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JOE BRAND 301 WEST 58TH ST., NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. An introduction is hardly necessary as all followers of the turf know me. Last fall I sent out 27 winners in 36 days. Somo recordl Looks like I will even better last yeora mark from the way I started at Bowie. AFTER ALL OTHERS FAIL TRY ME. Yesterday my followers received: FLY BY DAY .»0-AVOX Saturday my followers received : IDLE THOUGHTS .10- WOX Tuesday my followers received: BIFF BANG IHJMIWtl Monday My Followers Received: SPFGS 6.i0- WON* Saturday my followers received: KFPAKATION .4»- W OX Friday my followers received: I LYING DEVIL BJJB tt WOB Thursday My Followers Received : TIDINGS 6.50- WON- Wednesday my followers received: ASHLAND 6.00- 0- WON Tuesday my followers received: ELLALI A. I9.90-J2 WON Monday my followers received : BYGONE DAYS 11MB M WaT. Tuesday s Horse Will Be Another Hummer Should pay at least 10 to 1. Start with me today and be convinced. TERMS: 0 DAILY; 0 WEEKLY Wire subscription by Western Union. Send your street address. ANOTHER WINNER! FLY BY* DAY .0-J2 WON* was yesterdays Best. You sure are overlooking a "good thing" if you are not getting this sheet, because we certainly are clearing up. Cant be beat at any price, and -.11 it costs is 53c— daily at ail newsstands — 50c. If your newsdealer does not handle it mail your subscription direct to our Chicago office. 1 week, . CO: 2 weeks. .00. was last Saturdays Special. THE LAMB 9.10- WON On tliis seriee you get I OCCASION AI.S and 1 SilltlJ.VY SPECIAL for .WI. This price is for subscriptions received this week only. Rush your subscription in at once. 411 Baltimore Building Chicago. Illinois I I ! THE CLOWN. .80-52.00. Won. and a second were la?t Saturdays 42 00 XX Specials. Dont miss next Saturdays TWO LIVE ONES at HAVRE DE GRACE. All they cost is J2.00. TODAY S FORM SPECIAL: March-Flum-83-16-57-63. STANDARD TURF GUIDE. 403, 22 W. Guincy St.. Chicago. 111. 1 • I I 1 I 1 GARS CHIEF OBSERVERS WEEKLY BOOK For sale at all newsstands. NEW ISSUE OUT TODAY, 35 cents a copy: 10 week* .00. TODAYS CODE: Havre de Grace — Florida-River-Lilac-House. Remit GAR PUB. CO., 332 Plymouth Court. Chicago, 111. ■ ] I I II SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY RACING FORM DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO. ILL. 157-159 EAST 32ND STREET. NEW YORK. N. Y. 74 EXCHANGE STREET BUFFALO. N. Y.