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Daily Racing Form Handicaps FAIR GROUNDS The horses which seem best in Tuesdays races are: Fair Grounds w Orleans. I.a., Jan. 21, 1924. 1 Quivero, Fire Boy, Fausto. 2 Apology, Lady Choeo, Verbena. 3 Beg Pardon, John Joseph, Bygone Days. 1 CERTAIN, Best Pal, Clotighjordan. 5 Deadlock, Raffles, Pcquot. C Day Lilly, Broomflax, Honolulu Boy. 7 Soviet, Young Adam, Little Ammie. J. L. Dcmisey. New York Handicap. 1 Fire Boy, Fausto, Quivero, Meddling Mattie. 2 Tidy Choec, Vultilla. Peggy O.. Belle K. 3 Sagamore, John Joseph, Beg Pardon, Kingselerc. 1 Certain, Best Pal, Bradleys Toney, Cioughjordan. 5 Tony Beau, Colored Boy, Dustabout, Baffles. C BROOMFLAX, Silent King, Day Lilly, Honolulu Boy. 7 Xeddam, Hickory, Little Ammie, Ana- prisa. Chicago Handicap. 1 Fire Boy, Meddling Mattie, Fausto, Quiv ero. 2 Apology, I-uly Choco, Phoebe Snow, i Tight. 3 Sagamore, Beg Pardon, Poppye, Isosce les. 4 CERTAIX, Bradleys Toney, Cioughjor dan, Ducky. 5 Dustabout, Colored Boy, Tony Beau, Baffles. C Broomflax, Attorney, Silent King, Day Lilly. 7 Xeddam, Old Faithful, Young Adam, Feigned Zeal. Observers Handicap. 1 Fire Boy, Fausto, Blackolia, Bethlehem Steel. 2 Goldmark, Lady Choco, Belle K., Vul tilla. 3 Poppye, Stump Jr., Beg Pardon, Saga more. 4 Cioughjordan, Ducky, Certain, Bradleys Toney. 5 DUSTABOUT, Tony Beau, Kinburn, Col ored Boy. f Broomflax, Day Lilly, Silent King, Attorney. 7 Xeddam, Hickory, Juno, Feigned Zeal. Consensus of Handicap. 1 Fire Boy, Quivero, Fausto, Meddling Mattie. 2 Apology, Lady Choco, Goldmark, Belle K. 3 Sagamore, Beg Pardon, Poppye, John Joseph. 4 CERTAIN, Cioughjordan, Bradleys Toney, Best Pal. 5 Dustabout, Deadlock, Tony Beau, Colored Boy. C Broomflax, Day Lilly, Silent King, Honolulu Boy. 7 Xeddam, Soviet, Hickory, Young Adam. HAVANA. The horses which seem best in Tuesdays races arc: Oriental Park Hamua, Cuba, Jan. 21, 1921. 1 E. F. Whitney entry, May Baxter, Dext rose. 2 Clay Allen, Betty Mac, Miriam Cooper. 3 Pilades, Myrtle Bilson, Red Mill. 4 Xecnah, Blazonry, Title. 5 Hillman C, Sportiboy. Horeb. C TOPANGO, Whirlwind, Marionette. T. K. Lynch. New York Handicap. 1 Gymkhana, Parmachenee Belle, Dextrose, May Baxter. 2 Miriam Cooper. Quiet, Bog, Jack Frost. 3 Pilades, Myrtle Bilson, Bessie Gershel, Red Mill. 4 Blazonry, Winall, Phelan, Xeapolitan. " Tomahoi, War Fox, Hillman C, Bounce. C TOPANGO, Mountain Lassie, Marionette, Chopsticks. Chicago Handicap. 1 Gymkhana, Dextrose, Parmachenee Belle, May Baxter. 2 Clay Allen, Gupton, Betty Mae, Miriam Cooper. 3 RED MILL, Merry Bells, Thor, Myrtle Bil son. 4 "Winall, Xeenah, Squire Wiggins, Debadou. Z Bounce, Tomahoi, Hillman C, British Liner. G Mountain Lassie, Marionette, Gay Boy II., Chopsticks. Observer Handicap. 1 GYMKHANA, Parmachenee Belle, Dext rose, May Baxter. 2 Miriam Cooper, Clay Allen, Bird Shot, Bet ty Mae. 3 Red Mill, Myrtle Bilson, Pilades, Thor. 4 Blazonry, Xeenah. Debadou, Title. " War Fox, Tomahoi, Hillman C, Horeb. 6 Topango, Marionette, Gay Boy IL, Moun tain Lassie. Consensus of Handicap. 1 GYMKHANA , Parmachenee Belle, Dext rose, May Baxter. 2 Clay Allen, Miriam Cooper, Betty Mae, Quiet. 3 Pilades. Red Mill, Myrtle Bilson, Thor. 4 Blazonry, Neenah. Winall, Debadou. Hillman C. Tomahoi. Bounce, War Fox. C Topango, Mountain Lassie, Marionette, Gay Boy II. TIJUANA. The horses which seem best in Tuesdays races are: Tijuana, Mexico, Jan. 21, 1924. 1 International Stable entry. Girl Scout, Shasta Rapids. 2 Rosa Atkin, Blanche Meyers, Delancey. 3 Brandeis, Queen Catherine, Pretty Mally. 4 Keegan, Parvenu, Huon Pine. 5 VICTOIRE, Prince K., Deep Thought C Encrinite, Virgo, Eelman. 7 Locust Leaves, Hyanpom, Bosh. 8 Knighthood, Canyon, Bullet Proof. G. W. Schilling. New York Handicap. 1 Scquan, Moon Child, Shasta Rapids, Wil- trude Wood. 2 Bosa Atkin, Delancey, Blanche Meyers, Hoscoc Goose. 3 Brandeis, Queen Catherine, Little Thistle, Pretty Mally. 4 Keegan, Parvenu, Voorgold, Huon Tine. 5 BILLY STAB, Prince K., Deep Thought, Victorie. C Chippendale, By Right, Dovesroost, Louis. 7 Hyanpom, Bosh, The Wit, Locust Leaves. S Doctor Corbctt, Ruddy, The Falconer, Al Hotfoot. Chicago Handicap. 1 Moon Child, Sequan, My Destiny, G.rl Scout. 2 Rosa Atkin, Delancey, Sweet and Low, Pueblo. 3 Brandeis, Queen Catherine, Miss Xantura, Little Thistle. 4 PARVENU, Keegan, Huon Pine, Program. 5 Prince K., Deep Thought, Billy Star, Vic- toire. 6 Eelman, Lawrence Manning, Peter Pierson, Fayelle. 7 Hyanpom, Bosh, Mart Bunch, The Wit. S Lord Allen, Canmore, Knighthood, The Dictator. Observers Handicap. 1 Sequan, Moon Child, Dutch Girl, Girl Scout. 2 Rosa Atkin, Delancey, Blanche Meyers, Rcscoe Goose. 3 Little Thistle, Brandeis, Queen Catherine, Tranquil. 4 Keegan, Parvenu. Huon Pine, Program. 5 PRIXCE K., Billy Star, Deep Thought, Victoire. 6 By Right, Dovesroost, Fayelle, Virgo. 7 Locust Leaves, The Wit, Hyanpom, Bosh. 8 Lord Allen, Ruddy, Bullet Proof, Knight hood. Consensus of Handicaps. 1 Scquan, International Stable entrv, Moon Child, Girl Scout. 2 ROSA ATKIN, Delancey, Blanche Meyers, Roscoe Goose. 3 Brandeis, Little Thistle, Queen Catherine, Pretty Mally. 4 Keegan, Parvenu, Huon Pine, Program. 5 Prince K., AMctoire, BIHv Star, Deep Thought. C Encrinite, Chippendale. Eelman, By Right. 7 Locust Leaves, Hyanpom, .Bosh. The Wit. 8 Lord Allen, Doctor Corbett, Knighthood, Bullet Proof.