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MURPHY AND MONTGOMERY TURFMEN SATURDAYS HORSE: KING ONEILL II 6-1 WON This -was the only horse wired by Curley Xurphy this week. The only horsos sent out by W. J. Montgomery to all of Curley Murphys followers during the Now Orleans meeting: KING ONEILL II.. Jan. 19 6-1 WON SCARE CROW. Jan. 11 12-1 WON GOOD TIME. Jan. 7 10-1 WON VERA VENNLE, Dec. 11 12-1 WON O. HENRY, Dec. G 12-1 WON EVERY HORSE TELEGRAPHED WON . 5 STRAIGHT WINNERS You will note that CURLEY MURPHY only sonds horses occasionally when he has all positive assurance that the horse is fit and ready. Mr. Curley Murphy, being an expert in horseshoeing, having been born with a racing plate in his hand, as ho oftan jokingly tells his friends, he having inherited a liking for the profession from his father, who was a famous character around the old Hawthorne track 25 years ago and known to horsemen as "HORSESHOES." I mention all these things to impress on you that you aro doing business with real horsemen when you string along with Curley. His knowledge of firing and blistering bad-leg horses makes him an asset to the horsemen, who ask his advico on these matters. He, I believe, knows msre about horses loss than any veterinarian in the country. He also knows when a horse is fit and ready, when they are outclassed and when they outclass their fields whether they can go the distance. IT.e also clocks every work at the track and knows when Hny are working a horse out or fooling the railbirds. Curley counts as his friend every jockey at the tracK. ?s he has seen them develop from stable boys to rank of jockoys; many trainers he knew when they were rubbing horses around the barns when he was plating horses. I can accept only a few players in each city, as I cannot cause a return of the play tj th- track, which often happens when out-of-town bookmakers find they are overloaded. This would kill tae price at the track. ??ext horse expected to start in a few days, as the stable is waiting for a soft spot. CURLEY MURPHY advises that he expects to send mi word on another long shot that should pay 20 to I or more. The information will be sent out at noon on the day that he sends ms word. This is ampl: time for you to get down and will prevent thn of j any play to the track. TERMS Send me ?5 in your first Ietcr and agree to placo straight to win a 55 wager for me. The winnings to bo remitted as soon as you collect the winnings from your bookmaker. You aro to deduct the ?5 you sent me in your first letter from the first winner. By this time you will know the kind of information that Curley sends out. Addresj ail mail to W. J. MONTGOMERY AQUEDUCT, LONG ISLAND, N. Y. HARVEY AMES kaki.i: i;ni.iir. Uroadwny at 52d Street Boom 10T-S j:av yohic city "Harvey Transaction" TODAY "Harvey Transactions" require no comment. They stand on "their merits." One Hundred Dollars payable strictly in advance, by telegraph or in person. "Harvey Transaction" consists of one horse only. Karly subscription is necessary to avoid return of same when the quota for each territory has been filled. The above precaution is taken in the in-; terest of all concerned. In reference to i today, all I can add is that the same connections who supplied the last four "Harvey Transactions" arc furnishing todays matter, and I consider them the most trustworthy possible. A glance at the record contained in my advertisement of yesterday will substantiate this statement. The only way to avoid receiving wrong horses as "Harvey Transactions" is to deal directly with this oflice. TELEPHONE CIRCLE 5790 i Carl Carpenter .19 TK1XITY BUFFALO, X. Y. SIO AVKF.KLY Reliable Winning Information Only one or two transactions daily. LAST AVKF.K A FLAT FLAY OF 0.00 AVOX 30 START TODAY AVith an Experienced Information Getter. Wire your subscription by Western Union or Postal. Propositions not considered. n A1FS CIMF.F OBSKKVF.K 35 CEXTS AT ALL XEWSSTAXDS. Frpe Code: Fair Grounds Yermont-Ivory-AVater-Jteil. "ANONYMOUS" Secret Information ONE HORSE DAILY Special Attention ! XO KACIXG AT XAY ORLEANS .MONDAY AVeather conditions prohibited the running cf the card at New Orleans?. I had another sweet one ready, but all plans were spoiled for the day. Clients that received MONDAYS AVinE are reminded to watch for same in next start. A LIDKUATj PRICE should be paid today cn my SECRET AVI RE. Something about 7 or S to 1, and one that can run on any kind of a track. In fact, an IRON HORSE. Saturday I wired all clients: PAUL MIC0U 6-1 Won Friday I wired all clients: DER0NDA 7-1 Won Thursday I wired all clients: DUCKY 8-1 Won Wednesday I wired all clients: i DUSTABOUT 7-1 Won Tuesday I wired all clients: PAUL MIC0U 8-1 Won Monday I wired all clients: DAYDUE .....7-1 Won With even regularity I have delivered WINNEES and consider any price a GOOD ONE. I do not claim to eivo 20-1 and 30-1 shots, but. place you in the "know," when stables are trying hard to WIN. Terms: Daily 0 Weekly entitles you to ONE HORSE a day or 6 for the week. All money mutt be wired via Western Union or Postal money order transfer, along with your correct address. Interested readers, desiring my service, should hasten decision for I may be forced to discontinue subscriptions. NOTE All communications must to addressed to my New York representative MR. A. SHILLING f-C Gates Ave. BROOKLYN. X. Y. HARRY COLLINS S5.00 DAILY; 0.00 WEEKLY TIJUANA INFORMATION TODAY I have a special proposition going at Tijuana. To satisfy the exacting I have gone to tremendous expense as well as trouble to get this , cno so as tj demonstrate that I have tho RIGHT CONNECTIONS. 0 FOR THE PRICE that should ba paid in the MUTUELS and shoull start mo off on another winning streak as you well remember that I handed out 8 WINNERS IN A ROW, azd caused a sensation throughout the country. Winners recently given: Brandeis .40- Won Qaydue 7-1 Won Peerless One. . .0.80- Won Nellie A 0.40- Won Dickie Dix 3.00-82 Won Harrigans Heir. ..80- Won Faber 0.40- Won Seths Alibi . . . .2.40- Won 8 winners and given ONLY ONE HORSE EACH DAY no more than one. i SUBSCEIBE ! SUBSCRIBE ! One weeks info, .0. Wiro W. U. or Postal. HARRY COLLINS 53 BLAKE AAENUE BROOKLYN, X. Y. Us??????? ??? s $ PREDETERMINED TURF PROFITS $ $ Tlie MIKALLK SYSTK.M is n:i:i.iii:illy " known ? ? :is V:isy for player linrd fur l:i.vtT." SuM mi ? ? installment ; payments iaid from your profits. $ $ Absolutely lUUE 73-page manual and review. 5 f Investigate today and make your IhjoIJu obey. $ i lubllc relations manager S ? S. E. AUTIIllt s ? Do-c -10. 11. V. Towson, Mil. S ????014939?? ? ? 5 Pay From Your Profits j The Master Key System of playing, llic raeej will lie mailed you for one weeks trial It should show an average profit of at least 0 I a day on the ?3 scale of play. FOR PARTICULARS mail this ad. with your name ami address, to J. K. WILLIS 225 Thirtieth Street Miami Beach, Fla. ESTABLISHED 1905 New York Turf Exchange 1116 imOABAVAY K1V VI KK C1TV SUITE C02-10 Same special as wiied clients yesterday gees for today. TERMS: ?20.00 WEEKLY; ?5.00 DAILY SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT We have just closed a deal for information from tho South. To demonstrate our ability we will send you absolutely froo our FIRST SPECIAL, which will start next Thursday. Send your n.inii and addtess with one dollar to guarantee telegraph i charges. Be sure ycur nam? is received in time, as wa expect plenty of price and wo want you down in time. Dont delay. Be sure you aro in on this FIRST TRANSACTION. Address M. RICHARD 2 South Hawk St. Albanv. N. Y. Room 401, 110 Nassau Street, Now York City ?L00 UNITED TURF NEWS .00 Published Every Wednesday and Saturday CODE SPECIAL TODAY 2-4-15-32-WINNER