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CHICAGO H ANDICAPPER 50 CENTS AT ALL NEWSSTANDS YESTERDAY: EDNA V .80- WON Well, sir, did you get that one? We told you ALL ABOUT HER on yesterdays sheet. Todays Long Shot AT LEXINGTON : was shipped here especially to cop first crack out. ; We got the word EXTRA STRONG that today is 1 the day. Get down here strong. Ask for CHICAGO HANDICAPPER 50 CENTS; MAILED 2 WEEKS CHICAGO PUBLISHING CO. 333 SO. DEARBORN ST. CHICAGO, ILL. LEXINGTON— FOR SALE— Reinstein, Main and Lime Sts. MAPLE HEIGHTS SPECIAL Will have something- real for opening day and the meeting. Can handle a few choice clients. This i information is real and will he wired daily. Only ! costs wi-.nings of a .00 straight play. Rush name and address for code and details. Only a few can be accommodated. BUD RALEIGH 5703 Broadway Room 8 Cleveland, Ohio. j Throughout the Kentucky meetings we will be prepared to send you REAL LIVE WIRES Our daily wire is obtainable for twenty-five dollars per week plus wire charges. Get in touch immediately with MANNS AND KELLY 614 WALNUT ST. CINCINNATI, OHIO ON SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS LATEST REPORTER. Good for all next week. COSTS ONLY 35 CENTS Wednesdays Special: No. 419, Book 8M THE TURF REPORTER 22 W. Quincy St, Eatab. 1904 Chicago, 111. PROFITABLE INVESTMENTS Do you invest in the racing game? Have your investments in the past proven profitable? If not, you had better consult me, because the racing game is my business and I honestly believe that I can help you to become A PROFIT SHARING INVESTOR. Here are some of tha investments my clients were advised to make recently: Tuesdays investment: RELENTLESS, .00-, WON And what is more, this was the only investment that I advised yesterday. Mondays Investments: TIDINGS .40- WON Saturdays Investments: CHICKTALE 0.30-12 AVON Fridays investment: CALIGULA .90- AVON Thursdays investment lost. Wednesdays investment: BOLSTER AVON Tuesdays investment: STAR REALM 6.60- AVON Mondays investment : POOR SPORT *9.i0-»2 AVON All my horses on file in advance with Daily Racing Form. Right here I wish to state that I advise hut ONE HORSE A DAY. Excepting r.ome days when I get late word from my track representative on scmething extra special. I include same in my wire without any extra cost to my clients. NEVER MORE THAN TWO HORSES ANY DAY. NOTHING SUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCESS and the results above speak for themselves. Its up to you. Why not become a profit sharing investor? Dont delay — start today. My fee-— 0.00 for one days service; 0.00 for six days, payable in advance; no propositions. G. AV. HAMILTON, No. 5 Columbus Circle, NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. EUREKA! I HAVE FOUND IT ! Beat the races with the Eureka System Guarantee 85 per ceat of all wagers. Flat plays only. No progression. Simple, quick and absolute. Hand hooks or tracks alike. Very reasonable. ADDESS EUREKA SYSTEM PUB. CO. BOX 95 WASHINGTON C. H.. OHIO New hook out today. Winners are what you get in the STANDARD. 35c at all newsstands. Mailed direct 3 copies .00. Todays Form Special: June-Apple -77-93 -88-23. STANDARD TURF GUIDE 403, 22 W. ftuincy St. Chicago. IU. THE Monthly Racing Form containing charts of all races run on recognized tracks in North America during the month of APRIL. NOW ON SALE PRICE, .00. Single copies by mail will POSITIVELY only be sent as registered mail, with an extra charge of ten cents for registration. Not responsible for books sent as regular mail. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL. 157-169 EAST 32ND STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y. 74 EXCHANGE STREET ;: BUFFALO, X. T,