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DAILY RACING FORM YOXUXE XXX. NTThtBEK US Entered ■• second clasa natter. April 2, 18K, at the past-office at Chicago, Illinois, under Act of Marc* S. 1879. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING GO. 141 FLYatOUTH OOVXZ CHICAGO, ILL. 15T-1M EAST Sand ST., XXV TOXX CITT. X. T. 0 XICXXOXD 8TXEET, EAST, TOXOXTO. OXT. W. *. ateMarray. FaUiaaer and General Ku»far. Dillj Daring Winter hfeatha. n«IlT Kxcept hfoaaay Balance oX the Tear. A Dailj Beflerti«a of the American Turf by Telegraph SUBSCRIPTION BY FIRST CLASS MAIL: Ha T ta Nareaber. inelaaivF $ 4.00 per month December to April, lndaslTr $ 5.00 per month PAYABLE IX ADVANCK. BACK NUMBERS BT MAIL. 15 CEXTS EACH. TKLKPHONK 2087 HARBISON. Tor bnainaaa and circulation pnj nanaj only. This telephone haa no connection with the newa •r edltorijl departaoenta and cannot be naed ta eonnnanicate with them. To be considered and anrvcred. an qoerlea to T»nilT Racing- Parm must be neat over the fall name and with the address of writer. The name* and addrroaea are subject ta a local and foreign directory bant. 76460 is first index of 1924