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! Twenty Years Ago Today Chief Turf Events of March 27, 1904 Sunday, no racing. The jury at Detroit yesterday found E. E. Farley not guilty in the case in which he was charged with "ringing" the mare Aimless under the name Sarah Black. The name of the Westbury Stable, under which title H. B. Duryea and H. P. Whitney raced as partners last year, has been cancelled and in the future Irish Lad and Whorler will race exclusively :n Mr. Duryeas name, thus enabling Mr. Whitney to retire completely from the turf for the present time. Come what may in the shape of weather overhead or track underfoot, Claude will be a starter in the Montgomery Handicap next Monday. M. J. Daly, owner of the colt, arrived yesterday morning and after supervising the unloading of Claude, during which time he was forced to use a stick to quiet the frisky Derby hero, he. announced that he had come for the Montgomery alone and that Claude would surely be a starter, notwithstanding the impost of 123 pounds assigned to him. "How do you think Claude stood the trip?" was asked. "He slept all the way," was Dalys reply. The absorbing topic among the turf followers right now is whether Claude will be able to pack the weight and stand up over the trying mile and a sixteenth course after his long trip across the continent from San Francisco. If actions count for the manner in which he stood the journey, Claude must have been feeling pretty good, for horsemen expressed surprise at his fresh appearance, which was increased by efforts to release himself from his groom.