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Entries and Past Performances HAVRE DE GRACE WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23 WEATHKR CLOIDYi THAK GOOD. Tim figures under the heading "Hec." In the entries below show the hest time of each horse »t the distanre since Jaruary 1. 1922. no matter where it finished. In cases where reiord was made on other than a fait •r good track, abbreviations show track conditions. 7CI60 IS FIRST INDEX OF 1924. 7H28 IS FIRST INPFX OF APRIL. Raring starts at 2. .10 p. m. I Chicago time. 1:301. Wmi|i.i fir urn. I rimiiiT. XOooil iimd runner. sMnir inn. i i miner. Mj Maidens. Apprentice allowniu c. hBMnkers. Tlio following abbreviations are used to designate track! at which time records Bbown in entries were made: Aqueduct Aq Jefferson Park JP Aurora Au Kenilworth Ke Belmont Park BP Kempton Park KP Blue Bonnets BB King Edward Ki Bowie Bo Latonia La Churchill Downs CD Laurel Lu Columbus Co Lexington Lx Connaupht Park CP Maple Heights MH Connraut Lake CL Marlboro Mb Dado Park DP Mobile Mo Devonshire De Mount Royal MR Dorval Do Omaha Om Duffcrin Du Pimlico Pm Empire Em Reno Re Fair Grour.ds FG Saratoga Sa Fort Er:e FE Tanforan Ta Hamilton Hm Thorncliffe Th Havre de Grace HG Tijuana Ti Hawthorne Hw Toledo To Havana Hv Windsor Wi Huntington Hu Woodbine Wo Jamaica Ja FIRST RACE— 4 1-2 Furlongs. Purvc .210. 2 -rear-olds. Allowances. ic.o:d: April 27. 1921 53% — S— 119. Todays Tnd. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.IIan 78447 Swinging 110x72.". 78286 Sombre 110. .7241 78401 Bdisto 113. .71:. 78447: Rejected 105x710 78470 Bother HO 114 :.r.7h 110x705 | 78470 Semiun HG110 :57%h 108. .700 j 78447 Ta ngo 10f . . 700 : ow:ih 108.. John F. Klearer. 108.. Second Race— 3-4 Mile. Purse Jl.COO. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming Track record: April 16. 1921— 1 :11%— 5—130. 78449 Marble Wo 122 1:13% I 108x72." 78402 •Arendal Ke 107 1:12% 4 106x720 76441 bleter Piper ..111 116 1:13 10 110. .715 78055 Parvenu Ti 103 1:12% 3 103x715 78310 Whalebone Do 10M112 8 110X715] 76067» Mli Wilson ...Do 107 l:23%h 7 110x715 77972 •l.Sagnmoro RP 112 1:13 7 105x715 78402 Bright Lights. .Ja 117 1:12% 8 110x710 75730 Ticaccy Do 107 1 :13% 8 110X71© 78402 •S.astnke Wo 103 1:14% 3 95X710 78366* Antilles Ja 100 1:13% 6 105x710 78471 Sea Wolf MH 105 1:12% 5 113.710 783C7 Charles J. Craig mile Ti 110 1:13 7 110x705 78015 •bDr. Charles Wells Do 97 1:12% 6 105. 705 75520 l.Hard Guess ...Im 115 1:15% 6 110 .700 78366 Tl.essalr UP lOt! 1:12% 4 103.. 700 78429 Pikro. M 3 98.. 700 75224 Caraji Lu 107 1:15% 3 93.7 Ml 75531 •OsHH iMi ..1112 1:15% 3 93. 700 78012 Myrtle Rilsori.IIv 98 1:15% 3 91x700 Third Rac s — 3-4 Mile. Purse ,200. I rear-olds ami upward. Claiming Track lecord: April 10. 1921 -1 11 %— 5—130. 7B426 Caligula La 112 1:12 6 108x750 78164 bCloughiordan .Lu 105 1:13 6 105x745 78426 uLinn d Or Ti 123 1:12 8 117*715 7842C* Cool Times ..Wo 103 1:12% 5 117X745 78449-•l.lli.lden Jewel Hm 103 1 12% • 103 •» 740 78513- IlltsUISmi .Lu M 1:12% 3ia3x740 77871 Mlonor Man U 105 1:12 8 105 735 78472 •lltion Pine ...lit; 1091:13 3 104. .735 78380. •Sweepstakes . . Sa 100 1:12% 4 103 7:C. 78513 Inrictus FG 110 1:14% 3 100a73 75809 Rejection Ja 115 1:17m 4 110x725 78449 SeHis 1/emon Wo 107 1:12 4 97x725 78427= "lx-onard G. ...HG 108 1:13 3 95x725 Fourth Race — 1 1-16 Miles. Bail !•« Purse. Psjnt TOO. 4-vear-olds and unward. Allowances. Track record: Sept. IS. 1920 — 1 44%— 3— 13S. 78383* l.BIFF BANG .HO 115 1:47% 7 100x750 71493 Prilliant JesterWi 103 1:45% 7 100X740 78450 Heir at Law Ml PM 87 l:55%sy 3 85.740 78514 UP 115 1:44% 6 104x735 75779 Hell Gate . . . .UP 110 1 45% 4 103x735 78515 A. J. Uuja HG 89 1:51 %sy 3 97X735 78514 |sMm Wi 95 1:44% 5 103x730 Fifth Race— 1 1-8 Miles. Purse 200. 4-rear-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Sept. 27. 1919 1:50— 5— 126. 77872; I.Vitamin Sa 102 1.53% 6 110x725 78336 MJouimnnil . ...FG 109 1:53% 8 105x720 78405 t.Royal Duck . . .Lu 109 1:53% 7 114x715 78453 Roval Crown .HG 105 1:55% 4 105 715 78314 • 1-a 101 1:54% 5 105x710 77887 Maryland Belle Sa 11311 :53% 5 111X705 78512 •l.Douglinut FG 112 1:54% 5 105x705 Sixth Race— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purse ,200. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Track record: Sept. 28. 1918— 1 :42%— 4— 132. 78263 Dancing Fool . .Ro 112 1:50% 111X725 78449 •Fehrah FG 92 1:47%s 91x720 78453* •Quick Time Bo 105 1:49% 93x715 78367s •Salmon SKI X 71 5 78471 Warren Lynch .FG 97 1:47% 101X715 78517 Frostr Uov FG 106 1:46% 107X71O 78453 Zama M ....Bo 87 1:51%m 101.710 77080 Tropical Water .. 107X705 77934 Bvron 110X705 78365 Thomasine M... 102. .700 Seventh Race— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purse ,200. 3 year-olds. Claiming Track record: Sept. 28, 1918 — 1:42% 4 132. 78309 Normana 102. 725 78471 •Aggravating Papa FG 100 1:46% 107X720 78516; •Kl.t. Tide M 87.. 715 78453 •Anti.iuity FG 92 1:47% 96x715 78617= Seths Flower .FG 86 1:46% 108x715 78516 •Blue Streak ..Pm 107 l:49%sy 109x715 78429 Dandybrusb. 112. .710 78243 •Goldmark KG 108 1:48 102.710 77813 Kirk Dress 97.. 705 DA PC 4 1~2 FnrloiiKM. 2-year-olds. Allowances. April 27, 1921 Iof bl nMl/C r»3 2-5 2 119. Index Course Dist Time TV* Odds Wt St *A Str Kin Jockeys Started Order of Finiah SWINGING, ch. f. 2 110 By Broomstick— Balancoire II.. by Meddler. Trainer. F. Hopkins. Owner, H. P. Whitney. Breeder, H. P. Whitney. 98447 H i -c; e 1-2 49%slop 4-5 115 1 1 1* l1 F Colletti 9 Rejected. Sea Tide, Imagination SOMBRE, b. f, 2 110 By Crimper— Sackcloth, by Stalwart. Trainer. Wm. Garth. Owner. J. S. Cosden. Breeder. W. Garth. 78285 Howie 1-2 49%fast 1-5 115 111* 1*1 C Lang 6 Moon Magic. Sea Tide, Effort 78176 Bowie 1-2 49%fast 11-5 113 1 1 1» 1* C Lang 12 B.Winfrey. KittyFrcb. AtAggie EDIST0. h. c. 2 113 By Johren — Tunnin. by Broomstick. Trainer. F. Hopkins. Owner, L. S. Thompson. Breeder, L. S. Thompson. 78401 H.deGee 1-2 4S%fast 3-5 118 t 1 ll 1* F Coll-ttiU EarlaBaby, Cloudland, Toppanite REJECTED, ch. f. 2 M 105 By Ballot— Nettie Hastings, by Hastings. Trainer. Wm. Garth. Owner, J. S. Cosden. Breeder, E. Rucker. 78447 ILdeGra 1-2 49%slop H 115 7 2 21 21 B Barnes 9 Swinging. Sea Tide, Imagination BOTHER, b. f. 2 110 By Trap Rock — Annoyance, by Meddler. Trainer, W. Garth. Owner, R. Parr. Breeder. P. M. Walker. 78470 H.deGee 4i f 56%hvy 2-5 114 5 3 2»* 4*i J Shanks 5 BerniocH rar. Gkhana. Cloudld 78331 Howie 1-2 48 fast 37-10 113 13 2* 2* ■ Ambrose 6 Barne.vGoogle. Harlan. Foolscap 78239 Howie 12 50 slow 13-10 113 4 1 1* l4 J Shanks 8 TodKonesor. Rnieellrar, Brage 78192 Bowio 1-2 47%fast 13 HI 6 4 41 3*1 C Lang 8 Singlt Ft. Barney Gle, Vanidobo SEAMAN, ch. g, 2 M 108 By Sea King — Chilton Queen by Chilton. Trainer. I. Carter. Owner, W. Stockton. Breeder. L. Garth. 78470 IHsffW 4 f 56%hvy 22 110 4 6 6 5*1 E Ambrse 5 BerniceHrar, Gkhana, Cloudld TANGO b. f. 2 M 105 By Spanish Prince II. — Fantam Bala, by Olambala. Trainer, T. J. Healey. Owaer. R. T. Wilson. Breeder, R. T. Wilson. 18447 HdeGco 1-2 49%slop 27 115 4 « 61 «*• E Bell 9 Swinging, Rejected, Sea Tide First start for the following: OOWAH. ch. g. 2 M 108 By Berrilldon— Stalwart Helen, by Stalwart. Trainer. I. Carter. Owner. W. Stockton. Breeder, Estate of L. Garth. JOHN F. KLEAVER. b. c. 2 M 108 By Wrack— Puritan Girl, by Yankee. Trainer, W. Thomas. Owner, J. H. Shrevc. Breeder, J. H. Shreve. r „, I DA PC 3-4 Mile. ::- car-nlil» and a |t tv aril. Claitiiing. April 10, 1921 tCllG HAUL 1:11 1-5 1 l.lO. MARBLE, ch. c. 5 108 Bv Ballot — TifTany Blend, by Cesarlon Trainer. A. E. Alexandra. Owner, Mrs. A. E. Alexandra. Breeders. H. H. and J. H. Gaines. 78449 II ileCre 3-4 1 15%slop 11 109 7*1 W Marnerl.3 Fifty -Fy. HiddenJl, Mabel K 78310 Howie 61 t l:21%fast 19 108 1 3 2 l1 K Ambrose 12 Bucado. Fifty-Fifty. M. Maxim 78264 BwWta 6» f 1 22%goed 6» 106 9 8 6* €»J G Rose 10 Sea Sand. Arendal. Poppy e 72532 KortKrie 1 1-16 1 :4.".%fast hB5 110 2 2 2* 1" V Walls 7 TenderSetli. GrssMaid. Bl. Stone 72437 Ham ton 1 1-16 1 :4.".%fast 9 104 3 S* *i 9 Walls 6 Jou. tt. Despair, Fannie Bean 71730 IorlKn.- lm"0y 1 .4V%slow 10 109 1 4 ii 6 J Brogilen 6 Despair, P.r Jiminy. Ijimpus 71439 llumlon 3-4 1:13 fast 6 100 4 6 41 3»i P Walls • Setir l..inon. Sgrado. Muskalge 71354 Ham ton 1 1-16 l:50%slow 43-5 110 S 4 3* 3 i P Walls 7 Lnmpus. Despair. High Speed ARENDAL. b. g, 4 106 Bv Plaudit or Star Shoot — Pvrope. by Sir Wilfred. i Trainer. G. W. Campbell. Owner, G. W. Campbell. Breeder. J. E. Madden. 78402 H b ; e 3-4 6t 111 6 2 2* 3=J W Milner 14 Mabel K . Vacuum. Bonfire 7836G r.owi- 7-8 l:28%fast 1 107 4 1 1* 1: F Murr.hy 13 MaryMaxim. Antilles. Duke John 78332 Kowio 6Jfl:21%fast 8 108 4 2 3l 2*i F Murphy 8 LtenHearic. Tidings. Simplicity J 78264 BwWla 6| f 122%good 16 111 S 2 2» 21 K Murphy 10 Sea Sand, Poppre. Cote dOr 78193 Psjsjjt 61 f l:22%fast 22 111 7 3 3* 4* ¥ Murphy • ScaSan.l, JkTime I 77841 Jeff. IBM 61 f 1:09 good lh 120 5 9 10» 10» D MergKr 14 St. Maurice. DrByan. Jolm.Ios.pli 77407 1 3-4 1 :i:i%fast 10 99 1 9 9 9s* D Mergler S Translate. Sweepskes, Hon. Man 74064 l..x ton J-4 112%fast 2 112 6 2 21 2* J Pevic D Bnsterllells, Bob Shea, isosceles PETER PIPER, b. r. 10 HO By Peter Pan — Iona, by Meddler. Trainer. A. Swenke. Owner, A. Swenke. Bred in France by W. K. Vender. bilt. 76441 Jefferson 3-4 1 : 4 106 3 1 1 771 F Thdykell li.rdtie. Far East. Rhinegold 74417 1-aurel 3-4 113 fast 7 110 4 3 51 7»J R Costello 9 "lijordan. Dr.C. Wells. IjdrHoss 74171 H deGce J-4 1:13 fast 1-5 116 6 1 1* 11 B Marinem 9 Bound Bobin. Bluellawk, Rupee 73536 Pel 1*1 61 f l:07%slow 41 107 « 1 3 " 64 F Sharpe 6 Battersea. Al.lar.-. Lilt 73462 l: linnets 3-4 1 :l-%fast 6 96 4 1 1"* 4* J halm, rs 4 Hattcis.a. Hildur. List One 73294 B B nnets 3-4 1 :13%fast 11-5 111 S 1 1* 1 | J Chalin. rs 7 Dr.Clias Wells. Jo -llaJ.. Wraith 73015 i.augh. 51 f 1 07%good 11-10 111 3 2 31 61 R Cost. Uo I KiiiglitliiMMl. Ablaze. Admirer 72729 r.riKri.- 61 f 1 07 fast 1J-10 114 6 1 1» 2"* F Sharpe 8 M.-ieurv. Tidings. Speedr Lady 72627 lo.tllri.- 61 f l:10%mu l 11-10 111 1 1 I1 23 R Cost. Ho T Tidings, Kar East. Ablare 72527 KortKrie 3-4 112%fast S-2 111 6 S d 9" R Cost. Ilo 9 Wraith. Jac.]iieg. Meicury 72452 11 ..m ton 3-4 l.:3%fast 17-10 97 4 1 li 1J li Co.slello 5 Bui. Proof. SailingB PARVENU, br. c, 3 103 By Omar Khayyam— Desiuous. by Hamburg. Trainer. K. Patterson. Owner. E. Arlington L Breeder. Mrs. L. Viau. 78455 Til— ■ 61 f l:07%hvy 43-10 105 Wheeled. G Cooper 14 Kt n.g ...k B.Trrftm, KniglithM 78*23 Tijuana 41 f 65%mu.l Jl 100 7 8 7* 6*J ; Cooper B .la kltuu. r. Wildllcat!.cr. Kbix 77822 Tijuana 61 f 1 :07 fast 17-5 105 7 4 U l1 P Hum 11 Lit tli-P.i-ai li. Iru-tr. IdaKranccs 77654 Tijuana 61 f 1 07 fast 2 112 6 3 21 6* E Robbing • Ilitruu.p. Honddic. Ponimoi 77613 Tijuana 3-4 112%fast 2 »5 7 6 21 2J G Kllis 7 The Cliira. anron 77424 Tijuana 61 f 1 07%fast 4 115 6 4 21 6» G Mem 8 PoMillion. Col. Cup. Spamslil:..-. 77382 Tijuar.a 8-4 1 U%fast « 103 4 « 4* 3] S ODonnl 8 LordAII. n. LadyGorliam. Coffield WHALEBONE, blk. g, 8 110 By Allan-a-Dale — Marcotini. by Marco. Trainer. T. E. Crist. Owner. T. E. Crist. Breeder J. W. Webb. 71310 Howie 61 f 1 21%fast 9 103 10 6 61 M It P.r. ningl2 Marble. Bin-ado. Fifty Kiftv 78231 Bowie 1 1-16 1 6%mu l X3-10 108 S 1 11 21 C. Rom. l.t iv.rtjk. 1 »., v l.i||,. Mystic 78193 HoVie 61 f 1 22%fast 41 106 2 I 21 2* I! l:r. ning !t S sSand. l ui.k Time. 78161 Howie 61 f 1 23 mud 6 106 13 7 8* 74 II Holmes U Hiffltaug. TimesPp. Agg Papa 77936 Jefferson 1 1-16 1 :51%hvy 10 104 5 2 9» 10*3 I Jones 11 Pe.|in.t. Unr St.,r. S. rvitoi »7S71 Jefferson J-4 114%faet i 110 f 11 12* 12»| E Martin IS Vacuum Lug.. U, 77*05 JtltcnOA -4 1 15 fast 7 101 8 2 21 2 D Jones 9 El Astro. Idle TI. I*. Arrowh d IRA WILSON, b. g, 7 110 By Ormondale— Blue Stocking, by Yankee. Trainer. F. J. Boyle. Owner. F. J. Boyle. Breeder. J. E. Madden. 76067 Havana 61 f l:lf.%fapt 0 113 2 4 41 3J F. Hileman H PepperTea. KndMan. Glenlivet 76033 Havana :i4 1:13%fast f. 112 4 3 4* 3*1 E Hileman S Driftwood. Haran GoldenChanoe 75539 Ml.oro AbC? f 129%slow 13-10 115 7 2 2* 1»* F WMstck 8 Kluff. B. Simmons 75521 Marlr.i Ab 61 f 1 :tti slow 23-10 116 6 2 2* l1 J Dennison 8 Finality. Aslilin. Florence Deen 75501 Marl 10 Ab 6| f l:12%slow 37-10 107 5 2 ll 1* F Wilsfck 9 PepperTea, Blk .Baby. C.ipt Hob 74982 Laurel 3-4 1 :H%good 64 107 6 » 9» 7» .1 Chalmers ll Sea Sand. Sagamore. SpeedyGiil 74425 Thclirfe 8-4 1.13%tast 14 107 3 2 21 2* D Stirling 11 Gaudy, Bobby Allen. Vacuum 74329 Th.liffe 51 f 1:08 fast 51f 109 7 11 12* 12° D StirKng IS Ynlla. oiudv. Atlianna 73632 3-4 1.12%fast 41 108 7 6 4"k 42 J Chalmers 7 Teds Plum. II Artillery. Foxtail 73192 H P. nnets 51 f 1 07%ilow 3 113 1 6 6* 4*1 D Stirling 8 H. Artiillery, Max Gold. Foxtail 73419 lMlnn.ta 3 4 l:13%fast 30 112 2 7 8" 6* D Stirling 11 JcyceHoffman. Patchwk. Flint SAGAMORE, ch. g. 7 105 By Uncle— Lydia II., by Luke Blackburn. Trainer. J. L. Donovan. Owner. C. Caffarelli. Breeder. H. P. Headley. 77972 Jefferson S-4 l:17%mu«l 4 120 13 13 9* 7* G Rote 13 G.Starr. Mt Pleast. Dandybruah, 77652 1 1-lC, l:4V%f;tnt 5 106 4 3 9 9=» L Ing !» Sway. Irish Pat. Duiiibfoun.l.r 7757C. K.Crnils t-4 l:M%gw4td 7-5 110 11 7 4" 4* G W Crollll It. Robin. Omnipotent. Anticipate 77321 K.C.r nOn 3-4 l:14%slow 4 112 5 4 31 2* G Rose 11 Vonii-elos. Hysteria. Se.|in I 77006 FCrnds I 4 1 1 .%livy 16-5 107 7 7 7 61 G Rose 7 CareKree. Lidyl£o-e. PoorSport 763G4 Jefferson 3-4 1 14%pooil 6 107 9 4 4 21 G Rose 11 P.egPardon. I/yKose 76923 F.Grnils 3 4 1:14%slow 21 104 8 1 31 21 H Marielli 8 PaulMicou. Th. Square. PrSport 76778 FGinds 3-4 l:i:.%mu I 8 106 8 7 4* 4=1 G Rose 11 Bnmra. Antonia. Cuvnor , 76734 K.Grnds 3-4 l:15%slow 8 102 8 6 6 5" A Abel !» Simplicity, Keiomtion. R Clilio 76268 Jefferson 3-4 LIS hy 10 105 4 8 6 6:J_G Rose 10 Simplicity. Valcntia. Aladdin BRIGHT LIGHTS, ch. g. 8 110 By Peter Quince— Blaze 0 Gold, by St. Florlan. Trainer. F. A. Alexander. Owner. J. F. McOauley. Breeder. W. S. Threlkeld. 78402 H.ii eQea M t :T4*AXMt 4f ltH. 6 S NQ»I Romellill Hatcl K.. Vacuum. Arendjl 78310 Howie 6i f 1 :21%fast 14f 108 S 10 8IK"0 A Accardyl2 Marble. Bncad... KiftiKifty 78265 Howie 6J f 1 :22%good 3.f 1M 4 12 U !""• A AccanlylS Bucado. Fifty Fifty. Vcaizelos 78178 Howie 7-8 1 :"1 fast 7f 110 9 12 11;10*R Romeliit.l C.Costigan, M. Jumbo. I of t.Vy ■ 77805 Jefferson 3-4 1:15 fast 60 106 6 9 9 9» A Aceanly • ■ Astro. Wliuleb c. Idle Tbts 77739 Jefferson 3-4 1 :13%fast 30 111 8 8 8 $ » R Roinelli 8 Caligula. Kingsclere. Whalebone 66305 Empire Ab 3 4 1 :10%fast 7 118 2 4 31 3T L Fator It! Niglnboat. Esquire 65804 Jamaica 3-4 112%fast 41 113 6 4 4* 4«i ■ Mart* 10 Valetitia. Ksqnire. Transient TICACEY, br. g. 8 110 By Bannockburr,— Hand Eell, by Hanover. Trainer. J. Boden. Owner. Triple Springs Farms Stable 1. Breeder. B. Sehreiber. 75730 Bowie 61 f l:22%fast S 111 I 4 2 V H Howard 13 Sea Sand. Coral Reef. Spear Shot 75462 Pimlico 1 1-lti 1 :.".n slop 16 5 109 3 3 4« 4«J H HowanllO Stonewall. Bonfire. Kliinegold 75130 Laurel 3-4 1:13%fast 29 111 4 9 81 8»i II HowanllO Bucado. RoyalCliarlic. amf i;igc 74781 Laurel 1 1-lC 1 :46%fast I 105 6 1 1" 1"* H Howard 8 UoralP.u.k. Sedgefd. C Whallen 74699 Laurel 1 1-10 1 :47%fast 31-10 107 3 2 U 2" A Roach • Honorable. TlieLunl.. Mir Man 74606 Laur.l 3-4 ; :13%fast 51 110 1 5 51 4* H Howardll Rhinegold. Val. ntia. The Lamb SEASTAKE. br. f. 3 95 By Sea King— Stake and Cap. by Ellisdale. Trainer. T. Quinlan. Owner, T. Quintan. Brf.eder. L. Garth. 78402 HdeGce 5-4 1:l".%fast 4f 1"L 10 11 11s 10,n A Abel 1 4 Mabel K.. Vacuum, Arendal 77483 Havana 51 f 1 :06%fast 6 103 6 7 CI 691 J Callahan 7 Minus. Ancestress. Trafalgar 77200 Havana 3-4 11X%slow 2 111 1 6 6 C*J W Pmrose • Mooifd. Ancestress. It.Gersliel • 710! Havana 3-4 1 :21%hvy 1 113 2 5 6 5*1 W Smith 5 Mrfield. Ancest s. Mrs.iiardmr 77033 Havana 51 f l:13%hvy 21 104 6 6 31 I1 W Smith S Stiperna. Ancestress, Trafalgar 76890 Havana 3-4 l:lC%eood 4 105 4 5 5» 5*1 A MeLhlin 6 SunMaiden, P.luellill. Chemiserie ANTILLES, ch. m, 6 105 By Rapid Water— Maria C. by Yankee Gun. Trainer. G. Peterson. Owner. G. Peterson. Breeder. G. W. J. Bissell. 78366 Bowie 7-S l:2S%fast 26 107 5 3 3 3s J Wallace 13 Arendal. MarrMaxim. DukeJolin 78286 P.ouie CI f l:22%fast 24 99 7 I 5* 5" B HreningLI .IkScot. Hklel. yFinn. KarEast 78240 Howie I»7TJ- lfUllniT 22 100 2 2 k i1; W Milner 8 OBthday. N tKaid. r. P.f.Home 78197 Howie lm70y 1 :49%fast 14 102 7 3 3 4s H HreninglO RoyalChe. Ourliirtliy. S.rritor 78178 Howie 7-S 1:31 fast 7f 101 4 4 6 6:i J Wallace 13 C.Costigan. M ..lembo. Hoft.Vv 77911 Jefferson l| f l:10%hvy 20 ltt". 7 8 61 7*1 G Corey 15 L.KIorence. Lieut. Kariell. Stamp 77840 Jefferson 51fl:0S%good 20 MM 6 8 S1 ?J D Merpler 15 SisterJosella. Stan p. HanBo.Iing SEA-WOLF, b. g. 5 113 By Ultimus— Queen of the Water, by Waterboy. Trainer. F. A. Tansor. Owner. F. A. Tansor Breeder. W. B. Miller. 78471 II. deGce lm70y l:50%hvy 17 106 5 ! 9b 10° J Wallaeell Agr gPapa. Aladdin. JnjDdee 78243 Howie lm.Oy 1 :51% low 11 111 4 7 71 7* ¥ Colletti S Capt.t ostigan. Mi/.ar. HigliGear 77586 FGinds 11-16 1:50 hvy 25 102 4 7 41 57 W Milner 8 G. Billows, K.Sneezy. Maig.Waie 77494 F.Grnds 3-4 l:15Agood 4 112 3 2 1" l1 M SchwUU Bt Black. Beth Steel. St Grard 77348 F.Grnils 11-16 1:50 good 3 90 3 1 11 51 1. Lang- 13 Juno. Sword. Morn on Eider 77056 F.Grnds 3-4 1:13 fast 31 115 5 3 4 1 4T1 M SchwtzLI Exchange. Billy Klair. Mcintosh CHARLES J. CRAIGMILE. b. g. 7 110 By Pataud— Miss Jordan, by Sir Dixon. Trainer, W. Duman. Owner, W. E. Matthews. Breeder. E. Gallirn. 78367 Bowio 8-S l:2S%fast 29 103 6 5 6; 4|D Mergler 10 A. J. Buja. Fehrah. Salmon 78240 Howie lm70y 9J 100 6 4 7 77j L Lang 8 O.Bthdar. NtRauler. P. f Home 78228 Howie 7-9 1 :29%mu.l 15 107 S 6 6] 3s J Ley land 13 Fifty-Kty. Warng. St. Mchael 77652 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1 :4S%fas 10 100 3 1 6l 6« D Mergler 9 Sway. Irish Pat. Dumbfounder 77581 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1 :51%muil I 99 4 1 !• 4.J I Parke 9 Tex. Yorick. The Fenian 77321 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14%slow 26 103 7 6 5 57 D Mergler 11 Venizelos. Sagamore. Hysteria 76614 F.Grnds 3-4 1:14%fast 20 107 11 2 8* ll« F Thdykel3 P. Pardon. Dr.Joe. Tbel 1 an. iscan 76483 F.Grnds 3 4 6 108 7 5 4 7IJ C Iang 7 Kingsclere, Orlova. Dr. Joe DR. CHARLES WELLS, ch. g, 6 105 By Superman — Doughnuts, by Darebta. Trainer, R. D. Carter. Own3r, W. S. Murray. Breeder. H. T. Oxr.ard. 78015 Havana 2-4 l:12%fast 10 10S 7 7 7 7" C Jackson 8 Perhaps. Mabel K.. Sun Brae 77749 Havana S-4% 1 :12%fast 15 107 8 8 8 S5 C Jackson 8 SunBrae. End.Man. BrotberJolin 77565 Havana 5 f 1 :07%good 12 106 7 6 7* 7* C Jacksonll CEneantn. EndMan Sta.r Adams 77434 Havana 51 f 1 :06%fast 10 107 10 6 10* t«: Jacksonll Pi lion. Pindar. Blanche Mac 77376 Havana 3-4 1:13 fast 8 106 6 5 6 97 C JacksonlO PrinceReg t. Mar netti . lopango 77302 Havana 51 f 1 :08 good 12 107 7 5 4 52 C Jackson 7 Mt. Lassie, Marnette, P Regent 76568 Havana 61 f l:06%fast 15 108 6 C 5» 4*3 C Jackson 7 lopango, M. Lassie. GarBoyll. HARD GUESS, b. h. 6 110 By Pebbles— Miss Puzzle, by Disguise. Trainer, C. Ccates. Owner, D. Veneziano. Breeder. J. Butler. 75520 Mlboro Ab51 f 1 :12%slow 43 KIN 6 6 7« 8» W Brown 8 Huff. ElizalMtiiJewell. S.Diego 75479 Marlboro 51 t 1:13 mud 8 116 7 2 41 5T1 C Jackson ■ W.Bedottc, Mr. Brummel. Bo:art 73501 Timot.m Ab6if 1 :26%hvy 8 11C 5* A Allen 7 Star Court. Bab. Neapolitan 70453 Man Ilts 61 f 1 :»fi%fast 4i 108 5ri J Allen 8 CavaKer. Loch Leren, Spods 70332 ilap.llts 1 1 16 1 :4C%fast 6 114 5,a T Rao 6 LucyKate. Ere. White, Hyanpom THESSALY. br. f . 4 103 By Plaudit— Fair Atalanta, by Knight of the ThistU. Trainer. M. J. Murphy. Owner, S. Louis. Breeder. Xalapa Farm. 78366 Bowie 7-S l:2S%fast 8f 101 I 7 S112" B RreuMngl3 Arendal. Marr Maxim. Antilles 78265 Bowio 61 f 1 :22%good 30f 105 7 4 8 8= D Mergler 13 Bucado, Fifty -Fiftr. Venizelos 78178 Bowie 7 8 1:31 fast Tf 99 6 5 9»11«H Breningl.l C.Co-tigan. M Jumbo.- D of t.Vy 77517 F.Grnds 3-4 1:14%fast 15 94 6 3 8 11* B Breningl.l PkeBr :i. Bla lasclli*. Palimtto 76923 F.Grnds S-4 l:14%slow 30 106 3 10 10 101* J Heupel 11 BegPardon. Sagamore. Kgsclero 75629 Bowie 61 f l:20%fast 60f 101 5 8 10 10" II Thomas 11 AfCX, Colando, Cum Sail 74859 laurel 3-4 l:12%fast 25f 97 9 11 1C kt*l II Howardir Cclando. Rhinegold. SeaSand PEKROS. b. c. 3 M 98 By Disguise— Picric, by Voter. Trainer. J. L. Donovan. Owner. W. V. Bwyer. Breeder. J. E. Madder.. 78429 1 1-lC l:4S%fast 11 9717 2 41 7= T AVilson 10 Datidylirnsh. AladiKn. Roseate 74307 Jamaica i| t l:07%fast f. 112 6 9 81 9" H Shillick IS Aggrar.Papa. S.ltimas. P.l.Miss 73814 Aqueduct 6-1 1 00%fast 12 11C 13 5 61 Sl T Burns 17 E-coba dOro. Ion-aim. Rami. 73103 Saratoga 61fl:06%fast 12 111 6 7 6" 7*1 L Morris 11 Ormesrale. Bi -Grass. R audltye 72829 Saratoga 61 f 1:07 fast 18-5 109 12 11 20 10 • E Leg re 14 Convent. Mitau. Apology CARAJO. br. f, 3 93 By Jack Atkin— Nannette. by Yankee. Trainer. F. Gairett. Owner, F. Garrettl. Breeders. Whito and Garnett. 75224 Pimlico 3-4 1:15 mud 9 108 6 2 21 4T F Hstingsl. Jackson. Warren I. inch. Stevens 74775 I.aurel 3 4 1:14%fast 8 107 8 f *•* GJ ■ Kummcrl.: Normana. Fehrah. Ja. k-..n 74565 Launl 3 4 l:H%fast 6 115 10 12 11 Wt Q Habin 14 Belle K.. Parthema. Our Star 74142 H.deGee 61 f l:07%fast 6 108 8 b 4 l"i K AmbroseH Howiy. Vuitilla Sligo 73985 H.deGee 6 f l:0S%slow 10 M 1 I V 1»«- E Ambros, 13 Bramton. Vehement. For Keeps 72482 Saratoga 6-S 1 :00%fast 15 112 14 15 la" 14= B AmbroselO Forest Flower. Pest, Eventide 70266 Belmont 41 f ;".:;%fast a 11- i *J 7= 4*4 B AmbroselO Baby Line. Po.-tiiiion. Pathan 69925 Jamaica 5-Sl:00%good 15 114 S 10 10 10 • B Ambrosell Dutless. CaveWnman. Dmstick COBHAM. br. c. 3 M 93 By Harry Shaw— Tsarina, by Kingston. Trainer. J. T. Mahoney. Owner. J. T. Mahoney. Breeder. Mrs. W. V. Thraves. 75531 Churchill 3-4 1:14 fast M 1IJ 6 8 7= 7"! R Ha r ton 15 Buck. W kulla. I.aP d-Briante 75452 Churchill 1 1 :29%fast 37 112 11 7 6. 7" R Hartonl.t Di:dlcy. Craen c. W. the Wizard 75217 Latonia 3-4 l:17%hvy 31-10 112 10 6 5* 5*3 E Iool 1" Arabis. Tie Runt. I voy 72921 Saratoga 61 f 1 :07%good 20 115 10 10 ll1 U»1 A Collins 14 Stanwix. Hiion Pine, Bees MYRTLE BILSON. br. f. 3 91 By Jack Atkin— Buda, by Sweep. Trainer. B. B. Rice. Owner, H. E. Bilson. Breeders. White and Garnett. 78012 Ha..n.i 6] f 107%fast 12 16 M 7 6 6" T BfWtfcenM Scamper. Pilades. Clinging Vine 77944 Havana 6 f l:9%mud 10 94 10 10 10* UP« J Da wson 11 Gold. Chance. Scamper, Colossus 77770 Havana 5* f 1 :07%fast 15 104 4 6 6 Sl T Brothers 12 Somerby. Lula. Kerry Girl 77636 Havana lm70y l:49%hvy 10 98 8 4 4* 41* A Yerrat h BsVaMJwMM, RedMill, Jacquerie 77525 Havana 3-4 1:19%fast 3 97 9 10 10* 10" P Groos 11 IldSweep. Scamper. WestMeatft; 77395 Havana 61 f 1 :07%faat 6 91 12 12 12 ]2» J Ha wson 12 Sligo. Jack Pot, Ella C. 76930 Havana 2-4 1;19%mud 8 96 C 5 5:o 5»1 J Shanks 6 Bessie Gershcl, April, Red Milf J I Opr| R/VPF S_* 1MIIe- .Ijyear-olilsi and upward. Claiming. April 141, 192. CALIGULA, b. g, 6 108 By Wrack— Continue, by Orlando. Trainer. A. S. Wcodliffe. Owner. P. H. Sims. Breeder. E. F. Simmt. 78426 II. tleG co 3-4 1:12%fast 10 10S 1 1 ll ll J H P.urke 8 JeweMV I . CntdTimes. LiondOr 77739 Jefferson 3-4 1:13%fast 9 5 111 3 6 I1 1» A Accanlv 8 Kingsclere. Whalebone. II. Jewel 77496 FGrnds 3-4 1 :13%goo.l h 111 1 2 11 ll A Accanlv S S« stakes. Lieut. Farrell. P Sport 77445 F Crnds 3-4 l:14%mud 9-5 116 2 12* 2 L Mel ott 7 Venizelos. Piedmont. Far Bs*4 77122 FGrnd-s 3-4 1:14 fast 7 108 6 5 6 4*11. l«ing 10 King-cli re. Lilv M. IsoMiies 76859 F .Grnds 3-4 1:13 fast 12 108 12 8 9* C Lang 9 "timeter. CI hj dan. L.Marcellia 76681 FCrnds 3-4 1 l..%mud f-b 114 2 2 2* 3 C Ung S CI. ughjordan. Menur. Warllau 76405 Jefferson 3 4 1:14%good 4-6 113 1 1 I1 1* I Parke 8 Fehrah. T dlloiuieur. Ho. Glenn 76367 Jefferson 61 f 1 :7%gi od 7 106 1 6 6 6*1 R Mthews 8 Mnrakcr. Hid Jewel. Centimeter 76230 Jefferson 61 t 110%hvy 21 111 2 1 H 21 C Lang 4 J.FOIIara. li Jewel. H.Graham CLOUGHJORDAN. b. g. 5 105 By The Curragh— Trance, by Ben Brush. Trainer. J. Phillips. Owner, Mrs. J. Phillips. Breeder. J. Sanfcrd. 78164 Howie 7-8 1:29 mud 8 104 4 6 8 8" J Wallace 8 Gen Thatcher. Tom Bean. Rama 77718 1 3-16 1 59%fast 15 99 3 1 21 5*1 J Wallace !» Fl.ntStone. SettingSun. Thimble 7767 1 Fill nds 3-4 I :i:t%fast S 10J 3 1 2 2" J Wallace 6 Rocket. ». Henrr. Blue Nose 77278 I tlrnils 1 1:40 fast 60 99 3 1 U 3 J Wallace ! Flint Stone. Rinker Barracuda 77211 3 4 1.13 fast J 113 6 6 6 C|J Wallace 7 1PkPoii.l. Isosceles. LION D OR. ch. h, 8 117 By Heno— Aile dOr. by Capt. Hancock. Trainer. H. Mi Daniel. Owner. J. K. L. Ross. Breeder. Belair Stud. 78126 II. leG v.. 3-4 1 12%fast 3-2 121 4 I s* 4*1 P Walls ■ Caligula. Jewell V. It .. GoodTimcn 70399 "naught 3-4 1:13 fast 2-6 122 1 1 1»* 2* AClaver 5 1. John. B Driiiond, Anonymous 70046 W dbine 3-4 1:14 good 1 U4 3 3 31 4*3 A flavor 14 IlighCost. J 1. lllara Procvon 69581 Pimlico 3-4 l:U%fast 3-4 115 1 1 1 1 A Claver 7 Flagstaff. Reparation, Bellsolar 69525 Hdei; e 3-4 1:13%fast 3-5 116 2 1 1* 1» A Claver 5 Oppirmaii. WeBfinder. San. Boil 69152 H.ile ;Ve 3 4 1 12%fast 61 114 3 1 2* 2* A Claver 8 Dinna Care. Broomster. Pegasus GOOD TIMES, b. g, £ 117 By Theo. Cook— Bounty, by Celt. Tri.ner. W. Garth. Owner. J. S. Cosden. Breeder. L. Garth. 78126 H.lC.u :: 1 1 12%fast I 112 7 4 2» 31 E Ambrose s aligul 1. J.». II V. D. Lion dOr 78333 Howie 3 4 1:H fast 8 5 116 1 1 2 2* K Ambn.s. r, I.dGrito. J F OTIars Hid Jewel 78194 Bowie Mfl:0V«,fa t 2-5 114 1 1 1* 1*1 C I.ang S J.F Ollara. II Jewel. Shamrk 71163 Howie 3-4 1 14%mu.l 33-10 104 1 1 1 2 J Shanks 4 1. dGr ite, J K » Hara. P. desman 74901 I.iui.l 1 1 16 1 17%slop 61 10911 4 4 4" C I.ang 4 Transom. Thimble. Reparation 72C21 Saratoga 1 l:37%fast 12 116 C 3 6 I* C Lang 9 Rialto. Shuffle Along. Vala.lor 72501 Saratoga 1 l:38fast 4 10014 1 1 1"» J orcorn 5 Little Chief. Knobble. All Over 72465 Saratoga 3 4 1 12%good 7-1J 11.. 3 4 4" 2« ■ Sandc 0 Skyscraper. Batteiseu. T Mines HIDDEN JEWEL b. g. 8 103 By Di«euis«— Rubia Granda. by Orsenan. Trainer. A. Swnke. Owner. A. Snenke. Breeder. Wickliffe Stud. 78449 Hdeilce 3-4 1 1 .%sl,,p 29 lOf 115 1 1 1» 2» J Shanks ISFiftv Fv IliddeiiJI CaptnCon 78368 Howie 7 8 1.27 fast i. IOC 2 3 4 6«1 L Lang 6 Listenltearie TopSergnt. Attilia 78333 Howie 3 4 1:14 fast 18 5 95 4 4 4* 4» L Lang ■ l.dGrite, ; dTiuies. J K Ollara 78241 Bowio 61 f l:0»%sl- iv 61 112 2 3 3 1» L lng 12 Frank ;., Aitex. Top Sergeant 78194 Bowie 1 f 1 6 100 2 2 21 3*1 L Ing 6 GoodTs. J FOHara Sliamrck 77739 Jefferson 3 4 1.13%fast 116 117 2 2 3 4* I Parke 8 Caligula. Kingsclere. Whalebone [77581 F Grnds 3-4 1 14%hvy 12 114 2 1 S* 3« I Parke 4 lorenaMarccllin Ruhr. arerree I 77539 FGrnds 3 4 113 fast 4 1U6 2 2 31 4» L Lang 8 Certain. Mercurr Ist One LEATHTRWOOD. ch. g. 1 103 By Light Brigade— Derna, hy Peter Quince. Trainer. M. C. Kelley. Owner. B. Harding-. Breeder. J. N. Camden. 7*513 H.deGce 51 f 1 OTgood 31-10 114 1 3 2* 21 C Robsonl2 Bock Pond. Deputy. Flax 7787S KGrnda 1 l:49%faat 8 110 10 1 7» 9" H Stutts 10 FrederickFn. Tborndale. Blotter 77454 F.Grnda 3-4 l.lfi hvy 6 11! S 1 21 2« J Kederis « MahJong, Inrictas. BrllliantCast 773S7 F.Grnda 3 4 113*andfast 7 115 S 5 9 91* R Romelll 9 MahJong, BrilliantCast, Invictus 75194 Pimlico 3 4 1 ll«fast 3110 112 1 4 5* 5* C Robson 9 T Expure, Whetstone. I Pnces* 7SI2S liuiil 3-4 l:13*ifast 5 115 5 1 1J 1* C RobsonlO Batsman. Husky. Jimson 749S3 Laurel 3 4 1 .HVgood 41 106 4 2 2* 2J I? Marinelli 7 L-BtimorelL. Spliant, Col. Went 74737 1-iurel 3-4 MfMflMl 9 ■ 6 2 Ml1 H Howard 7 B.Hawk. Cghjordan, Ijist One HONOR MAN. b. g, 8 105 By Tho Manager— Hmt. by Hastings- Trainer. T. H. Wilson. Owner. J. Magnus. Breeder. T. C. McDowell. 77*71 Jefferson 3-4 1 14*ifast 5 115 5 9 8* 6-1 II Stutta 13 Vacuum, Less. Longboat 77801 Mfcnaa 0-4 l:M%teat 8-5 11211 10 9* 6-1 W Murphy 11 kkQr Hose, longboat. Julia M. 77710 FGinds I I 1 ltCf at 5 120 12 8 8* 7*4 T Rodguezl2 El Astro. MissFtunc, Swpstakes 77407 FCrnds 2-4 1 :13*t,fast 4 US 8 7 Pft 9 I- McDott • Translate. Sweepstakes KRose 77256 IMlrmta 2-4 l:13fast 8 118 5 2 2* *• K Tool 8 Lady Rose, Rustem. Ianl Micou 7 1893 I 1 ::-4 lllHfaat 7 109 1 5 5 4*1 ■ Pool 5 RillOFlynn, Sympathy, Glyn HUON PINE, br. c, 3 104 By Hucn— June Rose, by Myram. Trainer. G. W. Coburn. Owner, Mrs. J. A. Coburn. Breeder. W. B. Miller. 78172 Hdee;.* III sH»w»f 15 103 4 1 l" k :;i J Wallace 4 YkeePrinccss, Sarko, Bmfield 78127 K4M7ai 3-4 1 ilifast 9 10915 4 5 1 4*1 K Ban:ea 7 Nautical. Modest, Leonard G. 77798 Tijuana 3-4 lilifast 3 110 3 4 4l 3* S ODonn110 Freelioot. r. Porijola. RkandRye 77403 Tijuana "4 1 12V,fast 5 102 4 5 5» 5* P Walls 7 Eminent. Ponjeda. Rustcr Keatn 7730* Tijuana I -4 1 :13stfast 4 101 3 5 6 31 H Walla I Docllorn, Rus.Keaton. Eminent 77229 Tijuana 3-4 l:12«sfast 5 109 4 3 3* 31 P Walls 6 Nayarit, My Daddy. Korean 77039 Tijuana 11:10 fast 8-5 104 B*| S O Donnl 8 Uunclar. Cherokee, Niagara 76937 Tijuana ai f 1:07 fast 18-5 115 22 R Carter 11 K.cgan, Freebooter, Program SWEEPSTAKES, b. g. 4 103 Bv Sweep— Gold Ten. by Goldcrest. Trainer. A. E. Alexandra. Owner. Mrs. A. E. Alexandra. Breeder. A. L. Aste. 7*3*0 Howie 61 f 1 :20* 51 103 3 1 1- l* W MarnorlO Sea San.l. Warning. Rue-ado 78241 Poojla U f l:0S«sslow 9 102 6 11 61 10*1 D M rgl-r 12 Hidden Jewel, Frank G., Apex 78196 lliiwm 61 f 1 :22*sfast 21-10 110 3 3 3l 1 II 11 Julia M.. are Free, Ilucado 77871 li ffl — III Ifffllt 135 105 4 12 101 8* F ThdykelS Vacuum. Utgs. longboat 77710 Fe.rnds 3 4 1:11"sfast 21 111 2 2 2« 1*1 J H r.uikel2EI Astro. MissFortune. Dghnut 77496 l-iTr.iia 3-4 1 :13 4good 1-2 114 4 5 41 21 I. M.Dott I Caligula. Lt. Farrell. Poor Sport 77407 FGrneis 3-4 l:13fast 8-5 119 4 3 2* 2" J Hcupel ft Translate. H.morMan. I-adyRose 77365 FCrnds 34 1:13 fast I 103 4 4 2* 21 J Hcupel 7 Certain. Ruck Pond. I*i t One IWVICTUS, br. g. 3 100 By Vulcain— High Vale, by Hastings. Trainer, D. R. McDaniel. Owner. D. R. McDaniel. Breeder. H. T. Oxnard. 78513 H.deOeCO 51 1" l:07Wffood 6f 116 9 6 6* 54 J Shanks 12 Bu -kPc nd, I.eatherwood, Deputy 77912 IlllTw— lm70y 1 :Jihvy 12 112 3 1 1*1 ftsk J H Burke ! RriltCast. Polvo, Frodcricktown 77870 .l.fl.-rsuti lmTOy 1 : lofast 10 94 5 3 4 7" D Jones 8 Barracuda. Rinkey. ». Henry 77802 Ittftiaea J-4 l:14/slast S 116 6 9 91 Si J Wallace 14 Pathan, Stakcile. yenChartning 77629 Filrtnis 1 l:10%goo l 5 104 3 1 1* 1* J Wallace 7 Quivero, Leonard G., Waukulia 77585 Illrncla 1 I ITTfcfclJ 41 101 4 5 4i 4i L Iang 6 Telescope, AinityClaiui, Rril.Cast REJECTION, blk. f. 4 110 By Escoba — Crossbun, bv Peter Paa. Trainer. J. Fitzsimmons. Owner. F. A. Herold Breeder. K. D. Alexander. 75809 Howie 61 f l:21mud 14 ]"3 11 11 9* f* II Howard 11 Noel, Frederii ktown. Hid, Jewel 75746 i:.iuii 1 1-16 150 Vast 12 101 5 11* Ill! Howard S LdyMyra, RkPoikot. K.Albert 75733 BwWtfl 1 1 16 1:51 fast 9 Vi 10 3 1* V S Lowe 10 Humlwldt. Insulate. Anaprisa 75685 i:»w •• 1 1-16 I WXfat let 105 17 7" 8*1 K ThMyl;.-i:i King Albert. Care Free. Simoon 75652 Bowie IniTOy lGSlow 110 luS 6 6 41 5»1 V Hcrndez I Rlue Hawk, Vennie, Raffles SETHS LEMON, ch. g, 4 97 By Seth— Lemon Girl, by Madstone. Trainer. H. G. BedweiL Owner. Kenton Stable. Ereeder. B. A. Jones. 78449 HdeCco 3-4 1 :15Vsl»P Hi 112 9" E Peotiie IS Fifty Fv. Hiuden.ri. Mabel K 75809 T.owie C f 1 :21V,mud .",f 108 3 9 11 11*« F Collettill Noel. Frederi. ktown. Hid. Jewel 74427 Thcliffe I t 1 KJfast 2r-10 107 3 3 31 2; , Fields B I-aslOnc, 1 I-OHara. Bill Proof 74296 Hi lilfe H t lOTsfast 11-5 110 2 2 31 3*1 U Stirling 7 I-astOne. J. F. OHara. Remnant 71104 H.4eG*c« 3-4 l:12Sfast 3 109 5 3 2l 2»» ■ Mari tlli 6 Faith. Mabel K.. L;idy Ross 73938 II *eO*C« 111 IDC— ■ 30 110 2 4 2"k 1= I Uarn.3 9 FrankG.. Hid.Jewel. Undy Ross 72897 Kasritwh T 1 1 TlHf let 7 105 3 3 7 7:2 W Fronk 7 BsaLm, Barracuda, Jim. Daw LEONARD G.. br. c. 3 95 By Sweep — Highflown, by Peep o Day. 1 Trainer, J. Arthur. Owner, J. Arthur. Breeder. E. Rucker. 78427 ICdeQoa 1-4 1 :124fast 19 108 6 6 4 2*1 A Abel 7 Nautical, Modest, Huon Pine 78379 Bowie 51 f lo;Sfast 10 110 5 5 4" 37 A Abel ■ Go Foin, Much Ae , I-ady Choco 78195 Bowie 7S l:2SSfast 23 100 5 5 4l 4*1 A Abel 5 Tliornde. Frederic -kn. Yan.Pss 78162 Bowie 1 f 1:09 laud 42 104 7 « 61 6* A Abel 9 Swgalong. M Do no. X keePcess 77629 FCriida 1 l:40-Sgood 8 104 7 4 31 3* L I ang 7 Invictus, Juiero, Waukulia 77446 F.Grnda 3 4 1.14Hmud 8 102 7 a 3* 41 L Lang 8 M. Domino, Frcdericktown, Ducky AH* DAPC * 1-1G 1iles. Bayvlew Parse. 3-year-olds and upward. Sept. 4111 nAUt ix, iyo — 1:44 4-3 — a — ias. BIFF BANG, b. h, 7 100 By Textiles — Byf, by Miller. Trainer. W. Livingston. Owner. W. Livingston Breeder. T. Monahan. 78383 i:.i»i . 1 ! 16 l:5=5fast 17-5 114 1111 31 C Robson 7 Normal. i;uelph, Tippy Witoht 78337 Bowie ImHj I WJ[mm 8 114 1 2 2l r| C Rob son 7 Anne, Ro kRottom, Trajanus 78230 Bowie 1 1 s 2.i0mud 4 113 1 1 2» 1» C Robson I FrzySnzy. TlieFiriier. Humbt 78161 Howie CI f 1:23 mud 27-10 114 6 3 2* I1 C ItohsonKl TimesUp, Agg.Papa, Venizeloa 77607 l ;rnds 3-4 1:16 hvy IS ." 122 5 6 a1 6» C Robson 9 Col. Winn, Piedmont, Poppye 77453 lCinds Til MTP»J 41 112 7 4 4» 3* M Schwtz 8 Hid.Jewel. Guvnor, RegPardon 77005 Fi;inds 2-4 1:15 bvy 1S-5 113 4 3 2» 1* U Robson 8 Piedmont. Exchange, R. Charlie BRILLIANT JESTER, b. h, 7 100 By Black Jester— Lady Brilliant, by Sundridge. i Trainer, J. H. Stotler. Owner. Seagram Stable. Bred in England by J. B. Joel. 71493 llatnton 1 1-8 1.53Sfast 10 105 5 9 10 10" T Wilson 10 Mutlikins. "ladiiiin, RbyGrand 70791 B l:nnei3 ll:41good 7 105 4 5 3 3S1 T Wilson 8 Oppernian, Bullet Proof, Marble 70358 naught 1 1 39*sfast 5 114 3 3 3* 3« T Wilson 4 W. Rarre. N.Hpshire, P. Jester 70213 Wdbme 1 1 M S3 -10 ]"9 3 5 5* 3:i T Wilson 6 J. F. OHara. Merciitio. Doliisie 66629 I_itoi:ia lni70y llJSjfast 6 H3 7 I 3* 3!1 L MeDott 7 SfRider. Gcnlility. DtedTotwa HEIR-AT-LAW. blk. c, 3 M 85 By Son-in-Law— Lady Portland, by Bill of Portland. Trainer. T. J. Healey. Owner, W. J. Salmon. Bred in England by Sir A. Daley. 78450 rLdeCToa 1 1 16 1 51*islop 12 S7 6 4 4* 4-5 S Willms 6 A. J. Ruja, Shaturk, Redstone 7537* Pimlico 3-4 l:15=isloT 18 1 »4 11 9 71 515 I! Ma ir.ell,12 A.R.Ahdom. Suppliant, S. Point 75190 1imlico 3 4 1:12 fast 7. 115 9 5 1* 1 15 Marinellill Sen. Noiris. Pepp, Memento 74939 Laurel 2-4 1:15 slop IS 5 115 4 7 7 71* B Marielii 7 Ratsman. Asa Khan. Suppliant 74695 Laurel 1 1 :38fast 14 105 4 5 5* A" 15 Marinelli 6 Rustic, Fluvanna. K.sRansom 74563 laurel CJ f 1:08 fast 4 115 6 2 2l 2i ■ Leg re 12 Whi.skalon. Suppliant, Just THIMBLE, b. m, 6 104 By Hucn — Sandspot, by Rock Sand. Trainer, M. J. Murphy. Owner. R. J. Murphy. Breeder. Oneck Stable. 78314 H.doO*CO lmTOy l:43%good 28 102 4 7 7 6*1 C Allen 7 Gold. Rule, GoH.Rlows. MintoII. 78179 Bowie 7 -8 120 fast 11-5 106 5 6 6 5*1 B Rrening I Eager, Despair, Soggarth Aioor 77718 l. ;rnds 1 3 16 1 :.~ 9Vast 15 101 5 2 6* ?,i 15 Drening :» FltStone, Sett gSun. Rarracuds 77673 lCrnds 1 1-S 1 5» fast 15 99 3 2 51 6- B Drening 7 Rest Pal. Revenge. Flint Stone? 77541 F.7rnda 1 1 :39fa3t 7 100 1 5 5 5* J Chalmrs I ihorndale, Rest Pal. RarracudJ HELL GATE, b. or br. g. 4 103 By Friar Rock— Swan Song, by Ben Brush. Trainer, J. W. Healy. Owner, A. C. Bostwick. Breeder, J. H. Rosseter. 75779 Bowie lm70y 1 49=imud 1 109 6 4 4* 4« I Corcoran ■ Ranter. Polyxona. Wildmke 756*4 Be Ola 11-16 1:50 fast 9 10216 4 3 231 M Fator 6 Oppernian. HighPrime. J.Julian 75632 Bowie lmTOy 1 46 fast 54 98 6 5 5* 4* W Milner • FPstone. Mnraker, G Thatcher 75441 rimlieo :: 4 1 : 1 1 **, ast 61 104 7 6 6* 5= M Fator 7 Avisack. Goshawk. S.MissI.i/.zie 71070 WoOtsTtM ImTly 1 :43,fast 28 105 7 10 91 6* K KunmiTlO JohnP .Jones. :.S|ihere, Romany 73559 Doervml llltj T lUfctTeHi 37-10 10315 3 Jl 4*1 E Kummer 5 Redstone. R.W gfield, llarmius A. J BOJA. b. c. 3 97 By Vulcain— Personal, by Kinley Mack. •Trainer. W. Caywood. Owner. J. P. Welsh. Breeder. H. T. Oxnard. 78513 H.dOtTeCO lm70y l:44%SWOd 11 109 1 4 4 4" J Wallace 4 Modest, S.irko. Suiipliant 78450 lld.e;e I 1-M lil|s«M « 9 1 2 21 1» L Iing li Shan rock. Reds-,, Heir at-Ijiw 78367 BOWie 7-S il%fpt 21-10 88 4 2 1"* 1*1 H Howard 10 lehrah. Salmon. .LCraigle 782*7 Bowie 61 f 1:22 fast 16 5 90 3 2 2 l» H Howaidll Warning, Poor Sport. Kirah 71402 Hamton 5 8 1 :02Vigood 21-10 115 2 2 2* 2« E Smwod •; lehrah, A. J. Ruja. Fl. Princess 70747 i: l.nnets 5-3 LoTsmud 31 110 2 3 31 4* H Howard 7 N. McKay, BtUkaAUM. Malvern REDSTONE, ch. h. 5 103 By Decision— Auiit Maud, by Yorkshire Lad. Trainer. J. H. Stotler. Owner. Seagram Stable. Breeder. J. E. Seagram. 78514 H.doGee lmTOy l:43*..good 9 92 5 5 5" 7*1 T. Lang 7 Gold. Rule, eloM.lflows, MintoII. 78450 H l.i;.- I 1-16 1 T.r-Vslop : 106 4 3 31 BJ I Wilson % A J Ruja. Shamk. lloir at Uw 74151 Wood no 1 1 -16 1 : 15fast 13-10 103 6 6 6 671 : Fi. -Ids % N.Hpshire, Soltiiocs. Clansman 74073 Woodne 1 1 16 1 :46*ifast 4 112 5 2 2* 21 T Wilson I So It Ooes, Melachrino. Klias O. 73678 I I IS 1 51Sjfast 4 104 3 4 4 4,JT Wilson 4 Sh.Along. Despair. R.Wingficld 73559 Dwial lmTOy l:13Hfast 11 106 1 1 l1 l1 T Wilson 5 R.Wgfield, Harmonius. U.Gate riL DA PC * ,~* MOsMfc 4-year-olds and upward. laimluKT. Sept. 27, Oin nAUt i»i» — i :so — 5 — i:i«. VITAMIN, h. g, 5 110 By Transraal— Incognita, by Disguise. Trainer. F. T. Miller. Owner, F. T. Miller. Breeders. Morris and Walden. 77*72 loftaSM 1 1-8 1:56 fast 31 107 7 3 3» 21 J Wallace 9 Majority. Attorney. Walnutllal! 777*1 Jeff. -r.son 1 1 42 fast 12 115 15 8 5 5* J Wallace 15 Omnifont. Servitor. Mr. Beck 77712 Felrnds 1 1 16 1 4TSfast 12 107 8 7 5s 5* D Merger S JouJou. HigtJ0Oeeet, TlireeSquare 77238 1 1-16 1 4V-fast 20 108 8 8 7* 7* B HolWay • Mas Hand, Wotwoo.l. SiuuipJr. 77I5S P ilrnda lmTOy 1 :44isfast 40 102 9 8 71,6-*.I Chalmers !• S weepy. Oui Oui, Llewellyn 75037 LmtH 1 1 16 2:03 mud 16 108 1 6 6 6" F Lee ! P.lar.Slone. Fitzrue, R Wingfielil ! 74986 !-iur-l 1 1 8 1 53iOod 33 108 5 4 4* V F I-ee 7 T.RolK all. iondolier. R. Duik GOURMAND, b. g. 8 105 By Braxted — Festive Agnes, by Jaquemart. ! .Trainer, J. Phillips. Owner, Mrs. J. P. Phillips. Bred in England bv Messrs. Brice. 1 78336 Bowte 1 12 2 11 98 1 5 51U *| J Dawson 7 Old Faithful. Hickory. Tody 78314 Bowie 118 1 59fa t Ki 103 3 7 4 2» J Dawson 10 Normal. CoiMM Ci, Doughnut 78264 Bowie 61 f l:22*tgei.Hl 1S8 105 2 9 10 W* T Kodt.ey 10 Sea Sand. An tidal, Poppye 7.1899 II teCTei 1 1-1 I UHmuil S 106 5 8 8 S!1 F Thdyke S T.KollCall. Fit/rue. Col.Wliallen 73824 H etXTea 1 1 I 1 .r.7-.fHSt IT 106 1 6 9 95 J Walla-. I«j Sedgefield. Sinarty. Imigorator ! 70700 luit.nia 1181.51Hslow 41 107 4 6 51 T» I 1nrke 11 JakeReiger. Cukaiuo. WidowTtec ROYAL DOCK. br. g. 7 114 By Royal Realm— Kuckshot. by Gallinule. ! Trainer. A. Swenke. Owner, A. Swenke. Ereeder. G. D. Widener. 78405 II eierfr r 1 1 1-16 l:4THfBSt 18 11413 5 3 5*1.1 Rowan » Mast, rllnd. I.uiniuist. GrayGa 77844 .I-ff.rson 1 1 16 1 .50 good 2 115 10 S 4 3*1 F Shari*; II Kent L., St. Donard, Runquoi 77803 J.ff rson 1 I 16 1:48 fast 12 110 9 I 6l 3l F Sharpe 13 TanSon. FscartKiletle. Richelitu 77720 1" Grnd.s 1 M 1 5» fast 5 109 6 8 61 5* I Parke • Alard, Ranikm. Fannie Rean 77543 I 1-16 1.46sfa3t 12 113 9 6 4J 5* J i.eyiand 9 G. Billows, St Donard, StumpJr. ROYAL CROWN, ch. g, 4 105 By King James— Qu-en. by Goldcrest. Trainer. J. Freters. Owner, H. B. Murdock. Breeder. H. T. Oxnard. 78J53 lld.-Crt 1 1 S 2 BNjjjtaOa M 103 15 5* 6" C Allen !» FlyingDevil. SethsFr, QuickTe 7HJ06 II d.e . , o I 1 S ! :.V1Ma»t 24 U»5 4 5 41 41* C Allen 7 The 1orn.T, Sinarty, IlyiDg Dl 78313 Bowie I 1 8 1 53Vast 8 105 6 7 6 t!l II Fail it d 11 Day Lilly, Night Raider. Tody 78268 Bowie 1 1 16 1 .l-good 10 106 6 5 6« 5* F V...1U 7 Trajanus. Tender Seth. iuelph 77153 l ;inds 1116 148 fast 135 101 5 3 21 31 I PtUke 12 Dr. Whtehiirsl. Widgeon. Cash 770*4 Pilri.ds 1 l-Ml:47Hfaat 5 107 6 • 4| 21 D Mergl r 7 Six Pence. Pi. .In out. ash 77010 r.lriils 118 159 hvy 6 105 4 2 2| 21 D M.rglr 8 Rupee. Rla. kolia. Litlle Amm:e ASHLAND, b. g. 5 105 By Honeywood— Busy Bee. by First Tener. i Trainer. G. Phillips. Owner. J. McMillen. Breeder Ntv»da Stock Farm. 78314 Bowie 1 11 1 ." 9Va-t 38 113 10 8 l| 7* F Sharpe M Normal, flwill, Coinme CI 78165 Bowie 1 1-16 1 UHand 1 If HI 8 7 9 9 • F Shan.e 13 Hiiiubt. Th.-Korgur. O.BtMaj -. T937 Joffeesoa i : 16 i iH.hy r. no n 8 6» 61* F HBeiei 13 ai BUMtr. i:i lereeaar, leaarty 77801 J. fferson 1 1 2 2 !." 15 101 5 3 4* 4»C. W "oli 5 ioodN t. BoatIa4*a, 1*14 IM J Szy 77721 Plrnds 1 1 16 1 4ifast -o Mil 12 71 Cl T Rodney 12 Rupee. R.tidita. Insulate 77588 1 A 1 STthvy 6 109 10 7 7l Tl W Sharpe 11 lovM, Tulane. Honolulu Roy 77049 l«; i 1 8 1 5»ast 13 5 105 6 1 2| "I 1; Leo 11 Royal Duck, Bastille. Lolster MARYLAND BELLE, br. m. 5 111 By Zeus — Dorothy K.. by Kilmarnock. iTnner. G. W. Coburn. Owner. J. F. Coburn. Breeders. White and Garnett. 77887 Tij lana 1 1-16 1 .47 fast 87 106 4 4 7 V 15 Kenndy s Marsdal.-. Riliy Watls, Dorlus 77*00 Tijaana 1-4 1 ISHfeat U7 Hi I S S 8" W Kelly 8 J.S.Reardoii. I d. Lion. PyWale 75829 Tanforan 1 116 1 45*t,fast — 99 6*1 W Kelly I Sunny laud. War /.one, l.ulylnez 75721 Tinforan 1 1 Wifast — 113 4" W Kelly 5 Coffield, Re lrank. Mar Roy 7 5569 Tanf. rao 1 1 8 1 0ofast — 101 61* P W Kelly I Retter Luck, Skczix. All Over 75509 Tanforan 1 1 8 1 54*4fast — 101 4* W K* Hy 5 Vlctolre, t.hiva. Treasurer 11%Z1 Jamaica 1 1 IS l:48*4faJit 41 Mi 6 4 4* 4" A Actardy 0 E. Indian, ML ixiui, Billy Watls DOUGHNUT, br. g. I 105 By Sweep— Fascination, Vy Buck Masaie. Trainer. A. E. Alexandra. Owner, Mrs. A. E. Alexandra. Breeder. E. C. Christian. 78512 H.detTce 3-4 1.13%good 15f 106 4 5 7* 6*| W Marnerl3 Dan Rolling, Tidinga, Humble 7S383 Bowie 1 1-14 160%fast 23 102 I 7 7 « W Marner 7 Normal. Goelph, Biff Bang 78314 Bowie 1 1-8 159Vifast 12 110 1 4 2* 4» D Mergler 10 Normal. Gourmand, Comme CI 77976 Jefferson 1 1-8 1 :59*n ad 25 111 3 t • »«• J Wallace 9 I/dWraek. Dumbfound.r. KentL. 77932 Jefferson 3-4 LloSnvy 26 124 6 9 10 10«« W LUley 10 Vacuum. Simplicity. Lndy Rooe 77872 Jefferson 1 1-8 1:56 faat 4 110 3 7 6* »»* A Accardy 9 Majority. Vitamin, Attorney 77741 Jefferson 1 1 16 l.lTrsfaat 2 UBS 3 2 11 1* I Parke 7 Dumbfounder, Bustem, M.Ware Cflt DA PIT I Mile and TO Tarda. 3-year-oldM. I l.iliuing. Sept. 28, ID IS Dill nAUt X:42 2-G 4 13. DANCING FOOL, br. e. 3 111 By Huon— Cberidah, by Bannockburn. Trainer, B. E. Chapman. Owner, D. L. Rice. Breeder. C. Nuckols. 78263 Bowie lm70y LaOgood 16-5 112 2 3 31 ll F CoTsCtUM Beth. Steel, PoIIyLgton, Conspt 77626 FC.inds 3-4 1:14good 20 110 6 5 8=* 8*| M SchwtzI3 Ifyhlair. on edy, .WatclH harm 77451 I-iirnd.s lm70y 1 50hvy C 112 6 4 4* 4»J M Schw tz I Futuio. fTlMOSM. Attra.tive 77320 F.tlinds 3-4 1 :15i-„slow 20 116 11 9 9= 8" M Schwvz 11 AmityClaim. Gdficl.l, Attractive 77233 FCrnds 3-4 l:14%f«at 15 116 8 11 9i Si M SchwtzH SunMart. WatchChm. ioldfield 7GG 13 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13fast 10 116 2 7 7 7*1 M Schwtz ll Iproar, Fausto, Quivero FEHRAH. br. f. 3 91 By Flittergold— Mint Drop, by Irish Lad. Trainer, J. Arthur. Owner, D. L. Richards. Breeder. Himvar Stud. 78449 H.deGce 3-4 l:15slop 15 90 11" L T-ang 13 Fifty Fy. HiddenJI. Mabel K 78367 Bowie 7-8 l:2SA,fast 2 88 1 1 2l 21 L Iing 10 A. J. Ruja, Salmon, C.t.Craigmile 78309 Bowie 3-4 1:15 fast 5 98 5 5 51 31 L Ing 13 Lieut. Farrell, Aunt.Iane. Nor na 77583 FCrnds 3-4 1:13hvy 13-6 99 3 4 6* jl I. I-ang 7 Privilege, Jackson. Goldinark 77474 FCrnds 3-4 1 lavdnw 7 97 1 2 21 P L Lang 12 Jackson. Mid Follies. Has Bonnet 77082 FCrnds 5 1:41 fast 7 88 6 2 6* 71* I Lang 9 Attilia, Mars Ware, WaterGirl 77006 FCrnds 3 4 llJhvy 10 93 6 5 6* 7* L Lang 7 CnreFree, LndyKose, PoorSport 70780 FCrnds lmTOy LlSjmud 6 92 3 3 4« 4*1 D Jones 9 Margaret Ware, Our Star. June QUICK TIME, ch. f, 3 93 By Light Brigade— Fantam Bala, by Olambala. Trainer, G. R. Bryson. Owner. E. K. Bryson. Breeder. R. T. Wilson. 78453 H.deGce 1 1-8 2:0H5yilop 22 89 3 1 2 3 L Lang ! FlyingDevil. SethsFr. Antiquy 78367 Bowie 7 8 1:2SSiast 9 103 8 6 4»* T*l B MariollilO A. J. Ruja, Fehrah, Salmon 78267 Bowie lmTOy 1:19 good 27 105 1 4 41 5*1 A AccardvTl Anne. AggtingPapa, Wood Lady 78193 Bowie 6 f l:22«ifast 27 IM 4 5 4i 3* B Mrir.elil 9 Sea Sand, Whalebone. Arondal 76922 FCrnds 3-4 1:15 slow 30 1% 12 12 12 11" O Niclioln12 Peggy ., Vultilla. Relle K. 76684 FCrnds lmTOy 1 :18imud 15 96 10 10 9* 9" F Our Star. Fehrah 76609 FCrnds 1 l:40«ifast 50 88 3 3 5 5* D Jones 5 riiimble. Lady Madcap. Oui Oui 55729 Bowie 7-8 l:2asfast 9-5 102il0 4 21 1» M Fator 12 W. Lynch, Handslp. GoldMount SALMON, b. g, 3 96 By Sir Martin— La Patrie, by Out of Reach. A. E. Alexandra. Owner, Mrs. A. E. Alexandra. Breeder. J. E Madden. 78367 Bowie 7-8 l:28*ifast 58 97 7 4 31 31 W MarreilO A.J. Ruja, K. hrah, C.J.Craigmile 77474 FCrnds 3-4 1:15slow 20 111 6 6 7 7*1.1 II Burkel2 Jackson, MidnitFollies, Fehrah 75731 Bowie 3-4 1 :14*;fast 67 98 8 Fell. W Milner 12 KbonyRclle, HM. Diets. Tolima 75538 Mlboro Ab 5-8 1 :0.~eV,slow 7 107 6 3 3* 1* F Wdstck 7 AI Hotfoot, Flo Rrown, Fehrah 75478 Marlboro 5-8 1:014imud 2 122 3 2 2* 2* K Smwod 8 Plaid, Altissimo, North BeOOM 75418 1imli.o 5J f 1 :0sfast 21 108 9 3 41 7« M Fator 13 Fairlight, Dolly Gaff ney. Dusk 75252 Iimlico 51 f 1 :07 fast 69f 110 7 6 5i 4T J McTagtll Fredktown. Trop. Water, Omega WARREN LYNCH. Ir. c, 3 101 By Theo. Cook— Lauretta, by Marco. Trainer. A. Swenke. Owner, A. Swenke. Breeder. E. F. Simms.. 78171 H.d.Cce lmTOy lMhvy 24 89 2 4 2«k 4-J L Lang 11 AgvgPapa. Aladdin, JnyDdee 78367 Howie 7-8 1 :SfcfMt 50 97 9 9 9* SI J Dawson 10 A. J. P.uja. Fehrah. Salmon 78287 Bowie 61 f 1:22 fast 21f 102 8 9 9» 911 F L«e ■ 13 Warning, P.x r Sport. Kirah 78227 Bowie 7-8 1:30 mud !» 107 3 4 5i 4i F Col!ettil2 Antiqty. HklebyPnu, P. Ieyc"a 77890 Jefferson 1 1-16 1:53 mud 31 108 9 6 6* 9" I Parke 10 yuinham. GreatNorthern, Bugler 77610 FCrnds lmTOy l:49hvy 8 101 1 3 2l V I Parke 8 Sol hs Flower. Tight, Sun Mart 77391 F.elr nds lm70v 1 4T 4fast 8 110 8 12 1110,:G Manganl 4 M. Follies, R. George. Antiquity 77314 FCrnds 1-4 lUHfast 20 100 9 10 10 10" J Wallace 12 Rrookdale, oralReef, Spylll-u FROSTY BOY. ch. c, 3 107 By Master Robert— Frostilla. by Uncle. Trainer. G. Peterson. Owner, G. Peterson. Breeder. C. B. Head. 78517 H.deGce 1 1-16 1 47good 29f 99J 8 8 a! 4 F Lee 11 RoyceRools, SsFwer. RosaYeta 78451 H.deGce 1 3-16 2:08 slop 21 971 I 2 2 2« J Ch liners 5 Guedph. Majority. Old Faitiful 78381 Bowie lmTOy 1 49 fast 36 104 4 4 3* 4* D Mergler | Wdldy. AgngPana, SethsFlr 78314 Howie 1 IS 1 59sfas t 13 99 6 5 6* 6" B l!rennig1! Normal. Gourmand, Comme CI 78267 Bowie lmTOy 1 49 good 7f 107 3 6 Gl Si H Iarlancll Anne. AggtingPapa, Woodlidy 78193 Bowie 61 f l:22*ifast 13 09 5 9 51 5J L Lang !t SeaSand. Whalebone, QkTime ZAMA. ch. c 3 M 101 By Olambala— Mexoana, by Mexican. Trainer. M. Hackett. Owner, F. Capra. Breeder. R. T. Wilson. 78453 H.deGce 1 IS 20Jtslop 39 97 8 9 9 9" J Chlmers 9 FlyingD.-vil. SethsFr. QuickTe 78381 Bowie lmTOy 1:49 fast 20 109 6 6 5 5s* B Mrinelli ti W dLady, AgngPapa, SethsFlr 78229 Bowie lmTOy l:49%mud 23 87 5 4 4* 4" H Howard 5 G.ien Rillows, Fager. Rock Rni 78162 Bowio 51 f 1 09 mud 103 109 8 9 9 7*| W Milner ft Swgalong. M I o no. Y keePcesa 75780 Bowie 1 1-16 1 :52smud 26f H 5 8 5l 4" R Pierce 10 Se Igefie.l, Whalebone, F.Pcvil TROPICAL WATER, br. c. 3 107 By Rapid Water— Maria C, by. Yankee Gun. Trainer. W. A. Burtschell. Owner, J. R. Skinker. Breeder. G. W. J. Bissell. 77080 FCrnds 3-4 IJ2%foat 12 105 5 7 51 9" H Zander 11 MahJong. i. Charming, Dreamer 75776 Bowie 61 f 1 :23-~mud 16 5 113 5 5 10 10-» G Fields 12 Fehrah, OurSlar. Fior.R. Walker 75252 Pimlico 51 f 1 :07 fast 6 116 3 2 2* 2* F, SmWodi2 Frederic ktown. Omega, Sainton 74644 Laurel 3-4 l:13%fast 5 111 6 3 41 444 II Farland ft Leatherw d, Annallorton. Ryroe 74418 Laurel ll:42 4faat 1-2 108 I 3 8» 8" K Legere ft Snow Maiden, Byron. Ebb Tide 74322 Laurel 3-4 l;13 tfast 21-10 106 1 1 1« 1* E Legere 11 Byron. F dericktn, AnnaUortoB BYRON, ch. f. 3 1RJ By Sir Martin— Mercadel, by The Commoner. Trainer. A. Zimmer. Owner, G. Long, Breeder. H. T. Oxnard. 77934 .l.ff.rson 54 f 1 09 hvy 40 99 6 5 7 8" G W Croll S Raffles. FrankG., Ir.Marcellia 77868 Jefferson 3-4 1:14 fast 12 107 r, 11 11 10** L McDotU5 Hverglade. Dreamer. Stake Me 77045 FCrnds 3-4 1 :14 ifast 25 118 10 5 10* 10" F Thdyk.11 Nor-eld. Q. Charming. TimebD» 76838 FCrnds 3-4 l:l.. T.slow 15 108 9 7 81 Tri D Mergler ft Ducky, Pay-man. W the Wizard ,76702 FCrnds 111 Wkrf 12 115 4 3 2» 1»G Parke 11 Norseland. Telescope, Deronda 76526 F.Gr nds 3-4 l:14islow 20 112 6 7 61 6 * B Mrin»llil Polvo. Frcdericktown. Pathan 76484 FCrnds 3-4 1 :12Vast 15 113 3 6 7* 7"B Mr.n. llilO Pay man. Q. harming. Waukulia 75731 Bowie 3-4 l:14fast 16f 107 10 10 10* 11" H Thomas 12 Ebony Relle. II M.Dieta. Tolima j 75661 Bowie ll:46"5sood 25 mVi 9 9* 9" G Rose 15 B. Artiste. Fairlight, Pr. Hamlet THOMASINE, ch. f. 3 M 102 By Superman— Thamar. by Hastings. Trainer, W. Thomas. Owner, J. H. Shreve. Breeder, H. T. Oxnard. 78365 Bowie 51 f 1 :09~fa«t 23f 111 7 8 S1 7« G Corey 13 Just, Haughty Lady. Conscript 75775 Bowie 3-4 1 15mud 150 112 5 7 8* 81 G Corey 10 Director. Sledge, G Id Rug 75709 Bowie 54 f 1:09 faat 321 11* 6 8 81 8" G Corey 11 Rinkey. Staidrift. Polyxona 73251 Dev shire 5| f 1:07 faat 72 110 1 8 8 8" G Corey 8 Sarko, Medina, Fluffy Ruffles ! ! 1 ! ! -71.L, DA PC l Mile aud 7 Yards. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Sept. US, lDlf-t— /111 nAlrL 1:4 -5 1 132. NORMANA, b. f, S 102 By Superman — Washerwoman, by Earla Mor. Trainer, J. Beamish. Owner*, W. C. Baines. Breeder. H. T. Oxnard. 78309 Bowie 3 4 1:13 fast 39-10 106 7 8 Sl 4J P. Breningl.l Lieut. Farrell, AuntJane. Fehrah 78196 Bowie 6J f l:22*sfast 12 104 9 8 8« 9" B M"rin. Hill Sweepstakes, JuliaM., a re Free 75731 Bowie 2-4 Lllfast 13 107 4 5 51 6*1 F CoTletUlS KbonyReile. II M, Tolima 75610 Bowie 3-4 1:13 fast 115 108 1 1 2* 1» L Me Atce 12 The Poet, No I-aely. Freed. sCall 75097 Laurel 3 4 l.ljSgooa 4 109 10 5 41 V G Babin II IdleThghts. Rom mil irl. Neptjue 74775 laurel 3-4 l:14sfast 6f 105 7 2 ll ll P Walls 13 Fehrah. Jaekson. Vultilla 73811 Duff.rn Ab 5 8 1:02 fast 9-10 108 2 W Taylor ■ Bedle Isle, Seigh Rills, Caledon AGGRAVATING PAPA. b. g. 3 107 By Eiitlergold— Blue Fox. by Waterboy. Trainer. W. Fenwick. Owner, G. B. Fenwick. Breeder. H. Waterson. 78471 H.deGce lmTiiy l:r 0;.livy 9-5 !2 9 2 ll 1»* ■ Wli.imsll Aladdin. JnyDundee, W. Lynch 78381 Bowie lmTOy 1:49 fast T 5 1.6 5 2 2 2* W Miltc r 6 WcmhIL.i.I.v. SethsFFr, Fryl5oy 78312 Bowie 1 1-16 1 .-ijfast 31 99 4 4 4l 3J W Milner 6 Rupee, FrzySn/.y, FlyingDevil 78267 Bowie lmTOy 1 49 good I 107 I 5 |M*j W Milner 11 Anne. WoodU-idy. Seth Flower 78161 Bowie 6J f 1:2! mud 42 98 11 6 4l 3J4 W Milner 13 Riffllang. Times Ip, Venizeloe 77936 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:5lhvy 8 99 10 8 8 8*1 G W Crollll Peiiuot, Our St;ir. S.rvitor 77869 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:4t%foal 12 110 6 2 U 21 F Sharpe | Dobson, Se-thsFlower, Waukulia 77259 FCrnds 1mT0y l:l",«tfast 15 98 3 9 S1 8" D Mergkr 11 Telescope. Anne. Wong Bok 77103 FCrnds lmTOy 1:46 fast 12 100 3 2 3» 5:4 G Fields 12 Flying Fur. Fausto. Peggy O. 76860 F.Gr nds lmTOy 1 :46 %f ast 10 104 6 6 7* 7*1 E Blin 1 11 Deronda. Waukulia. Despard EBB TIDE, b. f, 3 M 97 By Wrack— Rahab. by Yankee. Trainer. W. Irvine. Owner. E. F. Whitney. Breeder. E. M. Weld. 78516 H.deGce lmTOy l:45good 13-5 101 4 1 1" 2 J Shanks 15 RlneStr.ak. Rechabite. Re.lhrnd 74738 Laurel 1 l:41~fast 7 110 11 6 4l ::z B Marin. Hill yuiiiham, I.r.initon, H.-I .• K. 74639 Laurel SI f l:06Hfast 6 112 1 5 4 4» P Walls IS T.Kxposurc, Prisltul.y, P.. Nash 74418 Laurel 1 1 :42Vsfast 15 98 1 6 3» V H allhin ft Snow Maiden. P.yion. Bay Ren 74286 Laurel 3| f 1:08 fast 10 115 2 5 44 3= B Sm wo.ilO HTuMarrie. R.Reov.d. H.l-idy 74101 ; ce 54 f LOTVifast 26 114 4 2 21 3* S Buii:nanl3 Whe-tste, Memento, I.atid Yelvr ANTIO.TJITY. b. f, 3 96 By Berrilldon— Antio.ue, by Olambala. Trainer. W. Sheedv. Owner. W. Sheedy. Breeder. L. Gartn. 78453 Hd.elce 1 1-8 2:0 5slop 45 86 7 2 3* 4» S Willms ft FlyingDevil. SethsFr. QuickTe 78102 H d.Gco 3-4 1:1 " 4f 94 12 7 TJ Tl S Wlianisl t Malwl K., Vacuum, Arendal 78267 Bowie lmTOy 1 49 good 19 98 4 2 5"* 7" J l av. ;mi 11 Anne. AggtingP a pa. WooelLady 78227 Bowie 7 S 1 30 mud 51 86 2 1 11I"*H Howard PJ Finn. P.M. -ye n. W.Lch 77391 FCrnds lmTuy 1 ITifast 5 92 7 3 31 3! B llreningll Mid. Follies. Roy.lieorge. Norah 77343 FGrnds 3 4 1 1 .good 8 103 7 6 6 154 J Wallace 14 I-idy Clio. o. Jackson, Kilbowie 77234 FCrnds 3-4 1:11 fast 7 98 10 4 74 64 J Wallace 13 S.Frdman, Col Winn, T Official 177099 FCrnds 3-4 1:14 fast 7 9S 7 4 3l 2*1 D Jon. 3 13 Rrookdale. Itetiigna, Ainityl laim SETH S FLOWER, ch. f, 3 108 By Setn— Tender Bloom, by Sir Dixon. Trainer. J. P. Polk. Owner. J. P. Polk. Breeder. B. A. Jones. 78517 ;ce 1 1-16 1 1T5good 91 98 T 3 21,2J Wallace 11 Roy. e-Rools, RoaaTeta, IrtyP.oy 78453 BLdeGea l l-l IM%a*of 7 98 5 4 4* 24 J WaJtaca ■ rlj t— 1 » ll" IjlThan. Aatbialty 178381 Bowie lmTOy 149 fast 6 106 I I 4" 3* J Wall jo- 6 Woo.ll.aily. AgngPapa. FryRoy 178267 Bowie lmTOy 1 19 good 24 107 9 9 7 5 4«i .1 1 h Mm tsil Anne. AggtinglVpa. Woo.lLady 178182 Bowie lmTOy 1:50 fast 11-6 100 5 7 7 5*1.1 Wallace 7Kilhoui., Wood I.aelv. Ann.- 77869 J.ff.rson 1 1 16 1 49fast 31 105 2 6 31 34| J Corcoran 6 De.b-011. Ag rav. Pap .. Waukulia 77720 FCrnds 1 1-8 1 ".4 fast 12 91 2 3 3» 6* L Lang ft Alard. Ramkri. F-.i:nie P.eau 77610 FCrnds lmTOy I :49hvy 6-5 105 3 1 Ill1 H Slutts S Warren Lyneh. Tight. Sua Mart BLUE STREAK, b. c. 3 109 By Wrack— Vistula III., by Flint Kock. Trainer. G. Phillips. Owner, J. McMillen. Breeder. H. W. Maxwell. I 78516 BT.doQoa lmTUy l:455r.good » 106 5 2 2s 1« J Wallace 15 Uhb Tide, Rechabite. Redbran.l 76129 Jefferson 3-4 1 .18hvy 5 110 4 5 7« 6" F Lee | Baaiaatik*. M.Mattie. W.l.vii.Mj 75776 Bowie 61 C 1 23Vnud 8 96 11 10 8* SI F TkdykoU Fehrah. Walker 73648 Bowie 51 f 1 :09,slow 33-10 104 11 II 7* Gl !• Hernd. OS BeOS Cershel, Fle.Hiown. Stevens 75459 Pimlico lmTOy 1 49 slop 5 10T 6 4 :," ::J F ll.rii.le-/. S Aggra.Papa. R.tlirl. War.I.vneh 75418 Pimlico 54 f 1 :»8Hfast 51 106 13 12 8k Si F Hern d.zi3 Fairlight. Dolly Gaf fne.v. ilusk 75177 Lt.iDiro Ab 3-4 1 .lOVfcfast 10 W41 3 2 2- 21 F Hernd. zl i UBovoiBe. Slel. Maris. iladysV. DANDYBRUSH. br. g. 3 112 By Whisk Broom II.— Dedera. by Rabelais. Trainer. T. H. Wilson. Owner, J. Magnus. Breeder. H. P. Whitney. 178429 II d-G ce 1 1-16 1 :4SVast 13 94 5 I 2 1" J ChlmerslO Aladdin, Rotate. King John j 78286 Bowie l| f 1 :22Sfcfast 18-5 90 11 11 12 12" L L.eng 13 IkSoil. Hkl.b Finn, FarKa-t I 77972 Jeff.rson :: 4 l:i;-.muel 9-6 104 2 3 3i3|I Parke 13 O. e. St.ur. Mt.Pleasani, j 77341 J.-ff.r.son i| C 1 .» good 7 109 9 6 8* 4s J Corc..r.tnl4 St. Maurice, DyR.van. JolinJos.pU 75808 Bowie 3 4 1:16 mud 8 9." 6 7 71 9*1 F ThdyU-13 kirah. Despair, Spugs 1 GOLDMARK. ch. c. 3 103 By Flittergold— Elizabeth Harwood. by Marts Santa. Trainer. G. Pe«3ison. Oirair, G. Peterson. Breeder. Himvar Stud. 178213 Bowie lmTOy 1 51S-low 16 97 7 5 6« 6T1 L Lang I Capt.C. Mi/.ar. 78227 Bowie ;M:» mud 8 lol 6 4 .".i IS Aiiti.ini ly. llu.kyFinn. Parl.-yn j 78182 Bowio llUjr i J8 fast 18 92 7 5 4* 4«1 II Howard 7 Kilbowie. Woeid Lady. Anne- j 77890 Jefferson 1 1 16 153 m : I 15 109 2 1 2» 44 J Corcoran 10 Jiiinhain. North. 111. P.ugl.r 77846 J-ff. rson I -4 1 30 99 8 10 l|h lt*f O Jones 13 Avisp.i, PoorSport. D.iv.lue I 77780 .1 ff. r.son 2-4 1 HVaat 40 115 12 10 7 81 D Met t-ler 15 Sizzle. Pcg_-vl . 1; eat Northern ! 77583 ICr n Is 2-4 1 l..hvy 20 109 5 3 21 2* A Accardy 1 Privilege. Jack on. CI1...0 i 77314 I 1 1 llHfast 20 PI 12 11 11 U * J halni-r.sl2 Rrookdale. 4 oralReef. SpyLIm 1 KIRK DRESS, b. f. S 97 By Olambala— Kerr, by Uncommon. Trainer. A. C. Niehaus. Owner, J. C. Calvert. Breeder. R. T. Wilson. 77813 2 4 1:12 fast ■ 92 8 8 9 9!» J OBrien ft Minus. An.estress. Nimrexl 177033 HavaJta H f I TWUlWjJ 10 107 4 4 6 5!D Irible 6 Seastake. Supernna. Ancestress 176690 Havana 2 4 1:2U*ihvy 2 1C5 4 3 4"* 1"* F Woodck • Tease, Red Mill, Asa Jewell 76566 Havana tt f 1 :08 faat 5 98 2 6« 1» J Dawson 8 T«im, Rabbling. Clinging Vine 764*5 Havana 3 4 1 13Hfast 2 93 3 2 1* 21 J Dawson 8 punctual, MoorfiehJ. Castilla 76310 Havana 3 4 1.11 Vast 6 98 6 4 4»» 1" J Dawsou 1 FlorenccB. Walker, Lula, Ouiela