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GRANT NEW YORK UCENSES — -♦ • Jockey Club Issues Papers for Jockeys and Trainers for 1923. -a Trainers Recognized Nnmber 196 and Forty-Seven Riders Obtain Permission to Accept Mounts on Metropolitan Tracks. ♦ NEW YORK. N. Y., April 16.— On recommendation of the license committee the Jockey Club stewards have granted licenses to 196 trainers and to forty-seven jockeys for 1923 on metropoltian tracks. The restoration to good standing of G. Yeargin. F. Ooltiletti and A. Olaver has already been reported. The other riders licensed enjoyed the same provileges last year. Among the trainers one of the few new-covers is Major Frank W. White, an English horseman, who will handle the string of imported horses which he brought over to race in his own interests and those of W. H. Read. Following is a complete list of the licenses granted : Trainers. Frank Alexander J. Howard T.owi3 4. R. Allen William Livingston W. T. Anderson John I.oflus C. A. Appaaraaa William W. I»ney William Raird Charles Dinie George J. I!aker laaaea MacManus Abrani J. Bedell Harry Maker ■Aware* .1. Bennett William Martin Maartca Bernard Laaai Martial S. B. Billings Frank 1». Mataaa James Boland J. 11. McAvoy R. V. Boyle J. K. McC uiley M. Brady John McOaraMCfe Piaak M. Bray I. IJ. M. Daniel Arthur Brent II. McDnniel F.. Brewster James S. McDonald John Broad Rarejml McKeea Joseph lirooka W. J. McKnight Frank B. Brown S. McNatighton William Brown C. Men III Breston M. Burch W. K. M.dgley I,. Burch J. C. Milam E. A. Burke It. O. Miller Fred Burlew John D. Millin Clareaea Buxton Thomas Moran Fnink Byer Ikaaaaa T. Matt J. Byer John J. Mulrenan N. I*. Byer Jumes J. Mirpliy C. L, Carroll Jerry A. Murphy 0. Wr. Carroll Mortimer J. Murphy J. Carroll John B. Naale llioinas J. Carroll Joseph Matter •f. M. Carter leorge M. Odom C. J. Cas.y J. D. Odom W. V. Ceaey W. I.. Oliver John Chambers Daniel ONeill W. C. Clancy James J. OTooie George Clausen Kinball Patterson George W. Coburn George Peterson W. Covington Edwanl Peters W. II. "ongdon John N. Iitz W. C. Daly Vincent Powers W. J. Daly John lryce T. J. Donohue Edward I. Purcell J. I.. Donovan Philip S. P. Randolph Jne Edwards O. C. Rasch IjOuIs Feustel J. K. Richardson James Fitzsimmons Henry C. Riddle J. Is. Fitzsimmons, Jr. Henry Koseacher P. J. Peat? W. Rosen Paul J. Fox James Rowe K. Fred Janes Kowe. Jr. F. C. Frisbie John F. Schorr F. A. Gailor F. Segler Ike Garson Ervin G. Shaffer Leak Garth W. M. Sheedy William Garth James J. Sheridan Woods Garth John Shields Ckaa, W. Oaaaar Joseph Shields A. J. Getaakareeajk William shields Alex II. Qeraaa C. H. Shilling Isadore Gorhain Ernest Sietas John Groh Albert Simons Alfred Guther M. Smart S. P. Harlan Milton Smith John Hasting Robert A. Smith T. J. Healey Charles I.. Snyder J. Simon Healy William James Speirs James W. Healy Kay Spence Joseph I. Healy B. I. Springer R. W. Heffner V. K. Suggs Erm-st J. Heider Fred Taral S. C. Hildreth Frank M Taylor Max Ilirsch Gage Taylor H. W. Hoag Al Tempest E. J. Hodgson Joe II. Tevis William Hogan John It. Thornby Ired Hopkins G. R. Tompkins W. S. House Frank Toner Charles II. Hughee W. H. Travers Hollie Hughes Robert J. W a Idea William Irvine Roy Waldron W. E. Jennings W. S. Walker J. Johnson W. M. Wallace It. A. Johnson T. O. Webber A. J. Joyner Gus Weisse S. Judge Thomas Welsh K. K. Karrick A. G. Weston W. It. Karrick John Whalen Fdwin Kennedy Charles White II. I. Kennedy Maj. Frank W. White J. T. Kermath Jake Wilson William S. Knapp Thos. II. Wilson Fred E. Kraft W. F. Wilson Ouargl Land A. S. Woodliffe I. J. Laarjr It. B. Yorke Edward Leibert Archie Zimmer Jockeys. Anthony Allen, Jr. I». McAtee Kdgar Barnes Thomas McCormack Kdw. B -11 James N McCoy John Brunner Robert McNamee Spencer Bullman ieorge P. Meiu J. L. Callahan J. Metcalf G. W. Carroll Joseph A. Mooney A. Clavcr August Nicklaus A. W. Claver William A. Obert Arthur Hdw. Collins Ijsier reninan Norman ! slie Collins Rob.Mt Pierce Frank P. Coltiletti William IOijl C. L. Fairbrother Ted ll. Rice lovaraa fatal Clifford Boaaaaaaj lister M. Fa tor Bail II. Sande All ert C. Qaataar Andy Sehuttiuger Nicholas Hull Ed Scobie IA* are lira Jenkins Lea Maaea Alfred N. Johnson Harry Stutts Clarence .1. Kummer E. Taplin Edgar l«l» ic Harold Thomaa Harry Iaiuford Clarence Turner Benj. Marinelli II. Walters Edward J. Marts G. Yeargin