untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1923-11-17


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HARVEY AMES Earle Building Broadway at 52nd Street ROOM 407-8 NEW YORK, N. Y. YESTERDAYS "Harvey Transaction" WON Paid Over 5 to 1 n warning n! It has come to the notice of this office that unscrupulous persons styling themselves as "clubs" and "co-operative concerns" are offering to furnish names of "HARVEY TRANSACTIONS" early at reduced rates. The public is warned in its own interests not to fall prey to these impostors. "HARVEY TRANSACTIONS" in time for action are never, released until the last possible moment. Deal directly with this office and avoid being imposed upon. I have no agents or representatives anywhere. "Harvey Transaction" TODAY Another "Harvey Transaction" starts this afternoon, rain or shine. The result should again demonstrate why so many await their arrival and the reason they command the largest fee for racing information. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS payable strictly in advance by telegraph or in person. As in the case yesterday the odds today should be in accordance with past performances, which were nothing to speak about. All "Harvey Transactions" are limited to territory, therefore early subscription is necessary to avoid return of same when the quota has been filled. TELEPHONE CIRCLE 5790 CHARLES RAYMOND TRACK COMMISSIONER I .00 DAILY. TODAY 0.00 WEEKLY. The Big Day Bis advertised 0 Special goes and it should be just as I have promised all week and the player is entitled to the fact. HEBES THE 0. K. FROM TRACK : Chas. Raymond, 2503 Pitkin Ave., Brooklyn, N. T. Everything: is peaches and cream. That bird had a -wonderful tishtening- up this morning:. Looks like everything is 0. K. If track is fast it will he made to order; however, will start rain or shine. Al has wired to Jack to New York see that you. get down; also all your friends. Heres hoping for the best of luck. Signed BUD. Now, my friends, you have the word right here. Bead it over carefully and if you -want to get something good, that will he long remembered, then send a subscription at once. TERMS for special and daily horss today, 0. Wire feo "W. U". or Postal. No propositions accepted. Those on, my books will get this one as promised. WINNERS GIVEN AT LOUISVILLE: NULLI SECUNDUS ..5.40-52 WON PRINCESS DOREEN.2.30- WON HAIjTJ 1.30 and .00- 3RD PARIS MAID. .00 and .90- 2ND AUDACIOUS 4.00- WOIf PRINCESS BOBEEX.I 8.00- WON GLIDE 7.00-52 WON BEN VALET 0.00- WON MEDINA 5.50- WON FERGUSON 8.70-52 WON RAND EL ...6.70 and .70- SRD TERMS TODAY: 0. This entitles you to commission horse and big advertised 0 Special. NOTE I will continue doing business next week at Bowie. CHARLES RAYMOND 2503 PITKIN AVE. BROOKLYN, N. Y. 149061490614906149061490614906 $ PREDETERMINED TDRP PROFITS .5 $ The MIRACLE SYSTEM is nationally known ! $ as "easy for player hard for layer." Sold on 5 $ installment payments paid from your profits, i $ Absolutely FREE, 73-page manual and review. ! $ Investigate today and make your bookie obey, i $ Public relations manager 3 $ S. E. ARTHUR i $ Box 40, R. F. Towson, Md. 3 149061490614906149061490614906$; advertise in racing form GARS CHIEF OBSERVER 35 CENTS AT ALL NEWSSTANDS NEW ISSUE FOR SALE SUNDAY TODAYS FREE CODE: Louisville Wyoming-Water-Sun-Water AGA1N"WE WON! Yesterdays Adv. Long Shot: DARE SAY .20- Won Other Special: EASTER BELLS. ..30- Won Thursdays Only Special: ISOSCELES . . . .3.60- Won Day after day the CHIEF has been slamming them over in almost a SENSATIONAL FASHION. Everywhere the Crowd Is Clamoring for GARS DAILY SHEET. Get in line and SEE WHY. GRAND GETAWAY TODAY 0 FREE SPECIAL Ask no questions. This is YOUR CHANCE. I tell you I know what I am talking about. Go right now to your newsdealer and ask for GARS DAILY CHIEF OBSERVER 50 CENTS MAILED 2 WEEKS Address: 332 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL. LOUISVILLE FOR SALE: Eiler and Goodman 227 4th Street DETROIT FOR SALE: Triangle Newsstand Griswold and Lafayette St. Family Theatre Newsstand Cadillac Square AND ALL OTHER CITIES 110 NASSAU ST. KEff YORfc CITY ROOM 401 UnitedTurf News SEMI -WEEKLY PRICE .00 PRICE .00 Published every Wednesday and Saturday. Each issue good for three days. New issue out today Saturday. TODAYS BIG CODE SPECIAL: Fort-Tan-Or-There-Won Yesterdays Big Code Special: PEPPER TEA .....40-Won Thursdays Big Code Special: ZOUAVE Second Wednesdays Big Code Special: SLING .60- Won TWO BIG WINNING CODE SPECIALS OUT OF THREE ON PAST ISSUE DAILY OCCASIONAL IN KENTUCKY .00 DAILY 0.00 WEEKLY Yesterdays Kentucky Occasional: RUSTEM 2.10- Won Another big Kentucky occasional goes today and every day. Out-of-town clients wire .00 for todays occasional, or 0.00 for one week, six occa-sionals. Occasional every day. BUCK SI4.40-S2 WON ROMPING MARY 2.60- WON DARE SAY $ G.20- WON wero theo nice ones our clients cleaned up on yesterday. BIG GETAWAY CARD TOR TODAY. Get yours early before your newsdealer sails out. .00 DAILY Mailed direct in plain sealed envelope, special delivery, the night before. .00 FOR 6 DAYS. IkFil! KMh Vi vifMliUniBliQifl 411 BALTIMORE BLDG. CHICAGO, ILL. BIG SPECIAL I Have several horses specially prepared that should pay a big price. Terms for the first horse 0.00 after horse wins. Nothing if it pays less than 3 to 1. I Rush your name and address and your promise to pay. I SYRACUSE TURF NEWS NO. 407 GRIFFITHS ST., SYRACUSE, N. Y. i . Pay From Your Profits The Master Key System ot playins the races will be mailed you for ono weeks trial. It should show an average profit of at least 0 a day on the scale ot play. . FOR PARTICULARS mail this ad. with your name and address, to J. K. WILLIS 943 Windsor St. Cincinnati. 0. j j If WINNERS are -what you -want ret the STAND -; ARD. 35c at all newstands. Hailed direct, 3 copies for .C0. Todays Code Special: April-Fear 22-60-34-23. STANDARD TURF GUIDE 403, 22 W. Quincy St. Chicago, HI. ! Subscribe for Daily Racing Form DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO, ILL. 157-159 EAST 32ND STREET. NEW YORK. N. Y. I 60 RICHMOND STREET, EAST, TORONTO, ONT.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923111701/drf1923111701_11_2
Local Identifier: drf1923111701_11_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800