4th Race [4th Maple Heights, Daily Racing Form, 1923-05-18

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A 1 U DA PC •"» 1-2 Iurloims. -1-ycar-old.s and upward. Claiiuing. July 21. 4in nAUt i»«y — i :or 2-r, — a — no. BL00HINGT0N. b. h. 5 111 By Ferole— Annabel II., by Factor. Trainer. A. K. Miller. Owner. A. K. Miller. Breeder, A. Belmont. .9939 Map.Hts 51 f l:17%mud 16 114 6" A Ammnn 6 Spectator. Nowata, Sea Board 69912 Map Hts 51 f l:14hvy 18 110 71 F Watrous 7 Forewarn. HeTrueman. G. Light 69805 Map.Hts 3-4 1:20 mud 15 108 4" AV Organ 7 Babylonian. Dbfounder. RyJove 69769 Map II ts 3-4 1 :lSVshvy 26 108 P» L Mills 7 Consort, SpngVale, Gold. Chance 69538 Columbus 6! f 1:25 fast 17 117 63 V Hughes 9 Arrah Go On, Neenah. Winkie 69363 Columbus 2-4 1 :19fast 17 115 7*1 W Hughes S Vivafuba, ArrahGoOn. Rengali 69195 Hunt ton 51 f 1:15 slop 25 116 8= W Pmrose 9 Q.Fsther, OaklnBelle, Mugivan BLACK HACKLE, blk. g. 6 106 By Star Shoot— Shelbv Belle, by Knight Errant. Trainer. J. Phillips. Owner, J. Hennessey. Breeder, J. E. Madden. 69997 Map.Hts 51 f l:15%hvy 21 111 24 T Ronham I ReTrucmuu. Forewarn. Ar. Point 69939 Map.Hts 51 f l:17%mud 3-2 111 4» R Harton 6 Spectator. Nowata. Sea Hoard 68694 Jefferson 11-16 1:49 fast 8 114 9 1 1» l1 G Rabin 12 Ron fire, forson. Hright Trash 68592 Jeff.rson 1 1-2 2:"6:V,fapt 41 114 4 3 41 4" J 1 Mney 7 At.Muir. FredKinney, Forestiere G8391 Jefferson 1 3-14 2:02Vifast 18 5 110 3 3 4- 3° B Harvey 11 T.fasidy, Pastoral, Jake Feld 8245 Jeff.rson 3-4 1 :14%fast 4 112 6 6 6 5!| E Sml v .110 M. Winks, f. Taylor. W. Pennant 8189 F.Grnds 3-4 l:15fehvy 6 109 8 8 6» 5" E Smwodil Sweet. Mama, Galeta, Hysteria LITTLE ED. br. g. 7 111 By Norford — Purse Rose, by Orsini. Trainer, C. W. Chanpell. Owner. C. W. Chappell. Breeder. A. Neal. 69994 Map.Hta 3-4 1 :2.:Vandhvy 26 110 5 T McClynt 8 Tim MrCte*. Mary f... Mambi 69841 Maj Hts 3-4 1:18**mud 28 109 P» H MClyn 6 Mary C, Anticipate, Ardito 69397 Huntton 11-16 1:49 fast 29 112 4" R Rak-r ■ Ihelan. I.allyhell, Kingling II. 69279 Huntton 1 1-8 1 ..Vsslow 61 112 6" R Raker 7 J. rdan. Pirate McGee, Ru-tler 69253 Huntton lm.70y l:55hvy 18-5 112 22 F J Raker ■ M.lSperity. fhallger, GrgeW. RELUCTANT, br. g, 5 106 By Sweep — Gunwad. by Goldfinch. Trainer. C. N. Freeman. Owner. W. H. Cooper. Ereedtr. W. E. Oots. 69907 Map.Hts 3-4 1 :K.mud 4 H7 45 H Farland ■ QiiickHun. Not Yet, NorthTower 4.9704 Map.Hta 3 -4 1 gMfcfBSt 11 105 6! H Farland .s Nan MiKinney. Dancer, Lenieve 63198 Devshire 3-4 1:14 fast 10 115 3 7 7 «! N Bwart 13 I.all.vnew. -arite. C.olheMaiu 62403 B R rm-ts 3-4 I HTjIlTJ 10 105 4 7 7* 4J 8 Fulton 13 V..Fluwvr. M White. T.Decisict. 62219 Csansfct 51 f l:071£fast 3-2 108 1 1 l1 14 C Turner 7 Al fierce. Gt Hawk. EagerEyes SEA BOARD, b. g, 5 111 B7 Deutschland— Polister.a, by Polymeius. Trair.er. T. F. Bornman. Owner. M. C. Pritchard. Breeder. Nevada Stock Farm. 69994 Map.Hts 3-4 1 :2;Vandhvy 12 117 6- M Mntain « Tim BtcGcc, -Mary O., Mambi 69939 Map.Hts 51 f 1 :177smud 7 115 3=1 D Stirling 6 Spectator. Nowata. HI. Hackle 69805 Map.Hts 3-4 1:20 mud 8 113 6" K larlon 7 Rabyioi.i.in. Dbfounder. RyJove 69503 Huntton 55 f lTOsmud 12 115 5" E Martin 9 Spods, Fiist Consul. Twopair 69437 Huntton 51 f 1 .074t.fast n 107 4l R Doyle B Oralcggo. Hohokus. Sandalwood 69116 Huntton H f laM%CBSt 17 120 5 J Ievic 6 Ltcnheiii!. L.fhcell.. Doris 69354 Huntton 51 f l.O.-fast 11 11G 4"! R Ilaiton 12 Hohokus. Rrn Check. Oraleggo •9276 Huntton 51 f 1:10 slow 2 115 1° E Martin 7 Riposta, Wreckless, Nordeck TIMBREL, blk. c. 4 111 By Zeus— Black Swan, by Herbert. Trainer, M. Klug. Owner. M. Kluff. Breeders. White and Garnett. 69966 Map.Hts 3-4 1 :18fca»Sd 8 105 4» W Organ 7 Froth, Hilly Connor. San Marcus 68951 Mobile Ab ;-s .svfast 20 121 2 8 8 S7 J Bell I Flip. Machi.ivclli. Sea Hoard 68009 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:4T%CBSt 30 93 4 5 7*5 7-" W Fronk 8 AttaHeyll.. M. Roberts. II. Gear 64847 ntlnaant 1 i:;7fast 41 1051 4 4 4 4 s L Fator 4 fslor, Diimcap. Brisk 61786 R«l;nont I 1-10 l:4T%atoB 10 1036 2 31 441 H Thomas I Goaler, Smiiiyland. Trevelyan .4679 Rsimtoss 3-4 1 :H-..go..d 10 106 9 Pulled up.L Fator M Slinc. Kirkl. vington. RTitLich 61428 H.dcGce ImTOy lOfast 18-5f 104 8 8 S 12° II Thomasli Plucky, Sword, Our Betsy

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923051801/drf1923051801_9_3
Local Identifier: drf1923051801_9_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800