Grand National Prospects: Showing of Taffytus at Sandown a Fine Public Trial, Daily Racing Form, 1924-02-25


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GRAND NATIONAL PROSPECTS Showing of Taffytus at Sandown a Fine Public Trial. 1 Gerald L. Practically Eliminated In Same Contest American Owner James Corrigans Hopes Fading. BY E. E. COUSSELL. LONDON. England, Feb. 4. Since the publication of the acceptances for the Grand National there has been a gradual awakening of interest in the doings of the leading horses thought likely to distinguish themselves at Liverpool next month. So far Sergeant" Murphy has not made his appearance, nor has Drifter run since the late Captain Bennett, rode him into fourth place in a steeplechase at Gatwick over two months ago. No doubt ere long news of Mr. Sanfords horses will be forthcoming. The running of James Pigg at Nottingham on January 29 seems to point that James Corrigan has slender hope of winning the Grand National. James Pigg distinctly lacks pace and was beaten more than a couple of furlongs in a three and one-half mile steeplechase. Interest recently centered in the Prince of Wales, Steeplechase, a handicap run over three and one-half miles at Sandown Park on February 2. This is one of the most severe jumping courses away from Liverpool. The result of the Sandown race has frequently had some bearing on the big event at Liverpool. NATIONAL CANDIDATES IX ACTION. Last week the runners included Gerald L., Libretto, Taffytus and Peter the Piper, all of which are also engaged in the Grand National. It was the first appearance of Gerald L. since he sustained the accident almost on the eve of the Grand National, which probably cost him the Liverpool race. There was wonderful confidence behind Gerald L. and Libretto at Sandown. From the manner they were supported it would seem the stables considered them unbeatable. Taffytus was soundly supported just before the start, when his price contracted from 8 to 1 down to 5 to 1. Gerald L. did not make a mistake in running and Was well ridden by Morgan. He was fourth or fifth for about three miles. He increased his pace when asked to win his race. He was once almost on even terms with Pride of Manister and Taffytus, but could not sustain his effort, with the result Gerald L. was practically pulled up and failed to gain a place. Pride of Manister surprised the large crowd of onlookers by his bold running. Taffjtus was always "there" and never out of the first three. Over the last fence and in the straight Taffytus dashed ahead to win going away. It was a fine public trial for him, since Taffytus finished in a style to suggest that he would have preferred another mile to develop his best qualities. Continued on eighth nage. GRAND NATIONALPROSPECTS Continued from first page. If this is his true form it is a remarkable reelation. We all thought Taffytus too slow to Avin at less than four and one-half miles. At Sahdown this "slow" horse Avent much too fast for Libretto and Gerald L., both of Avhich finished distressed. They can hae no chance of turning the tables on their conqueror for the LiA-erpool Aveights are much more in the faor of Taffytus than at Sandown. Still, SandoAvn is Sandown and the Grand National is the Grand National. It seems noteworthy that the handicapper gavo Taffytus fifteen pounds less than he carried in the Grand National last year, when he put up 101 pounds and stood lip to finish eight lengths behind Sergeant Murphy, having previously been beaten a neck and three lengths by Gerald L., Avhich was giving twenty-eight pounds to Taffytus OA-er four miles at Hurst Park. Taffytus made his first appearance in the Grand National in 1922, when nine years old. First time around he shied at a dead horse in front of a fence, jumped short and actually landed on the fence. H is young rider, Ted Leader, who was then nineteen years old, Aas also riding in the Grand National for the first time. As he afterwards quaintly remarked, "I was just going to get out and walk on the fence out of the couse, Avhen "Taffy" commenced to slide down the jump on the right side. He landed on his feet and Avas away again, fences behind the leaders." Eventually he finished twelve lengths and six lengths behind Music Hall giAing eight pounds, and Drifter receiving fourteen pounds, Avith Double Escape and Sergeant Murphy the only others to finish. Such are the credentials of the latest leading candidate for Grand National honors. Taffytus Avill be ridden at Liverpool by young Leader, avIio Avas his pilot at Sandown. Leader is a son of Tom Leader, avIio trained the horse. Taffytus Avas bred in Ireland, of course. His breeder Avas the late B. W. Parr, Avho bred and owned Silver Urn and Silver Image. Taffytus is by the "unknown" sire EaAes-diopper, an obscure colt, Avhich Avon a small race on the flat and ran unsuccessfully in a few races over jumps. His stud fee Avas c the year he "got" Taffytus. EaA-esdrop-rer is by Winkfield, from Ecoutez, by Ison-omy, and goes back to the same female line as The Tetrarch. Taffytus is from Faithful Lassie, by Ascetic, from Faith, by Baliol. He is of a fine jumping family. Baliol also got many first-class hurdle racers and steeplechasers. Ascetic is a powerful influence in a jumpers pedigree. He sired three Grand National winners in Cloister, Drumcree and Ascetics Silver which holds the time record, Avhile Troytown and Sergeant Murphy were both from daughters of Ascetic. The future running of Taffytus Avill be Avatched Avith much interest.

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Local Identifier: drf1924022501_1_5
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