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J. T. BURNS .C0 DAILY. 0.03 WEEKLY. EOOM 609, 23 BTTANE ST. NEW YOEK CITY I BIB IT AGAIN, BOYS. Yesterdays J5.00 Special: rOOIt SrOKT 10-1; 4-1 2nd Yosterdays FREE S50.C0 Special. LITTLE ALFJIED 10-1 Won And once more my subscribers cleaned up on a LONG SHOT. Act at once. Send 0.00 for a weeks information and get these FREE 0.03 WIEES. Also daily horse. LET BURNS MAKE YOU A WINNER. Thursdays .00 Special: T AMBON 4-1 Won Wednesdays .00 Special: rAYJrAA 12-1 Won Thursdays Free ?50 Special: SOLISA, 6-1 Won I also gave many winners at Jefferson Park. GET A BOUBLE WINNEE TODAY. Eush a subscription or snd .00 for daily one horse. BOTH TtTAT. GOOD and should pay lonsr odds, just like Thursdays double. TEItMS .00 MAILT or 0.00 FOIt C DATS Eush fee via Western Union or Postal. Subscribers receive freo 0 Special. ADVERTISE IN RACING FORM Stop Guessing Losers S; Our ratinjr chart will pick you winners when applied to daily entries. Something never broadcasted be- fore. Qualify with this easy and simple chart and you cant lose. Chart and Instructions mailed to you on receipt of . CO. NEW METHOD EATING CHAET 873 Spitzer Building Toledo, Ohio 149391493914939149391493914939$ PREDETERMINED TURF PROFITS $ f The MIRACLE SYSTEM is nationally known $ $ as "easy for player hard for layer." Sold on ? $ installment; payments paid from your profits. $ $ Absolutely FREE 73-pngc mn mini and reriew. ? $ Investigate today and make your bookie obey, j $ Public relations manager $ $ S. E. ARTHUR $ $ Box 40, R. F. Towson. Mil. $ 149391493914939149391493914939$ OAKS CIIIKF OllSKltVKi: 25 CENTS AT ALL NEWSSTANDS r TODAYS FREE SPECIAL: FAIR GEOUNDS Florida-Grass-Man-Bark. TEIUMPH, 11-10, wen. was yesterdays Code Special. Get Book on sale now, containing code for next week. 35c at all newsstands. Mailed direct, 3 copies for ,00. Todays Code Special: No. 809, Book No. 869. STANDARD TUEF GUIDE, 503-22 W. Quincy St., Chicago, IU. j j 1 j j ; 1 , , . , 1 1 ; r ! tirv ernvvn THEMfly "WHO CAN MAKE YOU WTNj IKMIXfc 1 AMWf Sold on all "Newsstands," SI. 9T"AD AGAI WE GOT THE MONEY Yesterdays "FEEE OCCASIONAL:" KINGSCLERE 18-5 WON YESTEEDAYS DAILY "SPECIAL:" TRIUMPH 11-10 WON And JACK FEELDS army of followers won aain, as JACKS advico was to "plnnge, win only" on BOTH of these "WINNEHS." THUESBAYS ?5 "FEEE OCCASIONAL:" SOLISA 8-1 WON THURSDAYS DAILY SPECIAL: TAN SON 7-10 WON Last 2 days STRAIGHT onr BOTH "Specials" WON. Why, if you paid EW,00.00 A "DAY you couldnt git any better, than JACK FIELD giTes you for . 85-TODAT "BIG- 1IIICED SPECIAL" This is tho one I haTe waitsd for and "TODAY" is tho day I expect this to pay "BETTEE" than SOLISA, 8-1, WON, paid. HEBE IS YOUE CHANCE TO CLEAN UP TODAY 3-TODAYS "OCCASIONAL" 10-1 or BETTEE is what price I EXPECT it to pay. If you miss this yoa sure will never forgive yourself. Thats all I can say "JACK FIELD." IW"STOP LOSING" Follow JACK ITELD and you will bo "BIG WIN-i NEE," just as HUNDREDS of foUowers are. You cant beat this gams "doping em out." You must get the roal stuff direct from track. Thats why JACK FIELD is at tho track getting "INFO" for his foUowers. Try this for a few weeks. Follow JACK FIELD every day and you will be "BIG WINNEE" in short time. "Nuf Sod." Notice JACK FEtXB sold everywhere EACTNG FOEM. sold. daily. Can bo mailed to you plain sealed envelope, week. Agents wanted to handle this publication. Write to FIELD PUB. CO., 39 W. Adams St., Chicago, 111. , ; s r : e r q r s 1 e a y I :n 14939$ AGAIN MY FOLLOWERS WON 14939$ Last horse I wired to all my clients was: DAINTY LADY .4.2Q- Won And onco again my foUowers gave the "laying centry" tho jolt of their life, with a rejoicing; for my CLIENTELE. This kind of INFOEMATION does net come every day, but when it DOES come, you can rest assured that you are on the WINNEE. I handle commissions for some of the cleverest men in the business at Tia Juana, who very seldom fail. Why, tho way they operate they dont know what tho word "fail" means! So far I have released only horses at Tia Juana, which all my cUents received and reaped a harvest of Green Backs $ ? ?. DAINTY LADY ..20- Won SETHS ALIBI .4.00- Won LIZETTE ....3.20- Won LADY LE BAND 0.00- Won T0IVI CRAVEN .9.80- Won And, as you all know, that in order to "WEtl" you must follow one who "KNOWS." STOP LOSING YOUE GOOD MONEY when I CAN MAKE YOU WIN. My Next Special Goes Today With Plenty of PriGe. All my clients must remit the winnings as agreed on tho last winner in order to get this "ONE" today. My terms, I am sure, are within tho means of the average player. Send .00 in advance and ajree to remit the winnings or a five doUar straight play. Address to FRED ADELMAN 700 PENNSYLVANIA AYE. BEOOKLYN, N. Y. ONE HORSE G. DUNN 0.00 WEEKLY .00 DAILY 110 NASSAU ST. NEW YORK CITY A broa.d statement to make regarding G. ; Dunns one plunge horse today. They tell it to me over the long distance phone and I am forced to let all Dunn subscribers have part or the phone conversation. PHONE CONVERSATION WAS to tell all Dunn subscribers todays horse will i win all by himself, barring an accident. The a odds should be 20 to 1. Out of town subscribers telegraph money r AYestern Union. 0.00 WEEKLY .00 DAILY 11C NASSAU ST. NEW YOUX CITY JtOOM 401 UNITED TURF NEWS SE3I I-WEEKLY PRICE .00 PRICE .00 Published every Wednesday and Saturday. For sale, following newsstands: CLEVELAND Schroder. 214 East Superior Ave. DETEOIT Dunns, Shelby and Michigan Ave. ST. LOUIS Laser, 711 Market St. CINCINNATI Fountain News Co.. 19 Gano. AKEON, OHIO Schwartzs Newsstand. Hailed monthly anywhere, .00 monthly. New issue out today Saturady. TODAYS BIG CODE SPECIAL: 24-26-10-31-34. SMART GUY 8-5 Won DUSTABOUT 5-2 Won Over 50 per cent winners written up on all past issues. DAILY OCCASIONAL .00 DAILY 0.00 WEEKLY Yesterdays Big Occasional: P0LV0 7-1 Won Thursdays Big Occasional: TAMB0N 4-1 Won Wednesdays Big Occasional: PAYMAN 12-1 Won Our Occasional Today Should Be Another Winner U. T. N. followers look for a long price today. Out of tawn clients wire . CO for one day, or 0.00 for ono week. Use Western Union or Postal. Occasional every day at New Orleans all winter. Established 1917 UNIVERSAL TURF NEWS 215 EAST 11GTJI ST. ST.W YOltK CITY No telegrams to wait for. All you need is our "Code" and a copy of Daily ltacing Form. .00 FAYS 1On CODE GOOD 1OK SIX DATS Today 10-1 is what wc expect on our wire horse. Do not miss this one. TODAYS CODE: Jl-E-Y-A. Yesterdays Code Horse: SOLISA 8-1 W05" Wednesdays Code Horse: XIXGSCLEKE 7-5 WO Tucsdaj-s Code Horse: SECOND THOUGHTS 9-5 WON" 3Iondaj"s Code Horse: DAYDUE 7-1 AVON Saturdays Code Horse: aiAKGARET WAKE 15-1 WON Fridays Code Horse: LADY BUBROWS 30-1 WON Thursdays Code Horse: SIMPLICITY 15-5 WON SPECIAL RATE FOR OUR CODE AND WIRE HORSE 520.00 FOR ANY SIX RAYS Yesterdays Wire Horse: DRESS GOODS 4-5 WON Wednesdays Wire Horse: PAYMAN 12-1 WON Tuesdays Wire Horse: DELANTE 10-1 WON Mondays Wire Horse: ROSEATE II 4-1 WON Saturdays Wire Horse: IDLE THOUGHTS 12-5 WON Fridays Wire Horse: ST. DONARD 5-1 WON Thursdays Wire Horse: FRANKMAN 13-5 WON Onr wire service is lie best that money and track connections CAN PRODUCE. DO NOT FORGET THAT! ; i a r Q class r1 GLEASOiYS SCIENTIFIC 11 METHOD Can Be Played Anywhere YOU CAN MAKE your own selections from entries in the daily form sheet or any other good paper, quickly. One or Two Great Horses Every Day PRICE is made so anyone can afford to have Glea-sons great Horse Method. FIVE DOLLARS Upon the receipt of five dollars, a copy of Gleasons Scientific Horse Method will be sent you by registered mail. Send money by express check or money order only, and write your name and address plainly. Address : PROF. OSCAR R. GLEASON SUITE 1000 CI E. YAN It UK EN STREET CHICAGO, ILLINOIS.