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START WITH ME TODAY AND JOIN THE WINNING CROWD by subscribing to the VINCENT SERVICE. Yesterday all m j subscriber!! received: NAUTICAL .80- WON Wednesday all my subscribers received: FANNIE BEAN .70- WON Fourteen winners, four seconds, one third, and only three losers out of m total of 22 transactions during the entire Rowie meeting has proed to a skeptical racing public the value of the Vl I.YT SKRVKK. A SUM straight play on each shows a net profit of ,005. Indications point to even better results at the Havre de Grace meeting. o hetter proof of the reliahility of the YIET SKKYBK can he presented than the wonderful record above. All my transactions are tiled In advance with Racing Form. DONT IISS Y1Y HAVRK IJE GRA4 F. TRANSACTIONS It F.l-K A SKIJ KVKRY DAY Remember, no guessing, no handicapping and no system. Itut strictly bona fide direct information from tracks. Jly terms are 520.00 weekly, strictly In advance anil no other proposition accepted. City subscribers call ami sec who you are dealing with. Out-of-town, wire by Western I nion or 1ostal Telegraph. Positively no business by mail or checks. JAMES VINCENT SERVICE 220-22 1 W. 42nd Street. Suite lOlS tandler Ruilding Htm York City Mcl l Gars Daily lkJllS/llCA.ll 50 CENTS AT ALL NEWSSTANDS Room 12. 13 2 E. Swan St. Buffalo. N. Y. WMW fi/T» tTf WT t 12 WINNERS OUT OF 11 RACING DAYS J± lJ±lDI W Md WW J ll I Among Winners Were. SWEEPSTAKES .I0 WON yesterdays big special: TONY BEAU .40- WON ANNE S?Smfaalithful ■ : : : : : llio-ll 30- won WON i The Trout, **v»t,, fvivw .30-, %|v«, Won vu EAGER 2.50- WON And once again the bovs celebrated. Get :n line GOLDEN BILLOWS ....90- WON I with th* chief. He has got a bigger staff A M rv riTUrUQ I than ever in his caraor. and. by the way. did you ANU UII-ILrta £63 the NEW WEEKLY. Twelve BIG PAGES of Connections advise Havre de Grace and REAL INFO in "GAR 6 WEEKLY. " now tor sale Pimlico msetings look even mire promising. at all newsstands. 35 cents. GET A COPY TODAY. One or two horses wired daily ; never more. TERMS 0 WEEKLY— NO PROPOSITIONS I"* 41" A "V Wire subscription today by W. V. or Postal | VL tTm I — . ■— A Real Special 149391493914939 1493914939 5 W$ JJL And when I say a REAL SPECIAL. I mean *Tery DDrnUTCDlUIMCri k**» word of if- This one is P1*1" marked LONG 4Jf0r I IU!ilJLlLImlIlJjCil/ BBjr SHOT on sheet, so rush right nun to sour news- dcaler and "k for " TURF PROFITS • I •* Tb* MIRACLE sSTEM is nationally «* /* A DQ AA/FFlI "V ! known es **»naj for player — hard for JrI kD YY ■ ** »TX. I a Uvvrr." Has st«K.d the ACID TEST for 5„ CZNTS-MAILED 2 WEEKS, .00 «% mun years. we eonlil not spend many r/% thousands of dollars per annum adter- GAR PUB. CO. j ** tisinj: water as coueli syrui — and con- V* 438 South Dearborn St. Chicago. 111. tlnur in business. Sold .. installment on •««♦_ ■- ■ »r ,jj.„. •_ v, „ •a . . . • _„. .. Vt „. Wote change ot address from Plymouth Court. payments paid from your profits, .bso- ■ « lutrly KREK, lOOnsir racing manual, ty, . v» review. »worn teatimonals. etc. Invest!- aaHMBaBsiHaBaaBSBSBHMBBBiHaMMBi sate today and make your Bookie obey. /i VubUe Relations Manager V PaStV FrOITI YOUr Prof itS mm S. E. VK1 III K W / JrS* Box 10 It. 1-. Tow son, Md. 5Pv gmm The Master Key System of playing the races k O it C S wl" lie maileu vou for 0De weeks trial. Sa M JntTe # f # * # » » * * t Jtar charge unless it shows an average profit of •#»»» « 39 »»» mr — leMt j10 a day on tne j3 g.ale of pUy ______________..__ For particulars mail this ad. with your nam* and address to J. K. WILLIS. ADVERTISE IN RACING FORM m Thlrt"th 1 Mltmi Becb- FU