Havana, Daily Racing Form, 1924-02-13

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, . I i ; I I l , 1 j ; t f I s ; - . . HAVANA HAVANA. ClinA. TUESDAY, FEIHtTJAItY 12, 102-1. Orlentul Iark t Mllo. Slxty-lcvcnlh day. Ha-jiiiia Jockey Club. Winter mooting of 100 or more ditya. Weather clear, Iroaldlns Stownrd, S. C. Nuekola. Aafoolalo Hlowanla, C. II. I.-inmlnbs and J. Mr.iushliu. lroflldlns Jinlse, c. Coriiehlaiit. fttnrtor, J. K. Milton, ltaolns Soorolnry, W. II. Shelley. Itnelns alartj at 2:30 p. m. Chlaiso time. 1 .57 p. 111. W Indlontoa whip. S aptira. It bllnkerw. Figure In parenllioao following Iho dlalmieo of elicit raeo Indicate date, trnek record, ace of horao mid wol;ht cnrrled. Indlontoa apprentice allowance. rTTTOOrr FinST ItACE 1-2 Mllo. Fob. 18. 1022 17 2 113. Turao 1924.sh00. 2-year-olda. AU A a i A lowancos. Not valuo to wlnnnr 50; second, 00; third, 0, Index Iloraea AWtlMSt Vi Vi Str Kin Joekya Ownen O II O V S 70028 DUXTItOSIC w 111 3 3 1 2 1k A MisIhllnRoxarlo Stnlilo 5 C C S 1 77108 THATS TIIK TIM 15 w 107 I 4 4 3 2i J Mujffltlc A H KiiHtiium C-5 S-G 8-5 1-b 1-4 77201 CUMtY will 1 1 2 1 3 I T Ilrotlter.iM .1 Kurrln Jr. 3 3 3 1 2-5 VAIN KM. IK w 104 5 G 51 4 I" W Kronk It Ilielp.-i 6 6 8 2 1 77201 1CTHICI. !. w 105 7 1 fit 6 5 O Pom In 1. W f.anr 3 10 10 3 7-5 70028 MAY HAXTRIt w 104 2 7 7 61 C D Irlblo lively A Co 2 21 21 7-101-3 70801 MASCAltlT.V w 102 3 3" 7 7 J Pnz Gonoral Stb 10 20 20 7 3 Time, 244, 48. Track faat. muttifli paid. Doxtroao, 0.70 atralsht, 1924.sh.;!0 place, .00 ahow; Thata the Time, .M placo, .00 ahow; llory. 30 ahow. Kqulvnlent hooklus odd -Dexlrofe. 73." to 100 atrnlghl, 2IS to 100 place. 50 to 100 show; Thata tho Tlmo. 80 to 100 place 15 to 1H ahow; Jlory. 05 to 100 ahow. Winner :h. f. hy Sir Kdsar -Hlmlltrude, by Iivetlo trained by J. J. McCafferty; bred by Mr. fa. Queaada. Weill h0 nl 2:31. At poat I minute. Start poor and alow. Won driving; aeeond and third tho aniue. DKXTItOSK rnci-d Into a long loud after minuting tin; far turn, hut wa bonded In the atreteh and, In a ganio llnlr.li, bnrely outatayed THATS 11 IK TI.MK. THATS TIIK TI.MK. n alow beginner, llnlahod fnt on tho oulalde nml would probably have wort In a few more atrlde. GI.OUY raced Into it brief lend, but tlrod In the linn I drive. VAIN KIXIK ran well and unbilled camLdy. Overwidghl Kthel K., 1 pound. rrrrOOQ SECOND ltACE 6 l-2 Furlonsa. March 2, 1019 1:05 4 112. Turao 00. l-yoar-4 6 OwO olda and upward. Claiming. Not valuo to winner 60; locond, 00; third, 0. Index Home AWtlMSt Vi j ft Str Kin Jockey Owner O II ! M 77207JSAN HIKCO w 7 110 12 3 41 2k 11 J fnlinhan.Mru K J Albht 8-5 8-5 8-3 3-5 t-i 77207 KD OAltHISON wn 10 110 5 3 2 Ii li T IlrotliernKgypt Suiblo 5 5 5 8-5 1.5 77218 PHINUK HONHltO w 0 IP 2 6 8 5 3 V Soromba M J Stovonn 10 10 10 4 2 77202 SKA 1IOAHH w 110 7 7 4 2" 11 4 J Kuton T Itoriitiinn 10 10 10 4 2 7721 1 l.KCSAIi TKNDKlt w 9 110 II 9 7" 3- 3 6 J Mnjo.itlc.1 Y ChrlHtiima 31 31 31 6-5 3-S 70002 HUMPY w C 110 9 0 61 7 7 6 A MeiVhllnl. IC Crist 6 C 0 2 1 77208 ltlltn SHOT wn I 103 3 10 9 81 Cl 71 W Fronlc II Itlchanbi 6 6 8 2 1 77208 MISS HOLLAND it 6 106 3 1 B" 3" D S K Klnlry O Tugglo 10 10 10 I 2 77l08tUI.TIt A flOI.D wn 9 110 1 I 1 51 81 0 R McAIeyJ P Hnrrl 10 10 10 4 2 70109 SUN TUItltKT w 6 110 10 8 10 10 10" 10 J Shuitka II A Calvin 6 3 8 3 7-J 772I21DON JOSH wn 9 110 6 It It 11 11 U P Croo C K droves 12 12 12 6 21 Mutuel Held. Tlmo, 244, 40, 1:00. Track faat. mill tin! paid, San Diego. .80 straight, .20 place, .50 show; IM Garrison, .10 place, .50 ahow; Irluoo Monero, .70 ahow. Equivalent booking fdda 8nn 1100. 110 to 100 atralght, 00 In 100 place. 25 to 100 ahow; Kd Onrrl-aon, 170 to Ilk place. 125 to 100 ahow: Prince I.onoro. 1S5 to 100 ahow. Winner- Ch, g, by Honeywuod - Ida, by Peep o Day trained by E. J. Albright; bred by Nevud Stork In rin. Went to post nt 2:30. At poat 2 minute. Start good and alow. Won driving; aeeond and third th ante, SAN DIKGO wna cut off on tho turn Into the homestretch, foreed to Im pulled up. but eamo again mid outllnlahed El GAltltlSO.V In Iho ilii.il drlee. The latter wa uiueh used lit racing UI.TIt.V GOLD Into defeat In tho early racing nnd tired after taking a good lead. lltl.VCl MONKltO closed t big sap and wn minting fat at the end. Mlltl SHOT wn ahuffled back nt the atart ami closed a big gap. UI.TIt.V GOLD art this early pare, hut pulled up lame. Scratched --77298 Mlld.i, 105; 77212 Chlncoteague, 105; 77211 Kentmere, 110. rTrVOOQ THIUD ltACE 5 l.a Furlongs. March 2. 1919 1:05 4112. Turao 00. 4-yoar-4 d andJmJJ olda and upward. Claiming. Net valuo to wlnnor 50; second, 00; third, 0. Index Horse AWtlMSt Vi Vi i Str Kin Jooky Owner O li CPS 7.131.1 JACK POT w 5 110 1 3 1H 1 1 11 ! Soromba It Miller 6 6 5 2 1 53301 COPYRIGHT wu 7 110 11 1 4 21 2 2 J CuIliilmiiJ M Hooker 5 8 6 21 6-5 77087 U1KRRKTTA wn 6 105 6 5 41 1 3 V Kronk S K Smith 3 1 4 7-5 3.5 70899 WAI WlHTAKKl"t w 9 110 10 1 3 3 3H A Pickens C K ltronlu.i 2 2 2 4-5 2-6 77201 C.H.nKU wa 3 110 3 8 7 6 G 6 C JnckHon XV C. lterry 8 10 10 4 2 771.11 SMITH w 7 110 2 7 8 S 3 61 S Hunks W Hull 12 15 13 6 3 77203 POhlTK wn 4 107 7 11 11 10 9 7 V Klnlry O link 6 6 .1 21 G-S 772 11 SMART MONKY w 10 110 6 10 10" 91 7 8 T HrothortiC I. Mnckay 5 6 6 21 6-6 70M0tAI4l. VK.INA w 9 110 4 3 fi 7 6k 9 C Grace A Tube 6 8 6 21 C-3 77210 HODANZICY wu 6 110 8 6 5 SH10 10 II Cairhanll It Smith . 12 12 12 3 21 7027.1tKQUATOlt w 7 110 9 3 . 11 11 11 T ThrIklllM J Daly 12 15 15 i 3 tMutuol Hold. Time. 24, 48. 1:01, 1:03. Trick faat. mtittiel paid. Jaek Pot, 1.50 .straight, 1924.sh.00 place, .S0 ahow; Copyright, .00 place, $.iK ahow; Merreltn. .20 ahow. Kiltilvalent booking o.bla Jack Pot, 025 to 100 straight. 305 to 100 place, 190 to 100 show; Copyright. 330 to 100 place, KM to KM show; Mcrrclta, 110 to 100 ahow. Winner-11, g, by Klrat Chip Oracle Gould, by Uegiator trained by C. E. Davison; bred by Mr. Samuel Wnrlng. Wont to poM n 3:21. At poat 1 minute. Start good nnd faat. Won driving; aeeond nnd thlnl tint antne. JACK POT set the pace while raelng wide, for tho Oral quarter, but aaved ground on tins stretch turn nnd raced Into a good lead, then wa tiring at the end. COPYRIGHT ran well mid wa wearing tho winner down at the Qnlah. MKltKKTTA llnlahod with n rush In the middle of tho track. Scratched -77297 Ella C. 1U2; 77001 Chaparra, 107; 772lt Magnet Land, 110. wkf"A FOURTH RACE 3-4 Milo. Jan. 25, 1920-1 :UoUC. rune 00. 4-yoar-olda an! 4 4 tiv upward. Claiming, Net valuo to winner 50; second, 00; third, 0, Index Horo AWtlMSt Vi Str Kin Jockey Owmri O H O P S 77213KORKST QUHKN w 5 10t 11 3 21 ll 1 1 A MclllnP Hlnphy 4 4 4 3-5 1-5 77220 AM KII A S. wtl 4 98 7 13 Cl 3 21 2 J CallahanA A "Wlntera 5 7 7 21 6-5 772831,THK AI.I.Y w 6 103 13 9 81 S 3 O Pornla lht.lt.l A Sherry 8 10 10 4 2 77200MISS ItKUl.AH w I 109 10 4 31 4 4 4 A Plcken K T. Kltigor.ihl 8-5 8-3 33-3 1-4 70238 UACHKl. li. w I 98 I 8 6 6 7 61 A Ycrrnt T R Mueller 5 G 4 8-5 4-5 t70.52MJORlK WOOD wn 4 103 6 1 71 7" 6 T ThrlklllNlcol Skagga 10 12 12 5 21 77299JOK HNDKP.WU w 6 106 5 6 4 5 61 71 I Prlble I. Gibson 4 4 4 8-5 4-J 77287 tPUNCTUAI. w 7 99 7 8al01 3 S J Daw.son It D Curler 10 12 12 5 21 77202HUKN w 6 111 3 3 12 12 101 9 W Kronk P I. Putnam 8 13 13 5 21 77288MH.OOM w 7 99 3 5 1 2 3 10J J Shank J A Par.iou 8 10 10 4 2 77I301ARMISTICH w.i 3 111 9 11 1 il" 1 11 1 S CJ Juckaon U Ulmor 13 20 20 8 4 77220tPHKNOI, w 4 106 12 10 10 9 12 12 V SerembaW Miller 13 13 13 I fMutticl Hold. Timo. 23, 48, 1:13. Track faat. mutuol paid. Forest Queen, 1.10 straight, 1924.sh.5U place, .50 show Amelia S., 0.90 place, .X show; Tho Ally, .30 show. Equivalent bklng odd- Forest Queen, -170 to 100 atralght. 22.1 to 100 place, 173 to 100 show; Amelia S., 115 to lot place, 300 to 100 show; The Ally. 105 to 100 show. Winner It. m, by Theo, Cook King Oak, by King James trained by P. Hlnphy; bred by Mr. William Garth. Went to post nt 3:51. At post 2 minute. Start good nnd alow. Wen driving; second nnd third the same. FOREST QCKKN. eloxe up- from the start, staved ground when entering the stretch nml took a good lead, but was tiring at the end. AMELIA 8, began alowly, but worked her way up on tho outalde mid llnlahod faat. THE AI.I.Y finished with n rush on the outside mid wa catching the two lendrr with every stride. MISS ItKtlall and RACHEL D. ran well. The saddle turned un GLOOM when lending nnd his Jockey pulled him up. Scratched 7721.1 Wawona. 103; 705iKSuperlor, 109; 77214 Rapid Stride, 100. Overweight -The Ally, I pound; Phenol, 3, rryO I FIFTH kAcEI I-IO Milo.7"F7T.1018--T:-3 02. Turso 00. 4-yoar-oldi and 4 4 OO JL upward. Claiming, Net valuo to winner 50; second, 00; third, 0. Index Horse AWtlMSt "i Vi i Str Fin Jockeys Owner O II C P S 7721 1 KiNiASTLK w.su 3 105 10 5 1 11 11 1 1 K Klnlry J M Wlell 10 13 12 G 21" 77287 APPROVAL wit 9 105 3 i 5 Cl C 31 2 O Pernla W P McCaffrey 5 6 fi 21 C-5 7888tCAlTN ADAMS w I 100 C 9 S 7 7 5 31 J Majentlc S McNeill 8 8 8 3 8-5 77219 GUKKN IlKIAlt wn 5 105 11 7 4 G 3 M n D Irlblo J C Kill 3 3 3 1 1 3 77U22MJACMC KltOST wn 4 98 I 1 6 4 andt 71 5 J Dawson CJ K and J IPton 12 13 15 6 3 70110 CAUTIOUS . w f lOO 12 2 3 4 6 6 W Kronk XV 1. Drake 2 2 2 4-C 2-5 77280 NtJ V 5 103 I 3 31 21 2 I" 71 J Pax General Io Stb 10 10 10 4 2 77223 !M.A7.nNRY w it 9 107 5 15 llllt IP 11 S II Glide K K Cmwfonl 10 10 10 4 2 77130 7.APATOS wn I 105 3 11 71 S S 8 9 J CalluhanS Sxkorea 5 C 6 21 6-3 77280 HOUNCK w 5 110 7 10 10 10 10 10110 A Yorntt Mru H J KenMy 10 13 12 5 21 772U9ITAN 11. wn 9 105 8 S 9s 3 91 9 11 P Groo I C.reono 8 8 8 3 8-5 770:tONKKNAH wu 7 99 2 2 12 12 12 12 12 T Hrothrrslt J McDonald S S 3 3 S-5 tMutuol Hold. Timo. 24. 49, 1:15. 1:41, 1:48. Track faat. mutuol paid. Flnoastlo. 5.90 straight, 0.30 place, 1.20 show; Approval, 2.30 place, .10 ahow; Captain Adam, Held, .10 show. lijulvab-nt booking odda Flnenatle. 2195 to 100 straight. 1225 to 100 place, CIO to 100 show; Appnival. 525 to 100 place, 255 to 100 show; Captain Atlanta, Held. 55 to 100 show. Winner Oh. g. tiy The Manager- Kings Daughter, by Ornament trained by D. Henderson; bred by Mr. T. C. McDowell. Went lo poat at 1:20. At post 2 minute. Stnrt good and alow. Won driving; second nnd third tho same. FINCASTLK meed Into the loud nuickly mid shook off CAWTIOCS on the lwckstretoh. but wn tiring at thr end. APPROVAL llnlahod gamely, but wa tiring nnd Just lasted long enough to withstand the rush of CAPTAIN ADAMS. The latter cIommI a gap mid finished fast. NIG mid C.UJTIOCS quit. Scratched 77130Debrtdou. 110; 7730l,Halu, 101; 772S2 llerrcn, 103; 77215 little Loralue, 90; 77211 S.ttln Wlggin. 107. OverwelghUi Approval, 2 pounds; Neetuh, 1. Wo"r SIXTH RACE 5 1-2 Furlotiga. March2TT919i :05 4112. Turso 00. 3-ycox-3 4 4 OOm olda. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 0, Index Horse AWtlMSt -i Str Fin Jockey" Owner O II 0 P S 752lrtMINlS w 98 1 I 2 2i 21 ll P Crocs J It HcMpcaa 4 4 4 7-5 7-10 77288 LONG GRKKN wsn 10C C 6 54 4 31 2 A Plckena Mm J Dreycr 4 4 4 7-5 7-10 75811 1MPOSSI1ILK. wn 107 3 3 3 3 4 3" A McLlin It I Kearney 6 6 6 2 1 Contiuued on tenth page. HAVANA Continued from third page. w 107 3 1 1 1 ik Vi T BrothersW A McKinney 3 3 3 1 1-2 ;-rnifSnr1C WB1 W 631 6h 5akW Fronk Har-d Bros and Js 3 4 4 7-5 7-10 --no- . J vxrrwtfpS, WB ,fj 3 8 5i 51 6i J Dawson Mrs J I. Bnnaon S 10 10 4 2 .-00- ANCKSTREfeS w7f f J 74 7 O Pefnla A C Grove .3 4 4 7-5 7-10 rL,V?v I 6i S S S J Callahan W R Coe 5 6 6 2 1 . 24GEORGIA MAY w 33 S S 3 9 3 3 A Overton Mcintosh and Css 10 12 12 5 2i M . , ., , . Tlrao- 25, 43, l:01i. 1:08. Track fast. -h.wVilnSnn.wX-" Straisht ?5-10 Place ?5-2 show; Greoa ?4-S0 Place- 110 XtJ0 100 P,a- t0 100 s"-7 Creen. B. lIpes"TIJr f b7 Cl0nel Veanie-Amaz!1. y Yankee trained by A. Hamel; bred by Mr. Jerome WAt"ivnP0St 4:r,- ,At 1 minute- Slar and slow. Won handily; second and third drir- In nK;h the LS- last wTCd B,r0UDd n- aU taC turn! anJ aftor forcinK a fast arly vze. pusse.1 TRAFALGAIt eighth and won coins away. LONG GRKK.V closed a big gap and finished with a rush after ?E uft 1S T7 rUP," tue4cuttfde, IMPOSSIBUS ran well and outzamed TRAFALGAR Tn the final drive The latter set a fast pace to the stretch and tired Scratched 77200Bessie Gershel. 102. Overweights Long Green. 2 pounds; Ancestress, 4; Georgia May, 4

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924021301/drf1924021301_3_2
Local Identifier: drf1924021301_3_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800