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The Daily Reporter 246 WEST 39TH ST. ARENA BLDG. NEW YORK CITY .00 Daily Hours 9 to 5 0.00 Weekly Big K Social FREE TO ALL SUBSCRIBERS FOR DALLY WIRE TODAY This big 00 Special is one tliat we have licen waiting the word on for the past ten days and we liave now received the final O. IC. that today is the day. It was originally our intention to charge JjtlOO lor this Special, hut we decided that in order to treat all of onr .subscribers alike we would not make any extra charge for this one. Our Tijuana representative is very enthusiastic about this horse and urges us to make it strong. Now, hoys, subscribe for our regular daily horse today and you will be given this big Special free, or, better still, send in your subscription for a week and we will give you todays $ 100 Special and also another one which goes at Bowie on opening day. AVe expect this one today to pay about w 0 to A twenty-live dollar flat play past six racing days netted our subscribers the neat little sum of ,205 This should convince all of the Doubting Thomases that out service is in a class by itself. Yesterdays result not known at this writing. Ao racing Monday. Tuesdays Horse: WAR WINNER 9.40- WON Sundays Horse: FOUL WEATHER 3-1 WON Saturdays Horse: ODDSETH 0-20- WON Fridays Horse: BE FRANK , 4.00- WON Thursdays Horse : CONTUSION 7.00- WON Wednesdays Horse: FRANK F0GARTY ..9.8Q- WON One word more; dont let the price scare you off today, but go the limit, straight only. AVire your subscription by AVestern Union or Postal telegraph and make all orders payable to DAILY ItEIOKTER. A"e have discontinued publishing names of our track men, as many persons made the error of remitting to our track men. 9 HHHHHBHnHaBHHHHHBHHHiilHMBKI JSCS 149391493914939 1493914939 $ M AS PREDETERMINED - TURF PROFITS . The MIRACLE SYSTEM Is nationally 9 known as "tsy for player hard for layer." Has Mood the ACID TKST for ? V many years. We could not spend many thousand of dollars per annum adver-w Using water as couch syrujy and con- w tlnue in business. Sold on installment payments paid from your profits. Abso- luttly FREE, lOO page racing manual. f review, sworn testimonals. etc. Invrsti- sate today and make your Bookie obey. Public Relations Manager 0 jm S. E. ARTHUR SfiH Box 10 Jt. i Towson, Md. X2fV JWj 149391493914939$ PREPARE FOR THE SPRING ON A 0 PIAY.THE GUARANTEE SYSTEM WON 04 AT TIJUANA LAST WEEK. Tte profits for tha past four years are amazing. FOR FULL DETAILS ADDRESS THE GUARANTEE SYSTEM C01 CATHEDRAL BALTIMORE, KD. WANTED A roliaMa party -who is willinjr to make an in-vostraeiit for information coming from a horseman that is going to raco a larg stable at Bowie. Address: POST OFFICE BOX 495 Cincinnati, Ohio