoral Swain ...105 1:45,. 7 109x710 I 68249 * 1 : 1 1 1 v Bartaa 112 1:45% 5 99x705 , 69107 *1. North Wales 97 1:08% 4 89x705 , C9:57 Bclpkriaeata 3 M..M8 I Sixth Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purse SI. 200. 4 year olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: April 10. 1919 -1:48% 8 MT. . C8042 LPellalim 110 1:45 8 182. .723 69077-«bSa tana 105 1:45 0 103x7211 1 69129 *bMiiacle Man 102 1 :M% 4 103X715 69130 llh. Pamb 113 1:48% «103 710 69103 *.l.n.|ues 107 1:47 5 103X710 [ 6S130 *bpantzic 112 1:48% 5 107X710 6S-092 •Kxplonive 107 1:47-, 5 9X705 j 69129 Ticklish 1108X700 69103 *Dark Horse 118 1:45 8 108x700 I ! 69073 I kase 4 103. .700 I Seventh Race — 1 1-8 Miles. Pane 81.200. 4 year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Not . 27. 1917—1 :5 l-3— 94. 69077 I. Mountain Pose 11.102 1:84% 10 112:|:725 68091- l.Asldand 101 1:54% 4 112X720 69073 MHaaoarj 105 1:54% 8112x715 . 69108- I.Kttahe 117 1:55 8 112 715 69103 Mystic 184 1:88% 4 112. .710 . 691083 The Clo-.kmt ndcr . 88 128% 4 112.. 705 69134- l.Toin Cassidy 104 1:87% 4 112X700