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hntries and Past Performances . HAVANA SUNDAY, JANUARY 6 WEATIIF.R CI.TLMt: TRACK PAST. : 1 7G5G9 Green Briar 115 1:14 5 110.. 703 The figures under the heading "Rcc." in 62040 Lady Delhi ..103 1:14 5 100.. 700 tho entries below show the best time of 7C533 Jacquerie 10G l:14s 5 103.. 700 each horse at the distance since January 1, 1921, r.o matter where it finished. In case rou"h Rac 5 1"2 Furlongs. where record was made on other than a fast ri Purse ?C00. 4-year-olds and "Pw-ar.l. Claiminc. or good track, abbreviations show track Track record: March 2, 1919-1:0. 4 11 conditions. 7651C Kd Garrison 103 1:08 10 108X723 75492 Almirantc 101 1:07 0 97X720 7C447 Carrie Moore 112 1:00 8 101X715 Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Chicago time 1:42. J!!2 Col. Tat 103 1:07 4 102 .715 I Superior mud runner. XGood mud runner. 54.63 Miss Holland 9G 1:0873 G-104..jilO :kFair mud runner. M Maidens. Apprentic 76491 . Milda 110 1:03 S lObX-10 allowance. l.BIinkers. 76426 Kuth AVehle 102-1:07 10 97X705 76536 Financial Rooster .112 1:07 7 107 X 705 , First Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. 510 bFlying Orb 115 1:0S 7 107X700 Turse 1924.sh00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Fifth Race 3-4 Mile . Track record: March 2, 1919 1:05 1112. purse 4.ycar.oWs an,i pward. Claiming. - rr. , ,?.JiVi3 Track record: Jan. 25, 1920 1:11 5 116. Tnrt. ITorsc. Wt. Roe. A.AVt.Hnn. 7G278 Marjorie Wood ...107 1:06 4 1 02 X 725 760S9bRivcrSidc 10S 1:11 10 103. .725 76354 Get Em 107 1:07 6 102 X 720 7S4S3 End Man 112 1:12 7 107 X 720 7642G Riposta 112 1:07 10 102x715 76428 MissBeulah 109 1:13 4 105.. 715 76491: Walter Whitaker .107 1:07 9 110.. 710 76493 bForcst Queen 1111:12 0 101X715 76469 Hclioeross 114 1:07 9 102X710 76335J Scissors 110 1:15 4 104. .715 76448 AAeinland 113 1:09 9 113 X 703 ,26472 Perhaps 106 1:11 0 112X715 76350 Doctor D 106 1:07 12 107 X 705 6510 blluraorist 5 110. .710 -76445 AVilton Flnnna M102 1:09 5 102.. 700 75863 bStacy Adams ....112 1:12 5 110X705 76410 Lucky Mack . . . . . .10S 1:10 12 107X700 76067 Clem Tkeiscn ....107 1:13 0 103 X700 Second Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. sixth Eace 1 Mile and 70 Yards. . Turse SOOo.. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Turse 09. 3-year-olds and upward. Handicap. Track record: March 2, 1019-1:03 1112. Track record: Dec. 4, 19231:445102. 76471 PRINCE REGENT 99 1:44 4 113.. 725 , rrMoo a w a iAov-or- Ampl,:?- -V JSSJS IK-o 76429 George Kuffan.... 5 103X715 7"?9 ?UM MaJMHIa VSiS? SiT? 76471 Romping Mary.... 10S 1:43 4 100X710 JapMuma. Ill 1:08 , 10, X , 1 S 7656S TopanKO 4 103.. 710 76512 bSky Man 115 1:08 8 110.lj 7e4703 IIaniaIl 105 i:43 7 10CX705 76469 109 l:0i 7 110.. 10 San Diego 70471 76471 ri,Pmi:ri. Cnemlscrie 3 i 104... iiu 00 76469 Sun Turret 110 l:OS C 102X710 76468 Luckpenny 108 1:0S 5 102.. 705 Seventh Race 1 1-16 Miles. 76350 Blazing Fire 102 1:03 5 97 X 700 Iursc 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 76490 Gilder 115 1:09 S 107.. 700 Track record: Feb. 3, 1918 1:44 3 92. Third Race 3-4 Mile. 76530 Blazonry 116 1:40 9 107X723 Purse 000. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 76279 liKvelyn White ....110 1:43 5 102x720 Track record Jan. 23, 1920-1:11-3-116. 76569 El Coronel 102 1:48 8 100X715 76451 Miss Itankm 103 1:45 0 95X7151 76413 Spring Vale 103 1:13 7 100X 723 76536 AVinall 98 1:50 0 103X715 76412 Feodor ..109 1:14 - 7 110X 720 76535 bAlex .Tr 112 1:46 7 105X710 ! 7G258bBill Block 112 1:13 5 103x715 70536 Blue Brush 109 1:48 5 100.. 710 76533 Horeb 109 l:15s 7 110X715 76101 Plielan 102 1:48 0 104 X 705 76473 bFineastle 107 1:12 5 105X710 76451 Flaudel 105 1:48 5 103 X 705 76423 Betty Mae 93 1:13 4 97.. 710 76473 Billy Stuart 100 1:48 13 104X700 76255 bMomentum 103 1:15 5 103.. 703 76536 bFelix M 87 1:47 0 103X700 HAVANA JOCKEY PERCEXEACES. From .Tan. 1, 102:!, to Dec. SI, li2S, Inclusive. At or At or Over Over Jo?kcy. P.C. Wt. Mts. 1st; 2d. 3d. Jockey. P.O. Wt. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Sloan, C ; .50 113 2 1 1 0 Prible, D 10 06 73 7 8 3 Pickens. A. 22 106 160 3G 33 27 Ycrrat, A 10 93 153 16 13 20 Smith, W 20 10S 422 83 78 05 McLaughlin, A 09 96 119 11 14 15 Williams, G. .20 10S 403 79 64 51 Thrailkill, T. 09 104 122 11 19 11 Taylor, W IS 10S 493 90 90 09 Granncman, C 08 102 25 2 1 2 Callahan, J 18 10-1 492 90 81 72 Eaton, J OS 100 156 13 30 19 Majestic, J. 17 99 269 46 39 38 Beach, E OS 100 89 7 6 11 Dawson, J. J .17 S3 63 11 7 10 Primrose, W. ....... .03 111 308 26 34 49 Grace, U 17 105 291 49 43 39 Kiniry, F OS 106 72 G 5 4 Pernio. 0 1G 104 254 41 32 43 Taylor, CO.. 07 106 SI G 4 5 Hileman, E .16 110 184 29 28 23 Finley, A. 07 104 00 4 G 8 Burger, N. .16 105 169 27 33 2" Losee, W 07 103 51 4 5 5 Brunner, J 1G 113 128 20 10 9 Rowan, J 07 109 161 11 20 13 Kroger, A .14 107 93 13 12 13 Sliillick, II. 07 105 225 1G 24 151 Connors, J 14 109 224 31 35 23 Bruder, C 07 107 57 4 7 6 Boyle. S 14 113 7 1 1 3 McAlaney, R 06 104 162 9 19 21 Brothers, T 13 104 539 71 72 S2 Alonzo, A 00 107 19 1 3 2 Groos, P. G 13 93 444 59 59 44 Underwood. C 05 113 3S 2 14 Woodstock. F. .13 102 241 32 17 3S McCraun, R 05 107 163 9 13 14 Hughes, W 13 115 111 14 17 IS Dellow. W 03 103 33 1 3 G Lancet, W 13 102 415 52 52 07 McCabe, W. S 02 105 104 2 7 8 Seremba, F 13 106 267 34 40 33 Perdamo, A 9S 24 0 1 3 McLane. S 12 103 154 19 7 11 Shanks, J .. 100 7.0 0 1 Overton, A. 12 100 20 3 G 1 Cheatham. R 93 3S 0 2 3 Bryson, F. 12 103 230 27 23 27 Callahan. II 92 43 0 2 2 Banks, S 11 102. 294 31 27 23 Collins, C 93 5 0 0 1 Kessncr, J 11 92 133 14 13 11 Hatton, J 103 16 ,0 0 0 Paz, J 11 95 19 2 0 0 Hooper, 0 101 23 0 1 2 Click, II. 10 105 318 31 46 43 Jones, J. 100 24 0 4 G Jackson. C 10 111 246 24 36 31 King, G 101 20 0 3 3 Josiah, E 10 112 41 4 0 2 Mitchell, AV 100 G 0 0 0 1 f DA PC I - Furious:. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Marcli Ibi HMOC laia 1:05 1-5 4 112. Index Course Dist Time Tck Odds Wt St 51 Str Flu Jockeys Started Order of Finish MARJORIE WOOD. b. f, 4 103 By Wormleighton Argon Esher, by Eshw. Trainer, F. Skaggs. Owner, F. Skaggs. - Breeder, X. A. Lyne. 7C278 Havana lm50y l:45fast 21 103 3 3 3h 4i T Thrailk112 B.Dudley, Zapatos, Mooresquc 76160 Havana lm50y l:45fast 3 103 2 1 2 2 T Thrailkl 8 Sandy II., Copyright, Needy 75960 Havana 51 f 1:13 hvy 5 103 6 4 5 71 T Thlkill S Swim, Bab. Neenah 75813 Havana 51 f l:07fast 5 103 5 5 Gk 610 T Tli lkill 7 End Man, Momentum, Terigdine 72984 Lex.C.Fr 3-4 l:13fast 31 103 2 T Thrailkl Palladium. E. Princess, Mahonv 72917 Lex.C.Fr 5-8 l:00good 21 103 2" T Thrailkl 5 Winchester. F.Cnadian, Louden G8982 Mobile Ab CI f 1:29 hvy 15- 101 1 4 61 4" T Thrailkl G A.N. Akin, S.LightllL, Roy.Dick C8939 Mobile 1 l:44fast S 9Si 5 4 4 4 T Thrailkl 5 Glabella, BillyBern, Man. Maid 68878 Mobilo Ab 5-8 1:02 food 3-2 106 3 3 21 ll T Johnson S Fringe, JosieM., ThcMuleskinner GET EM, b. z. 6 102 By Marse Abe Directa, by Vinctor, Trainer, O. L. Ister. Owner, O. L. Foster. Breeder. O. A." Bianchi. 76354 Havana 51 f l:07fast 0 110 C 5 3 5" W Smith 7 Punctual, P.T.Barnum, Riposta 76138 Havana 3-4 l:14rast 5 114 1 2 3s S1 AV Smith 10 Betty Mae, Lilac Time, Rog 74648 Akron 3-4 13-5 10S 5" F Moore ! BusyBob, LghingEyesIL. Haran 74613 Akron 51 f l:0Sfast 46-5 10C 2 P Moore 5 Hoover, Aunt Deda, Shifty 74227 Akron 51 f 1:11 fast 41 110 5S1 F Moore 6 Josephine C, Or.Girl, Currency 7S796 Ygstwn 3-4 l:lSfast 3 103 ll F Horn 0 Mer.Mars, Amer.Eagle, SngVale 73705 Ygstwn 3-4 l:17fast 4 109 31 J Berg 5 Carrie Moore. Haran, Berretta 73004 jColumbs 51 f l:10slow 13 107 1" S Banks 10 Virgc, Kendall, Tom Xorris 72847 Columbs 51 f l:10slov 20 107 753 J Connors S Mad Nell. Cavalier, Paula V. 71559 Clksbc Ab 5-8 1:02 slow 21 108 1 C Grace G Rivulet. Adventuress, R. Wehle RIPOSTA, i. m, 10 102 By Chuctanunda Cantstota, by Boyal Emblem. Trainer. P. Hinnhy. Owner, P. Hipphy. Breeder. J. Sanford. 7042G Havana 51 f 1:CS fast C 112 2 1 2l 75 J Majestic 9 FlgBoat, EdGarson, Almirante 76354 Havana 51 f l:07fast 10 113 2 2 3 35 W Pmrose 7 Punctual, P. T. Barnum, Foxtail 76275 Havana . . 51 f l:07fast 10 112 7 3 10" D Prible 12 Legancy, Awning, Whippoorwill 76168 Havana 01 f 1:0S fast 10 108 S 4 41 11 O Pernia 12 Spring Vale, Col.rat, BlackBaby 75288 Whling Ab 5-S 1:01 hvy 6-5 113 52 J Majesticio M.Hollins, CannyLadv, Ser.Flag 75078 AVheels Ab 5-S 1:02 mud 11-5 109 31 P Moore S CarrieBaker, BigNoise, Sky Man 74787 Akron 51 f l:10fast 51 109 bi O Pernia EthelH., Car.Baker. AnntieEm 74673 Akron 51 f l:C9fast 7-10 115 3 AV Taylor ! Drapeiy. Dmlle Bug, Cover Up 74612 Akron 51 f 1:03 fast 8-5 11J lnt o Pernia 7 Lit. Pointer, Arthur Rule, Fame WAXTER AVHITAKER, b. g, 9 110 By J. F. Crowley Prithee, by Fiiisrane. Trainer, J. S. Hays. Owner, J. S, Hays, Breeder, W. G. Jenkins. 7G491 Havana 5 f 1:08 fast 4 113 1 4 2- 2"t AV Smith ! Black Rabv. Col. Pat, Milda 76371 Havana 51 f l:07fast 8 109 2 2 3 3 F AAoodck 8 Rog, Gav Bov II., Memphis 76217 Havana 51 f l:09fast 10 106 8 -2 31 41 F AVdstckl2 M.Garner, W.orQnit, FlyingBoat 76156 Havana 3-4 1:14 fast 15 108 7 10 10J ll15 J Majesticl2 Eliz.JewclI, B. Dudley, Armedee 76034 Havana 51 f l:7fast 10 107 3 3 3s 3i O Pernia 7 F.AVeather. El.Jewcll. Besthoff C8842 Havana 51 f l:0Sfast 6 110 3 6 6 C F Hunsker S Kinetic, Shifty, Rosie II. C8G20 Havana 51 f l:08fast 8 112 3 4 41 7s F Hunskcrl2 Big Son. Bay Atkin, Red C851G Havana 3-4 1:14 fast 10 115 2 3 3 25 F Ilunskerll Humpy, Uncle Sonny. Kama C8455 Havana 51 f l:0Sfaat 7 126 3 3 41 2 F Hunskerll TwtySeven, Sovgnil., Blooton HELIOCROSS, b. g, 9 103 By Heliotrope Applecross. by Lychnoscona. Trainer, W. Cedar. Owner, AV. Cedar. Bred in England by W. S. Heather. 7G469 Havana 51 f l:07fast 10 105 G 6 61 7" Ar McCabe 7 Advturess, SanDiego, B.Trumn 70413 Havana 51 f l:07fast 15 10S 4 7 7 7" AV Dallow 7 SIs.Susie, SpringVale, Q.Mnzonia 7412S Ystown Ab 5-S l:00ifast 2 113 Broke down. C Eames 7 Ethel H., Carrie Baker. Butler 73G53 Ygstwn 3-4 1:18 fast 2 112 iu C Eames 7 Old Pop, Jacobean, MaidenAotcr 7357G Ygstwn Ab 5-8 59 fast 51 103 5 K Deraavo 9 Jacobean. Britishlsles, Bridgette 73314 Freehold Ab Clf l:18fast 2 117 351 J Smwod C St.Idore. AV.Hphrev, Scot.Chief 73268 Freehold Ab3-4 1:20 slow 21 119 4" S AVida 5 Copyright, SanDiego, Baby Boy 73201 Freehold Ab 3-4 l:21hvy 2 115 3 AV Obert 7 MountHope, SanDiego, BabyBoy "WF.INLAND, b. g-. 9 .. 113 By Holiday House rimpinella. by Matchmaker. Trainer. G. H. Neal. Owner, G. H. Keal. Bred in England by F. R. Hansell. 76448 Havana 3-4 l:15fast 5 110 8 6 41 2i J Katon 8 Radical. Yallabilagel, Caipjthn 7G415 Havana lm55y l:46fast 8-5 104 4 2 21 4 J Eaton S Green Briar, ruccs. Old Rose 76313 Havana 1 1-1G l:47fast 4 102 4 3 2 2 J Eaton 0 Tan II., El Coronel, Sky Man 76236 Havana 3-4 l:13fast 6 110 1 2 2 3 J Connors S La Bleuet, Anncdee, Smite 7G199 Havana lm30y l:457ifast 20 113 4 6 7 7" J Connors 8 Am. Soldier. B. Dudley. Ylbilgcl 7G1G0 Havana ImoOy l:45fast 8 112 8 5 51 7" F AVoodck 8 Sandyll., Marj.Wooil, Copvright 76037 Havana 1 1-1C l:47fast 20 107 1 8 8 8" X Eurger 8 Tomahoi, Hercules, I laudel 75965 Havana lm"0y l:51hvy 10 109 1 5 5 5" T Brothers 5 Cab. Creek. Hercules. Fly.Irinee 75845 Havana 1 1-1C l:4Sfast 12 110 6 7 7 7J J Connors 7 Horeb. Gipsy Joe, Sprcflar Girl 75759 Havana lm70y l:45fast 6 103 1 6 9 9" J Connors 9 Bounce. Gipsy Joe, Conundrum DOCTOR D., b. e. 12 . . 107 By Galveston Verna Rice, by Dr. Rice. Trainer,. ,A., Younger. Owner, 0,ice. Breeder. W. B. Duke. 76350 Havana 51 f l;07fast 12 112 9 8 8 8 W Smith ! AVIiippoorwill. Ethel II.. Citper? 76290 Havana 51 f 1:07 fast 12 110 8 8 71 7" AV Smith S OKelly. Sky Man, Fath.Damieu 75315 AVhIinjr Ab 5-8 1:03 hvy 10 114 5" C Undwd 10 Currency. Josie Gorman. EdnaD, 75261 WhIins Ab C-8 1:01 hvy 18 107 5J AA Taylor 10 Auntie Em, Advance. Sky Man 751G3 AVhecle Ab 3-4 1:23 hvy 12 113 4 AV Smith S Jacobean, Little Pointer, Gilder 74867 Akron 61 f l:24fast fi 114 41 W Taylor 8 P.Myrtle, Jacobean, Chandelier 74785 Akron CI f 1:10 fast 4 109 S AV Taylor 1.1 Spinning, DudleBug, Sabretash 74571 Akron CI f l:23fast 24 115 4 AV Smith 10 Prin. Myrtle. Benecia, Homam 74479 Akron 3-4 l:16fast 7-5 112 3 AV Smith 9 FlyingBeauty, Fictile, Edna D. WILTON FLANNA. b. m. 5 M 103 By Danser Rock Verv Apt, by Arlington. Trainer. AV. C. Daly. Owner, W. C. Daly. Breeder. G. P. Finnigin. 76448 Havana 3-4 l:15fast 20 110 6 4 51 5 C Undwd S Radical, AVcinland, Yailabilagcl 76311 Havana 51 f 1:07 fajit -15- 103 11 8 8l 10" D Prible 11 Eliz.Jewell, F. Weather, PatsyB. 74849 Empire Ab 3-4 1 :10fast 1000 112 3 4 !! 5" H Stutts 7 Anigon, StcllaMaris. Stor.yPoint 74190 Aqueduct 61 f l:lSfast 2300 9S 5 6 C 63 AV Milner G Runviso. Poe, Mutiny 33249 Freehold 3-1 1:24 andhvy 20 111 5 J McCck 7 Fusee. Trite. Legal Tender 73157 Freehold Ab3-S 53Jfast 10 105 4" T McCk G Sweet Kiss. LyTybar, AVhirisS LTJCICY MACK, b. r, 12 107 By Dr. Mack Donna Elvira, by Ethelbert. Trainer, Z. Kelly. Owner, M. Kelly. Breeder. E. T. Kensinger. 7G410 Havana 1 f l:0Sfast 20 10S 2 4 61 714 F Seremba 7 AVestMeatli, Rog, Miriam Cooper 76309 Havana 51 f l:0Sfast 20 112 2 4 10l ll S Banks 11 Anncdee, Betty Mae. Pomerena 741 G2 Omaha 5-S 1:03 mud 43 111 6 11 11 10" S Hanks 12 Fox.sChoicc, Gen.Pefain. Aolim.i 739GI Omaha 51 f 1:10 slow 43 109 3 5 6l G"2 S Banks U F.G.Corley. Tmbeola, Malzavcna 73758 AViliows Ah 5-S 59 fast 13-5 112 1" C Thpson G ChIesC, Swt andlw, Bil.Joe 73GG4 AViliows Ab G-S 53fa?t 4 112 3s C Thp.son S Lantern, Millie Erne, Squash 73G55 AAillows Ab 5-S 59 fast 20 112 4J C Thpson 8 .arin, Apple Jack. Lola Fluke 7340G Hastings Ab5-S 1:00 fasr. 27 113 7" AV Aarley 7 Gertrude B.. Annabelle. Lantern Our J DA PC " 3-2 Furlongs. 4-year-olus and upward. Claiming:. Marcli 2, CAU HAUL 101a 1:05 1-5 1 112. AMELIA S., br. f, 4 102 By Sweep Fascination, by Buck Massle. Trainer, W. J. Hyatt. Owner, A. A. Winters. Breeder. E. C. Christian. 7G4D2 Havana 51 f l:C8fast 2 10S 9 5 21 2 C Hruder 9 EthelH., Drapery, Ladynarrigan 7G13G Havana 3-1 1:14 fast 8 ICG 5 3 3 43 C Bruder 7 AVawona, Approval. Okaloosa 76033 Havana 3-4 l:13fast 3 105 Left at post. C Taylor 7 Drftwood, Haran, Ira AAlIson 75777 Bowie 7-8 1:33 mud 32f 97 12 11 11 9 F Thdykel3 Far East, Poor Sport, Sea Sand 75243 Htgton 1 1-16 l:51hvy 4 107 4 C Bruder G BlkHackle, Fan.Nail, Delhimar 75174 Hunton 3-4 1:16 slow Cl-13 93 G J Eaton I: Advcntress, R. Stride, Whprwill 75020 Huntington 1 1:43 slow 37-10 97 35 J Eaton 5 ColaTenn., St.Paul, HillmanC. "4957 Huntington 3-4 l:13fast 6 103 54i T Bonham 10 Froth. JoyccIIoffnian, Full oFun 74791 Hunt on 3-4 l:13fast 8 103 2" C Bruder 6 Adventuress, Ballyw B.Hacklj 71714 Hunton 1 1-16. l:4Gfast 9 103 5I C Bruder G Secretary, Jn Morrill. Okaloosa QUEEN MAZONIA, ch. f, 4 105 By Seth Mazonia. by Kazagan. Traicr, S. T. Baxter." Owner, S. T. Baxter. Breeder. B. A. Josss. 7G490 Havana 51 f l:07fast 15 106 S 7 C 6" Tt McAlcy 8 Chile, Finality, Hullo 7G413 Havana . 51 f l:07fast 30 109 7 6 53 Sl It MeAFey 7 SisterSusie, SpringAale. Haran 7G353 Havana 5J f l:08fast 20 103 4 8 71 C5 U McAlcy S Needy. Kd Garrison, Kay S. 7G1G9 Havana 51 f l:07fast 13 108 5 6 7 7 A Taylor 8 End Man, Momentum, Finality 75961 Havana 51 f l:llhvy S 107 1 2 11 2nk AV Taylor 7 Fictile, Superior, Lcgicy 75320 AVhling Ab 5-S 1:01 hvy 10 101 Pulled up. AV McCabell As.Queen, BcTrman, Whperins 73235 AVhceljj Ab 3-4 1:24 mud 13 10S 2 AV Taylor S Canny Lady, Orris, Ciceronian 748G4 Akron 5-S 1:03 fast 12 111 5i AV Taylor S Ella C. Elga. Canny Lady 74824 Akron 51 f l:09fast 40 111 41 AV McCabe 5 LgEyesIL. M.Hollins, Currency 74745 Akron CI f 1:25 good 9 104 - C AV Taylor 9 ThcChanibern. Madson, O.Jamcs JAP MUMA, b. g, 6 107 By Hdrini Dazzling Ray, by Giganteum. Trainer, F. J. Russ. Owner, W. Metzgar. .Breeder. Mrs. L. A. Livingston. 76535 Havana lmGOy l:41fast 12 ICG S 2 5J CS A Yerrat 9 Iliieti, Shingle Shack, Rita B. 7619D Havana lm30y l:45fast 10 110 6 8 S S F AArdstck 8 Am.SoIdier, B.Dudley. Ylbilgel 7G15G Havana 3-4 1:14 fast 12 111 8 6 Gl 72 F Aoodckl2 Eliz.JewclI, B. Dudley, Armedee 7G032 Havana 2-4 l:13fast 12 1C9 G 6 51 G" J McCabe 11 Acosta, TomXorris, Herron 74961 Stamford Ab 5-S 1:00 fast 73 115 4? AV Pmrose 9 Black Biby. Al Hotfoot, Avion 74842 Stamfrd lm20y l:47fast 20 305 7" AV Dellow 7 Flor.Deen, J.B.Brown, K.Trojan 74801 Stamfrd lm70y 1:50 fast 13 110 2 W Dellow 7 H.M.Stevens, KingliuglL, Parol 7475G Stamfrd 3-4 1:22 good 26 122 S14 X Foden S Ser.Flag, Clieoteague, Brdview 74424 Thcliffe 3-4 1:13 fast 43 103 11 9 Gl G3 AV Pmrosell Athanna. J.Hoffman. BlckBaby 74298 Thcliffo 1 1-S l:51fast 63 10S 3 5 5l 6 3 AV Pmrose 7 CleanGouc. TheCIocknder, Louis SKY MAN, ch. g, S 110 By Aeronaut Trnid. by Voter. Trainer. T. MeBride. Owner. T. McBride. Breeder. S. L. Parsons. 7G512 Havana ui f 1:08 fast 31 1C6 3 3 3"k G4 C Jackson 8 Gloom, Armedee, Legacy 7G447 Havana 5-S 1:00 fast 5 115 3 3 4 Zl C Jacicson S P.T.Barnum, Huirorist. Col. Pat 7G392 Havana 3-4 l:14fast 5 112 1 1 11 31 AV Smith 8 Golden Chance, Haran, Scurry 7G313 Havana 1 1-lfi l:47fast 5 110 3 2 31 4" A Smith 0 Tan II., AVeinland. El Coronel 76290 Havana 51 f 1:07 fast 10 107 4 2 21 2 AV Taylor S OKelly. Fath.Damien. Kendall 75823 Havana 54 f l:logood 3 ICS 3 2 2k 3s AV Smith Rapid Stride, Superior, Fictilo 75261 AVhling Ab G-S 1:04 hvy 9 111 3 AV MnderslO Auntie Kin, Advance, Mary O. 75078 Wheels Ab 5-3 1:02 mud 4 110 41 AV Mnders 8 Carrie Baker, Big Noise, Riposta 74947 Akron 3-4 l:16fast 9 312 1 C Jackson 7 Gilder, Pomercne, Top Rung 74570 Akron 5-S 1:03 fast 43-3 110 ll F Moore S Jack lot, Bridgette, Bab 74481 Akron 51 f l:0Srast 27 109 - 71 F Moore 8 Gloom, Riposta. AVee Toddler SAJf DIEGO, cli. g, 7 110 By Hoaeywood Ida, by Peep oDay. Trainer, E. J. Albright. Owner, Mrs. E. J. Albright. Breeder. Navada Stock Farm. 7G469 Havana 51 f l:07fast 5 113 5 2 24 24 A Pickens 7 Advturess, B.Trucman, Debadou 76255 Havana 3-4 1:15 fast 4 105 9 8 S8 715 C Grace 9 Momentum, AVm. Oldt. Hullo 1 75560 Mlboro Ab31 f l:12good 7 108 3 4 45 4 AV Milner S Feodor, Eliz. Jewell, Finality 75520 Mlboro Aba! f l:12slow 10 115 1 3 3 31 L Jenkins 8 Fluff. Elizabeth Jewell. Bojart 75500 MarFro Ab 51 f 1:13 slow S 110 6 4 31 3 L Jenkins 8 Busy Bob. TheSheik. K. Johnson 74171 H.deGce 3-4 1:13 fast 32 112 5 7 Ci Gi AV Lilley Pet.Piper, RoundRobin, Bl.IIawk 7342G Timonm 3-4 1:22 hvy 41 114 3 AA Lilley 5 Avalanche. AlfVezina, L.Tender 73389 Timonm AbGIf 1:27 fast 6 115 34 AV Lilley 5 Acosta. Tomahoi. Prince AVelles 73268 Freehold Ab3-1 1:20 alow 7-10 110 21 AA Obert 5 Copyright, BabyBoy, Hcliocrob SUN TURRET, ch. g, 6 102 By Sunstar Marian Hood, by Marta-on. Trainer, B. B. Rice. Owner, B. B. Rice. Breeder. Short Grass Stud. 7G4G9 Havana 51 f l:07fast 40 111 7 7 7 6" J Shanks 7 Advturess, SanDiego, B.Trumn 7G392 Havana 3-4 l:14fast 30 110-7 6 7s J Shanks 8 Golden Chance, Haran, Sky Man 7G253 Havana 3-4 l:13fast 30 107 7 7 7 715 J ShanUs S War Fox, OKelly, John Morrill 7G197 Havana 3-4 1:14 fast 6 115 10 11 111 1014 AAT Lancet 12 Superior. Gol. Chance, Ail.Aernor T173G Dovshire 11-16 1:59 mud 21 111 S" AV Lancet 11 Bees AVing. Romulus. Amaze 71607 Devshiro 1 1:41 fast 13 102 5s AV Lancet 7 Roisterer, NanMKinney, Dancer 71544 Devshire 3-4 l:14fast 11 113 9" AV Lancet It Dr.C. Wells, Topango, Full oFun 70374 Map.Hts 1 1-16 l:46fast 27 103 ll P Groos S X.Tower, AV.Tnbow, T.Fcigner 70256 Map.Hts 3-4 l:13fa3t 21-10 113 CU P Groos S Jacobean, FirstConsul, SeaBoard LUCKPENNY, blk. g, 5 103 By Fayette Personal, by Kinley Mack. Trainer, D, Franklin. Owner, S. V. Cummings. Breeder, H. T. Oxnard. 7G4G8 Havana 51 f l:0Sfast 6 30S 7 1 2J 4J .T Dawson 7 Whispering, Huen, EdGarrison 7G426 Havana 51 f 1:08 fast 6 109 7 S 9 3i A McLhlin 9 FlgBoat, EdGarson. Almirante 74922 Stamiord Ab 3-S 1:00 fast 7-3 110 G F AAatrous G Athanna. K.sQueen, MissLeggo 74800 Stamfd Ab 3-S l:00fast 9 115 514 H Chappll 0 James B. Brown. Avion, Fiesta 74758 Stamfrd 5-S l:02good 41 113 11 F AAatrous G Flor.Deen, Assy.Qucen. Athanna 74424 Thcliffe 3-4 1:15 fast 11 104 3 1 31 4r3 P AAatrousll Athanna, J.Hoffman, Bl-kBaby 74327 Thcliffe 3-4 1:13 fast .9 113 2 1 1!1 2l F Sharpe 13 Shue, Pravus, Amber Fly 73787 Dufferin Ab 5-S l:02fast S 10S 010 It McDott 7 CarcFree. Clarkson, MackGarner 735G5 Dufferin Ab 5-S l:02slow 24 113 41 E Harbne S Avion, Little Less, Service Flag 72435 Hamton 5! f l:0Sfast 51 10s! 3 5 4l S10 It McDott 9 Patchwotk. Gallipot. J.Hoffman 72251 Kenilwh 3-4 l:13slow 9G 100 5 6 9 9 It Costello 9 Mercury. SethsLemon, Wakelp 72097 Kenilwh 3-4 l:12fast 40 103 G 6 10l 11 J Maiben 12 AVake Up, Brunswick, Ogarite BLAZING FIRE, ch. m, 5 97 By Jloneywood Lady Vera, by Woolsthorp. Trainer, W. Kimmich. Owner. H. C. Halus. Breeder. Nevada Stock Farm. 76350 Havana 51 f l:07fast 15 107 S 9 9 93 J Hatton 9 AVIiippoorwill. Ethel II.. Capers 75963 Havana 5! f 1:12 nvy 8 101 S 8 S S J laz S-Boxwood. MgtLnncl. M.Hollins 72979 Columbs 51 f l:C9fast 15 105 5 .1 Byrne 7 AAar Man. MelbaPolly, Uranium 72G40 Columbs 51 f l:19hvy 13 102 545C AVhite 5 GypsyLight. Mauson, Ciceronian 723G2 Map.Hts 3-4 1:13 fast 59 10S 9 10 11 11" C AVhite 12 Aticipate. Crest. Bov, Aknocker 70534 Map.Hts 3-4 l:13fast 26 109 71 J J AValsh 9 Ashlin, Rap.Stride, Mar.Loretta 70452 Map.Hts 51 f l:C6fast 19 158 Gi J J AAalsh 8 Zoonn, Refrain, Castlereagh 70330 Map.IFts 51 f l:0Sfast 7 1C3 G2 AAr Lancet 10 Huron II., Ula, Arravan G9G20 Columbus 51 f l:10fast 11 101 G L larttonlO AVinkie. Q of theSpa. Cnecticut GILDER, br. g, 8 107 By All Gold Flora Mac, by Falsetto. Trainer, J. Bowler. Owner, AV. Berry. Breeder. H. P. Whitney. 7G490 Havana 51 f l:07fast 15 115 1 G S S" F Seremba 8 Chile, Finality, Hullo 7642G Havana 51 f 1:08 fast 12 115 9 9 7! S4J J Connors 9 FlgBoat, EdGarson, Almirante 76350 Havana 5 f l:07fasL S 112 2 5 61 6 0 A Kroger ! AVIiippoorwill, Ethel II., Capers 76168 Havana 51 f 1:08 fast 6 11G 10 9 9s SJ J Smith 12. Spring Aale. Col. Pat, BlackBaby 75963 Havana 51 f 1:12 hvy 21 109 2 7 G AV Smith S Boxwood, MgtLand. M.llollius 75262 Wheeling Gi f 1:33 hvy 6 112 910 II Clments 9 Bantam. Aeroniea. Sandy II. 75163 AVheelg Ab 3-4 1:23 livy 10 113 S F Seremba S Jacobean, Littlelointer, DoetorD. 75047 AVheelg Ab 5-S l:02slop 41 103 21 J Majestic 7 Elga. Justina E. Boxwood 74947 Akron 3-1 l:lGfast S 103 2 J Majestic 7 Sky Man, Pomerene. Top Rung 74823 Akron 51 f 1:10 fast- IS 113 " 3 II Clments 7 Shifty, BillBlackwell. JustinaE. O-J DA PIT " Mile. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Jan. 25, 1020 oiu nAUt iii 5 110. SERING VALE, ch. m, 7 109 3y Free Lance Mescal, by Cactus II. Trainer, G. H. Marl man. Owner, C. B. Marlman. Breeder. J. Churchill. 76413 Havana 51 f l:07fast 7-5 113 6 1 11 21 J Connors 7 SisterSusie, QnMnzonia. Haran 7G330 Havana 51 f l:07fast 4 112 5 2 2 21 J Connors 8 PepperTea. Bl.Baby, Almirante 76168 Havana 51 f 1:0S fast 4 110 4 1 1 1 J Connors 12 Col. Pat, Black Baby, April 76100 Havana 51 f l:07fast 10 109 5 1 1 21 J Connors 10 Feodor, Col. Pat, Polite 75987 Havana 51 f l:10faat 7 ICS 6 2 44 4 P Groos 7 Lenora P., Ben Bolt. Boxwood 75907 Havana 3-4 1:14 fast 3 106 6 3 21 3l F Kiniry 7 LucyChurchill. Radical. Haran 752G0 Whling Ab 5-8 1:04 hvy 12 111 3S J Connors 10 BigNoise, M.IIoFnd, T.CirberFn 75202 Whling Ab 5-S 1:02 mud G 110 51 O OMahy 8 Pep. Tea, Miss Holland, Advance 75139 AVhling Ab 3-4 l:22hvy 12 117 31 L Gray 7 L.KyesII., Orleans Girl. Assume 75043 Wheelins 3-i l:20slop 9 10S 4J F Horn 5 Gloom, GoldenChance. Car.Moore FEODOR. ch. r, 7 110 By Ivan the Terrible Hannie Hodge, by Rossington. Trainer. F. J. Boyle. Owner, F. J. Byle. Breeder. W. AV. Darden. 70412 Havana 51 f 1:0S fast 4-3 .118 1 3 l"t ll E Hileman 7 M.IIolland, R.Stride, L.ChurchiU 76312 Havana 3-1 l:13fast 3 126 8 6 3s 4 E Hileman 9 J.Underwood. Gleulivet, WarFox 7G172 Havana 3-4 l:14fast 3 114 3 1 1 Is E Hileman 8 PnimisingTom, AVarFox. Acosta 7GJ00 Havana 51 f l:07fast 4 112 4 3 21 11 E HilemanlO Spring Aale, Col. Pat, Polite 7G008 Havana 51 f 1:08 fast 4 117 7 2 2 2U E Hileman 8 L.EveslI.. Dewitt. AVin or Quit 755G0 Mlboro Ab31 f l:12good 14 110 4 3 34 1" E Hileman S Eliz.Jewell. Finality. San Drcgo 75540 Mailro Ab 51 f l:12slow 12 113 3 4 41 3l F AVdstek S Iep.Tea, Eliz.Jewell, M.Jmnbo 75519 Marlro Ab 31 f l:12alow S-D 112 1 3 3; 5 J Dennison 7 M.Jumbo, T.J.Pdgast, L.Tendef 73499 Marlr.. Ab 61 f 1:30 slow 18-5 112 4 1 11 2 J Dennison 8 InaKay, T.J.Prgast, Wdthrush 75480 Marlboro 61 f 1:29 mud 9 103 G 4 3l 4 P AVdsfck 8 SeaSaiid. SaltPctcr, Uncle Sand BILL BLOCK, ch. , 5 105 By Andrew Foremost, by Aintree. Trainer, P. Hinphy. Owner, T. Matthews. Breeder. J. H. Morris. 7G258 Havana 1 1-16 l:48fast 4 114 4 4 3h 31 SBoyle 8 Tomahoi, Neenah. Okaloosa 7G140 Havana lm70y 1:45 rast 21 10S 6 4 3 31 O Pernia ; Jellison, Biddledee, Conundrum 7590G Havana 3-4 l:13fast 4 105 5 u 4 ll O Pernia S Gay Hoy. MackGarner, Sandyll. 75813 Havana 51 f l:07fast 21 111 7 G C 51 P Groos 7 End Man, Momentum, Perigdine 75783 Havana 51 f l:12hvy 6 109 1 3 44 3l P Gross 0 ToniNorris, L.E.vesII., Ballyncw .4911 Akron 7-S l:30fast 21 107 31 O Pernia 9 Amer.Eagle, Paula V.. Advance 74707 Akron 7-3 l:2Sfast 16-5 117 S5 P G100-5 G Golden Bed. Tomahoi, Orl. Girl 7 1617 Akron 11-16 1:49 fast El-10 ICS Ink O pornia 8 La Kross. Chandelier, Blar.Bov 74485 Akron 7-8 l::nfat 22 113 3 AV Smith G Matiueeldol, PaulaW, Armistice 7430G Akron 7-S l:29fast 92 107 9 J Schlessr 9 C.otheltVt. G.Chance, Wm.OhU 7:i791 Dufferin 7-S l:32fast 13 113 7" N Foden 7 Morn on. .1 jhnMoiiill. LeeKnfield 73743 Dufferin Ci f 1:27 fast 6 J07 2" R McDott 7 Matin.Idol. L.Adair. Kinglingll. HOREB, b. s, 7 110 By Hoiron Cyprienne. by Kingston. vTr?iner. W. R. Padsert Owner, H. Dougherty. Breeder. Talbot Bros. 7G533 Havana 3-1 l:llfast 5 114 1 G Cs 2l AV Smith 9 ColdeuCliancc, L.Time. War Far 76104 Havana. 1 1-JG lMlifast, 3-i 115 al. 2,a2 2 AV Smith G Boxwood, Fying Priheet -.Phelan 75965 llaranu! "UmTOy Iandlhvr,and 1 113 3 3 3!- 4I1"W Smith 5 Ciib.Creck, Hercules, Fly.Irinee 75845 Havana 1 MG l:4Sfast- 2 -11a 2 1 1 1 AV Smith 7 GipyJoe. SpeerGirl, Conundrum 757GO Havana lm70y 1:43 fast 4 109 1 1 ll ll W Smith 8 Spectacular Girl. Lank. Toirialibl 75209 Huntton 1 1-16 l:54mud 8-5 103 41 II Glicit G Scraps, Pir.McGee, Bl.AVatcliII. 75019 Htington 1 1-16 l:49slow 7-5 115 ll AV Smith 5 Coscorron, Hatidfull. Red 74918 Hunton lm70y l:47s!ow 21 113 2 AV Smith 8 Col.Tcnn, Dbfounder, Fincastle 74 754 Hunton. Im70y 1:45 fast 7 109 51 AV Smith 7 P.McGee, B.AVatchlL, Fincastle 73706 Ygstwn 61 f l:24fast 4 111 21 AV Smith 5 C. o the Roost, F.oFun. M.Mars 73606 Ygstwn 2-4 1:17 fast 11-5 112 1 AV Smith 7 Carrie Moore. Pelion. AVildDeuea FKCASTLE, ch. Z, 5 105 Br Tbe 2Cnfer Kings Daughter, by Ornament. Trainer. J. X. Paul. Owner, A. 8. Eastman. Breeder. T. C. McDowell. 76473 Havana 3m50y l:43fast 3 109 7 1 1 41 C Grannen 7 Bounce, Nig. Acosta 76394 Havana 1 1-16 l:47fast 6 167 4 1 11 24 J Dawson 8 Bounce. WalterTurnbow, TanTI. 76239 Havana 1 1-16 l:7fast 21 106 5 3 4 S C Grannen 7 FlyingPrince. Montillo, SandyH. 762 IC Havana 3-4 1:14 fast 10 104 1 3 41 ll C Grman 10 Fineastle, Approval, Nig 76103 Havana 1 1-16 l:46faat 12 101 14 4 41 C Gneman 7 Scissors, nercules, British Liner 76037 Havana 1 1-16 l:4774faat 6 103 3 2 21 4T C Grmann 8 Tomahoi, Hercules, llaudel 75871 Havana 1 1-36 l:47faat 5 105 6 5 G3 5" J Katon 3 British Liner. Lank. Herron 75793 Havana lm?0y l:50ihvy 4 102 7 7 7 7" J Eaton 8 Cab.Creek, B.Watchll., F.Prince 75511 Churchill 7-8 l:26Hfaat 7f 110 li 9 10 10 AV Lancet 13 Ben Valet, Spats, Charles Henry BETTY MAE, b. f, 4 97 By Balph Binda. by The BarJ. Trainer, F. Rector. Owner. F. Bee tori. Breeder. G. J. tone. 76428 Havana 3-4 l:13andfast 5 98 5 5 3 2 .T Eaton 8 MissBlah, Elir. Jewell, Needy 76309 Havana Gl f l:08lfast 2 104 8 7 41 2 D Prible 11 Armedec. Pomerene, Scurry 76138 Havana 3-4 l:14fast 3 93 5 1 l3 1 D Prible 10 Lilac Time, Roe. Primitive 74597 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 34f 94 3 11 11s 11" D Jones 12 StoneAge, Lord Allen, Redwood C8G3X Havana 51 f l:09fast 3 102 4 2 2 2 T Burns 11 BigNoise, JkHcaley, McMurpliy 67737 Havana 51 f l:07sfast 4 37 6 7 7 61 T BrotherslO AVildCat, rmdential, Rosie H. 67568 Havana 3-4 l:14andfast 8 103 4 4 3 4J T Burns 7 Picgan, Confederacy, Rockabye 66583 Latonja 1 l:40Xfast 73 101 5 9 10" S3 T Brothersll MissColttc, RlueBird. AlSteblet 66416 Latonia 3-4 l:13Hfast 15 99 2 8 9 8TJ H Stutts 12 M.G.Gdncr. N.Sccdus. BlueBird 660G3 Latonia 51 f 1:12 hvy . 41 107 7 7 and 7 H Glick 12 Flow.Shop. Power. K.Carpentcr MOMENTUM, ch. g, 5 105 By Hrrrigan Meddling Hannah, by Bedeck. Trainer, H. Torriente. Owner, H. Torriente. Breeder, B. A. Jones. 76255 Havana 3-4 1:15 fast 21 108 1 1 1" 11 A Alonzo 9 Win. Oldt, Hullo, naran 76169 Havana 51 f l:07fast 5 111 2 3 2 23 A Alonzo 8 End Man, Finality, Bird Shot 75843 Havana 51 f l:07ifast 21 110 4 3 3 21 A Alonzo 7 EndMan, Pcrigrdine. Punctual 75792 Havana 51 f 1:11 hvy 10 108 2 2 31 3i A Alonzo 8 Glenlivet, Rapid Stride, Radical 74908 Akron 51 f 1:10 fast S-5 105 1 O Pernia 7 Punctual, SandyH., LittleAvon 74786 Akron 31 f lfast 61 104 4i O Pernia 9 Be Trueman, Floralia, Coax Me 74335 Akron 51 f l:09fast 3 108 51 L Parfton 7 AuntDeda, Ladyllarrigan. Virse 74268 Akron 5J f 1:10 fast 6 104 l1 L Parfton 9 Ethel H., Punctual. Sacajawea 73842 Dufferin Ab 3-8 l:02fast 12 112 Cl R McAney 8 Char.Suramy, Scr.Flag, LillianG. GREEN BHIAB, ch, e. 5 110 By Ivan Gardner Indiana, by Fidelio. Trainer. X. V. Bellew. Owner, J. C. Ellis. Breeder, J. W. Beatty. 76569 Sp" todays chart. 7G415 Havana lm50y l:46Stfast 1 109 3 1 1 ll V Groos 8 Cruccs, Old Rose. "Weinland 70309 Havana 01 f l:0SJandfast 5 107 11 11 SI S33 P Groos 11 Armedec, Betty Mae, Pomerene 73472 Churchill 1 l:4tandfast 20 116 2 1 11 2 B Harvey 14 Links, Leontes, Chief Brant 75301 Latonia 3-4. l:13fcfast 6 115 6 7 10 71 B Harvey 12 Un.Hngh. ChiefBrant, RachelD. 75061 Latonia ImTOy l:52Xhvy 10 116 5 2 2l 31 E Martin 6 Enrico, Links, Lew Pope 74809 Latonia lmiOy l:45fast GO 116 6 G 4s E Martin 11 Eilanger, UrandeDame, PetcFoy 74507 Latonia 3-4 l:135fast 43 116 11 S fl1 C5 E Martin 12 Crayon, Enrico. Erlanger LADY DELHI, b. m, 5 100 By Delhi Lady Teresa, by Star Shoot. Trainer, G. M. Johnson. Owner, AV. Becse. Breeder, S. H. Velie. f 2040 Churchill 3-4 1:13 good 23 103 8 9 9 S11 Li AVlrth 9 Jankn, Birdie G WaywardLady 61849 Churchill 3-4 1:15 hvy 13 104 2 4 4 3 L. Wirth 5 Glyn, Birdie G., McGces Pink 53837 Empire 51 f l:07fast 5 112 5 3 31 31 F Colletti C Timbrel. Marsilale, Reparation 53597 Empire Gl f l:07good 8-5 102 1 1 11 11 P Colletti 9 Rose Brigade, Kirtle, Glcnbclls 552G4 Aqueduct 5-S l:004fast 5 104 3 2 23 2i F Collettil2 D.Deadeye.- Mar. White, Bounful 55089 Aqueduct 5-S l:01fast 1S-5 93 2 2 3 21 F Colletti 13 Lit. Patsy. V. Colleen. Runnyol 54439 Jamaica 5:3 l:02slow 1 107 3 3 HUP ColV-ui 8 F.Kney, Dovcsrst, T.Clkmdcr JACQUERIE, br. m, 5 105 By Prince Ahmed Jacquelina, by Jack Point. Trainer, L. G. Bedwell. Owner, Kenton Stable. Breeder. H. G. Bed well. 7G533 Havana 3-4 l:14andfast 6 103 7 9 9 93 P Groos S .GoldenChancc, Horeb, L. Time 74294 Thcliffe 1 1-1G l:47fast 5 101 4 5 7l 710 M Garrett 12 Auaprisa, JuneFly, LtChancell. 73590 Dorval ImTOy lfigood 12 103 4 6 6 G" P Groos 6 Murray, Cordelier, AVaywassamo 73537 Dorval ImTOy 3:18slow 14-5 100 5 G G CP Groos 0 KingWave, Bryntliona, JuneFly "7.1494 B.Bnnets 3-4 l:14slcw 9 106 4 5 5s 2 V Groos 7 Gybourne, Bnthona, Almirantc 73461 B.Bor.nts 11:40 fast 8 96 1 6 6 6 M Garrett G Fornovo, D.deMorny, GrassMaid 73355 B.Bnnets 1 1-8 l:55fast 3 102 4 2 31 35i G Fields 9 Tamper, Fannie Nail. Austral .ill, DA PC " 3-2 Fnrlongfi. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming:- Olarcli , 4 iM HAUL, 1J15 1:05 1-5 1 1111. ED GARRISON, b. g, 10 108 By Ogden Country Fraud, by Deceiver. Trainer. J. Gass. Owner. W. Feuchter. Breeder. S. C. Xyno. 76510 Havana 51 f 1:07 fast 5 101 6 4 3 31 J Eaton 7 Humorist. Clay Allen. Fictile 76468 Havana Gi f l.OSHfast 2 1C5 2 4 4l 31 J Eaton 7 Whispering, Hucn, Luckpenny 76426 Havana Gi f 1:08 fast 2 102 5 3. 3 2k J Eaton 9 FlygBoat, Almirantc, R.Wehle 76353 Havana 51 f l:0S7sfast 4 103 3 1 ll 2l J Eaton S Needy. Kay S., Airge 76275 Havana 61 f l:07V4fast 10 107 4 5 41 6 J Eaton 12 Legancy, Awning, Wliippoorwill 75329 Hunton 51 f 1:08 fast llf 104 2 J Eaton 12 LucyClmrchill, Ncenah, Loyalty 75296 Huntgton 51 f l:08fast 11 105 ?S II Click 9 Dickncll, Athlete. Dearie 75267 Hunfgton 51 f l:08fast 15 104 6 H Glick 8 Lt. Perkins, Gold Bank. Pclion 75143 Hunfgton Gi f l:llslow 5 104 SI W Lancet. 12 Bristow. Star Time. Smite 75052 Hungton GS f 1:11 livy 10 104 7,e W Lancet 9 H.Buxton. Gonwithim, Monsoon ALMIRANTE, b. m, 6 97 By Dorante Adoration, by Ornament. Trainer, A. G. Dunlap. Owner. A. G. Dnnlap. Breeder. S. L. Nesbitt. 76192 Havana 51 f l:04fast S-5 110 8 7 7 7S1 W Smith 9 Ethel IL, Amelia S., Drapery 76426 Havana Gl f 1:08 fast 5 112 8 7 8 31 AV Smith 9 FlygBoat, EdGarson. R.Wehle 76330 Havana 61 f l:07Vsfast 7 104 7 7 51 4J O Pernia 8 Pep. Tea. SprgAale, Blk Baby 7G288 Havana 51 f l:075ifasc G 103 3 2 5 ol O Pernia 12 Ben Bolt. Virge. Black Baby 75320 Whllng Ab 5-8 1:01 hvy 23 102 S2 D Randell 11 As.Qiieen, BeTrman. AVhpering 75291 AVhling Ab CI f 1:30 hvy 10 107 73 P Moore 8 Gold. Red, Orl.Girl, LngEycslI. 75199 Whling Ab 5-8 1:02 mud 10 105 3?i F Jloore S Coax Me. MndNcll, aiincoteague 74921 Stamford 1 l:4Sfast 13 104 6" P Bullman 7 Tribune, Fiesta. Dominator 74798 Stamrrd 3-4 1:18 fast 3 108 l3 P Bullman S ..Scrapper. FuffBnll. FlyingFonl 74716 Stanifrd 5-S 1:02 fast 9 115 21 P Bullman 8 KcIlysQueen, P.Moody, Ann K. 73494 B.Bnnets 3-4 l:14slow 15 103 1 1 21 41 J Chalmers 7 Grcybourne, Jacquerie, Bnthona CARRIE MOORE, h. m, 8 1G4 By McGee Dutch Barbara, by Flying Dutchman. Trainer. J. A. Parson. Owner. J. A. Parson. Breeder. C. W. Hours. 76447 Havana 5-S 1:00 fast 6 112 2 5 a3 5S1 G Willims 8 P.T.Barnum, Humorist, Sky Man 76290 Havana 51 f 1:07 fast 4 107 1 3 53 5" G AVliams 8 OKelly. Sky Man, Fath.Damicn 76216 Havana 3-4 1:14 fast 5 100 3 2 31 SU G King . 10 Fineastle. Approval, J.Underwd 76171 Havana 51 f l:07fast 21 108 2 2 21 2!1 C Grace 7 SisterSusie, Haran, Bootstraps 76009 Havana 51 f l:0Sfast 5 10S 1 1 31 2l G AVliams S Forewarn. Foy, Haran 75987 Havana 51 f l:10fast 4 103 2 G 7 710 G AVillms 7 Lcnora P., Ben Bolt, Boxwood 75820 Havana 51 f l:10s,ood 3 109 2 1 3: 3 G AVHUms 7 Htrope, M.Garner, Col. Pat 75790 Havana Gi f l:12hvy 8-5 109 G 3 6l 7C2 G AVillms 8 Califa. Clem Tlieisen, Needy 75757 Havana Gl f 1:00 fast 10 110 G 6 Ga" 7s G AVliams 8 MtnLsic, Mionette, R.onTime 75232 Wheels Ab 5-S 1:01 mud 12 113 31 G AVliams 7 BeTrueman, MissLiberty, Gloom COL. PAT, ch. e. 4 102 By Pataud Colle. by Marta Santa. Trainer. S. T. Baxter. Owner, S. T. Baxter. Breeder. E. P. OMcara. 76491 Havana 51 f 1:08 fast S-5 111 3 1 lh 3"t J Eaton 9 BlaekBaby. AV.AVhitakcr, Milda 76447 Havana 5-8 1:00 fast 6 110 6 4 31 4"i J Eaton S P.T.Barnum, Humorist, Sky Man 76168 Havana Gl f 1:08 fast 21 103 1 2 21 2 J Eaton 12 Spring Aale, Black Baby. April 76100 Havana 51 f l:07ifast 6 105 2 2 3 31 J Eaton 10 Fcodor, Spring Aalc, Polite 759G4 Havana 51 f 1:13 hvy 2 102 3 1 2 3;1 .1 Eaton 0 Gupton, Punctual, Sandy II. 758G8 Havana 51 f l:07andfast 5 100 1 1 2s 4J J Eaton 8 StacyAdams. Kendall. Hiif trope 75820 Havana Gi f l:l0.go-l 4 104 0 2 4l 41 J Eaton 7 Htrope, M.Garner. CarrieMoore 753S2 Hunton Gl f 1:07 fast 7 100 5 J Eaton S Bro.Jolm, ArcticKing, Topango 751 12 Hunfgton 51 f 1:11 hvy S 110 7 J Eaton 7 JocllaJ., J.Ilicknian. BtherJohn 74991 Huntington 3-4 miandfast 3 102 1 J Eaton 10 BrotherJohu, Ail.Acrnor, Devite MISS HOLLAND, b. ra, 6 104 By Vandergrift Oseetah. by Ornament. Trainer. O. Tujgle. Owner, O. Tuggle. Breeder. H. P. Headley. 76468 Havana 61 f l:084fast 5 107 3 5 G 7G1 F Kiniry 7 Whispering, Huen, EdGarrison 76412 Havana 5Vf 1:08 fast 12 95 2 5 3 21 F Kiniry 7 Feodor, RapidStride. UChurchill 76350 Havana 51 f l:07fast 10 104 7 G G1 51 J Eaton 9 Wliippoorwill. Ethel U., Capers 76288 Havana 51 f l:07fast 10 105 11 11 11 10 C Grace 12 Ben Bolt, Airge, Black Baby 76168 Havana 51 f 1:08 fast 5 10S 12 10 10l 9J H Glick 12 Spring Aale, Col.Pat, BlaekBaby 75260 Whllng Ab 5-S 1:04 hvy 11 113 2v P Lux 10 BigNoise, Sp.Aale, T.Cirberln 75202 AVhling Ab 5-S 1:02 mud 15 107 2 F Lux 8 Pepper Tea, Advance, Arietta 75137 WUIing Ab G-S 1:02 hvy 19 103 F. Lux S BabeRuth, Currency, Auntie Em 75042 Wheelg Ab G-8 l:02slop 16 113 2 H Clments !i Bridgettc, Little Pointer, Milda 74903 Akron 51 f 1:10 fait 12 110 6rl S Banks 73iomcntum, Punctual, SandyH. MILDA, br. m, I 103 By Jack Atkin Armilda, by Bryn Hawr. Trainer, B. Creech. Owner, B. Creech. Breeder. C. C. Patrick. 76491 Havana 51 f 1:08 fast 13 110 G 5 5 41 P Seremba 9 BlkBaby, AV.AVhilaker, Col.Pat 76375 Havana 51 f l:07andfast 8 112 12 11 ll1 11 P Serembal2 Legancy. Awning, AVhippoorwill 75261 AVhling Ab S-S 1:04 hvy 14 109 Si II ClmentslO Auntie Em. Adrance, Sky Man 75042 AVheelg Ab G-S l:02slop 11 115 4 F Seremba 0 Itridgctte. Missliold, L.lointer 74652 Akron 51 f l:0SVfast 10 113 4 P Seremba S Enos. TheChberlain, Car.Baker 74431 Akron 51 f l:09fast 31 106 lh F Seremba 9 MiRsLiberty, Pomerene, Topmost 71302 Akion 51 f l:09Vfast 13 113 3 F Seremba 8 T.CIiamberlain, Humpy. Uranium 74225 Akron 5-S l:04fast 41 113 2l P Seremba S Miss Liberty, Chow, Big Noise STJTH AVEHLE, ch. m, 10 97 By Senator McCarrcn Catherine R.. by Octagon. Trainer, X. Hector.. Owner, L. Hector. Breeder. T. D. Sullivan. 76426 Havana 51 f 1:08 fast 20 107 G G Gl 41 AA Dallow 9 FlgBoat, EdGarVon, Almirante 76412 Havana 51 f 1:03 fast 20 110 7 6 G10 51 AA Dallow 7 Fcodor, Missllollaud, Rap.Stride 76275 Havana 51 f l:07andfaat 16 104 9 9 Sl 0i AV Dallowl2 legancy. Awning, Wliippoorwill 76169 Havana 51 f l:C7fcfa3t 20 113 G 8 S S15 G Wliams 8 End Man, Momentum, Finality 76067 Havana 51 f l:0Gfsst 13 106 8 8 8 Sl D Prible 8 PcpperTca, EndMan, IraAVilson 75961 Havana 51 f l:llhvy 4 106 4 S 6 Ci AV Smith 7 Fictile. QueeuMazonia. Superior 75260 AVhling Ab 5-8 1:04 hvy 42 106 9 F Horn 10 Big NoiKo.MisKlIolland, Sp.Aale 75047 AVheclg Ab 5-S l:02slop 31 lCf. 5 F Horn 7 Elga, Gilder, Justina E. 74743 Akron 51 f 1:10 good 11 102 2J F Horn 6 Locarno. My Friend Pat, Shiftv 74705 Akron Gi f l:10Vfaai 4 111 Sl P Horn 7 Jack Tot, Marion Hollins. Bab FINANCIAL ROOSTER, b. e. 7 107 By Little Dutch Cloisteress, by Carlton Grange. Trainer. R. AVarfield. Owner, R. AVarfield. Breeder. R. Warfiold. 7C536 Havana lmGOy l:llfast 13 ICG 1 4 4 G3 C Grace 8 Tamper, AVInall. Blazonry 76431 Havana lm50y l:44fast 20 102 8 8 9 Gl AV McCabe U Herron. AVal.Turnbow, llaudel 76355 Havana 1 1-16 l:47fast 30 103 5 4 5 G" AV McCabe S JohuMorrill. ThePirate. Herron 76288 Havana CI f l:07fast 13 110 12 12 91 -9J C Taylor 12 Ben Bolt. Airge, Black Baby 75992 Havana 1 1-1G l:43rast 12 107 1 G 9 9 J McCabe 9 Dardanella, T.rister, SgeShack 75842 Havana 51 f 1:08 fast 10 110 1 G 7 7" O Pen.ia S M.Beulah, Brit. Liner. TlteUlstcr 75296 Hunfgton 51 f l:0Sfast 10 112 f G AValls 9 Dicknoll. Athlete. Ed Garrison 74223 Omaha 1 1-1 2:11 mud 17 111 7 7 7 7" E Taplin 7 Mar. Ware, Croupier, Plaunrcdi 73912 Omaha 3-4 1:20 hvy 12 109 G 6 6 G 10 Baiham 6 IKdoGsc. W.Trnbow. Full Moon 73100 Columbs 1 1-1G l:D2?fast 19 112 Pulled up. M Mour.fn 9 Dewitt. Arapahoe, Timbrel FLYING ORB, b. g, 7 107 By Orby Phenecia, by Troutbaci. Trainer, C. Reed. Owner. M.A. Ribarsch. Breeder. G. D. Widener. 76519 Havana 51 f 1:07 fast 50 10G 2 5 G 5 J Hatton 7 Humorist, ClayAlIcn, E.Garison 76168 Havana Gl f 1:08 fast 2-3 111 6 11 11 10" .1 Kessncr 12 Spring Aale, Col.Pat, BlaekBaby 76010 Havana 5-8 l:005iiast 20 106 7 8 8 812 A Yerrat 8 Mouut.Lassif. Trafalgar, Finday 7S936 Mneuve Ab 5-8 1:02 good 6 117 G11 P Bullman 7 L. Felix, Lt.W.J.Mray. Equator 7201 Mneuve Ab 5-S l:0214fa.t 22 113 9 L Gray 9 Momentum, Rutman, Ly Felix 72C94 Delmler Ab 5-S l:04andfast 1-2 110 1 It Ball 6 Doctor IV. India. Carruthers 72142 KingEd. Ab 5-S l:00fast 3-5 113 3i C Gross 7 Chateau. Stock Pin, Hocnir 72042 KingEd. Ab 5-3 G9Vsfast 8 108 2 C Gross S Riposla. Juckllealcy. Connectict 71509 Delmicr Ab 5-S l:03fast 41 111 9" H ChappelllO Jus Seheer, Connecticut, Cisqua 71357 Uelmicr Ab G-S 1:03 fast 31 107 SJ A Fraley 9 Riposta, Bab. Kitty Cheatham ,9359 Columbus G-S l:03,4fast 4-3 113 1: JJ AValsh 9 Dain. Lady, MaggieO., Sf kader -Iilef 4-year-olds and upward. Clainiinr. Jan. UTt, 10-0 5th RACE iHJTERSIDE, ch. j, 10 103 ir . ". By Von Tromp Uotegal, hr Galveto.. Trainer. V. Porterie. Owner CaimitoStable". : Bre8det.rParberWhitnyJ;, ..- 76069 Havana 3-4 l:13Vsfast 1 107 2 2 21 2l O Pernia 8 Topango, Finday, John Morrill 75909 Havana 3-4 1:13 fast 2 106 2 1 1 1J O Pernia 8 J.Underwood, Ferhaps. Cautious 67656 Havana lm30y l:43fast 7-5 102 4 1 l5 14 T Brothers 8 Huen, Mallowmot. Coscorron 67572 Havana 1 l:39l4fast 3-5 102 6 2 2k 41 II Glick 8 Perhaps, Fineastle, Ilanian 67406 Havana lm30y l:42fast 1 107 2 1 2 21 T Brothers 7 Tony Beau. Huen, Mallowmot C7315 Havana 3-4 l:13good 7-5 99 3 1 ll 11 P G Gross S Quaker, Cock ot.Roost, Unman 67195 Havana Gl f l:07fast 23-10 100 1 3 2i 2l T Brothers 8 C.otliellooit. Sirocco. OldSiuner C7045 Havana 6-8 l:0QSfcfaat 3 104 5 5 4 41 T Brothers 7 Dr.Uickraau, EastVicw. TheBoy END MAN, b. p, 7 187 By Black Jester Sunglow IL. by Sundxidea. Trainer, J. M. Palmer. Owner, J. M. Palmer. Breeder. G. D. Widener. 76493 Havana 34 l:13andfast 5 109 3 1. 1 13 AV Dellow 8 Forest Queen, War Fox, Glenn 76373 Havana 51 f l:067ifast 4 115 1 3 4 41 C" Jackson 8 Pep.Tca, J.Underwood, OKellj 76274 Havana 3-4 l:13faat S-5 112 2 1 ll ll O Pernia 6 Kliz.Jewell, M.Beiilah. S.Susit 76196 Havana 51 f 1:07 fast 2 110 3 2 21 31 J Eaton 8 MissBculah, PcpperTca, Gupton 76169 Havana Gl f l:07sfast 4-5 H4 1 1 1 Is O Pemia 8 Momentum, Finality, Bird Shol 76067 Havana 51 f l:0Gfast 21 116 4 2 2 2 J Connors 8 FeppcrTea, IraWilson. Glenlivet 75843 Havana 51 f l:07fast 4 111 1 1 l5 11 J Connors 7 Momentum, Pcrigdine, Punctual 75790 Havana 51 f l:12jhvy 8 110 3 6 S S" J Connors 8 Califa, Clem Thelscn, Needy 75298 Hunfgton 3-4 1:14 fast 12 105 G51 AV Martin 9 Full o Fun, Dif. Eyes, Kinsman 75270 Hunfeton 3-4 l:14 14 106 31 R Clifford 8 Dad.Wolf, FirstPIet, Crudena 75171 Hunton 51 f 1:10 slow 1S-5 111 1and AV Martin 5 Gold Bank, Last Girl, Bess L. MISS BETJLAH, b. f ,4 105 By Dick Welles Ciruella, by McGee. Trainer, E. X. Fitzgerald. Owner. E. X. Fiterald. Breeder. J. B. Bespesi. 76428 Havana 3-4 l:134fast 8-5 109 1 2 ll 1 A Pickens 8 BettyMac, Eliz. Jewell, Needy 76274 Havana 3-4 l:13fast 4-5 109 4 4 4 3i A Pickens 6 EndMan. Eliz.Jewell, Sis.Susie 76196 Havana 51 f 1:07 fast 2 103 1 3 3 ll A Pickens 8 Pepper Tea, End Man, Gupton 76154 Havana 51 f 1:08 fast 4-5 106 1 3 3 21 A Pickens 8 Pelion, Midday, Patsy B. 75842 Havana 51 f 1:03 fast G-5 105 2 1 ll 1 A Pickens 8 Brit-Liner. T.Ulster. Amer.Sdier 75331 Hunton 3-4 1:13 fast 33-10 104 H Glick 9 Hughie. Gonwithim, S. Pansy 75297 Hunfgton 3-4 1:15 fast 19-10 105 3l II Glick 8 M.Mars, F.Canadian, Kcnnmare 74956 Huntington 51 f l:06Vsfast 7 109 2 L Mills 11 ArticKing, Athlete, Dicknell 74873 Huntington 51 f l:07fast 18 107 3t AV Bogskill Col.Pat, BessL.. Kinsman FOREST QUEEN, b. m, 5 104 By Theo. Cook Kings Oak, by King Jamei. Trainer. J. M. Hubbel. Jr. Owner. J. M. Hubbel, Jr.. Breeder. W. Garth. 76493 Havana 3-4 l:13fast 3 106 8 4 21 2J C Bruder S End Man. AVar Fox. Glenn 76374 Havana 3-4 1:13 fast 10 105 1 2 2l 31 C Grace 8 Pelion, Finday, Jolly 76238 Havana 51 f l:06,4fast 20 107 1 3 6 61 C Bruder 7 Topango, Finday. Marionette 72627 FortErio 51 f l:10mud G 108 7 6 6t0 61 F Sharpe 7 Tidings, Peter Piper. Far East 71952 Hwthne ImTOy l:42fast 7 106 3 2 4 4J F Sharpe 8 Runzaf, Fieecutter, Cimarron 71792 Hawthno 3-4 1:12 fast 31 111 6 2 2 2 F Sharpe 10 Lily M.. JakicHay, MarineCorps 71719 Hawthne 3-4 l:16?ihvy 21 110 2 2 2 2 AV Fronk 7 High Cost, Gold. Floss, Bctsinda 71596 Hawthno 3-4 l:12fast 2 106 5 4 21 21 E Ambrose 7 Mabel K.. Jakic Hay. Tooteni 70331 Map.Hta 3-4 l:llfast 27-10 109 ll M Garrett 6 Bril. Ray, CrystalFonl. Macbeth 70254 Map.IIts 3-4 l:12andfast 8-3 107 1 T Bonham C Colossus, Guvnor, Doubtful SCISSORS, br. c, 4. 104 By Black Jester Star Emerald, hy Sunstar. Trainer. S. C. Everett. Owner, S. C. Everett. Breeder. P. M. Walker. 76335 Havana ImaOy 1:43 fast 6 102 4 2 lk 3J J Dawson 6 Perhaps, British Liner. Lank 76257 Havana lm50y l:t2Xfast G 106 5 2 31 6 D Prible 8 Lucy Kate. Perhaps, Claymore 76105 Havana 1 1-16 l:46fast 3 106 4 1 1 lk D Prible 7 Hercules, BritishLincr. Fineastle 75988 Havana 3-4 l:15fast 3 106 3 2 1 H D Prible 0 Glenlivet. GoldenChancc. Kdall 75846 Havana 1 1-16 1:47 fast 5 98 3 1 3i 5TJ D Prible Ilaman, Lucy Kate, Claymore 75319 AVheeling 11-16 1:57 hvy 17-10f 105 ll J Berg 11 Last Chance II., Magician. Enos 75234 Wheels Ab 3-4 1:24 mud 4 107 3s F Horn 7 Evel.Wliitc. L.Lorainc. Magician 75140 Whling Ab 3-4 1:21 hvy 6-3 113 SS F Horn 5 AVtBlne, L.Loraine, GoldcnRcd 75046 Wheeling lmiOy 1:51 slop 7 108 l3 P Horn ? E.White. Hercules, L.ChancelL 748f!6 Akron 51 f 1:09 fast 8 309 3l G AViiams 6 ..Red, G.Chauce, Be Trueman 74826 Akron 51 f l:0Sfast 31 112 . 51 C Eamea 7 Gloom. GoldenChancc. Max Gold PERHAPS, ch. e. 6 H2 By Luke McXuic Miss Georgia, by Star Shoot. Trainer, F. Walker. Owner, Florida Stable. Breeder. J. N. Markey. 76472 Havana ImGOy l:423fast 4 105 1 1 l1 2s J Dawson 6 Ilentycoos, Hainan, JohnMorrill 76335 Havana ImaOy 1:43 fast G-5 10S 5 4 0 lJi O Pernia 6 British Liner. Scissors, Lank 76257 Havana ImoOy l:t2;jfast 5 103 S 1 1 2 J Dawson 8 Lucy Kate, Claymore, Randcl 76200 Havana ImoOy 1:44 fast 6-5 112 6 2 2 i J Callahan S BritishLincr, LuryKate, Jelson 76103 Havana 3-4 l:13,fast 1 113 2 1 11 ll J Cfillahan 8 JohnMorrill. OKelly, Ring Rose 76010 Havana 5-S l:00fast 5 106 8 7 6 43 F Bryson S Mount. Lassie. -Trafalgar, Finday 75909 Havana 3-4 1:13 fast 7-5 112 8 4 31 3 F Bryson S Riverside, J.Unrwood, Cautious 75212 Empire ImTOy l:4oislow 6 111 G 4 5 G F Bryson 6 AuI.Iark. Melachrino, Fly.Devil 75116 Empire ImTOy 1:45 fast 8 103 7 8 8 7s II Stutts 10 Melachrino, L.Antolnc. T.Sergnt HUMORIST, b. s, 5 110 By Prince Ahmed The Xark. by Dick AVelles. Trainer, AV. Grant. Ower, AV. Grant. Breeder. J. K. X. Ross. 76510 Havana 51 f 1:07 fast 2-3 106 5 2 2 l1! T Brothers 7 Clay Allen, Ed Garrison. Fictile 76447 Havana 5-8 1:00 fast 5 112 5 2 2 2i G Dyson S P.T.Barnum. Sky Man, Col. Pat 72700 FortErie 51 f l:07andfast Gl 97 5 G 71 9 E Put richlO As.Qucen, WarTank, Bryntliona 71886 FortErie Gi f l:OSrifast 11-5 108 1 2 2 22 E Taplin 7 Temptress. Str. Shot, BlackDeer STACY ADAMS, b. g. 5 110 , By Golden Maxim Kiva, by Semproniui. Trainer, A. J. Bedell. Owner, A. J. Bedell. Breeder. J. Umensetter. 75808 Havana Gi f l:07lfast 5 115 4 4 1 1 C Sloan 8 Kendall, Huttontrope, Col. Pat J5057 Empire Ab 3-4 1:11 hvy 9-5 109 3 2 5 60 F Colletti 6 TopSergcant, Ticklish, Glenlivet 74971 Empire Ab 3-4 l:10Vfast 23 113 G 3 25 4 H Stutts 13 Jyntec. TlieAlmoner. Marionette 74889 Empire Ab 3-4 l:10fast 15 112 4 2 2 3 F Colletti 8 Rubien. Antilles, MiriaiuCooper . 74164 Aqueduct 3-4 l:14fast 20 111 3 4 8 7i A Collins S Theleruvn, Thr.Square, AVhisk 74047 Aqueduct CI f l:20fast CO 107 5 4 4 41 A Collins 9 Coeur do Lion, Bucado, CapeCIcal CLEM THEISEN, br. g, G 103 By McGee Mary Michaels, by Xissak. Trainer, M. Goodpaster. Owner, M. Goodpaster. Breeder. J. H. Brown. 76067 Havana 51 f l:CGUfast 6 111 7 5 51 533 S Banks 8 PeppcrTea, EndMin. IraWilson 75790 Havana 51 f l:12hvy 4 109 8 8 31 2 S Banks S Califa. Needy, Punctual 74077 Omaha 51 f l:06fast 17 107 6 5 G 5J X J Brnesil Korbly, Noonhour, China Jane 73695 Omaha 3-4 1:13 fast 9-5 115 4 3 3 3 li Doylo 6 Ring, Ringleader, LittleBeauty 73571 Omaha 3-4 l:12fast 11-10 110 33i E Petzoldt 0 Salvo. HonestGcorge, MacSeth 73187 Devshire 3-41:14 fast 23 111 6 2 21 21 E Taplin 12 FortBIiss, Crest.Boy, BlackDeer 72561 FortErio 3-4 l:13fast 32 112 9 9 10 10J J Maiben 12 St.Quentin. Th.Way, Assy.Queen 72089 Hawthne 3-4 l:12fast 10 107 2 1 ll 1 T Finn 10 Arrowhd. Wireless. M.Uenunzio CtU DA OCT 1 Mile and 70 Yards. :5-year-olds and upward. Handicap. Dec. Cin nrtUt 4, lOa 1:4-1 5 10. PRINCE REGLNT. ch." g, 4 113 By- Spanish Prince II. Understudy, by Star Ruby. Trainer, F. Walker, Owner, Florida Stable. Breeder. W. M. Jeffords. 76471 Havana 3-4 l:13fast 21 111 2 2 21 11 G AA"liams S Topango. AVhirlwind. If pgMary 76429 Havana lxnGOy 1:12 fast 2 1C6 5 2 lnt in G AVliams 6 RpgMary, G.Knffan. U.onTirae 70333 Havana 1 1-15 l:431ifast 4 107 4 2 21 3i G AVillms 8 AVida, Geo.Kuffan, Ilaman 76219 Havana 3-4 l:12?sfast 1 106 2 2 2 23 J Callahan 0 RpgMary, J.Kuffan. .AVtney 76157 Havana 51 f l:06!fast 2 105 2 5 4s 3!1 E Beach 6 R.onTime, Mnctte, MfnLassie 75824 Havana 3-4 1:15 good C-5 112 1 2 21 21 F Bryson 5 C.Wney, Right on Time, Csua 75152 Empire 1 l:41fast S-3 108 1 2 2:1 ll J Callahan ? AVildrake. Overtake, K.Bridgc 74764 Jamaica 3-4 l:127sfast 5 93 2 3 33 2"it AV 7 Hullabaloo, AVhirlwind, Canyon 73669 Belmnt 7-S MC l:23?jfast 7 96 4 3 31 23 J Callahan 7 SHkTassel, Bimmesdale, Pegasus 73527 Belmont 3-1 MC 1:12 fast 8 110 6 7 5 31 E Jelley 11 Pietrus, Orcus, McKee 73283 Belmont 3-4 l:ll,ifast 100 107 2 3 31 4 J Callahan 1 Zev, Bigheart, Itunviso GEORGE KUFFAN, i. h, 5 108 By Dick Welles Ciruella. by McGee. Trainer, E. X. Fitzgerald. Owner. G. L. Fitzgerald. Breeder. J. B. ResDess. 76429 Havana lmGOy 1:42 fast 21 110 3 3 4 3 3l A Pickens 0 P.Regcut, If pgMary, R.onTime 76333 Havana 1 1-16 l:43,ifast 2 108 1 3 4l 2i A Smith S Wida, IlinceRegent, Haman 76219 Havana 3-4 l:12?jfast 3 106 3 3 43 3 A Pickens ! lfgJIary, IMtegent, C.Whitney 76036 Havana 3-4 l:12fast 4 107 4 4 5 41 A Pickens ti RightonTiine, C.AVhitney, AVida 75758 Havana lm30y l:4Hifast 2 103 3 2 2 21 A Pickens 7 Wida, AulnPark. Char. Whitney 75208 Hunfgton 51fl:C9mua 21-10 110 Gcl K Burger C Joella J., Caeambo, Buck Pond 74992 Huntington 11:33 fast 2 111 Is N Burger 0 GrassMaid, BuddieKean, JoellaJ. 74917 Hunton 1 lMlandslow 19-5 111 " 4T L Mills u R. on Time, Brocklesby, Friz 74835 Hunt on ImTOy 1:43 fast 5 110 GT1 AA Bogskl 0 Dor.lSuckner, Friz, BuddieKean ROMPING MARY b. f , 4 109 By Von Tromp Mary Aileen, by Bright Phoebus. Trainer. J. Haggerty. Owner, W. Dondas. Breeder. E. Cebrian. 70471 Havana 3-4 l:12Vfast G 100 7 6 Gl 42 T Brothers S Preltcgent, Topango, Whirlwd 76429 Havana ImaOy 1:42 fast 10 98 2 4 2l 2 J Eaton C Pr.Rescnt, G.Knffan, R.onTime 70333 Havana 1 1-16 l:43,fa3t 31 103 G 7 8 8" J Eaton S AVida.. G.Kuffan. PrinccRegent 76292 Havana 51 f l:,5J6fast 6 100 5 5 5 51 J Eaton 5 R.onTime, Topango, Ch.AVhitney 76219 Havana 3-1 l:12fast 20 93 5 4 31 l3 J Eaton fi P.Regeut. G.Kuffan. C.Whitney 70036 Havana 3-4 l:12fast 12 9G 6 G 6 6T H Callhan 0 RightonTime, C.AVhitney, AVida 75870 Havana ImTOy 1:44 fast 3 100 4 3 3 3" J Eaton 5 Blanche Mac, Ferguson, Jellison 75533 Churchill 1 l:3yandfast 5 113 9 8 G3 l3 G AV CrolIlO Mist.Mary, P.G. Brown, Larcht 75492 Churchill 1 l:33fast 15 112 U 8 43 2 J Pevic 11 Nulli Secundus. Cash, Kindred TOPANGO, br. g, 4 ICS By Atheling II. Carico, by Rey del Sierras. Trainer, W. R. Padgett. Owner, H. Dougherty. Breeder. Nevada Stock Farm. 76568 See todays chart. 76471 Havana 3-4 l:13tfast 5 111 1 3 33 21 AA Smith S IVeRegent, Whirlwind, R.Mary 76292 Havana Gi f l-.CSandfast 3 108 3 2 2l 2 AV Smith 5 R.onTime, Ch.AVhitney. Bistourl 76238 Havana Gi f l:061ifast 4 108 5 4 31 l"t -A Smith 7 Finday, Marionette, By Jiniiny 76069 Havana 3-4 l;13Vfefast S 107 1 1 1 l1 AV Smith 8 Riverside. Finday, John Morrill 75825 Havana 51 f 1 :09VSgtod 1 114 1 2 24 2 W Smith 6 Pelion, AVawona, OKelly 75757 Havana Gl f 1:06 fast 10 109 5 5 5 o3 AV Smith 8 MtnLsic, Mionette, R.onTimo 75332 Hunton Gi f 1:07 fast 3 104 3 II Glick 8 Bro.Jolm. Arctic-King, C.Sponsor 75148 Hunfgton 3-4 l:15?sSlow 2 10S 55 G AAalls S AtlcKing, Bevonile. F.Canadian 74753 Hunt on 3-4 l:12ifast 31 113 23 AV Smith 5 Finday. Mat.IdoI. Full o Fun HAMAN, b. g. 7 106 By Horron Selina. Lou, by Kilkerran. Trainer. E. X. Fitzgerald. Owner, E. X. Fitzgerald. Breeder. Talbot Bro3. 76472 Havana ImGOy l:42fast C-5 110 6 4 3J 333 A Pickens O PlentycoM, Perhaps. JohnMorrill 76333 Havana 1 1-16 l:43fast 2 107 8 6 G3 431 A Pickens S Wida,, G.Kuffan, PrinccRegent 76071 Havana lm30y l:12sfast 2 103 4 3 lh ll A Pickens 5 Blanche Mac. Claymore. Rcndel 75846 Havana 1 1-1G 1:47 fast 21 110 5 3 ll l1 A Pickens O Lucy Kate, Claymore. ByJiminy 75334 Hunton ImTOy 1:16 fast 3 10T 23 H Glick 7 Dad.Wolf. Buekhornll.. IliUnC. 75272 Hunt ton lm70y l:46fast G 10S 3h H Glick 7 Grass Maid. John Morrill, Friz 75115 Iff gton ImTOy 1:52 hvy 0 108 43 R Clifford C llallotcar. Grass Maid, Yoshimi 74959 Htington ImTOy 1:44 fast 27-10 16 lh H Glick S BobbyAllcn, J.Morrill. P.McGco 74558 Latonia ImTOy 1:44 fast 41 1j4 5 3 33 23 B Harvey 12 DthyBkntr, L.Iaves, Baldin CHEMISERIE. b. f, 3 104 By Maintenon Xiquette, by Perth. Trainer. F. Walker. Owner, Florida Stable. Bred in France bv M. X. Houel. 76471 Havana 3-4 l-.lSandfast 21 92 S 8 8 S" H Callhan S IVeRegent, Topango, AVhirlwd 76393 Havana 3-4 laiandfast 2 93 G 2 l"t 11 J Dawson C Glenn, Huen, Acosta 76273 Havana 51 f l:07fast 8 107 5 5 4i 21 F Bryson 7 Kufiya, Pawnbroker, Ancestress 76068 Havana 51 f 1:06 fast o 106 Left at post. F Bryson 7 Trafalgar, Superna, J.Ilicknian 7G007 Havana 5-S l:027sfast 3 - 1C6 4 3 3i In F Bryson 6 April. Libyan Queen. Blue Mis 74653 Jamaica 3-4 l:13fast 20 1121 7 6 7 75 J Brunncr 10 B.Wand. FirstL.Harg. Outcros 74163 Aqueduct 5-S l:00fast 20 311 11 8 7 7s J Brunner 32 Forest Flower. Comedy. Convent 73416 Belmont 5-S st G9 fast CO 115 12 12 12 12 J Zoeller 13 JanetBIalr, MissDomino, Fly lry 70943 Aqueduct 5-S 1:00 fast 13 108 10 10 10 10J J Zoeller 30 L.Audrey. Vultilla. Dorothyltyan 1 SIIlest 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Fe1j. il, 101S 7th RACE BLAZONRY, br. g, 9 107 By Whisk Broom II. Pageant, by Delhi. Trainer. P. J. Miles. Owner, G. H. Mason. Breeder. H. P. Whitney. 76530 Havana lm30y l:Hfast 4 109 4 5 5and 33 T Brothers 8 Tamper, AVInall. Blue Brush 76220 Havana 11-16 1:48 fast S 112 4 9 71 51 AV Lancet 11 CHpt.Adams, Okaloosa. Rosevtc 7G037 Havana 1 1-16 l:177sfast 7-5 107 7 4 4 5J T Brothers 8 Tomnhoi, Hercules, Plaudel 76011 Havana ImTOy l:13fast 3 104 5 4 4J 3J AV Lancet -3 Cautious, J. fnderwood, Roseato 75911 Havana 1 1-16 l:18V4fast 10 102 4 3 33 21 W Lancet 7 LucyKatc, R.AVntchll.. Diversy 75826 Havana ImTOy l:47good 3 110 6 6 5 51 W Lancet 7 Nig, Hercules. W. Turnbow 757GO Havana ImTOy 1145 fast 31 109 8 6 51 GJ W Lancet 8 Horeb, Spectacular Girl, Lank 75300 Hunt ton ImTOy 1:13 fast 34 107 713 N Burger ! Dancer, Col.Tenn, Blossumllou-.e 75209 Hunt ton 1 1-36 l:34?imud 22-10 107 Gl L Mills i Scraps, Pir.McGee, Bl.AVatchll. 75114 Huntington 1 1:51 hvy 1 104 l3 AV Lancet 7 Weinland. Neenah. Old Rose EVELYN AVHITE, b. m, 5 102 By Zeus Miss Oertel. by Handsel. Trainer. M. OXeary. Owner, M. OXeary. Breeders. AVhita and Garnett. 70279 Havana lmSOy l:43Vsfast 3 110 4 9 30 939 A KtobchO 13Kye- BrighPiIiIlumnO.. Krlangpr 76159 Havana lm50y l:13?ifast 6 109 1 3 Sl 2i J? Majestic 0 Gfilifioiis. GipsyJoeV" Siiec."!!-! 75980 Havana 3-4 l:15tfast 3 108 1 7 7 51 J Connors 7 Pelion, Prom.Toui, J.Underwood 75909 Havana 3-4 1:13 fast 15 109 1 7 7 74 J Connors 8 Riverside. J.Underwood. Perhaps 75234 Wheels Ab 3-1 1:24 mud 41 103 in J Majestic 7 Lot.Loraine. Scissors. Magician 75107 Wheeling 1 156 slow 6-5 107 2 J Majestic 0 Hercules, K,Trojan, Ool.CItanco 75046 Wheeling ImTOy 1:51 slop S-5 110 23 J Majestic 5 Scissors, Hercules. L.Chance-11. 74950 Akron 7-S l:29?ifast 16-5 10S 43 J Majestic 5 Winchester. RoyalDick, Gol.Re.1 74S7S Akron 5-4 l:14fast 8 109 6 C Karnes 6 Crest.Boy, C.otlielfst, Alo.Ulm: 74386 Akron 7-S l:29iifast 91-10 H7 4 J Majestic 6 Sun Brae, Topango, J. Dundee IX COEONEL, b. s, 8 100 By Marajax Merry Matct, by Matchmaker. Trainer, 0. Tugrgle. Owner. O. Tussle. Ured in England by Compton Stsd. G5b9 Seo todays chart. 7G431 Havana lm50y l:44fast 15 105 4 7 S 7s P Kiniry 9 ncrron, Wnl.Turnbow, Tlaudel C313 Havana 1 1-16 l:47fast 8 108 2 4 41 3" O Pernia G Tan II.. Wcinlnnd, Skv Man 7C239 Havana 1 1-1C l:47fast 15 101 4 7 7 71S O Pernia 7 Flyingrrince, Montillo. Sandj-n. 4387 Akron 61 f l:23fast 101 115 717 W McCabc 7 Assumption, Puzzle, Old Pop 3089 Mncuvc Ab 3-4 l:23hvy IS 111 7 B McCann 9 Kinetic, St. Kevin. Miss Flora 174C Delmier lmTOy lMSfast 4C-10 10S 4i F Brysun 9 Louis Adair, Kosefield, Hocnir 72711 Delmier 7-S l:31fast 37-10 113 2- F Bryson 8 Golden Chance, Ouch, Nan 72618 Delmier lm0y 1:4S fast 12 109 3" E T Moore R Myr. Crown, Kcenah, Draftsman 7-234 Mtltoyal lmTOy l:46Xfasl 23-5 109 3J P Madeira C Ace, Fayelle. Golden Itcd MISS RANKIN, ch. m, 6 95 By Setback Belle Eankin. by Handball. fTrainer, J. S. Hays. Owner. J. S. Hars. Breeder. G. L. Blackford, iii Havana lmTOy l:45fast 8 109 5 4 5 5J C Grace 7 Zapatos, Coscorron, lUarney Uoy Z555", IIavana 1 i16 l:ifast 10 104 C 3 2 7 C Grace 7 Okaloosa, Plaudel, Nig IrAr 1Iavana 1 1"16 l:fast 5 104 8 11 11 11" C Grace 11 Conundrum, Sandyll., Tomaboi ZtzHZ "ncellns 61 f 1:32 hvy 22 107 9i J Berp 9 H.Muffin, MdenVoter, In.Chant ioS n 7"s 130fast 16 10S 10s F Horn 10 Sacajawca, E.Fuller. Q.of t Spa SStwn 1 1-1C l:55i4fast Sl-10 109 7" F Horn 7 Old Pop. Melancholia, E.lna 1. stwn lmTOy l:4Gfast 31-10 101 3 F Horn C CabinCreek, Execution. WillSoon io,S ,vheelinS lmy 154 slow 2i 113 3 C Eames C Sea Mime, La Kross. Dalrose .310- Columbs 1 1-S l:i9Hifast 2 IOC ll F Horn 9 La Kross, Berlin, Chandelier WINALL, b. m. 6 103 By Lord Bock Sand Princess Coe, by Caughnatrasa. Trainer, F. Skaggs. Owner, F. Skaggs, Breeder. H. P. Gardner. C5oC Havana lmoOy l:44fast 8 104 5 7 fiJ 2 T Thrailkl S Tamper, Blazonry, Bine Brush .C392 Havana 3-4 l:14fast 20 109 6 8 C C5 T Thrailkl 8 Golden Chance. Haran, Sky Man .6159 Havana lm50y l:43fast 6 109 6 5 4 Thrailkl C Cautious, Ev.White, Gipsy Joe .6103 Havana 3-4 l:13Vfast 15 110 4 7 7s GH T Thrailkl 8 Perhaps, John Morrill, OKclly .5908 Havana 3-4 l:13fast 12 10S 2 3 5 5 T Thlkill 8 Wawona. Awning. Acosta .2854 Lex.C.Fr 1 1:41 slow 5 110 4i T Thrailkl 5 Friz, Cantilever, Jake Feld - .0765 Erie lm70y l:50,isood 3C-5 111 1"W T Thrakill 0 Prospector, St. Kevin, Puzzle .0462 Erie lm70y 1:50 fast S9-5 105 in T Thrailkl 0 Horeli, Puzzle, Execution .0340 Erie lmTOy l:50fast Sl-10 103 12 T Thrailkl 5 Tatting, Navajo, Horeb .0306 Erio 11:47 fast 9 wj 21 T Thrailkl 7 Puzzle, Bcnccia, Bantam ALEX JJ1 ch. h. 7 105 By Ballot Bronzewing, by Stalwart. Trainer, H. Louden. Owner, H. Louden. Breeder. A. P. Humphrcv. Jr. 76535 Havana lmCOy l:ttfast 15 106 1 7 7s T9 T Brothers 9 Huen, Shingle Shack, Rita B. 75991 Havana 1 1-16 l:49ifast 10 107 10 10 10 915 T Brothersll Conundrum, Sandyll., Touiakoi 75437 Churchill 1 1-2 2:34fast 27 109 3 7 6l 617 T Brothers S Lord Wrack, Paris Maid. Halu 75396 Churchill 1 1-4 2:07 slow 15 112 15 5 C13 T Brothers 7 Lord Wrack, Go La La, Randel 75306 Latonia 1 1-2 2:35fast 16 111 7 4 6 7" J Pevic 7 Pumps, CaptainMac. Paris Maid 75128 Latonia 1 1-S 1:55 good 41 107 7 7 61 6 T Brothers S Runquoi, Halu, Brotherly Love C1885 Churchill 1 3-16 2:001fast 10 110 5 6 6 61 J D Mney 6 Raider, Sun God. Matinee Idol BLUE BRUSH, br. g. 5 100 By Sweep Blue Ball, by Hastings. Trainer, E. J. Shewbridge. Owner, E. J. Sbewbridge. Breeder. J. W. Townsend. 76530 Havana lmoOy l:4tifast 10 106 2 2 21 4:i W Smith 8 Tamper, Winall, Blazonry 76279 Havana ImaOy l:43Vfast 10 113 9 S 61 T1 W Smith 10 Kve Bright, Uillmar.C, Erlangcr 76220 Havana 1 1-16 1:48 fast 12 109 5 7 6 6i W Smith 11 Capt.Adams, Okaloosa, Roseate 75991 Havana 1 1-16 l:49Vandfast 20 104 9 7 8s 8" W McCabell Conundrum. Sandyll., Tomahoi 75908 Havana 3-4 l:13fast 15 103 7 7 7 711 W McCabe t Wawona, Awning, Aeosta 75289 Whling Ab 3-4 1:21 hvy 31 105 41 F Lux 6 Fame, Sabrctash. Fictile 75201 "Wheeling 61 f 1:30 mud 36 1QT T10 F Lux 7 BusyBob, Lucy Kate, L.Loraina 71860 Laurel lmTOy l:45fast 14 10S 7 C 8 8" W Pool S AllFair. Stonewall, Bellsolar PHELAN, blk. e, 6 101 By Leonid Zirl, by Sain. Trainer, A. J. PJack. Owner. "V7. E. Jones. Breeder. C. B. Daniels. 76104 Havana 1 1-16 l:4Sandfast 21 112 2 3 4 4i G Wliams C Boxwood, Horeb, Flying Prince 75992 Havana 1 1-16 l:49ifast Si 109 7 2 21 4l G Willms 9 Dardanella, T.Ulster, SgleShack 75237 WhlK Ab 1 1-S 2:06 mud 8-5 111 l1 G Wliams 7 Armistice, Amaze, Eternity 75169 Wheels 1 1-16 2:02 hvy 2 109 1and G Wliams 9 Eternity, Amaze, My Lorraine 75142 Wheeling lmTOy 1:56 hvy 20-5 100 4 F Moore 7 Hercules, BillBlakwell, C.Creck 75081 Wheels 1 1-16 1:5S mud 21 105 l J Majesticll W.II.Buckner. May Girl, Amaze 74963 Stamford lm20y l:47fast Sf 112 3i R McAley 9 FoiGlove. King Trojan, Quaker .4883 Stamfd lmTOy l:52Vfast C 103 31 J Maiben 5 Col.Matt, Myrtle Crown, Parol PLAUDEL, br. g, 5 105 By Plaudit Ave Russel, by Rune!. Trainer. W. H. Schwartz. Owner, W. H. Schwartz. Breeder. B. Viley and Son. 76451 Havana lmTOy l:45fast 5 112 7 6 6 C;i C Jackson 7 Zapatos, foscorron. Blarney Boy 76431 Havana lm50y 4 107 7 4 5 3 C Jackson 9 Herron, W.Turnbow, The Ulster 76293 Havana 1 1-10 l:4S?jfast 10 109 7 6 6 23 W Taylor 7 Okaloosa, Nig, Drapery 76174 Havana 1 I-S l:G5fast 10 102 7 6 51 45 O Pernia 8 Diversity, Gipsy Joe, Tomahoi 76037 Havana 1 1-16 l:4Tfast 6 103 5 G En 351 O Pernia 8 Tomahoi, Hercules, Fincastle 75992 Havana 1 1-16 l:49andfast 10 109 8 5 5 5 F Kiniry 9 Dardanella, T.Ulster, SgleShack 75871 Havana" 1 1-16 l:47fast 10 108 7 7 71 S G Willims S British Liner, Lank, Herron 75826 Havana lmTOy l:47good 12 107 5 4 4 4s" F Kiniry 7 Nig, Hercules, W. Turnbow 75476 Churchill 1 1-16 l:47tfast 19f 111 9 .12 10 10 II Kaiser 12 Randel. The Leopard, Hah: 75413 Churchill 7-S l:26good 22f 110 14 12 lll 1016 II Kaiser 15 Ben Valet, Modest-. Sew.Combs BILLY STUART, br. g, 13 104 By Out of Reach Consuelo, by Bradwardine. Trainer, J. II. Weill. Owner, A. J. Hanson. Breeder. F. A. Forsythe. 76473 Havana ImaOy l:43fast 10 114 2 5 C1 G,; G Wliams 7 Bounce, Nig. Acosta 76430 Havana 1 1-16 l:4Tfast 12 105 2 3 6 61 J Majestic C Tomahoi. Conundrum, C. Adams 70293 Havana 1 1-16 l:4Sfast 12 109 5 " 7 7 CJG Wliams 7 Okaloosa, Plaudel, Nig 76220 Havana 1 1-16 1:4S fast 15 109 7 10 91 S5i F Seremball Capt.Adams. Okaloosa, Roseate 76070 Havana 1 1-S l:53fast 15 107 6 7 7 V F Seremba 7 Spec.Girl, Conundm, TheUlstcr 75911 Havana 1 1-16 l:4Slfast G 103 6 7 7 6tT T Brothers 7 LncyKate, Blazonry, It. WatcliII. 75230 WhlB Ab 1 1-S 2:05 mud SG 107 7" F Horn 7 W.Tnbow, LaKross. II.M.Stevs 75105 Wheels Ab 3-1 l:227jhvy 54 113 G C La Belle 7 Sacajawca, Hor.Lerch. Sabretasj FELIX H., b. s, 6 105 By Hessian Faustina, by Star Shoot. Trainer, J. Carvallo. Owner, J. Bortrand. Breeder. J. E. Madden. 76536 Havana lm50y l:44fast 20 101 7 G 71 SJ A Overton 8 Tamper, AVinall, Blazonry 75S42 Havana 51 f 1:03 fast 20 110 Left at post. J Paz 8 M.Beulah, Brit.Liner, TheUlstcr 75760 Havana lmTOy 1:45 fast 20 104 4 8 S S10 A Paz 8 Horeb, Spectacular Girl, Lank 68846 Havana 1 1-4 2:0S fast 4 106 1 3 31 31 II Stutts S J.R.Roche, J.Al.Clark, Moorque 03768 Havana ImaOy l:43fast 20 111 12 12 12 12 O Perr.ia 12 Tan II., Carrure, Edith K. 68678 Havana 1 3-16 2:02 fast 10 108 5 4 41 65 O Pernia 9 Czardom, Bounce, Randel 18623 Havana ImSOy l:44fast 13 113 17 7 61 J Hernde S Cromwell. Herron, Black Top 68540 Havana lmGOy l:43fast 5 108 2 2 2 ll O Pernia 8 Mooresquc. Bread Line, Nan ;8416 Havana 1 1-16 l:51imud S-5 112 2 3 3 la H Stutts 5 Bierman, Guardsman. KathlnK. 68377 Havana lmoOy l:43fast 15 110 9 4 3l 21 A Perdmo 9 IndianChant. UaroldK.. Ferruui