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QAIUT RACING FORM I HAVRE DE GRACE Copyright, 1924. by Daily Racing Form Publishing Company. HAVRE DE GRACE. MD., TUESDAY. APRIL 22. 1924. Oae Mile. Sitth day. Harford Agricultural and Breeders Association. Spring Meeting r.f 13 .lays. Weather clear. Steward represent ing Maryland K:i. ing Commission lieorge Brown, Jr. Heleg.ite at I.arge. tarlos M. de ;anuindia. Stewards, Oeorge llnnvii. Jr.. Baker Waters and II. P. onkling. Judges. II. J. Morris. Joseph M. I ennan and J. P. Punier surliT. James Milton. Pacing Secretary, .lo eph McLennan. Pacing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time. 1:30 p. m V indicates wliip, S spurs. It blinkers. Fig-urps in parenthesis following the distance of each race indicate date, track record, ace of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. rQfrOfr FIRST RACE— 4 1-2 Furlongs. April 27. 1921—53—2—119.1 Purse ,300.. 2-year-4 OumO olds. Maidens. Claiming. Net value to winner. 00: second. 00, third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt % S % Str Kin .lockeys Owners K.|uiv. t dds Strt rEKMAXXT WAVKw 1!0 9 5 !• 2* 1»* ll J Shanks J S Cosden 405-100 IX OR DIE w 114 S 4 1* 1" 2* 2i C". Fields H W Maxwell +240-100 IMM*TUQOn w 1001 3 3 7 51 41 V W Milner W J Salmon 1620-100 IMS4*CMNKIjB w 98 14 9 5"* 6» 6» 4« L 1-a.nff J Arthur 1735-100 LATHKIt w 113 11 10 10i 8i 7» 51 Q Hose J W Bean t MAIIIK DATTNER w 115 10 7 31 31 $| 6" L MA tee Mrs II Dattner t VMt4*KDlfONni ws 103 6 6 *l 9J 9l 7| C Allen ■ Scherrer 1.10-100 7«37» KOLLKK w 106 4 1 8" 10 8J 84 J ChImers J J Fahey 1360-100 78*01 PETER P.UL w 114 15 41 4» 51 9» N Huff J F Schorr 265-100 REVOLT w 111 12 11 11 11* 10* 10* H Holmes J Flannigan t 78414 KITTY FRENCH W 107 13 S 6" 7 If* 11« J MeTag*t E K Dryson 7535-100 CH.RERT COOK w 114 8 12 lJJL-J 12,12» T Wilson Seagram Stable 3785-100 78447 ORIENTAL HOPE w 111 !U 13* W 131 134 L Morris B Harding t ISSSI F.LACKFOOT w 110 7 14 14 14 14 II P Walla Nevada Stock Farm Stb 4290-100 tMutuel held. Time. 24. 49. 55S- Track sloppy. mutnels paid -Permanent Ware. 0 10 straight. $.". .00 place. S3..V show; Do or Die, field, .80 place. .S0 show; Trigger, . SO show. Equivalent booking odds Permanent Wave, 403 to 100 straight. 150 to 100 place. 75 to 100 show; Do or Die, field, S*» to 100 place, 40 » 100 show. Trigger. 140 lo 100 show. Winner Ill, f, by Crimper -Queen if the Sea, by Sea King trained by W. Garth; bred by Mr. J. S losdcni. Went to post at 2:44. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. PKKMANKNT WAVK. displaying much speed in the uoing. bumped DO OR DIE in the stretch and, racing into the lead, won going away. The latter set a good pace and finished gamely when challenged. TBIOOKU closed a big gap. CRINKLE finished fast. PETER PALL was shuffled back M the last turn. Scratched 7M47»Sea Tide. 100: 7M24 Arbitration. 108; 7sL.4 Gipsy Flyer, 103; 7S3G4 French Lady. 88; TS3SS Retty Maloney. MM; Transplant. lo«. Overweights— Trigger, 2t pounds; Kitty French. 4. rynKrt/J SECOND RACE — 2 Miles. Purse 500. Lansdowne Steeplechase. 4-year-olds and 4 OOO upwurd. Net value to winner. ,000: second, 00: third. 50; fourth, 0. In. lex Horsea A WtlI* St I 8 12 14 Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 5 »79 PEPI w 8 133 1 2 2» ll 1° 1" Is" W Keafg F P Keene 1975-100 74858 VICAIRE ws 5 106 2 1 4i 4 2» 3 2 * C Merjrler R Parr 275-100 06001 AMSTELLO w 7 135 7 8 6» 6» P» 9 3j W Mahey Mrs M Mandia 520-100 71093 RIMMEL w 5 1341 4 3 51 7« 5»4-*4=»W J;iksn Mrs K. Smart t730-100 784*5 IN IME DARK w 6 138 8 9 7"* 81 6:J 6" 5» A Campbl Valley Hill Farm Stb 5210-100 78425 HONORABLE w 5 133 3 7 3»» 31 4l 5« 6" C Smoot F A Herold t 74736 JIM COFFROTH w 9 141 6 5 8» 6» 7 7 7 O DianVd S Flaherty 595-100 MONKSHOOD w i 139 9 6 1* 2* Fell. S Brown J A Buchanan 235-100 746103BON GABOON iv 4 133 5 4 9 9 Fell. A Wliams S Rosa t H ouplcd as K. Smart, F. A. Hercld and S. Ross entry. Time, 4 41. Track sloppy. mtituels paid- Pepi. 1.50 straight. 1 .0 place. M show; Viciire, .70 place, .50 show; Amstello. .40 show. Ko.uivalciit booking odds— Pepi. 1975 to 100 straight. 495 to 100 place. 325 to 100 show; Vicaire, 135 to 100 place, 75 to 100 show ; Amstello. 120 to 100 show. Winner 11. m. by Stalwart Jersey, by Ormicant liiained by F. Rrewster; bred by Mr. J. C. Milam. Went to po-st at 3:10. At prst 5 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. PEPI ra -ed into a long lead in the last mile and was never menaced. VICAIRE came again and outgamed AMKTEIJ. The latter t ired in the final eighth. BlMMKL finished gamely. MONKS HOOD and PON GASCON fell at the twelfth jump SeraMied TMSSHMM Foyle. 13N; 73308 Cavendish, 138; 75311 tirouch, 133. Overweight Itumniel, 1 1£ pounds fy 4j2pr 4T r7 THIRD RACE — 3-4 Mile. fApril 16. 1921— 1: 11 V»— 5—130. . Purse ,200. Vogue 4 oOm • Purse. 3-year-olds and upwurd. Fillies. Allowances. Net value to winner 00: second. 00: third. 00. Index Horsea AWtPlSt i 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. CdJs Si rt 752i6,SINAVR wi 110 5 1 2* 1» 1« 1 P Walls W S Kilmer 70-100 7847S I YANKEE PRINCS w 110 1 5 5l 41 3» 21 J Shanks J S Cosden 1H5-100 73860 HUE MOON w 101 7 J 11 2« 2» 31 Q Fields H W Maxwell SI00-10O 7447J:1FLEET PRINCESS w 106 6 2 3l k 4» 4"» E Scobia Kenton Stable lf.20-100 7*468 HAZY DAWN wb 100 4 7 7 6 5 1 5» J Wallace W J Salmon 10450-100 l75431NANCY LHORNE w 104 3 6 6i 5* 6« 6» F Stevens Longrtdge Stable 1820-100 78403 MALAIERT w 100 2 4 4* 7 7 7 T Wilson Seagram Stable 16655-100 Time. 24H. 49. 1:16V5. Track sloppy. mutuels paid -Sunayr. 10 straight, .30 place, .40 show; Yankee Piincess, .30 place. 30 show; Blue M on. $ i SO sh.»w Linivalcnt lMoking odds Sunayr. 70 to 100 straight. 15 to 100 place. 20 to 100 show; Yankee Princess, 15 to 100 place. 15 to 10O show: Blue Moon. 240 to 100 show. Winner "h. f. by Sun Briar Misty Ijw, by Ayrshire .trained by J. I. Smith; bred by Mr. Willis Sturix Kilmer. Went to post at 3:50. At post 1 minute. Start go.d and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. SINAYR drew away into a long lead after entering the stretch and held the race safe at the end. YANKKK PRINCESS gained fast in the last three eighths and easily outfinished BLUE MOON. Tlie latter set the early pace and finished gamely. The others were always outrun. S ril.iied MM leopardess, 110. 0erwci;;lit Blue Moon, 1 pound. f7QCZ yQ FOURTH RACE— 3-4 MUe. | April 16. 1921— 1: 11 -5— A— 130. Purse ,500. Page-4 o0«0 brook Purse. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner, ,000; second, 00; third. 50: fourth. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt lt -.. Str Fin Jockeys Owners I.., iiv. Odd* St.t 78473H.ORD CRNITE wb 4 110 5 2 5« :.» 3« 1 1 J Wallace J C S. hank 175-100 ! 78473 HEKI.TAIS wb 4 105 2 4 1» 1«* ll 9 P Walls E V Whitney 200-100 78404 DOMINHJUE WB 7 107 1 I 2s 2* 2 3» J McTagt E Arlington 270-100 78401 CIIAMII.AIN wb 5 112 3 S 4«* 5» 44 4* L Morris J H Stotler i;65-100 74693 S1NSHOT wb 3 101 4 I 3 41 5» 5,J ; Fields Belair Stud Stable r.595-100 75683 BATSMAN W39861 6666 T Wilson Crown Ioint Stable 4115-100 Time, 24. 49. 1:1*4- Track sloppy. mutuels paid Ixinl Cranitc, .50 straight. 40 place, .10 show; Heeltaps, .60 place. .30 show: Dominique, .54 show. Equivalent booking odds I/ord granite. 175 to 100 straight, 20 to 100 place. 5 to 100 show; Heeltap*. 30 to 100 place, 15 to 100 show; Dominique. LT to 100 show. Winner II. •, iiy Granite Devonshire Dolly, by Broomstick trained by T. J. Shannon; bred by Mr. J H. Ixmchheini 1 . Went to post at 4:20. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. I OItl ORANITE was saved until in the stretch and passed HEELTAPS after a mild drive. HEKLTAPS set the pace and meed DOMINlyl E into defeat in the first half mile, but could not with stand the winners challenge. DOMINIQlE tired in the final quarter. HAMILAIN raced poorly. SI NS 11 0l showed speed. s., 7M04 lomixa. Mi; 7SI2f,-»:ood Times. 107: 7S449Fifty Fifty. 102: 7S404 Prince of 1 inbna. lli»; 753W Pickpocket. 103; 7*403 Kings Kans. 111. 96; 09134 Natural, 97; 75012 Maclean, 96. Overweights Dm.niqiie. 3 pounds; Sunshot. 5: Batsman. 2. 7890 FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Newark Purse. fSept. 28. 1918— 1:«H— 4— 132. 4 OOItF Purse ,000. 4-year-olds and upward. AIlowa.nces. Net value to winner ,300, second, 00: third, 00; fourth. 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt i £ •"-, Str Kin J-»ckeyj Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 784*8! ;ol.DN SPHERE w 6 103 1 1 1» 1» 1» 1« 1» T Wilson Seagram Stable 85-100 78i6«,o|"I,ERMAN w 5 110 2 2 3» 3» 3« 2« 2" P Walls Triple Springs Farm Stb 155-100 ] 78468 iI.ANSMAN wb 6 112 4 3 2»* 2 2i 3» 3«J W Marer Mrs A E Alexandra s95-lW 78428 FAIRWAY w 7 110 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 K Stevens A C Bostwick 790-100 Time. 24. 49. 1:16, 1:43. l:46«s. Track sloppy. MatStta [ ui l liolden Sphere, .70 stiaight, .40 plac, Oppermau, .10 place; no show mutuels sol I Equivalent l-il:n, odds Golden S| here. S5 to PK straight, 20 !o 100 place; l»pperman, 20 to 100 place ! Wnner Ch. h. by Oliver Goldsmith Sphere of Influence, by foliar trained by J. H. Stotler; bred ia England by Sir W. .xke. Weut to post at 4:50 At po«t 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. iOLDFN SIHIKK took the lead at the start and held sway throughout. OPPEKMAN finished gamely. CLANSMAN tired after going three quarters. FAIRWAY was outpaced. Scratched 7.S3X1 Wilkes B.irre. 112. ryO CTOrk SIXTH RACE— 1 1-16 Milea. Sept. 18. 192©— 1 44 S,— 3— 138. Purse. 1.200. 3-yeax-4 Ott U olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner. 00: second, 00 third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt % hi *i Str Fin Jo keys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 78368 .TTII.IA wb 3 99 5 2 U 2* 1 * 1* ll J Wallace J P Polk 2SO-100 78451 I-ilI.I.lH w I 115 6 1 21 5=* 4* 31 2» Q Rose T Haskos 2:0-100 78448 PI.IKMONDALE vn I 100 2 4 3" 1" 21 2" J«* A Abel J Arthur 11655-100 7 7990 VALOR wb 10 108 4 and 4l 3» 31 4 4 J i.mis Mrs P J Lavin 450-PM 77804 iOOOI NIGHT wb 4 110 1 3 6 6 6 5l 5» A Acardy S cimli 220-100 7»45J»oVEKTAKE w» 5 105 3 S $• 41 5 6 6 W Marer Mrs .V E Alexandra 270-100 Time. 24. 4»S. 1:1*. 1:«S. 1:4» 4. Track sloppy. mutuels paid Attiiia. .00 straight. .30 place. 70 show; Gueiph. 90 place, 20 slow; Iiluciip ndale. 3. H show. Equivalent Ixjoking xlds Attiiia. J-SO to 100 straight. 115 to 100 place, to 100 show; Cuelph, 95 to 100 place, IX to 100 show. Bliiemondab-, 575 to 100 show. Winner- B. f, by Tea Caddy- Luyal I*idy. by The Scribe .trained by J. P. Polk, bred by Mr. A. L. Went to po«t at 5:19. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. ATTILIA was under restraint until entering the stretch then easily passed the leaders and won easing np. GFELPH finished gamely, but could not overhaul toe leader. BLUEMONDALB showed speed, but tired. VAI»R quit in the last qnarter. OVERTAKE quit after going a half mile. Scratched -7«512 Vacuum. 100; 7K380 Bucado. 106; 78290 Humboldt, 108; 7S406Tae Foreigner, lit; 7S405 Koyal Duck. 100: 77S87 Maryland Belle, 109. Overweights —Attiiia, 2 pounds; Good Night, 2. ryORTQ-j SEVENTH RACE— T 1-8 MileZ Sept. 27,11750—5-126. Purse . 4-year-4 0*_fO JL olds and upward. Claiming. . Net value to winner, 00; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSti % Str Fin Jockeys Owners E iuiv. Odds Strt 78475 SI-PERRCM w 4 105 5 H 7» 4 4» 2» 1» J Shanks Mrs A Swenke 4n:,-10» 78451 OLD FAITHFUL w 6 112 13 6 9| T8 6* 41 2| J H Burke J McMillen OB-MI 78475 -111 PEE w t 110 31 1 3» 31 3" 3 Q Rose T Haskos 2SD-100 78475ATTORY MUIR wb 102 4 10 5» 1 1» 1" 41 I, Piohon O C Milton + 90-104 78452 DAY LILLY w 6 102 10 4 3»k 5J 5H 5 1 5* J Wallace Mrs J Phillips MM-Mf 78107 NORTH WALES w 5 107 8 8 12» 91 7» 7* 61 J Chlmers W E Martin :-,10-10i 78452 -COTE DOR wb 6 110 1 2 21 2» 2»k 6i 71 P Madeira R E Potts 4and-M| 78384 ST. GERMAIN w 7 107 6 12 8»k S"k 9 8» 8» A Abel P f 78384WIDOW BEDTE w 10 97 7 9 101 10» 8»» 9 9» W Marer E Trueman t 78407 INVICORATOR w 5 111M2 13 13 13 121 121 10» E Hileman F J Boyle f 77587 FRANK MROE w 10 107 3 3 45 6nM0* 10»kll» W Milner B E Chapman t 78430*MAY ROBERTS w 7 98 11 7 11s ll1 11» 11» 12» L Ward M Grant t 78451 MAJORITY wb 4 112 9 5 6l 12» 13 13 13 E Scobie J R Skinker 260-100 tMutuel field. Time. 24. 49ss. 116. 144. 1:56*4. Track sloppy. mutuels paid Superbum, 1.70 straight, $..00 place, .10 show; Old Faithful. 1 10 place. 10 show: Rupee, 60 show. Equivalent booking odds- Superbum. 4S5 to 100 straight. 200 to 100 place. 120 to 100 show; Old Faithful. 470 to 100 place. 200 to 100 show; Rupee. SO to 100 show. Winner B. f. by Superman — Dolly Bnltman, by Alloway trained by A. Svv.-nke; bred by Mr. Henry T. Oxnard. Went to post at 5:51. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the samp. sriKIU.lM slipped through on the inside in the stretch and outfinished OLD FAITHKlL in the final drive. The latter gradually improved his position and finished fast. RUPEE was a forward contender all the way. hut tired in the stretch. ATTOKNEY Ml IB raced into the lead, but tired ia the last eighth. DAY LILLY and OTE DOR tired and quit. Scratched 7S429-Roseate. !I7; 7.M75 Hickory. 102; 7*471 Bolster, 102; 76652 Ird Herbert, 107; 7s22.x West Pittst.n. 97: imSIrlefc Pat. 107; 7S306 Demos. 107. Overweight--Invigora tor. 1% pounds.