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JEFFERSON PK. ENTRIES MONDAY, JANUARY 7 Past performances of horses entered In Mondays raees at the Fair Grounds will appear in Mondays edition. Tho figures under the heading "Rec." in tho entries below show the best time of each horse at tho distance since January 1, 1921, no matter where it finished. In case whero record was made on other than a fast or gocd track, abbreviations show track conditions. Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Chicago time 2:00. Superior mud runner. XGood mud runner. :!:lair mud runner. M Maidcii3. .ppreutlc allowance. bRlinkers. First Kace 3-3 Mile. Purse ,000. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Colts and Geldings. Special Weights. Track record: Jan. 19. 1922 34 2 114. Todays Ind. norse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han 764C05 Seths Treasure ..11S :3SV4 118.. 725 764S0 Wheaton 11S :36 11S..720 76460 bFearnaught 118 :37 11S..715 7G460 Son of Tromp 118 :37 118.. 710 7S460 Kumonin US :37 118.. 703 7G460 Fuo 113 :37 11S..7O0 76460 Confluente 118 :37and 118.. 700 Bill Winfrey 118 Parole II 118 Jimbill 118 Moon Magic IIS Little Pal 118 Walter H 118 Huey 118 Second Race 3-4 Mile. Purse ,000. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Feb. 9, 1918 1:11V; G11G. 7547G Wcstwood .108 1:11 7 116:1:725 76441s Rhinegold 99 1:12 4 11GX720 76229 Avalanche 113 1:13 4 112x713 76305 b5corge Starr 115 1:12 9 95715 76345 bAssume Ill 1:12 10 112715 75551 Hysteria 105 1:13 5 90 X 715 76130 Luleek . ...104 1:13 4 107.. 710 75298 Charlie Stimmy ...114 1:11 Sill. .710 G870D bMolinoro 110 1:13 6 1C0.. 710 76263 Good Time 112 1:12 r. 112X710 7E902 Proceeds 107 1:14 4 107.. 705 76248 BiUy El M .... 96 1:18 4 95.. 700 76441 Sea Wrack M 112 1:14 4 95.. 700 76349 bDrummond 103 1:16 8 110X700 Third Race 3-4 Mile. Purse ,000. 3-year-old3 and upward. Claiming. Track record: Feb. 9, 1918 1:11 6 116. 76442 bCentimctcr ... 117 1:11 0 116X750 75666 Mercury 97 1:11 0 109X745 75533 Lily M 105 1:12 4 102.. 743 76505 Lorena Marccllia..llt 1:12 4 105 x 745 75127 bWidgeou 112 1:12 5 100.. 745 75179s Lady Rose 103 1:13 4 10S..740 74G35 bWilliam A 128 1:12 5 107X740 747373 bCIoughjordan 105 1:13 5 10GX735 76505 John Joseph 115 1:13 5 106.. 735 Todays Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 76443 Hughes Graham . 9S 1:13 4 113 X 730 761421 Orcus RM 1:12 6 112730 76404 Lugs 113 1:12 5 1MX730 75731 Flying Fur 101 1:13 3 104.. 730 Fourth Hacc 1 Mile. Madonna Purse. -Purse ,200. 3-year-ohls and upward. Fillies and Marcs. Allowances. Track record: Jan. 1, 1918 1:37 5 114. 76506J bThimble Ill 1:37 107X730 76462 Oui Oui 101 1:37 4 110X715 7GGG3 Lady Madcap 101 1:37 6 112.. 745 75729 Quick Time 3 S8..740 76346 Phoebe Snow 101 1:45 h 3 90X725 Fifth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Mohawk Purse. Purse ,000. 4 -year-olds. Allowances. Track record: Feb. 7, 1918 1:42 7 110. 76527 bSETTING SUN ...100 1:13 110X750 7G4G3 Bradleys Toaey .. 98.. 740 70465 Tender Seth 107 1:44 110X740 7652S Raffles 102 1:15 10SX735 75733 Glentilt 103 1:11 103 X733 76527 Calcutta- 99 1:46 110X730 Sixth Race 1 1-8 Miles. Puree ,000. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: March 14, 1903 1:51 3 122. 7G409 Tody 6 103X725 76562 Mack Fairman 104 1:54 5 100 X 720 76445 Iialadin 109 1:53 9 100. .715 765G2 East Indian 99 1:52 7 112X715 70487 Lucidus 104 1:55 4 111.. 713 7G5623 bltamkin 107 1:53 0 110.. 715 7C508bSt. Donard ... 100 1:53 ti 111.. 710 7G4865 Valentia 90 1:54 5 106x710 764G5 bPastoral Swain ..109 1:51 S 112x710 7G4G5 Brotherly Love ...1011:51 7 111X705 76348 Rep 112 1:32 0 111x705 76187 b01d Faithful 101 1:52 6 109X705 765623bGondolier 106 1:53 5 112X700 76562 Tricks 102J1:56 5 106X700 70165 Anaprisa 92 1:55 4 103.. 700 Seventh Race 1 1-16 Miles. Purse ,000. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Jan. 13, 1922 1:44 7 110. 75714 Royal Duck 115 1:40 7 109x725 764SG Bork 99 1:48 4 112X720 76508 Sis Pence 110 l:52m 4 109.. 715 76445 bOur Betsy 101 1:43 5 104X715 7G48S Johnny Overton .. 99 1:47 7 99X710 76345 Tilde Velo 112 1:45 6 91X710 76272 bWho Cares 102 1:47 7 109X710 76403 bDr. Itae 107 1:46 8 99 X 703 7G463 Dr. WhitehurstM108 l:53s S 94X705 7G4S8 Commander 115 1:48 8 91X703 75SS5 bPit 105 1:46 11 1O1X700 764G5 Supermini 93 1:47 4 97X700 73102 Gypsy Blair 93 1:43 11 94X700 74187 bCapital City 10 94 X 700