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Entries and Past Performances TIJUANA TUESDAY, APRIL 10 WEATHER CLEAR: TRACK FAST. The figures under the heading "Rec." in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1. 1921, no matter where it finished. In cases where record was made on oth»r than a last or good track, abbreviations show Hack cenditions. Racing sf.irts at 1:36 p. m. Chicago time 3:5.". ® Superior Bind runner. Good mini runner. :|: Fair mini runner. M Maidens. Apprentice allowance, b Blinkers. First Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse S500. 3-yenr-ohls and epwar.l. Claiming. Track reentn: Feb. 25, 1923— 1:05--8 iirj. Todays Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Raa. 68349 *Klga 105 1:0S 7 1HIX7.. 690803 Coombs 112 l:tand% B M7X72B C9095 ♦Mink Tenny 113 1:0!-. 7 100x715 G8078 TicaaweB MJB 1:0Dr. 7 107. .715 69049s l. ea Beach 107 1 :0S 10 107X715 6S0S3 •Perfect Day 106 1:OS.-. 8 100X710 G9109 aCaaaa MS lB B IOT. .711 CC095 * Dnl wood 115 1 :0S 8 102X705 69093 Iidy Hetty 101 1 :0S 9 105070. GS000* I. Hand Sweep ION 1:18% S 107x705 | C9080 Jack 115 1 :0!:S, 5 107.. 705 | C8911 *Dr. Cunard I M I ... 1 11 1:0!-. S 101!. .700 67317 Pat Carter M ...114 B 107.. 700 69081 l.Old Bea 117 1:10:-. ti 1 7X700 69080 Limerick 110 1 MS B1OT..7W Second Race — 1 3-8 Miles. Pnre 00. . 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track leeord: March 4. MBS— 2:18% — 0—lOS. 69119 ITlfctl Aihor B 107X725 6S065 bLareaa Moss 7 105X720 69095 Kutli Ilarrigan .... 8 105.. 715 69118 l.Silex II 8 107x715 69118 Tag Day M 4 107x715 68973 Seven Seas S 107.. 710 690C5 Wilton Arrow •. 107.. 705 69095 Counsel 9 107..7UO Third Race — 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 3 -year -olds and upward. Claiming. Track re-ord : Dee. 20. l!lti -1:11-— I — 110. 6C0C7 *Sistei Susie 109 1:12-.-. 10 HMX729 6S082 St. Angelina 108 1:14% 3 88X720 69C84- *l*av Off Ill 1:14 8 100X715 69050 •Alsizon 103 1:11-. 4 104X71. 69083 *Neg 1111:14% 8 188X713 I 69099 Don Jose 112 1:14 8 1124:715 68991 Stylish .Miss 1011:15.-. 3 88.. 718 1 69051 Freddie Fear 187 1:15% 4 1 11 . .710 j I 69096- Baaa Atkin 5 111X710 C9111 Rig Indian 0 113x710, 69127 *Kirkvoo l 114 1:15 5 188. .785 1 i 68987 Fickle Fancy 188 1:14% B 111x705 ! 69110* * ami. .nball MS 1:15% 5 111x700! 68959 Vera Rita 10rtl:15% 5 111x700 69055 liRed Man 113 1:15 9 113-700 Fourth Race — 3-4 Mile. Purse 8888, 3 year olds and upward. Claiming. Track rccara: Dec. SB, MM.8— 1:11%— 2— no. C9127 »iillarrigaiCs Hair. . .115 1:12% ti 10SX725 69084 *l AniackasMii 104 1:12% B MS X 7281 69110- Delancey 117 1:14% 10 113X715 j 63127"- lilt MB 1 .14 r, 4 111 X715 . 69096 No Wonder 112 1:14% B 113.. 715 | 69122 Tea Mreekeniidge. .101 1:12% 7 111. .710 168848 BUncr W 85 1:15% 3 MB..718 69111 •Goerge James 99 1:14% 5 108x718 J ! 69017 *Beaa Wofttk 188 1:14% t 188. .785] | 69111 Galway 118 1:15% 7 112x705 69066 Ollie Wood 188 1:12% ti 113X705 69080- bTillotson 11 113X705 | | | I 1 j I 1 i ! j . | J ! | | 69096 *Miss Edna 101 1:12% I 93x700 69084 Review MB 1:15% 8 112X788 egilS3 Sir John Vergne ..115 1:15% 7 118. .700 Fifth Race— 3-4 Mile. Purse StiOO. 4 year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Dee. 20. 1818 1:11% — 2 — 110. 69C84 »Dark Ages 109 1:13 4 109X725 69063 »Lo. h U-ven 113 1:12% 5 111x720 C2067 *Miss Manage 113 1:13 7 111.. 715 69112 •Marines. MS 1:14% 4 188. .713 69002 Bra Song 103 1:14% 5 118. .713 69080 *Fmnia Weller 10S 1:15% O 1110.11 690G4 •Eramitaaa 112 1:15% 8 111X718 69112 aDanciag tiirl 113 1J4 7 110X710 69111 *P.onnielielle 5 111.705 69097 Tabloid 99 1:15 4 114/705 68987 *Toyon 88 1:18%! 4 ltltt 70i 69047 *Mamie Van M ..111 1:18% 18 111. .788 69093 bMiss Frauland 111 1:11 4 111 788 C9064 Helen Major 107 1 :1«, 4 11 i 7 « 65071 bZetetic 110 1:17-.-. 11 lie,. .700 Sixth Race — 3-4 Mile. Purse StiOO. 3-vear-olds. Claiming. Track record: Dec. 20, 1910—1:11-.-, 3 110. 69126 *P1D MM 1:13 r. M5X7SB 69117 *Black Monkey 188 1:14% 105.715 68053 raker 101 1:14% 181X718 6912G •Virginius M MSjl:14 107 .710 69117 •Briaa Kent 104 l:18%ai 1 82X780 69117 Cedrie 112 1:15% 1 00. .705 69117 Maude Harvey at 87. .788 Seventh Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purse 88. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: March 10, 192:: 1:42% -8—118. 69100*bFndine 82 1:45% 5 100x725 69113 *aunzel 4 100X720 69027 *My Rose MS 1:42% 5 100x715 6906/ Balpk 128 1:48% 8 112X713 69098 Mr. X 108 1:48% 5 MS. .718 69112 l.Rjisterer 109 1:44-. ti 113-715 69113 Doctor Takka MS 1:48% 4 188x783 69120 Little tiink MS 1:42% 10 113. .705 69122 *!yini iad 103 1:54m 4 188X788 68695 Brer P.o.d M ..MS 1:47% 4 113.700 69110 1. Prophesy MS 1:42% 7 113..7H 69113 l F. li. Carter 188 1 :47 7 111 700 Eighth Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purse StiOO. 3-year-olds an.l u;.wanl. Claiming. Track r id: March 10, 192:: 1:12--. 0 ll.M. 69032 •MaSfC David 110 1:15.. 7 111 725 69113 •I.Donatello 1111:45% 0 110. .720 690313 •BaMaar US 1:4S% 5 188x715 69032 Senator Donlan ...282 1:48% 4 113. .715 69120 *I.avagi 97 I 100x715 C8C75 »A1 Wick MS 1:48% 18 MS. .718 69C67- *Pl..w Steel 104 1:47 4 ltiv Till 69032 *IIigh Olympus MS 1:47% s 10S..7l 5 69120 Montona 1 17 1 :4i::.-, ti 113 707 69101 *I.Chief liarthel 93 1 :4.S 5 188x788 69066 Clearfield 97 1:50;. 7 MS. .MS 68666 Doulle Three iM. 9 111. 700 Ninth Race— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Pane 00. 3 year-olds- and upward. Claiming. Track record: March 10, 1821 1:43% ti US. 69085 I.Peter Pierson 93 1:17 . I M. .725 C9100 *Calitkaaap 5 288X728 69116 l.Kegreso 119 1:14 8 MSX715 69116 *Kngenia K MS 1:45% 5 188X715 69098 bFair Oiient 114 1:44V, 18 111 715 69115 Fannie Nail .- 122 1:45% 7 100x715 69100 *bFull Moon 112 1:45 5 M8X718 69085- Nebraska Lad US 1:45% 5 113. .710 69125 *Penwell 5 188. .785 6909S* Tom Craven 182 1:42% 4 184. .788 69115 bWhippet MS 1:48 5 222X788 6S099. Flame 100 1:445 B U1X788