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SCHUYLER FLOYD CALVERT BUILDING BROADWAY AT 41ST STREET NEW YORK CITY TELEPHONE— BRYANT 6333 Three Days More And Then the THIRD SENSATIONAL EYENT THE FIVE HUNDRED DOLLAR "SCHUYLER INVESTMENT" Which Takes Place SATURDAY, APRIL 26 AT HAVRE DE GRACE THIS OFFICE HOLDS THE MASTER KEY TO THIS IMPORTANT EVENT SATURDAY It will prove that a properly prepared and •well financed proposition is certain to enjoy prosperity. TERMS FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS IN ADVANCE The only two Five Hundred Dollar "Schuyler Investments" offered this year 1924 were as follows: Listen Dearie . .0.10- Won Saturday, April 12, at Bowie. Barn Dollar ...2.20- Won Tuesday. March 11. at Tijuana. THE HUNDRED DOLLAR "SCHUYLER INVESTMENTS" Released since April 1, have paid as follows: Moon Magic ...8.30- Won Hidden Jewel ..3.30- Won Warning 3.10- Won A.J. Buja .30- Won Freezy Sneezy ...20- Won The "Schuyler Investments " axe like "Sterling on Silver — tha Stamp of Distinction. WANTED To hear hy telephone or telegTaph from responsible bu i ess man who is willing to make a 0 investment for information coming from a reliable source, who has three horses ready to go over this week. Limit ODDS expected on each of these tra-.sarticns. L. FORSEIT.T.F. No. 51, St. Leger Apt., Cincinnati, Ohio. Phone Woodburn 1928. NOTICE ! To those sot-king information that is really protablc, and to my clients of last fall. I wish to announce that I am again ready for another successful season on the Kentucky tiii ks. My terms will he the same, i e.. JJ.j .01 per winiur. In order to introduce Btyaelf tt new clients and also to show my old patron.--that I am still alive. 1 will send my first special free, to fro on April 20th at Iexington As my telegrams are only sent prepaid, please send .00 to cover my expense. DICK GERTH Ba tartan KM if., IU E. t ourt St. CINCINNATI, OHIO PERSONAL We want ONE CONFIDENTIAL MAN In each city. Further details by mail if interested. THE FAUTNKKSIIII* CENTRAL STATION P. 0. BOX 240 TOLEDO, OHIO ttSiHARVEY AMES wT J~ EARLE BLDG., BROADWAY AT 52ND STREET ■ , FRA i UK11NL* £h EVERY DAY NEW YORK, N. Y. [ 50 A 00 ~y FREE SPECIAL Yesterdays Harvey Transaction: ™™ ™.; Permanent Wave, 0.10-, Won AT UA .60- WON Above was the only horse advised and was filed with "Daily Racing ,.,. , ... ,.„ . « Form" in advance of the race. Who else gave this filly a chance? . . . _ . . . . , Attention is drawn to +. the fact +. that M_ Permanent m Wave „ had never Bugles followers Sure Cleaned Up. started bef0re, and it requires positive inside sources not only to know nP/rj A V tne condition of the horse, but the intention. A 60 investment on the last seven "Harvey Transactions • w n« m A Long Shot Sleeper showed a dear prom of GOES FOR THE MONEY I This horse lias not won a race in six 1 ILkVZ / CJ months. I have the O. K. direct, he will I |J/Oa jLTKJ J pay the limit. Is a re»l madder. I * iW~Mr. Player, dont miss oar she?t today. Rush to oar agents and buy the Huie. ?fter the cost of the information and the loss which occurred Monday, only iO cents, or send .00 to the * caused by three horses colliding with the "Harvey Transaction" on Bugle Publishing Co. said day had been deducted Suite 1711 Great Northern Bldg. ne recor shows six "Harvey Transactions" won out of the last Chicago DL seven advised in seven days, and we will mail you, overnight, Several "Harvey Transactions" now in preparation, simply await-in a plain sealed envelope the ing favorable starting conditions. BUGLE for TWO WEEKS, and Subscription, 00, must be telegraphed early to avoid oversub- ON SALE scription, as all "Harvey Transactions" are limited to territory. 99" IN THESE LEADING CITIES ~W _ Detroit Agent Saturday, April 26 for sale at this stand only t£rms 03.gley MCWSSlcillCl The following conversation occurred over the long-distance last Cor. Woodward and Monroe Aves. Sunday: Mr. S. calling Mr. Ames personal, important matter: Baffley Monument Mr. Ames, at the phone: "This is Mr. Ames speaking." Mr. S.: "I believe I have winner Cleveland— For sale at: a positive next Saturday, which, O. C Schroeder 212 East Superior Ave. UniA/ovor nOWever, WJ|I Will COST met 9 " ST. LOUIS— For Sale at: wm. Laser 711 Market street Mr. Ames speaking: "Amount makes no difference if you can CINCINNATI— For Sale at: . Ray Pierce corner Fifth and vine streets ! show and prove results, which, however, must be proved by demon- LOUISVILLE— For Sale at: I . .. . . .. „ Strati and not Conversation. Triangle News 409 South Fifth Street On _. Ricksecker . tKA,NAS s Cigar cJ"Y_or Store. 9th and SaHewt:, Walnut . Sts. M Mr. S.: "Ill • prove to * you Tuesday, * at the cost of $ w , one hour dayton— For sale at: j before the race, that I obtain the best inside advice possible. If that Euphrafs 129 South Jefferson Street . ., , . . ... _- _ is sucecssful, will you accept my figure ■.-*»,■■ for Saturday s matter? «... * * J o J Also is for sale in othir cities where the Racing Form is sold. Mr. Ames: "Yes, you have my word." WANTED-— A CLOCKER The horse given and fj|ed was "PERMANENT WAVE" yesterday, Can use a reliable horseman for u-li_j *_lj j -j * a _ , . -_ , which had never started, * and paid 0.10. the Kentucky tracks. Write us. While the amount involved is very large, it is the aim of this office MM01MM nvm M% io steP ase from the monetary interests, as the future friends this Cthi? vvy c M]vL?Ym ?n transaction should make will more than compensate for any financial The idea is to permit the large and small operator, if he is honor-sold all newsstands-* and ,1 sPEctALs ab|y inclined to take advantage 0f information which occurs seldom. AGAIN WE CLEANED UPS * was at rst tie PurPose 0* tms office to limit same to a selected few at 00 each, but as this matter occurs at about the same date as our Yesterdays ADV." "SPECIAL:" _ ast Anniversary Special, which was "American Boy," and paid 6-1, M«irMj »f.*i.ic W AbAINq WON, it was decided to permit those who up to now have been unable -TUSj -"kicheI SmSnSd SSSNo subscribe to "Harvey Transactions" at the exclusive rates, to obtain •jack field- the benefjt of tnis opportunity. lHOW CAN YOU LOSE? when you get wen • big -priced Terms I SATURDAY ONLY hSSoldt ":::::::::::::::::::::::: :-S won; Telegraph 5.00 in advance and agree to remit 5 additional if ■Hot™"™ mandS won! this horse, which will be the "Harvey Transaction" of said day and wain* the wizahd ,io.oo-*2 won h , horse advised W|NS at 8 to ! or better. If less than 8 to 1 And many mora LONG SHOT -winners JACK * field- gave th*t are too numerous to mention nothing further need be remitted. In the interest of all subscription ■ here. ■ 5 -straight days" a winner last week to the above will also be limited to territory, therefore early subscrip-»~D0 YOU WANT TO WIN tion is advised. 00 "TODAY"? This office expects to prove again why it has imitators, but no A 5 flat play on our BOTH and SPE-I COmpetitOTS. r CIALS tiday should W NET YOU 00 "TODAY" telephones— circle 2591, 2592, 2593 and 5749 Rush to your newsdealer and pet "JACK FIELD" — ■■ i — «— — i™.™ » " BOTH J5 and •SPECIALS." but be sura you get: I both of those SPECIALS today, as they come! Wt SS1493914939 S1493914939 JB I "iiii"""" 1 ! from the same SOURCE that put over above Ions r*TPV SW. •« mm -m.r *-. m.. shots jjSJ PREDETERMINED kand Pay From Your Prof its JACK FIELD sold everywhere, alro mailed to you M Bo™r-apncLfi- envelope; *15 W3Skly for •• p TURF nn/CrTC PROFITS • SS Tlio be Master ■*£ Key you System S ono of playing VHTZm the races No m. Tmm MIRACLE SSTKM U nationally V» charge unless it shows an average prof.t of VTrTn *S2 l? Vlrv rn «"««" ■• "*•*» N» |»l-.vrr-hard for I •« least *10 a day on the scale oi play. Room 32. ,o 39 ,o w W. Adorns St. rw.™ Chicago. H 111. | aa. •* — *" Ior particulars mail this ad. with your name layrT.. „as slood Hie ACID TEST for Z tn many ear«.. « r could not spend mnny *» I »nd ls. ° £ f; WiLLIS _ , _ i2j Thirtieth St., Miami Bea.l.. I .a. ™ii■l■™™™™,™ thousand* of ,!ollars per annum adxer- SPOT CAfH . Jll 90-52 WON *» ,lsl„e „iltfr a .OUK,| ,„ ,,, ron. W mmmmmmmummmmmmmmmmmmummmmmmmmmmmammammmmmmmmmmmm EL JESMAR J10.93-W «0-*Z ND tlnut, in b.i.incss. sold on installment „ were last Saturdays XX Sp:cia!s. Dint payments paid from your profits. Abso- miss next faturday s TWO LIVE ONES. «/ lately FREE. lOOpagr raring manual, «» Cat NEW BOOK out tiday for horses that v review, sworn trstimonaU. etc. Intrsti | P||||l ATAII f | ■■ f I ■ I are ready ti win. 25 cents at all news- gate today and make our Bookir obey. ** I L fllll III vlwlnllAI -.5» e Special: Jun,App,e- Iubl,c Kelations Manager V L L A I f. U I U H 0 I L U I A L STANDARD TURF GUIDE /rSn Box 10 11. * K. Tun son. Mil. flJL Expecting something extra good next Saturday. 403. 22 W. Qu:nc St. Chicago. 111. £ $ Jl C Ra « .. , ZT ._ _— -, Aanm«mmnmmmmn«mnmm«nnns«ni Jfy* » »■ -»" Banir.g accidents, this hor:c should v..r. at a good ! — i ** »»»»» ? » 3 5 5 5 AJfr price. Costs nothing in advance. Just remit win- SPORTING LEADER rungs of 0 after horse wins. Write quick for this EXTEA SPECIAL and other good ones to follow. TODAYS FREE CODE An/CDTICT IM R A P I M P mPIUI I Havro— Duniirk-Doubl»-Launch-Pinch-Mount-Joil IMUVQnllOC 111 nHV/lllU lUnlVI SUPERIOR SERVICE, Box 133. Dayton, Ohio