untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-03-15


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Harvey Ames Earlc Bldg., Broadway at 52nd St. NEW YORK, N. Y. TODAY Nothing was advised from this office yesterday and all interests are centered in todays Havana matter. Subscription 00 should he telegraphed early, and it is agreed that this horse must win or the next "Harvey Transaction" will he furnished without additional charge. It is necessary to say again that the past performance of this horse should he ignored. IMPORTANT Subscribers to the special matter spoken of Sunday are hereby notified to be in readiness. Patience, please. TELEPHONES: CIRCLE 2591, 2582, 2593 and 3719 . SHIELDS .00 Daily. 0.00 Weekly BIG 0.00 OCCASIONAL G0ES T0DAY- A hij get-away Occasional goes today, and this one is just waiting for the barrier to rise to show ths field the way to the pay-off window. All angles are carefully covered and no mistakes will he made with this one. TERMS: 0,00. WIRE NOW TO 1 T0DAY-M is just what the odds on my .00 Wire should he today. It looks like money in the bank, and if you miss it you will have yourself to blame. All in tho "know" are down strong: and that is just what I advise my followers to do. TEEMS: ?5.00. Kush your subscription now. GEORGE SHIELDS 154 Nassau St., Koom C32 NEW YOHK CITY. Details, concerning: a discovery, that will open the eyes of system players will be sont without charco or obligation. Those interested in systems will hear something: to their advantage by addressing: 1. K. MARTIN, 52 East 34th Street, New York City. Get BOOK on rale now, containing: code. Good for all next week. 35 cents, at all newsstands. Mailed direct, 3 copies, .00. Todays Code Special April -Orape-83-22-34-73. STANDARD TURF GUIDE 403, 22 W. Quincy Street Chicago, 111. SCHUYLER FLOYD CALVERT BUILDING BROADVAY AT 41ST STREET New York City TELEPHONE BRYANT C333 Yesterdays "SCHUYLER INVESTMENT" POSTPONED UNTIL TODAY THE PERMANENCY of our association with our clients is due to tho value of the service wo render to them. Under the terms of an agreement between this office and its affiliations it was imperative that the names of the "Schuyler Investments" were not to be disclosed in theso columns. The last three "Schuyler Investments" at Tiajuana WON each paying handsome prices. . ITHE PREVIOUSLY ADVERTISED INDESCRIBABLE j "SCHUYLER INVESTMENT" POSITIVELY STARTS TODAY AT TIJUANA TERMS : One Hundred Dollars in Advance by telegraph To expedite transmitting information telegraph your telephone number it any with the subscription. Tlie "Schnyler Investments are like "STERLING" ON SILVER THE STAMP OF DISTINCTION Gars Chief Observer 35 CENTS, AT ALL XEAVSSTANDS Todays Tree Code: JEFFERSON MICHIGAN-IVORY-DARK-BOX TODAY GRAND GETAWAY 0 FREE SPECIAL at Jefferson ; and let me tell you that here is one that IS fit. They told me last night to GO THE LIMIT and forget ALL ABOUT the race. One smart trick; so by all means dont fail to get down. Remember: Thursdays ?50 Free Special: Soggarth Aroon. 4-1 Won Wednesdays 0 Free Special: Barracuda 7-1 Won And this one, today, comes JUST AS STRONG. Ash your newsdealer for Gars Daily Chief Observer 50 cents. Hailed, 2 weeks, .00. Address 332 Plymouth Court Chicago, 111. I YOU CANT BEAT THIS VACUUM, 20-1, WON ON MARCH 12 Tho Home Stretch, dated March 8, advised you he would win. Our Star, 40-1, won on March 11. The Homo Stretch edition now on sale advised you she was ready to win. Bear in mind, the Home Stretch does not advise fifty or sixty horses in one issue for ono track. Our free code horse Monday was Kent L., 15-1, won; Tuesday, Honest Mosc, 7-1, 2J-1, 2nd, -with instructions to play place and show; Wednesday, John S. Reardon, 9.20-, won, with instructions to play to win. Get ready for Bowie. Heres one FREE. Billy Kellys nephew, named Island King, will be ready whsn the Maryland season opens. Much valuable information in the weekly Heme Stretch for the player that cannot afford to hire a private docker. Most of the prominent eastern news dealers now sell the Home Stretch. Fifteen cents a copy is all it costs; three months subscription for .00. Mailed to you first class. YIELD TO THAT IMPULSE YOU WILE NOT BE SORRY. Address all communicatoins to Home Stretch Publishing Co. PHELAN BLDG. SAN FRANCISCO Jgh 149391493914939 1493914939 $ PREDETERMINED and - TURF PROFITS . The MIRACLE SYSTEM Is nationally V fj. known as "easy for player hard for Lxver." Has stood the. ACID TEST for e many years. We could not spend many i thousands of dollars p?r annum adver-j w tisinp water as couch syro ami con- W : tlnue in business. Sold on installment , payments paid from your profits. Abo-v luttly FREE. 100 page racing manual. . t review, sworn testimonals. etc. Invcsti- cote today and make your Bookie obey. w Public Relations Manager qa fg S. E. ARTHUR VgN Box 40 Jt. . Tonson. Md. xSPv IWs 1493914939 149391493914939 iiandP DIRECT FROM THE TRACK HIGH-CLASS TIJUAXA INFORMATION "Wire Xamc at Once JOE MCARTY 61S ASH STREET SAX HIEGO, CAL.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924031501/drf1924031501_11_2
Local Identifier: drf1924031501_11_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800