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Entries and Past Performances HAVRE DE GRACE TUESDAY, APRIL 17 WEATHER CLEAR: TRACK HEAVY. Ths figures under the heading "Rec." in the entries below show the hest time of end; horse at the distance since January 1, 1321, no matter where it finished. In cases whcic lCionl was made on othar than a fast or r, o.l track, abbreviation* show track cenduions. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time 1:30. 0 Superior mud runner. X Good mini runner. :■: K;iir mud runner. SI Sluidens. •Apprentice allowance, b Blinkers. First Race— 1-2 Mile. ll;irford Junior Purse. Pane ,200. 2-vear-olds. Allowances. Track record: April 29, 1918 — 47—2—112. Todays lnd. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.IIan. 69135 Close Work 11C :4S% US. .750 Dazzlcr 110 69209 Idle Thoughts 112 :48% 110.. 74". 6R632 Snnavr 112 :48% 110.. 745 69102 Bamra 115 :48% 115. .74". 68717 Ir.victus 115 :48% 113. .740 6780T June Flower 110. .745 69241 Impossible M .. 110.. 730 ltonaghce 110 I.ramton 110 Jackson 110 Suppliant 110 Bench Manager .. 110 Frank Man 110 Wee Dear 107 Antiquity 107 Second Race — About 2 Uiles. Furse ,500. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Steeplechase. CS702 Overmatch 8 143x700 6C715 Ix Maisouin 9 141x695 614241 Distant Shore 11 133:j:695 62985 Cavendish M ... 5 130. .091 6G840 Rummel SI 4 130. .090 63143 Lusmore SI • 132. .090 54589: Ormead 11141X6S5 65341 Bryan O. Lynn t SI 7 141.. 685 64018 Tell Me 8 136:j:0S5 68912 Dr. Stevenson SI 0 132. .685 Third Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Furse ,200. 3 year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track re c:d: April 16, 1921 -1 :05,i- 3— 10S. 65817 Lidv l.oss 115 1:07 3 95x750 66849= Second Thoughts .124 1:06. 4 113X745 69043 *bMustnrd Seed 103 1 :06r, 4 101x745 68781 Raffles 109 1:07-, 3 103x745 66866 bDexterous 119 1:06 4 115x740 668703 Wraith 107 1:06% 5 106x740 663C6- Slav Blossom 4 113.735 : 658653 •Prtoce Regent . ..10S1:07!4 3 101.735, 69104 Slon;,st -ry 118 1:M£ 5 112x730 i 67396 Uncle John 7 109.. 725 | ! 68740 •l.Dffarc 7 107.725 69037 Aiken 116 1 :09?f.h 5 106x725 66867 •Valentia 10ll:03"h 4 102.725 Fourth Race — 3-4 Mile. Yarrow Rrae Purse. Purse .2;R. 3-vear-old-. Allowances. Track record: Sept." 27, 1919— 1 :lli— 3— 128. 6616G3 New Hampshire . .1101:14 112x750 66843= Comixa 110 1:121k 102x745 67S64 Admirer 104 1:13% 108 ..740 | 1 6913F Tinssalv 100 1:12% 103.. 740 j 691S8 St. Lawrence 115 1:16% 108 .735 65771 Dougiioi egan 105 1 :13% 108 A TK 65443 Mark Twain 11241:13% 108. .735 66863* Pennon 107 1:14% 108. .735 658651 Prince Regent 112 1:14% M»..W»| 6917G3 Wilkes-Barre 112 1:13% 112. .730 668553 Zeus fWlll SI.. 115 1:14% 108. .725 Fifth Race— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. EeK wood Purse. Purse ,000. 3 -year -olds. Allowances. Track record: Sept. 25, 1915— 1:42%— 4— 119. 6921S THE CLOWN .... 113x750 69213J I«idv Slyra 104 1:50% 100x740 1 692133 Klving Devil 104 1:49 102. .7: 5 69131 Windigo 100X730 | 66039 Giarre 100x725 66676 Zeureka M 97.. 725 , Sixth Race— 1 1-16 Miles. Purse 200. 3-vear-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Sept. 18, 1920 -1:44%— 3— 138. 69167= Antilles 109 1:46 5 103x725 I 69214 Lads Love 106 1:45% 7 103X720 l 68893= •KJohnnv Dundee ...100 1:46% 4 107x715 , 69171 •iris-Ida 97*147% 4 98X710 I 69189 Cork Kim 3 93x710 l 66861 Debadou 107 1 :4S% 8 108 x 705 , 68615 Tonv Beau 100 1:45% ■ 118x705 , 69215 *bTom Cassidy 108 1 :50% 4 110x700 I 08S03 •bGiandson .107 1:49% 4 107X700 I Seventh Race — 1 1-16 Miles. Purse ,200. 3-year-olds anil upward. Claiming. Track record: Sept. 18, 1920 1:44%— 3— 138. 69215= Smarty 105 1:47% 5 103X725 692153 Anniversary 100 1:46% 6 108x720 68657 bChateaugay 105 1:47% 4 103X715 j 69189 bGaleta 4 1020715 68250 Mohnnv Overton ... 9911:47% 6 107X715 i I 69137 Neapolitan 103 1:50 4 103X710 i 69193 bCitation 93 1:46 4 103. .705 69157 Sammv Jay Ill 1:47% 5 108. .700 | I 69156 bDr. Charles Wells. 10: J1:46% 5 10S. .700