untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-02-25


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Harvey Ames Earle Bldg., Broadway at 52nd St. NEW YORK, N. Y. Harvey Transaction Today This office was advised Sunday from New Orleans by long-distance that a HARVEY TRANSACTION STARTS TODAY. From the information here . subscribers should make their investment with the utmost confidence and are assured that the odds will be most liberal and there should be NO QUESTION AS TO THE RESULT. Subscription, 00. Should be forwarded early TO ASSURE PROPER LISTING. In view of the accident which occurred Saturday, and the charts show, subscribers to Saturdays transaction will receive todays Harvey Transaction without charge. Accidents that happen after horses arrive at the post are our only enemies. Telephones : Circle 2591, 2592, 2593 and 5749 S20.00 WEEKLY .00 DAILY 110 Nassau Street New York City 00 Horse Monday, Feb. 25, Will Be Wired to 0 Subscribers FREE! My End to Be IN on Mondays Information ,500 DUNNS HORSE, WIRED SATURDAY: GOLDEN BILLOWS . . 5-2 Won DUNNS HOESE, WIRED THUESDAY: ISOSCELES 7-10 Won DUNNS HORSE, WIRED WEDNESDAY: OLD FAITHFUL .... 8-5 Won DUNNS HORSE, WIRED TUESDAY: ANNE 2-1 Won DUNNS HOESE, WIEED MONDAY: GOLDEN BILLOWS . . 3-1 Won A long distance special phono call from New Orleans MONDAYS HORSE A WINNER DUNN SUBSCBIBEES. from the conversation I held over phone regarding Mondays horse, I cannot cee where there is a chance for Mondays horse to be beaten. Out of town subscribers telegraph money, Western Union. SUBSCRIBE: 0 WEEEY; . DAILY BEATS THEM ALL The Starr Turf News Room 405-403, 500 Fifth Ave., New York City TEEMS FOE OUE WIEE SEEVICE: 0 FOR SIX DAYS WIRE SERVICE OR ?5 A DAY TWO BIG HUNDRED DOLLAR SPECIALS go this week, one Tuesday and the other Thursday. Those will be released free to 0 weekly clients. Our last 00 special won at 4 to 1. Saturdays Wire Horse: GOLDEN BILLOWS ..5-2 WON Saturdays Code Horse: BRUNELL ..4-1 WON MONDAYS CODE HORSE: Tody-Tody-Sea-Frices TERMS TOR OUR CODE FOR SIX DAYS TODAYS WIRE HORSE should pay a price csmes from the came smart operators that wired us the following: WAYWASSAMO 4-1 WON CALCUTTA 20-1 WON CALIGULA 8-1 WON FUTUR0 8-1 WON CORAL REEF 8-1 WON GOLDFIELD 20-1 WON CARPENTER 10-1 WON VENIZELOS 10-1 WON TRANSLATE ...4-1 WON BUCAD0 ....8-1 WON And many ether winners at various prices. Special combined rate wire, 0 for six days wire service and code horse combined start today. CRESCENT CITY SERVICE 0.00 A WINNER, 0.00 WEEKLY OR SEVEN WINNERS New York Office : Room 412, 1452 Broadway, Near 42nd Street, New York City Strictly a One Horse Proposition SATURDAYS BIG PROPOSITION POSTPONED Due to an unf orseen obstaclc croiiirisr up necessitated postponement of nr proposition. Fridays Big Proposition Banker Brown 5-1 Won SPECIALISTS This is tlie asre of the specialist. AVIiat do yon know aliont horses? Dont yon think they arc susceptible to sickness, etc. f . Would you let a stransrer tell you how to run yonr. hnsiness? Is it not better to pay a nominal sum to an organization of specialists for information? This relieves you of si 1 1 doubt and worry. There is not an individual in oar organization who would bet on a horse unless he knew something abont the particnlar horse and race. Why should yon fry to pick them? Todays proposition offers you your chance to xct Ntarted. AVe expect at least 7 to 1. WINNINGS ON LAST NINE RACING DAYS, 00 FLAT PLAY, ,890.00 NET Saturdays Big One Horse: Fridays Big One Horse: POSTPONED S. OF PLEASURE. . . .5-1 WON Fridays Big One Horse: Thursdays Big One Horse: BANKER BROWN ... 5-1 WON TELESCOPE 8-1 WON Thursdays Big One Horse Wednesdays Big One Horse: ROSEATE II 8-5 WON LADY CH0C0 15-1 WON Wednesdays Big One Horse: Tuesdays Big One Horse: OLD FAITHFUL 8-5 WON VENIZELOS 10-1 WON Tuesdays Big One Horse: Mondays Big One Horse: LOST SECOND FLYING FUR 13-5 WON Mondays Big One Horse: Saturdays Big One Horse: CORAL REEF 8-1 WON MID. FOLLIES .20-1, 8-1 2nd Saturdays Big One Horse: Fridays Big One Horse: THIMBLE 8-1 WON TELESCOPE 8-1 WON FREE Weekly Subscribers Will Receive Two Private Propositions THIS WEEK FREE Send correct street adilress and phone number, if auv. IN REMITTING USE WESTERN UNION OR POSTAL TELEGRAPH Crescent City Service Room 412, 1452 Broadway Near Forty-Second Street, New York, N. Y. A. S. Osgood 1674 BROADWAY NEW YORK My announcement of last Sunday called attention to my return and to the fact that substantial men of honor, who are interested in racing may, through co-opera-ition, share in my information. Two horses were jeleased last week and only two with the following results. Monday: FEIGNED ZEAL 5 to 1 Won and Friday KING ONEILL II.. . 12to 1 Won From present indications one or two operations may be expected this week. I wish to hear from gentlemen of honor, by wire ori letter NO CALLERS, who willj agree to make 0 investments J for me and remit winnings the f ol- j lowing day after the horse wins. I have had no cause to lose J faith in human nature and havej found that most men are honest j and live up to their agreements, I especially when it is to their in- j terest to do so. It is necessary j to forward name and address, I also telephone number, if possi- i ble, without delay. Due to co-operation through financial backing, we should be enabled to get the very best of information. i 5 f $ PREDETERMINED TURF PROFITS $ $ The MIUAChi: SYSTKM is nalionally known 5 $ as "easy for nlayrr liard for layer." Sola on $ S installment; iiaynirnts paiil from yonr profits. ? $ Absolutely FI5KK 73 -page manual ami review. S Investigate toilay and make your bookie obey. $ $ lublic relations manager 5 $ S. H. AUTI I UK $ $ Box 40. R. F. Towson, Md. $ 14939?149391493914939149390 VOLUME II. OF Annual Racing form for 1923 NOW ON SALE JIM DRAKE 193 Y. list St. yew York City lloom 303 41 STEPS ritOM HKOAmVAY .00 DAILY 520.00 "WEEKLY 1orced lo 3rovc to Larger Quarters TODAYS BIG SPECIAL lias been burning up the track in private and my chief docker advises me to tell the boys to send it in. So take a tip from your Uncle Jim and go gather today. I positively expect this one to be about 13 TO 1 TO DAY. It is a well-known fact that my followers are averaging about ,000 PElt "WEEK on a small daily investment. Do you want to do likewise? Or do you want to wait and watch the others get all the money? Yesterdays Horss: "wild cat 7-i oy Saturdays Horse: GOLDFIELD Third Fridays Horsa: lily x :i-2 Yoy Thursdays Horse : CALIGULA 10-1 oy Wednesdays Horse: QUESADA . 10-1 1VO Tuesdays Horse: 3iaii jog 3-1 vroy Mondays Horse: CORAL It EEL 10-1 WOX Saturdays Horse: TimiDLE S-l "WON Fridays Horse: SAXDS OF lLEASUUE 3-1 AVON Thursdays Horsa: I FLINT STOXE 7-3 AVO" g Wednesdays Horse: I GOXDOLIElt 3-2 1VC.V Tuesdays Horse: MEItCUllY S ECO XI Mondays Horse: nROOKDALE ...2-1 AVOX Saturdays Horse: DUSTPROOF 3-2 AVOX Fridays Horse: LADY ROSE 3-2 AVOX Thursdays Horse: SUX 3rART S-l 1VOX Start today. Monday, the first day of the week and let me try to make every day a winning day for you this week. "Wire your subscription by "Western Union or Tostal telegraph. New . Manual NOW ON SALE

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924022501/drf1924022501_7_1
Local Identifier: drf1924022501_7_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800