3rd Race [3rd Lexington, Daily Racing Form, 1923-05-02

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O-J DAOiT 1 Mile and TO Yards. ; -$ ear-olds. Claiming. Sept. 2:1, 1J11 01 11 nAUt 1:42 1-5 y i S. SUPERBUM, b. f. 3 105 By Superman — Dolly Bultman, by Alloway. Trainer, F. Wright. Owner. .C. H. Knebelkamo. Breeder. H. T. Oxnard. 68781 Jefferson ll-8 1:57%hvy 20 113 1:1 10 101 7* E Martz 13 A mole. Cali-ulla. Setting Sun 68698 Jeffprson 1 l:41Vfeslow 18-5 108 9 5 5* A* I C, Rabin 9 LadyMyra. Body Guard. Ra filet 68575 Jefferson lm70y l:45%fast 16-5 107 7 7 5i G" L M-DCtt 7 Ciiiva, Slanderer. Irish Pat 68289 Jefferson 1 1 -16 1 :47%faat 4 93 8 5 4* 2 J Chlmers S S.Frank, DMe Cross, K.ONeil 68064 F.Grnds lm7 y l:46Vt,mud 6-5 103 6 5 11 21 G Mein I F.iilali.i, Riiand. Kent L. 67967 F.Grnds lmTOy l:44 4i"ast 13-10 10S 6 4 2 2 J Crcoran G ClIllMllll, IrisbPat, Glabella 67861 F.Grnds lmTOy lMfi-good 13-10 1C6 3 2 2s 1* G Mein 8 RYliReauty, AlStibler, MinnieR. C7685 F.Grnds 1 1-W 1:41 fast 2 10-3 7 3 1" ll L McDott 7 RYliReauty. Glabella. Al Stebler C755G F.Grnds lm70y 1 :43 ;.good I 102 10 7 3" 41 G Mein 10 Vennie. Roseaiell.. Setliog Sivl 67482 F.Grnds lm70y 1 :49 hvy S-2 104 2 4 5» 6T1 J Owens S AlSlebler. M.irj.Wood. P.Corda 67090 Jefferson 3-4 l:15=ihvy 7 105 4 5 5* 2 A Wilson 8 Stump Jr.. Vennie. Selling Suu 66G30 Latonia 2-4 l:12%fast 17 103 1 7 7l 5* R Harton12 Red Arrow. Jupiter. Certain JAKIE HAY, b. c. 3 110 By Pataud— Sutte. by Hindoo. Trainer. D. E. Stewart. Owner. E. C. Walker. Breeder. J. L. Holton. 63289 Latonia 3-4 1:13 faat 23 -10 110 6 3 » 3! E Pool 9 Away. Rendita. Full Spoon 62995 Latonia 51 f l:07igood 13 110 5 6 3| 2 D Connlly 7 Pun.Gordn. .1. Bauer. Tayb.rli.iy 62870 Latonia 51 f l:07%faat 22 5 114 4 3 2* 2 B Kenndy 5 I,es!ie. FstWard. HugliesCraliain 62037 Latonia 5-8 1 :00fast 30 112 6 5 41 4 J Owens 7 Skzix, Pun.Gorda. KdPer.dletoa 62521 latonia 5-8 l:01:Vhvy 35 115 6 5 5« 571 R Kenndy ■ Cherokee. Ilep.-le s. Ranter 62161 Churchill 5-8 l:C0%fast 24 106 8 7 7 5"» B Kenndy 9 Donges, Dream Maker. Prince K. 62011 Churchill 41 f 54fast 3 114 3 2 2" ll B Kenndy 7 Hughes Graham. Wida. Old Top 61908 Churchill 41 f 54%fast 6 107 7 6 41 4-l M Garner S Full Spoon, An. Tod, II. Graham 61794 Churchill 41 f 54%fast 7 109 4 2 2 1 M Garner 7 ILGraham, OhllVp. P.ofCmbria 61658 Lexton 41 f 56 mud 62 106 6 4 4» 4T1 L McDott S Ail. Veinor. Poppye. Miss Claira 61511 Lexton 41 f 58 hvy 7 115 10 9 8 8" E Pool 12 Full o Fun. Miss Claire. Power 61452 Lexton 1-2 48Hfast 83f 115 8 8 8* 8" J Kederia 12 Shamrock. FiisiWard. Patrician SLANDERER, cb. g, 3 106 By Manager Waite — Gos-jip, by The Scribe. Trainer. J. H. Baker. Owner, J. H. Baker. Breeder. T. C. McDowell. 68575 Jefferson lmTOy 1 :4.".%fast 15 105 3 3 45 2* J McCoy 7 Chiva, Irish Pat. P. of Tmbria 68491 Jefferson 1 l:43*4slow 12 101 2 5 4i 39 J McCoy B F.dGray, HinisKeiiible. R.Ruiy 68331 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:48%fast 41 10T. 7 4 31 U J McCoy 9 Rupee, Kennmare, Al Stebler 682-16 Jeffirson lm70y 1:4*1 fast 12 108 1 5 41 21 J McCoy 12 Ghost, Rupee. Sweet Mama 67987 F.Grnds lmTOy l:44*5fast 30 1-61 1 5 6 613 C I.an 6 Goldencrest, Superbi-m. IrisliPat 67881 F.Grnds 1 l:41Vbfasc 15 U: 4 7 7 7° A Abel 11 Majority, Rriaiu. Stump Jr. G7861 F.Grnds lmTOy lMe-.fast 12 103 16 6- 6* C Lang 8 Snpbuin. RciilVaiity. AlStebler 67684 F.Grnds lmTOy 1 :4."..f aat 20 105 1 4 32 3«J C Lang 9 Roseaiell. , Pr.TiiTii. Majority 67604 F.Grnds lmTOy 1 :46.fast 8 106 2 6 5J 3» C Iuig 11 Irish Pat. Glics*. Mildred Rutii 67561 F.Grnd3 3-4 l:13*5faat 20 112 7 6 5 5*3 C Lang 11 Glabella, Elizabeth P.ean, Ghost 67381 Jefferson 3-4 1:13 fast 12 lo9 4 8 91 99i E Pool 11 Bedazze. Oimonl. Rork PEftUOT, ch. c, 3 100 Ey Hilarious — Halesia. by Martinet. Trainer, P. J. Williams. Owner. Williams Bro?.. Breeders. Williams Bros. 69530 Lexgton 3-4 l:12 igood 13 100 8 7 74 T2 J Corcoran 9 Antcnia. Paul G. Rrown. Chiva 66588 Latonia 1 l:r,9fast 31 106 2 6 8° 8" J Keel ris 9 The Clown, Chiva, Kindred 66217 Latonia 1 1:16 hvy U 10U 1 2 33 1 J Heupel 11 Vennie. Livinia. Maibetu 66133 latonia 3-4 1:17 hvy 3J 103 5 4 21 22 H Gray 7 Mr. Lee. Chiva. Polite 66034 Latonia 2-4 l:1925hvy 3 2 112 3 1 !• 1 H Lunsfd 9 QailFord. TderS-.-th. Waywsamo 65857 Latonia 51 f 1 :Jifast 31 115 5 6 6* 6a3 H Gray 9 GlJaz. GnSpring. R"l -y"sToney 65567 Lexton F C llOfast 24 112 4 6 4 4- R Harton 6 RoysP.elicveMe. Cash, Prestolite 65266 Iexton H f 1 :0S-ifast 8-5 110 3 4 2 21 J Owens 12 Pedmont. Larky Run, Gail Ford 6496G Churchill 51 f 1 :CTHfast 13 113 3 6 6- 4-i R Hartn 12 Chiva, Reticelaw. Kins:i!an 64850 Churchill f.J f l:07h.faot 35 110 4 a 61 6"" R Harton S Aspiration. Cash, Pompous PHENOL, ch. f, 3 M 101 By Orb — Lukeramus, by Luke Ward. Trainer. S. Berry. Owner. I. E. Clark. Breeder. I. E. Clark. 69530 Lexgton 3-4 1 :13V?ood 73 19 9 8 82 8*.T Howard 9 Antcnia. |*aa| G. Rrown. Chiva 66412 Latonia S-4 l:i:t -5fast 17f 112 6 12 SI 8" H Gray 12 V.Mah..ney. M.Collette. Gr.Maid 66310 Latonia 3-4 l:l:;,;,fast 42f 107 S 10 91 814 R M"thpwsl2 Llerre. Thelma K., P.edazale 66162 Latonia 3-4 1:14 fast 31-10f 105 11 12 12 1222 F Wilson 12 "ash. Power, Lu.ky Ru.i 66063 Latonia 51 f 1:12 hvy CG 10T 9 9 ll" 9« E Koehm 12 FlowpiShop. Power. K. Carpenter G4170 Lex. Fair 5-8 1:02 fast I K3 21 R Lee 7 Eddie Jr., Rilly Rem. Jota 63153 Latonia 51 f l:08%good 96 1C3 8 I 8 8" R Mthews 8 Tip Toe Inn. Ieslie. Vcrnie 62997 Latonia 51 f LOTvigood 37 104 7 7 7 6 • F Wilson 7 PuntaGorda, Jakiellay. J.Raner 62949 latonia 6-8 1 :02 ihvy 29f 112 7 5 42 4* R Mthews12 TipToelnn. IrishRose. P"fulMiss 62784 Latonia 51 f 1 Mftfaat 175 112 8 8 8 8* X Barrett SA.BlueGown. Regutu, Pluy.MiM C2517 Latonia 6-8 l:01;ihvy 36f 115 11 U U ll22 A Yerrat 11 Tokihime. Bendita. Miuuie B.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923050201/drf1923050201_4_5
Local Identifier: drf1923050201_4_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800