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HARVEY AMES Earle Building Broadway at 52nd Street NEW YORK CITY As stated in yesterdays advertisement, several "Harvey Transactions" are now in preparation, but the starting of the next "JIarvey Transaction" Avill not be announced in these columns. Undue publicity on days of starting lias continually lowered the odds on "Harvey Transactions." This was especially noticeable in the case of "PEQUOT" and Thursdays "HARVEY TRANSACTION," which accounts for the above decision. One source furnishes the next two "Harvey Transactions" and all subscribing do so under the condition that same must win or they are entitled to the one following:. Each "Harvey Transaction" is a separate proposition and the above arrangement is only possible AVhen the SAME source is responsible for two successive transactions. It is strongly advised that subscription of 00 be forwarded without delay to avoid return of same when the quota for each territory has been exhausted. TELEPHONE CIRCLE 5790 j C TIIKMAN WHOt-A MAK1 YOU TNJ SOLD EVERYWHERE DAILY "STOP. LOOK. LISTEN!" WCLEANED UP" AGAIN YESTERDAYS "FREE" "SPECIAL:" ROYAL DUCK 3y2-1 Won And JACK FIELD "advised" to "PLUNGE. WIN ONLY." as ho knew all about ROYAL DUCK. j Daily Special SCRATCHED. JACK FIELDS FOLLOWERS "CLEANED UP" AGAIN. iT-Why Lose Your Money lm, ; when YOU can WIN following JACK FIELD. First two weeks this month iWON OVER 80.00 i NO SURPRISE to JACK FIELDS followers to I WIN above amount in two weeks on "FLAT PLAY" overy day, as THEY KNOW how GOOD "JACK FIELD" is. j gTODAY "10-1 OR BETTER" is what JACK FIELD expects to get on todays! "GOOD THING." j HERE IS YOUR CHANCE TODAY I "CLEANING UP" AGAIN You would be willing to pay j WSI 00.00 TODAY-3 ! for above "GOOD THING" if you knew how GOOD this is. lTodays "Special" Free Jack Fiold is giving todays 5 "SPECIAL FREE" again as he expects todays "SPECIAL" to pay better price than yesterdays "SPECIAL" paid ROYAL DUCK. RUSH to your newsdealer before he SELLS OUT today and get JACK FIELD copy. YOU get BOTH ?5 and special for ONLY ?1 TODAY. NOTICE JACK FIELD sold everywhere RACING FORM sold. Mailed to yon, ?5 week. FIELD PUB. CO. Room 32, 39 W. Adams St. Chicago, 111. NEWSDEALERS wanted to handle this publication WRITE TODAY. Carl Carpenter 30 TKIXITV lllFFALO, X. Y. 0.00 WEEKLY Only one or two transactions daily. NOTICE ! Any one subscribing for this weeks service "Monday" or "Tuesday" will receive two additional plays, to finish 1-2 at 10 to 1 or better. My past record on long shots a guarantee of their value. START TODAY "With an Experienced Information Getter. "Wire your subscription by "Western Union or Postal. Propositions not considered. Pay From Your Profits The Master Key System of playing the race will be mailed yon for one weeks trial. It should show an average profit of at least 0 :i day on the scale of play. FOR PARTICULARS mail this ad. Willi your ii:nm- mid .-ulilress to J. K. WILLIS 225 Thirtieth Street , Miami Beach, Fla. SOMETHING GOOD going at New Orleans Saturday, Feb. 2. Should be a good price and connections will string along. Torms. Winnings of 0.00 flat play. Writs or wire to M. A. SCHWARTZ 1632 KENMORE PLACE BROOKLYN, N. Y. ADVERTISE IN RACING FORM SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY RACING FORM 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO. ILL. 157-159 EAST 32ND STREET. NEW YORK, N. Y. 305-307 DECATUR STREET. NEW ORLEANS. LA. 50 RICHMOND STREET, EAST, TORONTO, ONT. GARS CHIEF OBSERVER 33 CEXTS AT ALL NEWSSTANDS New Issue For Sale Now TODAYS EKEE COOK: Yermont-Jtiver-DHck- White AGAIN WE WON ! YEST E III AYS CLOCKEUS SPECIAL: Norseland, 8-1, Won YESTERDAYS 0 EKEE SPECIAL: NEDDAM, 7-2, WON The Chief sure is HITTING IT UP STRONG these days. TODAY Another Adverlised 0 FREE SPECIAL I got this one so strong that only a broken leg can stop him from winning, said Bill to me last night. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE Ttush right now to your newsdealer and ask for GARS DAILY CHIEF OBSERVER 30 CENTS, MAILED 2 WEEKS, f5 Address 332 PLY3IOTJTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL. DETROIT FOR SALE: Triangle Newsstand. . .Griswold and Lafayette BouL Family Theater Newsstand Cadillac Square j ; BUD EDWARDS N ORLEANS WIZARD 10G PARK ROW NEW YORK CITY 520.00 DAILY 0.00 WEEKLY ANOTHER CLEANUP! YESTERDAYS HORSE: KINDRED 7-2 1VI ONE HORSE ONLY and again a winning day for my clients. This is no guesswork. This information co-ass from people that play thousands of dollars every day, and I am sure if it is good enough for them it is good enough for you. If you can do better you neednt bother with me. 20 TO 1 TODAY Leave it or take it. but let me say this much, if you dont take advantage of my offer youre goins to be a sorry man by the end of the week. This information is good and cant be beat for 0 a day, and all it costs you is .00 daily and 0 weekly. Subscribe at once. Good ones given last week: Saturday OLYNTHUS 9-2 WON Friday SMART Y 8-1. 3-1 2ND Thursday SANDS OF PLEASURE 5-1 WON Wednesday BARRACUDA 4-1 WON Tuesday PEGGY O S-l WON ATTENTION ! ATTENTION ! A big .03 special goes Wednesday. This is something good, for big players only. All big play-j crs who want tD get in on this hilling thats com- ing off Wednesday send 55.03 and your word that I you will treat me right after ycu collect yours. I am on the level and want you to bo the same. I I cm sure if youre on the losing side I can help you , if you subscribe for one week. Remjmber. nothing ventured nothing gained. Your money means noth-I ing if you dont invest it right. Stop worrying and get in touch with ms at once. All those that send I in a weeks subscription will get that big special i free. Please send your address when wiring money. MURPHY AND MONTGOMERY TURFMEN Saturdays One and Only Horse: PEQUOT -...2-1 WON This horse was wired to mo by Cr.rley Murphy, to bs disposed to my clients, and my clients won .-.gain, which looks like the habit for CURLEYS "FOLLOWERS." Curley Murphy has released only reven horses and all seven won at "good prices." The following is Curley s recird at Now Orleans: PEQUOT, Jan. 26 2-1 WON AVISPA, Jan. 23 . 7-1 WON ; KING ONEILL II., Jan. 19 6-1 WON SCARE CROW, Jan. 11 12-1 WON I GOOD TIME. Jan. 7 10-1 WON VERA VENNIE, Dec. 11 12-1 WON O. HEN3Y, Dec. 6 12-1 WON Curley Murphys caliber of "information" is not the everyday sort, as he gets strictly bona fide information once or twice a week, as you all know that "winning" information doesnt come every day. Curley s Next Horse Goes Friday, Feb. 1, 1924 Some of the shrewdest horsemen at New Orleans are handling this special and it looks like an impossibility for this horse to lose. Here is a chanco for you to get yours. TEEMS Send ma .00 in your first letter and agree to placo straight to win a .09 wager for me. Tho winnings to be remitted as soon as you collect the winnings from your bookmaker. Address all mail to W. J. MONTGOMERY AQUEDUCT, L. I., N. Y. 1493914939014939?1493914939 ? 5 ? PREDETERMINED TURF PROFITS $ 5 The MIKACLK SYSTKM is nationally known S $ as "easy for player hard for layer." Sold on $ $ installment : payments paid from yuiir profit-. 5 $ Absolutely FUEK 73-pngo manual ami review. $ $ Investigate today and make your buokie ubvy. 5 $ Iublic relations manager $ $ S. E. ARTIirU $ $ Box 40. R. F. Towsnn, Md. $ 149391493914939149391493914939$ 110 NASSAU ST., ROOM 401, NEW YORK CITY UNITED TURF NEWS PRICE .00 SEMI-WEEKLY PRICE .00 Published every Wednesday and Saturday. On sale, out of town, leading newsstands. Mailed anywhere, .00 monthly. TODAYS CODE SPECIAL: 17-23-S-29-Winner NEW FEATURE OVERNIGHT COMMISSION SPECIAL: 21-7-7-32-Winner Subscribe for Daily Racing Form DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO, ILL. 157-159 EAST S2ND STREET. NEW YORK, N. Y. 50 RICHMOND STREET. EAST. TORONTO. ONT. 305-307 DECATUR STREET, NEW ORLEANS, LA.