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A-l DA PC 3-4 Mile. Varron Brae Purse. .1-year-olds. Allowances. Sept. *Hn n/AUC, Z-. 1919 1:11 1-5 A l:i*S. 6 6 NEW HAMPSHIRE, b. c. 3 112 By Granite— Annagh. by Broomstick. J Trainer, H. McDaniel. Owner, J. K. L. Ross. Breeders. K. H. and J. H. Gaines. J 10168 Laurel 3-4 1 :i:» M 110 5 1 l1 3 C Turner 7 Carol. Valador. Transom | 66072 Laur.l 2-1 l:Hi-hvy 21-10 113 1 1 1 1 B Marielli 7 CavtEmptor. Woodland, Buendo ° 4." 4 4 Saratoga M f I.M%hlJ I 113 113 6,! E Sande 9 Haniel. Slumiroek, Doughoregai c 63328 Empire 6 f 1 slow 10 112 6 3 3* 3»J B Marielli 9 Wildiake, Bet. Luck, WilmTell ■ 6310* Aqueduct i-8 1:00 fast 17-10 112 2 13 55i E Sande S BlaneSeing, Thes-ialy. Anonyms L 62904 Aqueduct f.-S 59V.-.good I 112 1 2 1» ll E Sande 10 Anonyms. Amlder, Lady Myia 62431 P.elmt 51 f MC 1 :0ofast 15 122 4 3 31 ?i B Marielli 8 Cherry Pie. Ciesta. Canaquo « 6.292 H Inn nt -Sat Snud 6-6 117 2 2 l1 ll L Sande 8 Brilliance, Anonyms, B. Monkey | COMIXA. br. f, 3 102 By Colin— The Minx II., by Irish Lad. * Trainer. J. F. Schorr. Owner, E. E. McLean. Brooder. E. B. McLean. 66843 Bowie 3-4 1:14 fast 9 103 2 3 3! 2; E Kumnv r S Klyb.vD.iy. Amusement. Sun. Best J 6670." Pimlico I 1MWfaat Sf 100 f. 10 10 11= F W«tm r 14 M Oui. :en. Thatcher. Sclisa G 66655 Pimlico 3-4 l:ll4/t,fast 18 110 a 1 22 4: J Callahan S Kigel. Cherry Pie. Solisa ■ 66554 laurel 3-4 l:13%faat 6 110 5 1 ll 21 J CallahanlO Jen. Thatcher. Scribble. Pennon J 66350 I.;:ur. 1 5 f 1 :0735fast 51 102 2 2 2s 2" J Callahan 7 Heeltaps. Woodland, Ret. Times 66223 laurel 61 f 1 M%taat 3 1U6 1 1 1* 33 J Rowan 7 Moonraker. Col. Rule. C 65959 Laurel 3-4 l:i::tmud 31 1C9 1 5 8» 9!i G Walls 13 Wilderness. Dunlin. Scribble 6 Hill Laur.l S| f l:0C«ifast 3 10815 2 1" 21 C Ponce B Transom. Prince Regent. Jiarre fi 65651 H.dcGce 5-S 1:01 fast 2 118 1 1 ll 2 J Butwell 5 Carol, Mar.Rlanche, PrceRegent c ADMIRER, b. c, S 108 By Prince Hennis — Fanny Kemtle, by Sempronius. j Tniner, R. N. Vestal. Owner, G. L. Blackford estate. Breeder, G. L. Blackford. 67964 F.tlrnds I -1 1 :l;.-" 7 104 4 3 3i 1" E Barnes 12 Chiva. Major Chilton, Thossnly • 67878 P.Grnda S-4 l:M%faat 2 U3 C 2 2 f|Q Mein 11 Childs lliy. Poor Sport. Rork ■ 67690 F.Grnds 1 l:40sfast 4 107 3 4 4 4 ■* E Rami s 4 Set. Sun. Anonymous. Ret. Times ■ 67416 FaiiGds S| i LOgw.hvy 8 1C6 1 2 5 5T R MthewslO RlueNose, Anuiiynioiis, P*lflpart ■ 6709 Jefferson 3-4 1 :14V.good 7-5 104 111* !«« J CrorarlO Mar. Wood. Rl.ltird, B.ofH.Ridse " 67057 Jefferson 3-4 1 :i9-v.hvy 9-0 104 3 1 l1 1* J Corcoran 8 Vorick, Buddiigie. Koellia e 66991 Jefferson 5-8 1 :o4=r,mud 11-5 115 4 4 3 3; J Con-oranl- Set tingSmi. FintBbaak, JoieM. 62787 Latonia 5-8 1 18 112 6 8 8 S» A Wilson IS Taylor Hay. Anton::, Pavlowa 6 62660 Latonia 5 f 1 Sfast 12 115 3 4 4 3" A AVilson 13 FtWard, May. Carrel, Reneelaw | 62603 ] atonia 5 f l.OSVandfast 48 105 4 6 71 7» E RobbinslO Tokihime. Kent L., Dearie I 6235C L.ito..ia 4J f 56,fast 15 MS 3 9 9 8« N Barrett 11 Maebeth. Tay.llay, May.t arrel fi 621.0 Churchii! 4 f 537i.iast 4a US 7 7 7s 7« W W Tlor S Banter. Ja kl!auer. Edrendleton fi THESSALY. br. f . 3 103 By Plaudit— Fair Atalanta. by Knight of the Thistle. fi Trainer. M. J. Murphy. Owner, S. Louis. Breeder, Xalapa Farm. 69131 Howie S| f 1:21 fast 45 101 3 4 4s 33 G M in ■ S.g.Aioen. Flying Devil. Oran ■ 68227 Jefferson 51 t LOS fast S 102 6 6 6= 6* H Thomas 7 RetterTimes, Kliz.Rean. Contour C 68026 F.Grnds .".-J l:14%fast 32 102 3 8 7= 7" II Thon;u ■ J.Q. Kelly. Anymous. M.Chilt"! 67964 F.Crnds S-4 6 !0 1 1 1* 4 H Thomasl2 Admirer. Chiva. Major Chilton f M809 F.Grnds 2-4 l:H-r.mud 12 Ml B 2 3" i-l H Thoma S Shamrock, Macbeth. Rork « 67090 Jefferson 3-4 1.102.-.hvy 6 105 3 2 21 53 H Thomas S Stump Jr.. Superhum. Vennie 6 60857 Bowie 7-S l:28ifast 2J 103 2 6 61 710 G Mein 9 KingSol.sSeal. Felside, L.Myra 66815 Bowie 3-4 1:11 fast C7 102 10 11 10- 10 3 H Thomasll P.est I»ve, Fly by Day. Felside | «;6072 Laurel S-4 Llt.shvy 10 105 4 4 Gh 6UE Smw od 7 N.Hpshi: e. CtBniptor, Wdlaud C MM Laurel 51 f 1:08 fast 14 115 4 5 6 6»J .1 Rowan • Heeltaps, Valador. Crochet I 6557C H.dcGce 51 f 1 :0--ofast 14 100 3 2 31 541 G M -in ft Vigil. Daniel, Duniin ST. LAWRENCE, tr. c. 3 108 By Rapid Water — Mettie Bereaud. by Jean Bereaud. I c fTrainer J. H. Stotler. Owner J. H. Stotler. Breeder. G. W. J. Bissell. I I 69188 Howie 7-v 1,.p 6-5 114 4 1 1"1"C Lang 7 Madson, Carpathian. NightLight 69131 Howie Pi t 1:21 fast S3 10S 5 6 6" C ■ Ambts • Sog.Aroon. FlygDivil. Thessaly fi 69041 Howie 51 f l:07 sfast 21 11C 4 2 22 3«i C Lang 12 Oran. Ros;i Veta. Windigo | 66102 laurel 51 f 1.09.t,good 13 115 6 6 4l 4" B Marielli 6 Noel. Felicitous. Old Tinier | 65815 Laurel M f 1:07 fast 36 115 2 7 7* MC ITllMBaci S RetierTini"s. Moonraker. MvOwn I 65617 H.dcGce 3-4 1:14 fast 27 115 6 3 31 4" C Kum.iv r 9 Luminist, Valador. RetterTimes 65440 H.deGce 6ifl:08 fast 28 104 7 8 10 M*| R M ! nnlO Blue Peter. Rialto, Sun Doll 63772 Kworth 5-8 1 :00* 26 115 7 7 7* 6" J McTagt 8 Canmore. Curia nd. Tycoon 63081 Devshire 5-8 l:01*tfast 8 112 2 6 61 5«i U Stirling 12 Wrangle, Rus:ei», Radiant DOUGHOREGAN. ch. c. 3 108 By Celt — Logistilla. by Locobatchee. Trainer. W. Garth. Owner. J. S. Cosden. Breeder, A. B. Hancock. 1 65771 Iiurei 3-4 1 :i::r,fast 63 104 8 8 8 710 C Lang g Kiaiio. Lilt. Carol 6558 Woo.lne 1 1:41 fast 43-10 106 6 4 5J 45 E I 1*1 laa— f. Lilt. Van Patrick 65450 Woodne 3-4 1:13 fast 18-5 105 5 6 4l 4=i E Ambrse 6 KirkLady, OldTop, SethsLemon 65307 3-4 l:14Vifast 21 110 7 7 71 5* C Lang 9 Setli"s Lemon. Vespra. Ariagosa 65050 Belmont 7-S MC 1 :2G-.-,slop 8 113 6 8 8 T* C KuTiimer S Nassau. MissSmith. Cur deBion 64577 Saratoga 5-4 HlShvy 4 115 6 4 4 351 C Kunimer 8 BrtToinorw. M.Smith. Heremou i €4544 Saratoga 51 l:0S-,hvy 5 112 2 8 6= 3;; C Kumim r t Daniel. Shaiiiru.k. Newmarket MARK TWAIN, b. g. 3 108 By George Smith— Droll, by Dick Welles. Trainer, T. J, Healey. Owner, W. J. Salmon. Breeder. W. W. Darden. . 65440 H.deGce 51 f 1:08 fast S 113 1 4 41 4; J Butwdl 10 P.lue Peter. Rialto, Sun Doll 65128 Bctat 51 f MC 146*4faat 7 115 6 4 41 5» J Butwell 9 Curtis. Newmarket, Flagstaff 61913 Betaat B| f MC 146%faat 6 1131 3 4 63 5* J Butwell S Shaniik. MissStar, WilliamTell 64272 Saratoga 3-4 l:llfast 15 1121 i 7 71 7:0 J Butwell 13 Messenger. DustFiower. Donges i | 64016 Saratoga 3-4 1:15 hvy 9-6 115 10 13 13 13" J Butwll 13 Marfgale. Chiekvale. Carioonist « 63678 Empire Ab 3-4 1:10"-fast 4-5 113 1 1 I4 Is! J Butwell 9 Mutiny. Dustabout. PrinceTiiTii 63497 Empire 51 f l:08Vt,goort 7 115 1 2 V- 21 J Butwell 13 High Chief, Bayonet, Fullon 63328 Empire 51 f 1 :07slow 8 10914 4 42 57J C H Miller 9 Wildrake. Bet. Luck, N.IIpshire 1 , 63238 Aqu.-duct 6-8 1:00 good 3 111 3 4 4 V J Butwell 4 l.etterLuck. Raffles, Best Love PENNON, ch. c. 3 108 By Pernant— Juliette II.. by Marco. Trainer, J. F. Schorr. Owner, E. B. McLean. Breeder. H. A. Porter. 66863 Bowie 11:45 fast 13 10 Ml 6 1 11 I*| Q Mein B Dks nndDkes. SeaTag. CkKlm i i Will Bowie U t l:2Hifa«t 1S-4 IM 2 3 2s f F. Kummf 1 12 P. Spo.rt. Adventur-. H.dphriza i 66834 Bowie 51 f IM fast 4Sf 114 5 4 41 4:1 H ThomasI2 Rgllonie. Noel. D.ELFSiillivan I 66637 Pimlico 3-4 1:13Sfast 7 110 10 8 6nt 7=3 H Thonia-l.l Feli.-ittis. LadjMyra. Homesfch I 66594 Pimlico 3 4 1:12 fast 74 107 10 6 71 73 H ThomaslO Roys Relieve Me. Crochet. Rigel I 66554 I-aurel 3-4 l:13* 14 113 2 2 21 4° J Rowan 10 Cen.Thateher. Coinixa. Scribble I 664 18 Laurel f* f 11-10 112 9 5 4= 2=1 B Mari-lilO Noon Glide. Rosie H., The Girl 65012 Belmont 51 f at IM fast 15 104 8 11 11 9-6 J Callahanll Cjrdapa, AmorPatriae, Shamrock i 64575 Saratoga 3 4 l:15hvy 20 105 1 3 52 BM J Callahan ■ /.v. Vi-jil. Boys ReHev.- Me ,64514 Saratoga 51 LOSvshvy 6 100 6 7 8" Si4 J Callahan 9 Daniel. Shamrock, PRINCE REGENT, ch. g, 3 108 By Spanish Prince II. — Understudy, by Star Ruby. Traiaer, R. A. Smith. Owner. W. M. Jeffords. Breeder. W. M. Jeffords. 65865 L;iunl 61 f 1 i.r.f.i. t 1". IM 4 3 3-3" I Morris .". Trausi in. Coatixa, Giarre. I «5651 H.deGce 6-8 1:01 fast M 112 3 3 4* 4"4 L Morris S Car 1. Comixa. Marie Rianche 6-.302 H.deGce 3-4 1:15 fast B -MB •" 13 121 12*1 L Morris 15 B1:k inoiit. Vigil. Marie Blanche I 61573 Saratoga 51 f 1:10 hvy 13-5 115 4 3 3s 3" L Morris 4 Certain. UidvM.vra. P.. and Gold I 64164 Saratoga 51 f 1 :06=ifast 12 108 5 6 61 471 I Morris 7 Vigil. Cintis. Tuxedo I 64272 Saratoga S-4 LllVast 40 112 11 10 101 10 ; L Morr;.- 13 Messenger, DustFiower, Donges WILKES-BARRE. ch. c, 3 112 By Ballot— Triad, by Star Shoot. fTrainer. J. Boden. Owner, Triple Springs FarmL Breeder. J. W. Parrish. 69170 Howie lm7oy 1 :4My.f:i t 11 91 2 3 31 37 W Milntr fi II. Kemble, Rouleiu, P.. Rarton 66871 Howie 3-4 1 :14-: fast 14 114 8 9 41 6J T Rico II RpgHonie. FortLorc. Caladm 66720 Pimlico 1 1:4 1 fast 9 105 6 6 6* 5*1 I. McAtee 7 Bo.vsl.veMe. Scllugler. BtliOve 66673 Pimlico 3-4 l:lS%faat 11-10 101 1 1 l1 l3 F Wetoeff 9 Pay Dear. Homestretch. Futeii 66654 Pimlieo 3-4 l:12=nf.-ist 30 112 8 8 6» 633 F Weiaer 9 Gadfly. Crocket, Scarlet Ruglet 66622 Pimlico 3-4 1 Ufast 192 105 10 10 103 7«1 F W. iner 11 Rloss. Time. Rigel. Whirlwind 66520 Laurel 3-4 1:15 fast 3110 115 3 3 2i 31 J Callahan 5 S. Bugler. Pettifogger. Wdflowr 62861 Aqueduct 6-S 1 :0J good 50 115 5 13 12- 12" W Bion. GoldeuRule. MacLi: ZEUS LASSIE, b. f. 3 M 108 By Zeus — Frances, by Singleton. Trainer. W. P. Rice. Owner, W. P. Rice. Breeder. White and Garnett. 66855 Howie T I 1 :31 fast 23 IM J C 5 Zl T Rice U Glabella, Jigstep, S]. inning Flax 66848 Howie B| f l:21Sfast Mf IM 9 12 12 111S T Rice 12 Per Sport, r WW, Adenturess 66827 Howie 61 f 1 M fast 33f 111 8 6 7- 6"! T Ri-e 12 Caladii.m. Re.liabite. GoldMnt 66178 Empire 6-8 1:02 fast 60 112 11 11 ll5 11*1 T Nolan 12 StellaMaris. Beaiiiude. Mazeppa 65715 laaaalra 3-4 1:14 fast 60 IM s 8 8 65 II Haint n 8 ALOcfca, Brighton. Hoaaeatea C3707 Em; ire SI f 1 8 104112 11 103 SA Gan:nerl3 W.T.A1I, DksDgliter. Su-picn 63176 Aqu.-duct B-S l:0os.slop 7 109 9 7 61 €"1 T Nolan 9 Suspicion. L.Gaffney. Bet .Wood 63106 Aiueduct 5-8 l4B%faat 50 115 10 8 TiTJT Nolan 14 Giaire, Dclcadia, Cheapside