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THE MAN AVIIO CAN 3IAIOS YOU AVIN umiiwi juujuu SOLD ON ALL NEWSSTANDS .00. AOAIX AVE "CLKAXKD Ul?" Yesterdays Big Special was: BR00KDALE 2-1 Won and JACK FIELDS advice was "PLUNGE, WIN ONLY." Yosterdays ?5 Special was "SCRATCHED." Saturdays Big XXX Special was: EVELYN 6-1 Won Saturdays Special was: WILMR THE WIZARD 5-1 Won Somo of our recent GOOD THINGS were. DERONDA 20-1 Won KINGSCLERE 7-1 Won MASTER HAND 12-5 Won MANY OTHER "GOOD PRICED WINNERS" tjo numerous to mention. LAST MONTH WON ,150.00 ON A 0 flat nlay. Last two weeks 0 flat play PWON 90.00 l-HOW CAN YOU LOSE following such "INFO" as JACK FIELD gives? p?-IF YOU TAID ,000 A DAY YOU couldnt get any better than JACK FIELD gives you for SerOXLY SI A DAY TODAY AXOTHElt LONG SHOT This comes from a source that when they BET they usually cash 9 out of 10 times and it sure looks like they will "CASH" today. TODAYS. ?5.00 "SPECIAL" - A "MAIDEN" 10-1 OR "BETTER" is what this "MAIDEN" is expected to pay todav. HEEE IS YOUR CHANCE FOE "CLEANING UP" TODAY RUSH to your newsdealer and get JACK FIELD, sold everywhere RACING FORM sold. Mailed to you, S5 a week; 5 weekly includes daily Specials. FIELD PUB. CO.. 39 W. Adams St., Chictigo. 111. i ADVERTISE IN RACING FORM DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO. ILL. 157.159 EAST 32ND STREET. NEW YORK. N. Y. M RICHMOND STREET. EAST. TORONTO. ONT. 305-207 DECATUR STREET, NEW ORLEANS, LA. Carl Carpenter 50 THIXITY BUFFALO, X. Y. 0.00 AVEEKLY Only one or two transactions daily. Won five consecutive weeks. Won on eight plays at 10-1 or better. Won on twenty additional plays. MY METHOD OF WAGERING, plus daily service, will continue winning as long as races are run. START TODAY AVith an Experienced Information Getter. I GUARANTEE Sir days FREE to all subscribing this week, if they do not win 00.00 on a 0.00 flat play. Long shots every week. AVire your subscription by Western Union or Postal. Propositions not considered. Arch B. Odom MARION, VIEGINIA SEVERAL READY I have been advised by my fellow horsemen I that several bis thinss are ready and I will let in a few more reliable men who will agrea to send me the winnings of a straight play. I am a brother of George M. Odom and my connections aro the best. My friends at tha track are sending me some information that will make you some money. Take advantage and rush name I and address. I 116 NASSAU ST., ROOM 401, NEW YORK CITY UNITED TURF NEWS SEMI-WEEKLY. PRICE .00 PRICE .00. Published every Wednesday and Saturday. On sale, all newsstands, everywhere. Todays Big Code Special: 9-13-12-30-OVER. Yesterdays Big Code Special: EVERGLADE 4-1 Won Saturdays Big Code Special: DUSTPR00F 5-2 Won 0.00 AVEEKLY; DAILY OCCASIONAL 0.00 j WEEKLY. j Yesterdays Occasional: Foreign Relations. .2-1, 3-5 2nd Harvey Ames Broadway at 52nd Street, Earle Bldg., New York, N. Y. YESTERDAYS "HARVEY TRANSACTION" STAMPDALE, 13-5, WON Another proof, though, none is needed, to show the superiority of "Harvey Transactions." "Harvey Transactions" consist strictly of one horse and are not an experiment, but have proved their worth and stand on their merit. A 50 investment on each of the last fifteen "Harvey Transactions" shows a clear profit of ,650 after deduction of losses and cost of the information. "HARVEY TRANSACTION" Tomorrow-Wednesday Subscription, 00, must be received early to insure proper listing, as all "Harvey Transactions" are limited to territory. In order to guard against sudden developments it is always advisable to have subscriptions here for several at the rate of 00 for each transaction. "Harvey Transactions" are followed by those who desire the best obtainable in racing information and take full advantage when it arrives. Tomorrow should again prove why "Harvey Transactions" demand the largest fee for racing information. WAIT ! Complaints continue to arrive from those who fall prey to impostors giving wrong horses as "Harvey Transactions" at reduced rates. There is but one way to avoid unnecessary regrets, and that is to deal directly with this office. .00 DAILY 0.00 WEEKLY G. DUNN 110 NASSAU ST. EAV YORK CITY 0.00 Proposition Horse Today 5.00 in Advance BALANCE OF 3.00 TO BE PAID AFTEll HORSE AYIJfS AT C TO 1 OR BETTER. Todays 0.00 Proposition Horse Positively Free to 0.00 Weekly Clients Those Avanting todays 0.00 proposition horse only, telegraph 5.00. Those wanting one Aveeks subscription including todays 0.00 horse, telegraph ?20.00. Experts Operating Todays Horse Consider it a Certainty PROBABLE ODDS Regarding Todays Proposition Horse Between 8 and 15 to 1 I am under oath and can state no more in this adrertisement regarding todays proposition horse. THOSE AVISHIXG TO TAKE A I VANTAGE OF IT, TELLGRAPII 3IOXEY IMMEDIATELY ! Saturdays horse Avired G. Dunn subscribers SIMPLICITY 12-1 Won Fridays horse wired G. Dunn subscribers LADY ROSE 7-2 Won Thursdays horse Avired G. Dunn subscribers BARLEYCORN 8-1 Won Tuesdays horse Avired G. Dunn subscribers TELESCOPE 8-1 Won 00 STRAIGHT PLAY OX AROYE WON ,900.00 Telegraph mbney AAestern Union. 0.00 AVEEKLY" .00 DAILY $ $ PREDETERMINED TURF PROFITS $ $ The M1KACLU SYSTEM is nationally known $ $ t.s "easy for player Itanl for layer." Sold on $ $ installment; payments paid from your profits. 5 $ Absolutely PRKK "3-page 111:11111:1 1 ami review. $ $ Investigate today and make your bookie obey. $ S lublic relations manager $ $ S. IS. ARTHUR. 5 $ Vox 40, R. F. Touson, Md. $ ABSOLUTELY 0E HORSE A DAY CAMPBELL 0.00 FOR SIX DAYS .00 A DAY TERMS SUBJECT TO CHAXGE " SCHUYLER ARMS HOTEL 08th Street and Riverside Drive XEAV YORK CITY Yesterdays Absolutely One Horse: EVERGLADE 4-1 Won Saturdays Absolutely One Horse: DUSTPR00F 5-2 Won I ha-e not sent a horse every day, and Avill not send out a horse every day in future. My Absolutely One Horse Today looks like a Avinner. Placed in the right spot. Ami any price should lie a good one. AVire money AAesiern Union. Terms and address above. GUYC.WINTON 5G3 JEROME STREET BROOKLYN, K. Y. S5.00 DAILY 0.00 AVEEKLY MR. PLAYER; ATTENTION! HOW LONG ARE YOU GOING TO LET INFORMATION LIKE THIS GET BY YOU? Yesterday I smashed over: EVERGLADE ....4-1 Won PROVING AGAIN I HAVE THE GOODS. TODAY! TODAY! 10 FOR 1 Get this lonsr shot without fail. I am the man youre, looking for. MY RECORD NO FAVORITES: Mondays AVire: EVERGLADE 4-1 AVOX Saturdays AVire: SIMPLICITY 13-1 AVOX Fridays AVire: POPPYE 12-1 AVOX Thursdays Wire: AEXXIE 12-1 AVO THE ACTION MAN New Orleans Information Yes r, Mr. Flayer. Ive got ono today I that will make all hands sit up and taka notice. Get in touch with me at once. Subscribe to the best information in the world. My fee is .00 daily; 0.03 weekly. Only one horse a day, never more. AVire money Western Union. cr Postal, or send special g delivery. Subscribe to the best. Monthly Form Book Is On Sale DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO, ILL.