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SSSHK? °e BUGLE. . , iidiMEiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiM y "r* A/fa LISTEN TO - [*a I ! "jMUMBHRrM fcsssffETiSSSSSM =1| _ I I I #" IX %. # 25CENTS-FORSALEATALLNEW5S1ANDS cBUQ jglpjfa iiS JfE™ LUCly WmBMf*v4m v g! g 1 H *J TODAY • """ W 1 1 HA .jfg3 I » Jw4j dealer :in l cet the VV/ W UtAM»#2r*«Al? 1452 BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY iort eiw e aiHCr °n°rthe | .00 Daily; 0.00 Weekly AGA,N 0UR L0NG SH0T FREE PFAI I IVF RTRH K * ,_:; SPECIAL WON: "00 j m 1 f 1 IX x";™ CAU0U 2.8Q- I 0113 V |c thP IfclV and, brother, let IJ.JW iUUiljf lO lllV 1/ U J Our Record for Ten Days: * ni too a u f j JUKKjTVIT J . Do you want to win? Do you want a run for your money? o i , ® Winners 2 Seconds Do you want t0 make connections with a man who knows? If Hurrah k for "AL »»t »»«• BIU," ,h„ 1 he «niH "Ola Bn,» Boy J himself fairly rooted himself hoarse yesterday flint STONE . 9. 40- WON so, send in your subscription at once and go the limit on "benhis Hidden Jewel.. 3. 30- WON Special Adv. Long Shot *L FUL:£ sx Today s Horse Dandybrush, 7.70-, Won humboldtWS 2 00 won The secret of my success is that sPare no exPense to make ""5 every Pr°P°stj°n I handle a safe one. Safety first, at any cost, | 1 ten you. Aim the RanR kute them- ARENDAL 80-S2 2ND BlS£*SL.4*i?S?S blotter " 70 won is m* motto- That is wh* have so many winners and few country to another they are ,rAT WTwn " * * * mm *o oxm ° losers. A twenty-five dollar flat play past ten days netted my SHOUTING "AL GERN" TODAY ™™. " * % °t$ «■— » P*TMlS prOVeS 11131 YOU 0311 t _ __ - - -j Enough of that, we are interested In today, _g .:;, i.:;;;:. ..s1 ?„ U WS afford to play horses without lis- k 1 .ZX7.5U long shot today. V" ■ «*v tenimi to the Buale every day «r n« Which proves beyond doubt that my service will stand the acid l6S, iMF. iH*" Today another long shot test. Subscribe for a week and I will include my next fifty dollar - - - 00.00 FREE SPECIAL GOES. Special without extra charge. p, MOlher LOng ShOt B* «eku «»«.•,«. h Yesterdays Horse: two weeks and today is the day J TODAY m asSr* — — Dandybrush, 7.70-, Won j is the wav thev told me last night, for this _« , ,. w 7 I I / long shot rush rijiht now to your newsdealer JKJYLr. Flayer, don t miSS OUr before he seiis out and ask for sheet today Eush to our agents Do not fail to send in your subscription today, as I expect j /Li A I C* VJEjIMI FRN* O and buy the Bu£le» only 50 cents, todays horse to pay the limit and if you want to make send to or .00 /•*■■* fff SPECIALS— OXLT Nfc *% I II Ifl I r.uh rlpht now. Mailed 2 weeks. . Address D-1 D..kKALCMM- C* %Bl3 + JJJ V 440 South Dearborn St., Chicago, 1.1. DUSI6 I UDllSnlllS t0. YVTJW — . — — .. ** •* this week, start at once. Remember, I have had nine winners j waywassamo .90 won Suite 1711 Great Northern Bldg, during the past ten days. Subscribe at once and let me put you i Was Yesterday"! Daily. _, . _. . . . Wednesdays Lost. Chicago, 111. on my winning list. Wire your subscription by Western Union ; TONY BEAU .40- WON p0-tn| TplpOTanh Was Tuesdays One Horsa Daily. nnA _-_ _ -it __;i iLn Cl *«,. or TUSldl I CltJgrdpn. and we wiU mail „«„ you the Bngle for wzssie b 18.30*2 won Was Mondays One-Horse Daily. twQ WeekS m a plain Sealed = ™w«.o x** «, poiu aa,±A en- u. OLD FAITHFUL »».£0- WON Was Saturdays Or.e-Horse Daily. Velope OVemight. ________i______i_iii_______ _______i Wo absolutely give only ONE A DAY. We nerer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - rr.;srr;resent. Terms lor this service: 00 for Six J B B B ▼ B ▼ W bH |V W "" Detroit Agent For Sale at This M A 11 If L V AMLV »7r~"«m», stand 0nly: BAGLEY NEWS" rt f ¥ Lj lfl t »„ 3lllNr1l|| ]| * * * * * ™ * * A r A If A U kj k/ BfJklffJtl I STAND, COR. WOODWARD and 403, 22 west Quincy st. chic°. ™- MONROE aves , in front of the EARLE BLDG., BROADWAY AT 52ND STREET BAGLEY MONUMENT. NFW YORK* N Y *■ *** T * VJ.%X. X i • M. • A WELL-KNOWN PBOFESSIONAL MAN, HAV- ING MADE A HIGH-CLASS CONNECTION, IN- Cleveland Agent— O. C. Schroeder, 212 E. VITES THREE PARTIES TO JOIN IN THE BENE- Superior Ave. FITS AND EXPENSE OF SAME. NONE BUT St. Louis Agent— Wm. Laser, 711 Market ■■■■■■■■ I ■ HIRVEY TlllXSACTIOX-RELIABLE MEN WILL BE CONSIDERED. P. 0. St. BOX 308, CINCINNATI, OHIO. Kansas City Agent— Rickseckers Cigar g % AkC%£. f / Ak £ ¥Y7 Store, corner Ninth and Walnut Sts. M ■ 1 _,- | U M W J ■ | U M lAff — i— — — «— i Dayton Agent— M. Euphrat, 129 South Jef- I OlllTlllO 1 X X 9kl I 1 X l/V fH ;::/:, l/dUHUld, tP.OU"J, If till 1 ,s, c a , c „, , Station. %J W ■ I X Cincinnati Agent— Ray pierce and aii news- Above was the only horse advised and the fourth Harvey Transaction" •• win in ■ row. Form s"p;. Monthly Racing *,-Tr, N5„„,a„d; *, _ J O sa|e at all newsstores. Mondays "Haney I raasacllon : for March Be sure to go to these dealers only. Wtoolt D .OU-$£ WUN Tuesdays "Harvey Transaction"; — -_ Nov/ on Sale sweepstakes won l m 1 AVednesdays "Harvey Transaction": of1;, r ,:,: r s "„:;•" !SfllJarP llMI flint stone 9.40-32 won trnek, durinR the month, .■oiiii.rel.en- aVIIUUI V WIU _ . , ,_.., _ Thursdays "Harvey Transaction": . sively and - irrc. tlr indexed. the A *,**.**. . M.r,h bw tMi«hW the follow # CALIGULA 2.80 WON Features: KriTlCf InVPCfUIPIltQ All filed with Daily Racing Form, hours in advance of the race. Complete index to Stakes run sicca lAUvllla 111 T VtJ 1111 V/lllO . TT „, ,. ,, . . . . • ,, , January 1. 1924 O Harvey Transactions consist of strictly one horse. Thirty leading owners since January . , , , , . , .. , . ., , . —A *r»p/ • * ■ .* m 1. 1984 Arp y°u now or liav y°n »"rn raying it 1S interesting to note that a 50 investment on each of the four Thirty leading horses since January 3 to 00 cuvi. in advance f..r racing tnfor- "Harvey " Transactions" shoWS a Clear profit of recordi let me prove to you THAT Track fcr all distances |i:iationl Calendar table of April racing dates. SQUABS DBAIi 1 1 VKS i.MK I iTS are ei|Ual 1B—,,,B™,i™lli—i a es i to any on these terms — for ea h winner wire fa fc |ss*1 4 k In order o make it possihto for the %kZ sV C. ■ ■ 1 student of form to tie mi quickly "" ,1;l :lf,r tt l! ls, w,ns "ll-l J",J """ T1J_J 1 J the quality of a horse, stake taes I ritrlit of your profits « u to be the sole Itulre. " * are designated by Italic face nuinbers , in i igslai ii..!ex. whieh covers all i V11 l ask is a v iniire deal for a square deal. ** . netag sine January l. Mi j Send me at once to prepay iirst tfleirrams. JufStVTisiv! Positively «o iirst telegrams sent eoiieet. after the cost of the information has heen deducted. HfC *andS* r.r ;eg!;;,ion0,,;s I Stnd ,our address nhPrc 1"J-,ms g Results alone count, and the above record speaks for itself. I .l •!■ i,. Mai ,„™i „v r».,. 1 reach vou any day until 12 noon. A specially _ . „,_ _ ... . ... ZSt*? v ,w prepared sQi AUK dial iNVKSTMKM Several "Harvey Transactions" now in preparation simply awaiting favor-Daily Racing Form Publishing Co. ,s;art; j1 "22T T !*2 *aTUi abk f0118- . . . .. Several other hic.i class square Subscription, 00, must +v be telegraphed early to avoid over-subscription 44i Plymouth Court Chicago in 157 159 i. sm st." New Yok, n. y. npal investment* now ready at Lexington, j an p0SSibie return of same, as all "Harvey Transactions" are limited to terri- 60 Kichmond St., East, Toronto, Ont. i vvill have a specially prepared Square Ileal a-Itt tm ......j +%im «* „~~a «*«; ..» . 4.„_„ ma-n-na-* « •.* .„. 307 Decatur st.. New Orleans, La. . , . .. tory. Only in tni$ manner are we assured of good prices. J .. . Investment for ,„ the „, riinllco v Preakness. v This , ,, , , . —, .« « I ," .. — - The new connections have proven their value, as shown by the above 1 ,,.,«,,.,, . r ■ * I Kentucky wonder colt should be It to U to 1. I record. ■ J O* IL X7*11* s °®ce recoandoizes no competition. Imitators are not competitors. Subscribe for Daily Racing Form savoy hotel, uanrat**, kt. telephones: circle 2591, 2592, 2593 and 5749