untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-01-17


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Terms: 0 One Winner 0 Seven Winners M. CAMPBELL Schuyler Arms Hotel, 98th St. and Riverside Drive, New York City ABSOLUTELY OXE HOUSE A DAY. I arrived from Xew Orleans rcecnily and -will now rcsnnic sending on t information. Terms and address above. Yesterdays Absolutely One Horse: DUSTAB0TJT 8-1 WON MY ABSOLUTELY ONE HORSE TODAY MUST WIN or yon receive next two winners free. Telegraph 0.00 for one winner or uO.OO for seven winners. Address above. "ANONYMOUS" Secret information. One horse a day. Information Real Information Gathered among the horsemen, right at the track, try A RELIABLE TURFMAN, hut my position does not allow mo to disclose my identity. I Have Met the Requirements Yesterday all clients received: DUSTABOUT 8-1 WON Tuesday all clients received: PAUL MIC0U 8-1 WON Monday all clients received: DAYDUE 7-1 WON I am forced to use the non de plume of "Anonymous." If I Tcere to tell you who I am, I know that you would agree to pay any amount for my information. MY TEB.MS .00 DAILY; ?2Q.O0 WEEKLY. And all subscriptions must be sent to my New York representative MR. A. SHILLING 597 GATES AVENUE BROOKLYN, N. Y. 116 NASSAU ST., ROOM 401, NEW YORK CITY UNITED TURF NEWS SEMI-WEEKLY. PRICE .00 PRICE .00. Published-every Wednesday and Saturday. On sale, out of town, loading newsstands. Mailed anywhere, .00 monthly. Todays Code Special 13-7-12-27-WINNER. DAILY OCCASIONAL .00 DAILY 0.00 WEEKLY. Yesterdays ,000 SPECIAL, postponed. SUBSCRIBE FOE DALLY RACING FORM I Pay From Your Profits The Master Key .System of playing the races gj will lie mailed you for one weeks trial. It should show :in nvcrugc profit of at least 0 I a day on tin sc:ile if play. C FOR PARTICULARS g mail this ad. with your iianit and address, to 1 J. K. WILLIS I 208 Third St. Miami Beach, Fla. H SPECIAL information coming: direct from certain reliable owners and trainers at New Orleans can be had by a few substantial bettors who are willing to comply with my terms. P. 0. BOX 495 CINCINNATI, OHIO CAliS CIIIIU- OBSKKVKU 33 CENTS AT AIL NEWSSTANDS. TODAYS FKEE CODES: riorida-ltose-Dark-Ited-IJrown. HARVEY AMES Earle Building Broadway at 52nd Street NEW YORK, N. Y. Starting of the next "HAItYEY TRANSACTION" depends upon the outcome of the conference held this afternoon and will, in all prohahility, he announced in these columns tomorrow Friday. Since all conditions must he as harmonious as possible "HAItYEY TRANSACTIONS" cannot he hurried to suit the impnlsive and restless. They arc Intended for those who desire the hest and take full advantage when they arrive. The intelligent mind will appreciate that it takes not money alone, hut untiring efforts, ceaseless energy and constant vigilance, hoth night and day, hy experts in their line to make this service what it is. A glance at the results of the last three "HAItYEY TRANSACTIONS," which netted a clear profit of ,500 on a Hat investment of 50, shows that they can generally he looked upon in the light of investments, not haphazard speculation. The same exacting conditions will he demanded in the future as in the past of all those associated with me, in order to keep "HAH YE Y TRANSACTIONS" in the unique position that they now occupy. The popularity of "HAItYEY TRANSACTIONS" was demonstrated yesterday when a subscriber who profited well through the results of the last three, remitted for the next five in advance, while another made reservation for three and live others remitted for the next two. All the above were unsolicited and shows the esteem "HARYEY TRANSACTIONS" hold, in view of the fact that the date of the starting of the next has not yet heen decided upon. It was not modestj- that prompted yesterdays advertisement to state that Paul 3licou won at S-l, while the charts show that 10 to 1 was at one time obtainable, hut as all "HAItYEY TRANSACTIONS" are governed hy closing price, which was S to 1 in this instance, the above quotation was used, since this office confines itself to the truth, not illusions. TELEPHONE CIRCLE 5790 ESTABLISHED 1905 NEW YORK TURF EXCHANGE TERMS 3 DAILY. TERMS 0 WEEKLY SLITE C02-10 141G BROADWAY" NEW YORK CITY Yesterday all X. Y. T. E. clients received BOLSTER .......... 3y2-l WOW Ve are now in touch with the smartest set of operators dohifr. business at the Fair Grounds and the New York Turf Exchange j expects wonderful results for the balance of the meeting. j Todays information will be on a horse who i has been "burning up the track in recent I workouts and is lit and ready to go for the question like WAPITI 6-1 WON Our List of Recent "Winners: BENCH MANAGER ...8-1 WON MARY DEAR 5-1 Won iWAPITI 6-1 Won GOOD TIME 10-1 Won IDLE THOUGHTS ...18-5 Won FROSTY BOY 30-1 Won TAMB0N 4-1 Won LUCIDUS 15-1 Won Wire ?20.00 today for one weeks service, or .00 for one days service, with correct address to above address. 149390?14939$ ; $ PREDETERMINED. TUBE PROFITS 5 t The "MIKACLlj SYSTKM "is nationally- known ? $ as "easy for iilaycr hard for layi-r." Sold 0:1 ? $ installment; payments paid from your profits. $ $ Ahsolutely KltEE 73-page manual mid review. ? $ Investigate today and make your bookie ohey. $ luullc relations manager 5 S S. K. AUTIIUIt $ $ Box 40, R. V. Towson. Md. $ 1493914939??14939149390? Harry Collins S3 DAILY. S20 WEEKLY. Tijuana Information FOLLOW THE MONEY GETTER TUESDAYS WIRE: Brandeis .40- Won MONDAYS WIRE : Daydue 7-1 Won SUNDAYS WIRE: Peerless One . . .0.80- Won SATURDAYS WIRE : Nellie A 0.40- Won FRIDAYS WIRE: Dickie Dix 3.00- Won THURSDAYS WIRE : Harrigans Heir. ..80- Won WEDNESDAYS WIRE : Faber 0.40- Won TUESDAYS WIRE: Seths Alibi . . . . 2.40- Won Years of experience and the RIGHT CONNECTIONS, combined with an outlay of plenty of money, has made it possible for me to keep up this winning record. Today at Tijuana ONE HORSE 30 FOR 2 Dont wait; get a proper start. Today is the day. Only costs ?5, or ?20 for one week. Subscribe by W. U. or Postal money order. 853 DLAKE AYE. DROOKLYX, X. Y. Universal Turf News 215 East 116th St. NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. .00 PAYS FOR CODE GOOD FOR SIX DAYS TODAYS CODE: 18-14-13-A YESTERDAY" WE WIRED: EVELYN ..7-5 WON TUESDAY WE WIRED: MARGARET WARE ..9-1 WON Today our Chief Clocker wires us to plungo straight on our big New Orleans Special. This one looks like the real goods. In fact we expect it to be as gGpd as any one of the numerous winners that we have sent out at New Orleans this year. Here Is Your Opportunity Wire 0.00 for our wire service, good for any six days, and we will mail you our code gratis. Or one wire .00. Go with us today. Advance News Service SUITE 417 101 WEST 42XD ST. SEV YORK CITY Exclusive information on one horse daily and filed in advance with DAILY RACING FORM. TUESDAYS ONE HORSE: PAUL MIC0U 10-1 WON MONDAYS ONE HORSE: Daydue 7-1 Won SUNDAYS TIJUANA ONE HORSE: Peerless One ..0.80- Won We ourselves pay several hundred dollars for advance information on each transaction and it comes from real horsemen that are successful and are making lots of money. Wo guarantee all clients an absolutely square deal and honest and reliable information that has always proved profitable. Let Us Prove It to You Today ! ! ! Our horse lost Wednesday, making our record 11 winners and 2 losers. Todays horse has been on file for 2 days and should be 10 to 1 DONT MISS IT! You have tried the rest, now get the best, and line up with a real information concern that will make money for you. Terms: Daily; 0 Weekly Wire fee by Western Union or Postal telegraph, .witlj1Borrect.rstreet address. City clients call? . r ADVANCE NEWS SERVICE 101 W. 42iid St. Suite 417 New York City ADVERTISE IN RACING FORM

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924011701/drf1924011701_11_1
Local Identifier: drf1924011701_11_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800