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MORRIS MHra HARVEY AMES SOLD AZX SITWSSTAXBS "SPECIAL" EARLE BLDG BROADWAY AT 52ND 8T"n* THE BEST BET AGENT %. Pbyer.-looK ! look n Big Best Bet Horse Every Day ■** again we $ NEW YORK, N. Y. Yeaterdayi "BIO SPECIAL" Special PRICE .00 W AGAIN $ * And once again JACK FIELDS Army of Followers YESTERDAYS "HARVEY TRANSACTION" "Cleaned Up" Some More "Easy Money" Yesterday. Llst w"k a ,TUt PUy" Ev*ry Day nM ill NpwcQhmiU ooia at at ah newsstanas again pf-$ H/ZVIVT "Week before last a "Flat Play " Every Day Ukw m. W I wl WALS0 $ n i r i w i AAfl am«1 Dav aft*r day JACK FIELDS Army of Followers mC Mltrl InVAAffl I lYcdU till dllU If CCp I thecnffuNOTChyrouansdt1n w "ti"J00 Attention is drawn to the fact that this horse has not won a race * by starting from "Today" and be with us every day. . Yesterday . Big Best Bet Horse: |flp» JODAY 0 FOR PreV0US Star*S. HIGH WATER $ 8.20- Won Thats what we expect this to pay today. After the fourth official this office notified race was yesterday was TL* A 1 C i M W ~*L tIAA Thursday s Big Best Bet Horse: 1 lllS Ullly tOSlS , If 01111 JIUU that a "Harvey Transaction" will start TODAY. This horse has re- MUSKEG 2.10- Won You wouM be will»g to pay 1100 for this one . . • ... T T today -if you knew" what we know about this ceived a special preparation for today s event and good odds are ex- Wednesdays Big Best Bet Horse: IMP* 30-1 S»PARLAYS "TODAY" PeC*ed. ELIZABETH K $ 5.10- Won W» want vou to "Parlay" today both cur fl and fhftSrJrFTmTm SUBSCRIPTION 00 should be telegraphed early to assure easily 30 to 1 today. Don t forget to be sure Tuesdays J Big K Best Bet Horse: pay ■«_«. a « /~*-/v • a sasvi -r *. »» you buy both jack Fields »i and "Specials proper listing. A investment on every J "Harvey * Transaction" MEXICAN TEA 2.20- Won today and parlay both, "WTH ONLY." . jack Field sold ererywhere. Also mailed to you since April 14th up to yesterday May 2d, shows a clear profit of about weekly or 5 weekly for both Specials. Mondays Big Best Bet Horse FIELD PUB. CO. _ LITTLE JTMMY 3.80- Won 39 w. adams st., Chicago, ill. SOME OF OUR AGENTS— fl£ MJ _ _ _ _ LOUISVILLE— Eiler ft: Goodman. 227 S. 4th St t*j9 mJ ■■■■■■ V V I T .,,, T-, ILJ ST. LOUIS— 711 Market St.. 410 Washington Ave. " 7 X 1UW ,-, A»3 A II ll3 DETROIT— Dunns. Michigan and Shelby Sts. laWaWananaWJBWaaaBWalBaVBWaWJWal CLEVELAND — 212 E. Superior: 6th and Euclid. _ _ _ OMAHA — Meyers Stand, 14th and Ftrnam. iOr LlVe InfO. £ sold at all other cities also. after deduction of losses and cost of the information. This office reco£nizes no competition, since imitators are not competitors. Bor- Todays Big Best Bet Horse comes to me from *9n i»i 1.1 tVtY. rirj n I w£AJ*JJ WCCKIy 3 3.UU UdllY .. . , , .. . very good sources and they are betting this one ■ « rowed phrases, direct copy from our previous advertisements, are re- au .wr the country at the last momert so the money win not g» back to the track, and they 1 •¥ IT" 1 sponsible for the question often put to this office, whether we are con- expect a big price on this cne. If-ll W — --- MmW ■ mill IV All Isfslsfl If nected in any J way J with any J one in this line of business. The answer ■■ II Tl 111 Don t fail to get my Big Best Bet Horse Todav. ***** IlVlllIVU J is emphatically NO. Rush to your Newsdealer and ask for Morris •r or send Ten Dollars for one week or Fifteen for AMERICAS PREMIER LOCKER two weeks, to 1547 Broadway Suite 506 m sP*te °f occasional setbacks we do the largest business of its ■ V • 1| 1 NEW YORK CITY ind n tne United States, as we have proved conclusively that a record IfjOl I IS OlflOflCl such as the above, and the profits obtained, is without a parallel. My -taff personally on the scene of operations great northern BLDG., Chicago, ill. at,. TELEPHONES: Circle 2591, 2592, 2593 and 5749. — Kennedy Clients Celebrated Again _-_______- ~ erne bugle; YerSyou ED BRADLEY Khwbm ""■» »"""■■ ""»*» ""K »■■»"• SE" ll,»Kl1" MW * HIGH WATER... .20- WON 1* #* THURSDAY KENNEDY RELEASED m FEATURING MUSKEG 2 10-S2 WON ew °owers daily. Still room for more. Why not you? Y™" EVERY DAY vbixe»it immT IUBAIU My record at Maryland — 17 winners, 4 seconds in 23 days. 00 fiat bet V 50y A 0° SAM MENGEL .0.50- WON almost 0,000 winner. FREE _y Tl F.SDAY KENNEDY RELEASED SPECIAL 0PENING SPECIAL AT LEXINGT0N ™AY Mexican Tea. . .2.20- WON TODAY ! TODAY ! My trackman says that this sPeedba11 is a11 set and should w 20 10 h 4 Horses Released- Won ZrVuZ My fee, 5 daily, in advance. No propositions. Wire subscription by — - - Mj --.-:-...-, fhicf tfliphonod me to have all clients _.. — ,,.„t -mrm - - - - «-im.» ETwSraiS UTltSu S« n = £in2 miimc m QATimnAY RIR Western Union or Postal —...«.. Telegraph money order. "LUniUt um OHIUnUHl O DIU yon raictir that we sdvertiswd that one in advaiK c and we aio advertising this MM MflRQF nfl NOT HPQI nunoc. UU I1UI ntOI- Che samr way. We hui wort oa this bone --#*.•* «%.*%. « m r w vv i aaa aa Aa wit i;:-j;:tt-%i:::z tate-subscribe ]fV DDAfJI Dazzler, 8.20-, Won this Cran.l One v«-r f.irpive NOW •IIIIa 1J11/and11sL# jroureelf. Get it right now at the following IIUVV. V * m+ mrmm* U *mr ■Seems better than ever. Should be a good one to follow a few times at 5 1-2 to 3-4." »-.■■- t,. t..,.i «r «•„_ .„., - ,„ i for tvo weeks to ■Cents. -enu Ji -w ,_ om srtw st new YORK CITY ___ ■ J01 w "lii £ i. jm£.w ium wxxx ~- _ • Thls rcport 1S what we gave ln our iatest book. Bugle Publishing Co. w-e ■««, wm. i mon or roMai everybody knows ME ** a sample VrAMnZon the blANUAKD Suite 1711 Great Northern Bldg. ***** and Ada rv/% is r l l i»r rkn r m Many other winners at shorter prices. Get the ChicaffO HI. CU.UU Weekly .UU Uaily I n*ve been operating at Kentucky tracks exclu-! BEST. ■ " sively for a number of years, during which time I i Seventeen years doing business under the same _. „ - — , .v name. This ought to show that you are not dealing llf muI A ««„! haVe prCVen my , amateurs, but the best people in the business. ■L/tHlUlL riHClll ft S FRIDAY I ADVISED: Why be without this booklet when it only costs for sale at this stand only A 1 Ti f _ /i HIGH WATER. .. . 20- WON MeTtteel YeJST ttflSS A- I Vlll. VPP YESTEB.DAY-S CODE 8PECIAL WON RaalpV NIA/QQtAnri *M AT1W#VV THURSDAY I ADVISED: TODAYS CODE SPECIAL: 5 .00 daily— 0.00 weekly ANCESTRESS . .1.20- 2ND _ Cor. Woodward and Monroe Aves. 145 west 4ist st new york city Wednesday i advised: RFiTniniT*TiTITfyrTliTlT3 in front of = ELIZABETH K .10- Won MiH ■*" S « IHl" II H — . mm The mare that I have been telling you j Tuesday „,.„,_ . i advised: .,„,..,, *03, 22 W. ftUINCY ST., CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Kao-llW Mnniimonf about for lhe p"1 ue*k is oagiey monument Mexican tea .2o- woni — — •- WIUW winwTMARTRF I M A« I « t LEXINGTON-For Sale at: MONDAY I ADVISED I 5 149391493914939 $ $ $ $ » Rensteins Corner Main and Vine Sts. She is entered m the third race at Jamaica Ui „.. £8M nnrirTrnifHiri iftA CLEVF.LAND-For Sale at: t«Uy I will 1 not know until 9 a. « this UTTLE JIMMY 3.80-Won .* „ AmP PREDETERMINED hZand whether she today or not. If T x W __~ qapw » morning goes -. r- e ni- wr * o « O. C. Schroeder E«» Ave. " Supenor you want the ffaa| 0. K Wlre your sub. ADVISED SATURDAY. •• TflRP PROFITS » ST. LOUIS— For Sale at: IWIU ■ HVIIIsJ w senption at once for a week and in case I Wm. Laser 711 Market Street do not receive th* O. K. today I will send TODAY xvi»ii*.. v-u. OH . BOYS va . TODAY" v .. I Th* ■■■ACLE SYSTEM Is nationally 1A CINCINNATI — For Sale at: you my regular daily horse and MONT- known as a y for player— hard for • Ray Pierce Corner Fifth and Vine Streets MARTRE the day that I get the O. K. 1fk . •• U.ver." Has stood the ACID TEST for.** Tr,ang,eLr?eUJsSV,ULE-FOr Sf s" *— *" — £ST- "SjTjSSfSZ « Tran9,eKANWSAS" F.fth St AND WHEN X "~ A "" "" "" " C.TV-For WUHU "VIW . . . * 6.60- WON Z •» SS? rrdnU"."?.:"; Rickseckers Cigar Store 9th and Walnut Sts. REST ASSURED THAT IT WILL BE A PRICE. , „.vm„t, paid from your profl"* . Abto- «• DAYTON— For sale at: Do not miss my prospective long shot to- •» lately FREE. 10O pare racing TERMS 0 00 DAILY 0 WEEKLY. w"*- manual. «» Euphrafs 129 South Jefferson Street day-, A 6 "fi pUy ptst flve Betted «• review. ,«.rn t«itimon.l. etc. Invcti TOLEDO— For Sale at: my followers about * •» K«te today and make your Bookie obey. • - «-e St. Clair Newsstand Front of P. O. f- 46.25 *E Vf/J |Tf-H f EH ARTHrR" 5 : — That is the result of five days- operations j X 1 LF JL M V A ■ i a E*]Sj| JB Box *" **• J?. Ton »ont Md. gand. on real genuine information. The horse I h,**.W f I Sj Order Your Form S£Vsni?w- 1L2 £S 1 1 »- •— - — «- * iimi r"*-g-J ! ** t $ $ $ $ $ *** • * v.a *. W**. M* va ill much the future. Take ad- J tver handled. In fact, it would not surprise j Will cost more in near ■■■■■■■■■■■nanaaaaaaaJIZI wmmmm mm m wmmmm mm — me if tliis horse paid 50 to 1 today. vantage. Do it now. i - w-, — » _-j Book Now. .Tfcrasar—"— •*- , -— — — --l SJSTTS? «r». J. : : the races will be mailed you for one weeks DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. gar-s weekly £and ffZSSgT, l£T£ff5and Anv/rTDTIPC III DAPIHm trriDnl 35 Cents AM Newsstands of play. For particulars mail this ad., with 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO. ILL. AUVtnlloL I IM nAUINU rUnM TODAYS FREE CODES: your name and address to 157169 EAST 32ND STREET. NEW YORK. M. T. I DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. Pimli.-o -Verm..nt-tJrass-!Mnk-Sr-a J. K. WILLIS M RICHJtOA© SIRE-ET, EAST, TORONTO, 0SJ. 441 untOUIH C0URI ki CHICAGO, ILL. Lti-iujjtou Miciiiaan-Suu-Ulack-Duck ruettiiiamBeaJila