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PIMLICO STAKES FILL WELL Total of 2,077 Nominations for 11 Events Offered by the Maryland Jockey Club. BALTIMORE. Md.. April 16.— Eleven ! stakes to be run at the spring meeting of the Maryland Jockey Club at the Pimlico course have attracted a total of 2,077 nominations. A liberal response to the generous stake offerings of the Pimlico management was anticipated, but tiie actual returns far exceeded expectations. Practically every good horse of every age division that will be ready to race during the meeting has been engaged for one or more of the fixtures listed. The Green Spring Valley Steeplechase attracted a total of ninety-six good Jumpers. The cross-country sport has always been a feature at Pimlico, but this entry list is believed to be a record for a steeplechase in this country. The largest list of nominations in the Pimlico stakes is that for the Spring Juvenile, which has attracted a total of :.19 youngsters. Following is a summary of the nominations received for the various stakes: No. of Stako. Entries. Pronkness — 1 1-8 mi s 14 j Iimliio Oakl 1 1-10 miles , 1 Iimlico BpriSg Hssdlcap 1 I !» miles ]!il flroon Spiins V;i li.-.v Htrrplrrhaar " miles.... itti K| rinsr Juvcnili- 4 1-2 failoius KJ1 Iimlico Hone Itrcd 4 1-2 fin-longs IM Konmit H.imlic.ip :! 4 mile 14.! Jeaaiafa Baaetcsp :i-4 mil.- im; Arlington rlahalaj 1 l-M mite* 132 Hearsts rlalailsa, 1 mile s:t Iimlico Nursery— 4 1-2 Im louts 520 Total 2,077