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OAIL7T RACING FORM FAIR GROUNDS : Copyright, 1021, by Daily Ilnclug Form rubllshlnir Company. NEW 07U.EAN8, J.A., T.UU8DAY, FKMtUARY 12, 1021 Inlr Ground I Mile. Thirty-sixth day. Muatntsa Men Raring Aaiorlntlon. Winter Meeting of llfiy live day. Weather clear. Mewnrda, Joseph A. Murphy, C. XV. Hay nml II. 1. Colliding. JtntKM. .1. It. CumplKjII, J. Mclennan mil It, J. CnrlUIo. Starter, W. llnmltion. Racing Secretory, Joseph McI.imiii.iii. Marina ttlitrt tit 2:00 p. m. iCIilongn I line. 2:00 p. in.. W ludlenlea whip. H aptr. It hllnkra. Figure In p. n t liiaiia following tlin dlaimicc if -rtH nice Indicate date, trnek word, ngo of hgrae nml weight tarried. Mudlonloa iipproiillco tillnwnnco. rrTyf iiust race a.t Mile. Fi. o, idih i:iiy o no. Puro .ooo. 3-year-cid. 4 J iJV Maldona, Allowance. Not value to winner 00; aeeond, 00; third, 00. Index Hiimoa AWtlMSt A V4 ft Str Kin Jockey Owner O II 3 I H ; 7 1IU AMITY CLAIM will 3 0 fi 4i 2 U J CtireonuiGroonlroo Htnblo t 7 3 t J 7Ua:tiOI.OI,I wn 116 I I 1 1 1 2 O ItnliMH W Daniel 2 2 13-103-G 13 , 77101 AITItA"lIVK wilt 5 1 71 71 0 3" fS Hrniilng T V Moutjny 15 30 20 8 4 7 ;iltt IIKNIIY .1. wn 11 It 7 8 3 4 4 .1 WulliteoN t.OHenUo 30 40 10 13 8 77i:i;t JtUHIt ItlJCIC w Hi! 7 : 61 fc" Gl and 1 Inrko .1 MoPlmimm I f G 2 t 770.1i MKLItOHRNK w llrt 10 1 V 34 7 C It llitrtnn W C Overton U 15 8 3 8-5 77233 IIKNK1NA wn 111 2 2 2 V 3 7 II Meyer I 1 1 Hour S K S 15 20 20 8 4 772:iit DANCING KOOI. wn IK, 3 It J0 0 9 84 M KoliwUI I. Woo 15 20 20 8 1II.ANCIIU H. w III I I 3 10 !0 ! I. MoDoltV Klllott 31 4 4 8-5 7-10 77233 UMOKGIA WII.RD wn 111 8 10 It II 11 10 II Zander II Kitllehy 30 30 30 13 77103 KAJ.SK AHUM w Ufi U 3 9 fi 8 II J ClialiiiornClnulniiatl Stable 30 40 40 15 3 Time, 40, 1:16. Truck low. Winner Mr. f, hy Rook View Gold, liy Golden Carter trained ly C. Phillip; bred by Mr. Ailhur It. llitiieorkl. Went to pout nt 2:03. At pout J minute. Stnrt cl and alow, Won driving; Kooond and third tho imi.v A.MITV CLAIM h.-uiii nloivly, lint kiiIikiI stiMnllly In tho ntntih Mini, llnUhlni: fnxt. ov,.litiulf.l idl.llIMKI.I In I lu hint xlxtiMwifh. iOI.IlIKI.I .-t ttu piioo cniiudy. hut wun In tho docpokt pint of Hi.- trn.k for Iho iMitlro r nnd tlrod m-nr tlu end. ATlltAtlTIVH HiiIhIumI fast ufd-r olfxlni; .1 Uig Kiip. ltlNUY J. ohmi-d 11 :ii mid tlnlklinl ItliHIl IIUCIC wuh In tho iKp colni; inrxt of mo w.iy. M i:i.ll I : It. NK mid MK.NHi.NA tired hudly In th ktrctch. IliaNClIi: 10. dropped hack In tho tlrt nunrtT. Hrriilihrd -770r.illtllly Klnlr. 110; 7-ISM 8y II. 110; 77W0 Wlm Crm-kor, 110. rTrr0lJ AKOOND UACK .LI Mllo. VaU, 0, 1018 l:im-0110. Xnrw ,000. 4.yar.olda 4 4 -PJJtL and npwunl. Claiming. Nut valuo to wlniwr 00; aocond, 00; third, 00, ludot llorkon AWtllSt U Htr Kin Joi-koyn Ovvnon O II 0 V H 7 7I2VIMI,.KI.H wn fi 103 It 3 2 1 Ill1 K TIlMyko J H Tovl.l 10 10 10 4 S-C 77O00 HAtlAMOttH wn 7 112 1 5 C f 3t 21 C Uomo C Ouffnrolll 31 5 4 5-6 7-10 771 IH HYHTICItlA w 5 108 .8 3 U 2 2 3 M Mnrlln .1 1. Pontltm IC 15 10 I 2 70tM0SICUiriCI. wn I 103 7 1 t" 31 4 I" I 1itrko KrUM Inn fltli 7-5 7-51-6 1-2 1-4 1ilH .1. ntAICMII.K w 7 10.1 10 7 7 C 6 G 1 Moraler V K Mattliow.i 20 25 25 10 5 77005M.IT KMlUMNiK wn 5 UK 5 4 3 6 11 liny .1 II Mctityim 15 t5 15 f 3 77I1MM Al.Ii.XANnillt w 8 103 IS H H 7 7 l ltronlnn-1 Hmi.lolpli 10 15 15 U 3 .OIMIITIIH KIlNCIHCAN w 5 103 a 8 : 9 9 .81 I. Imnir Houtlihilld Stli 10 12 13 5 21 70.V41 Kli.NNICSAW wn I 107 3 10 JO" 10 8 3 I ItronlntfMm J .SclnoiiTix 20 30 30 12 I 707UI ItlllNWiOI.O wtin 4 113 3 1 5 7 II JO" J Wnlliieo Mn 8 C Donlmiu 10 12 13 G 21 771D2 UtIAItlTK w 5 107 i5 11 It 11 I0 It 1! Itoolun M J ltemtclmnui 10 12 12 5 21 Tlmo. 25Ji. -18H. liHH. Track alow. Winner It. h. hy Ilntidlt- I-idy Cliira, hy ltciultal tralmd hy J. II. I.vla; hred hy Mr. 13. Mavl-. Wont to pout nt 2:5TT, At pout 1 nilnnto. Htnrt Rood nnd alow. Won onally; ftoromt mid third drlrlns. HNI.r.l.OH Ih-uiiii writ nnd. ii:iwilns II Y. ST I! It I A In tho Aril half, took .t ko.hI loml mid hold 8 AO A -MttltK iiifo In Iho atrotoh dilyo. HACAMOlti; liounn tdowly mid dioppod far h.nk In tho Ornt Imlf nillo; hut 1111110 with n nihil thrnich tho atrolch. HYSTUHIA sot tho oiirly paoo ami inado n ciuiio but tlrlne tiiilali. MKQlKI. wiin nwny ptiorly. hut movod up ato.idlty, only to tiro In tln l.iat oltthth. Sonilohoil 701MS 8I0110 Ako, 110; 77015 St. MUhaol, 108; 70010 Ula, 08. OvorwolchlH llyatorla, R pound; Kcuuotaw, 1, --OOO Tlllltl JIACK a.l Mllo. Fol. O. 1018 1:UV. 0 U0. Oentlllty Turin. Vurao 4 4 OUJ ,000. a.ytiur.ohls and upward, Clalmliif. Nat valuo to wlnnor 00; loco ml, 00; third, 00. lmlot Ilornoa AWtlMSt 4 1 Htr Kin Jookoyi Ownori O HOTS 77"i7ttW. THIS WWn wn J HI! It 1 1 1 1 I Iarko M fJoldhtntt C6l7M0r.-5 1-3 out 77,77 MiaitfttltY w it 110 13 3 2" 2 1. MolVotU M0MIII011 11-521 3 3-6 out 7020J .1 AS. V, VHAU.V w rt 10J 3 1 2 21 3 3 J Wnllaco Klrkfloht Hth 21 21 21 7-10out 772a7 lllCl-ltSlt TIMIW wn 4 W 3 4 31 4 4 4 A Aoonrdy U KonlKtiwal.l 10 15 15 4 1 Tlmo, 21. -48H. IMM. Track alow. Wlnnor It. b. hy Jl fiaffney IVaohor, hy Oroonau ralnod hy M. Ooldhlatt; hrod hy Mr. Arthur It llmioook, Wont to pot nl ":RI. At pout 1 minute, Hlart goo.l nnd ov. Won onally; aerend nml thlnl ilrMne. WIl.MIIlt TIIK WIAltO nuvd lnt. tho lend with 11 ruali nnd hold away for Iho ontlro moo, hut waa Kii us hta hat from tirnr the end. MHItClttY waa far hnok for tho Orat half mllo, hut iliilahod isnuiely nnd wore JASI1CS K. OHAUA down In tho lat aoventy yarda. .1AMK.S V. OllAltA meed well mid had no tiiiahnp. HtJTTIlt TI.MIJH wna done nfier koIiir tho ilrat thr juarlora. Hrrrtlohed 77ir.O tontlmeter. 122; 77121 Tniualato, 117; 772r.0llonor Man, 100; 70000 .Sympathy, 107. tKorwoleht Metier Tlmea. .1 Miunda, rff7fct tOUUTH UAC1-1 HO Mllos. Jan. 13, 1022 1:HS 7 110. Ooldon llo,l Purao. i A iyeAiy Turan ,000. 4-year-oliU and upward. Allawancoa. Not valuo to winner 00; tficoml, 00; thlnl, 00. Index lloraea AWtlMSt V -i Htr Kin Joekey Ownori O II O I 8 77217 ,siiTTlNS SI?N wn t 102 1 t 3 3" V V 1" J Wnltnee li K ltryou 3-5 7-102-5 out-772aS18iKSt,ICI.lW wn 6 101 3 1 2 2 11 5 2 I lirko J l.owo 11-531 3 1-2 out 77I.V2 SIIAMIUMMC wsn I 102 2 2 lk li 3 3" 3 W M liner T W OHrlmx 5 C 5 1 out 77210 miniitJtllti w 4 102 4 3 I I I I 4 A Ahol J Arthur 100 200 100 30 S Time. 24,. -1IH. l:Wi, 1:-1SS. Track slow. Winner fh. c, hy Dlauihala- Huuhurat, hy Itiinaatar trained hy ",, It. ltryson; hred hy Mr. Itl.hard T, WIImiiiI Wont to poat at 3:1.1. At pott 1 minute. Stnrt Rood and alow. Won easily; seoond and third driving, SKTTINO HIN tMsan alowl nnd won far haek to tho laat uart r, where ho oiimo with n ruah Into the .id nml won enaln; jip In tho Inat Koveuty ymda. 13i8KI.H8 iiiimi.mI HIIAMltOCK nml took the load nftor 1:11111: tlve-oightha, hut rould not wlilmtuml the winner, SIIAMIUMK ran Well for throe -ijuartora 1 tlrlne Imdly. MMDMCCIK wna lie.ttru off, Nora totted- -77257t.hllda llay, 100; 752.83 frnok Dawn, 101; 77278 ltradlrys Toney, 107; 772."8ltcok Holt. .111. 107. OviTtvelKht laoaeelea, 1 pound. rr4si KITH JIACE 1 MO Mlla. Jan. 18, 1922 1M4S7 110. Purao ,000. 3-year-d 4 Jl.l; 0U1 and upward, Claiming. Net vslua U winner 00; tocoml, 00; thlnl. 00. . Index llor.ea AWtlMSt i 8tr Kin Jookoyi Ownort O II C 1 8 772381lhWT wn I 103 3 3 2 11 2 1 ll 1 l!rk H T VntLi 7-5 3-G 7-5 1-2 1 772AH ItAKKKICH wn 4 100 t 1 l 2 II 2 2 5 INeld.i J M0MIII011 G 7 6 3 7-10 I 770011 IMtKU.Y SN7.Y w5 91 3 4 4 3" 3 3w I. Itiiir J Arthur 21 3 13-54-5 1-4 77?.18hM.YtNU liKVMI. w t 102 i 5 f. 6 4 4 D Mersler S tJooch 4 4 31 C-5 1-3 772asMltKKC,HUJAlUn wu 3 89 1 3 3 3" 5 5 G H llriffln H llnmllton 30 60 40 15 70813 TllH AltCllKU w 7 101 I 0 0 6 6 J 11 IturkoU A Ma.ion 60 60 CO 10 S Time, SS, 1:1554. 1:13, l:40i. Track alow. Winner Ch, c, hy llllarluita- llaloala, by Martinet trained by J. Mooth; bred by Meaars. William i llr.i. . Went to pot nt 3:10. At poat 1 minute. Start cood and alow. Wen handily: seeond nnd thlnl drlv-Ins. 1KQUOT waa reatrnlned until In the laat ttnrtor when he wna railed 011 nnd pnaard UAKKI.K.S. lint ; wua foroed to do hla boat. UAKK1.1W ahoweil the moat early apeed ami made a fnai and gamo tlnlah. ritKK.Y SNKICZY tired nnd Juat laaled to hold thlnl ptaee. KUYINtS MliYH. waa far back early and I wa solus welt In the atreteh. Serntehe,! 77105 Wnilti. 101; 77238Mnater Ilnnd. 112; 7710r.Itrunell. 102; 77105 Kaittoche, 100; I ITvTiOMYouc Mok. MR; 772l7Sllaa MoUe, 100; 771XU 1olvo, 07; 7750 Kntiatu, OS. Orerwolcht - ltaftle. 2 pouiida. l prrtfT SIXTH ltACE 1 Milo ami 70Yada! Fob. 7. lOllTliVi T-floT Turs7 ,000. 4 4 3.yiur-olJ and upward, Alloa-aucoa. Not valuo to winner 00; second, 00; third, , 00. Index lloraea AWtlMSt t, .j Str Kin Jookeya Ownera O 11 ll I 8 77-J30 llimi ;H.U w 10 107 5 5t t 2 2 1 I Mnzlor J Snndn 5 S 41 8-5 1-5 77!t7YOItltM w I lot I 1 1 1 1 1 f I, ljuur .1 lUnitolpti 3 18-531 7-6 7 10 1 j 7723U KtttlCI.KVINOTilN w f, 112 3 3 CCM" l 3 J Wnlhwo f. It Allen 4 4 31 7-6 7 10 77101 M At.ltIAN w 9 116 3 2 3 J 3 31 l T ISrBnlnKW IC Jottort 3 4 IS-57-5 7 10 70900 KKKl. lYiYr wn I UK 7 M ! 6t 6 5 J lleupel Mm J A Smith 41 7 7 21 C-5 772IH TOM1Y TA8T wa I IK fi C 3 31 4 51 C J onornnO HolUutd 12 15 15 6 3 70211 lANJ ANUUUM w 6 lit 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 T MoCor kA M Smith GO CO CO 20 10 Time. 25, 50H. l:10i. 1:-1IH, l:40?i. Track alow. Winner Ch. c. by Han the Turrlhlc Mtaa Mo.noy. by My Hoy 11. trained by W. A. llurttaehell; ; bivd by Mr W W. harden Went to mt at 4:kY At poat 1 minute. Start cd and ale.w for nil but IANJANDItll.M. Won t enally. afoomt am thlnl drivlns. llll.ll lilUll, nwny alowly. moved up with a ritah after coins a half f mile and pnaaod YtUlt:K In Iho laal kixtoouth. to win solus nwny. Tho hitler showed the moat apeed I fruit the atari, but besan ttrlus in the atretoti drive. KlltKl.lJYINdTON minis fnuit far bark In tho s airetrb MAI5HMAN mn n- poor rooe. TOMIiY TOAST nMired nfier golnc well for thr!o-iiari,ra. Strnlrhed 772S0,Siiursetnan. 1IW; TTatO Ueno, ill; 77281 8eontury, 110; 77011 Klircncc Deen, 111; ; J..IS Mlliien. HO; 77001 l;iiille. Hit; 7720 Utah lnt. lit. Overwelsht lnnjntidrum, I laiunda. - SKVF.NTH ItACK 1 Mllo and 70 Yaj-d. Fob. 7, 101S li42V7 110. "riirio SUOOO. . 4 3-yoar-old and upwanl. Claiming. Not valuo to winner 00; sooond, 00; third, 00. . Index lloraea AWtlMSt V, Vi i Str Kin Jookeya Owner O 11 O 1 S 77111 MAItTllA MOOItK w I 33 3 3 4 4 1 1 1 I Iini: Mm M lomx 13 15 12 5 21 77103IMittMAltt O w I 95 5 2 3 3 3 21 2 D Jones J S J.unit 31 5 2 1 70775 -TlX wn S 112 7 6 6 CI 6 1 3 U Mnrttn It N Vestal 4 41 31 7-5 7-10 772S1 TlttM A wn 6 101 5 4 3 3 3 3 4J J Waltueo J McKoovcr 13 15 10 4 2 77231 MVK OUANOK w 7 W 11 8 9 3 9 8 5 1 Klobln J Kurroll Jr 4 5 U 2 1 7077.1 KKNNMAKK w I 101 1 10 10l lO 10 61 C J fonviranJ lliuiovcr 12 U 15 C 3 77233 .AN.IUAlt wn I 104 t 1 1 1 6 71 71 J Heupol I. totm 31 4 13-5C-5 3-5 77231 llANDOt.llt w 3 S9 10 9 74 5 4 5 81 Iooper XV II Klror 20 20 15 6 3 77218JAKK HKltCKIt wn 4 112 11 t 7 7 9 9 C Dyon ltonuventurv Stb 10 20 15 6 3 76862 Ot lt UrrrSY wn i 107 9 7 S 8 SI lS tO J lltalmen.l 11 Joncn li 20 20 S 4 70703 OYlSY m-AIll w 11 103 2 11 U 11 11 ii U Yellou C Andoraou W 00 CO 20 10 Tlmo. 25, 40,, 1:15, 1:42, 1:484. Track alow. Winner Ch. f, hy Mnlumoiit- llrackUwn Melle, by Cuiiard trnlmrd by 0. I. Wilson; bred by Mr. A. Itrown. Wont to poat at 1:30. At poat 1 minute. Start cood nml alow. Won enally; fieeond nnd third driving. MAItTllA .MOOItK. favored by her light wolsht. meed Into the load after solus n half mllo nnd held It Kauiely t ho end. IKltMAItCO nto raro.I foiwardly Jind. help.-d by llijlit wolsht, llnlahod well. TKX uinde up siouiid mid wna ooiulng fnat at the end. TltOMA allowed apeed, hut hosnn tlrins in the Inat olshth. MOCK OltAMiK waa fnr linek for moat of tho wny, but flubbed well. .AN.IUAlt aot tho early pneo. hut ipilt auddonly nftor solus 11 half mllo In the lead. Heriiteh.d- 72103 Titian, 101; 77218 Waywaanamo, III; 7000I1I.oonlOH, 102. Ov-rwolshi Ieriiinreo, a pouiida; .mixllKir, I; Itmnlolph, I.