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ODONNELL IN LIMELIGHT Rides Ten Winners Last Week, While Parke Pilots Six Records of the Leaders. The saddle honors of the past week fell to Stephen ODonnell, who rode ten winners. Parke rode six, as did J. "Wood. Others who rodo well were F. "Woodstock with five ; J. Callahan, J. Dawson, P. "Walls and J. Corcoran, each -with four. Parke still holds a big lead over his rivals, having ridden nineteen more winners than ODonnell. He also leads in the percentage column with .28, while ODonnell, J. Callahan and A. Pickens are tied with .25. The records of the thirty leaders from January 1 to and including the racing ot Saturday last follow: Jockey. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. TJnp. r.C.L.SV. Parke, I. S34 94 71 36 133 .28 C I ODonnell, S. ...331 75 51 r2 116 .25 10 Callahan, J 140 38 22 18 70 .25 4 Pickens, A 124 31 20 17 50 .25 0 Barnes, E 170 29 13 22 101 .17 0 Dawson. J 183 29 25 33 90 .10 4 Wood, J 209 23 2G 27 128 .13 0 McDermott, U ..1C3 27 25 30 81 .17 2 Lans, Jj 100 20 10 20 104 .10 1 Icrnia, O KM 25 20 17 92 .10 3 Mein, G 143 24 2.1 15 81 .17 0 KUis, G 200 24 28 22 120 .12 2 I Wallace. J. 100 22 17 24 103 .13 1 Groos, I. G 170 21 15 20 115 .11 0 Walls, I" 144 20 21 17 80 .14 4 Woodstock, I. ..107 17 11 15 Ot .10 5 Corcoran, J 102 17 IS 20 1 07 .10 4 Lee, K Ill 10 15 25 55 .14 0 Smith, W 90 10 27 7 40 .10 0 Clark, 0 142 15 15 12 100 .11 l I ! Majestic, .7 97 15 13 14 55 .15 3 Kennedy. B. ....10: 14 13 10 03 .14 0 Hum, V 90 14 9 13 51 .10 2, Creerv, V. 84 14 0 11 53 .17 1 Abel. G 113 14 5 9 85 .13 l1 Overton, A Ill 14 14 11 72 .13 1 Yerrat, A 108 14 13 10 71 .13 0 Hrciiniiig, B. ...Ill 14 10 13 03 .13 2 Mergler, I 174 14 23 19 118 .08 2 I