Lexington, Daily Racing Form, 1924-05-03

past performance

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Entries and Past Performances LEXINGTON SATURDAY, MAY 3 WEATHER CLEAR; TRACK GOOD. The figures under the heading "Rec." in the entries below show the best time ef each horse at the distance since January 1. IMS. no matter where it finished. In cases where record was made on ether than a fast or rood track, a bbre nations show track conditions. 7C4M IS FIRST I1VDEX OF lf24. :and«*8 IS THE FIRST 1NOF.X OF MAT. Racine starts at 2:11 p. m. Chicago time 3:15. vSSuperior mud runner. XGooU mint runner. :! loir mud runner, si Maidens. •Appreutics allowance, bBlinkers. The following abbreviations are used to designate tracks at which time records shown in entries were made: Aqueduct Aq Jefferson Park IP Aurora An Kenilworth Ke Belmont Park BP Kemp ton Park KP Blue Bonnets BB King Edward Ki Bowie Bo La ton is. La Churchill Downs CD Laurel Ln Columbus Co Lexington Lx Connanght Park CP Maple Heights MH Conneaut Lake CL Marlboro Mb Dade Park DP Mobile Mo Devonshire Da Mount Royal MR Dorval Do Omaha Om Dufferin Du Pimlico Pm Empire Em Reno Re Fair Grounds FG Saratoga Sa Fort Erie FE Tanforan Ta Hamilton Hm Thornclif f e Th Havre de Grece HG Tijuana Ti Hawthorn© Hw Toledo To Havana Ht Windsor Wi Huntington Hu Woodbine Wo Jamaica Ja First Race— 3-4 Mile. Furso 00. I year -olds ami upward. Claiming. Track ueord: May 8. 1917 -1:11V-•— Is*. Todays Tnd. norseATostPos. Wt. Roc. A.Wt.Ilan. ] 78667- Minus. 8 Ht 100 1:1: 3 99x725 72910: •Nauglitv Nisba. 8 CD 97 1.12 I 101.720 75274 Miss Mazie. 7..Hv 101 1:13 4 10.r ®71.- 78412 ••Widgeon. 3 8a 112 1:12% 5 103 .710 ~*6i32 Uuseie P. i,M. 5 Lx 100 l:lS1fc 3 94.70:, 75635 •Pretty Politician. 1 U 100 1:14 3 94x705 75491 *Our ii|.non . M i 11 I« 104 l:14*s 3 90.700 75535 Diadem 01, 4Ln 110 1 :19 t,m 3 99. .700 Second Race— 4 1-2 Furlongs. rur*o 00. 2 jcar oId . Maidens. Fillies. Special Weight*. Track record: May 11. 1911 St%— S— 115. Cordon Rouge. 11. 114 Roue Thorn. 8 114 786093 Rockland Prin-es*. 13 114X720 78645 Tinamoii. 6 114.. 71.1 78668 Aviette. 1 114.. 715 78024 Creat Waters. 8. 114.. 710 78609 Little Visitor. .r«. 114 .705 78609 Hit i. Honey. 7.. 114.. 700 78668 Thank You. 9 114. .700 78668 Qu-ll. 12 114. 700 Agnes Call. 2 114 Midnight Roue. 4 114 Brownie, 10 114 Third Race — 1 Mile and 70 Tarda. Ill rue 00. 3-vear-olds. Claiming. Track record: Sept. 11. 1916— 1:42V 3 102. 78667 Odd Reth, 6....Ti 101 1:44% 107. .725 78610- •Rush Ruck. 5 1.x 102 1 :50h 105 720 78685* Spanish Rose. 3Ti 100 1:44% 110X715 78696* Isatnan Mi. 4... 107.. 715 78667 Amity Claim, 7FG 1061:46% 100X715 78696 •Nora*, 10 . . . .FC» 93 1:48 95.710 77781 Begonia Ml, 8FU 107 1:47% 105. .710 78667 Stargo, 9 107x700 78583 Louise WagnerM 1 102. 700 78696 Bugler Ml. 1 100X700 78667 Snow Maiden, 11 Pm 95 1:47m 110X700 Fourth Race— 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: May 8, 1917— 1:11%— 6 115. 722112 KITTY WILLIAMS. I Hw 101 1:12% 4 107X750 77801 *bRap*d ■■»• 7. La 103 1:12% 8 103*740 78608= Glyn. 8 M 106 1:11% 5 109® 740 78608 •Kxchange. 4 ..PC 108 1:13 I 99. .740 78640 •Welcome, 3 ...Lx 94 1:14 I 100X735 71633* •Polynesia, 9 I 94. .731 78013 •Ferguson. 1 1*109 1:13% 5 106X730 78694 Hughes llraham. 6 I*i 98 1:13 4 110x730 78585 Old Ron i bon Mi, •2 102 1:16% 3 90. .725 Fifth Race— 1 1-8 Miles. Fifteenth Running Camden Handicap. ,000 Added. 3-year-olds and upward. Tra-k record: May 10. 1916— 1:50%— 4— 114. 755andS* Relsoni. 1 4 101.. 750 78581- Hopeless. 10 4 110/745 78585 Rinkcv, 3 Ft; 103 1:54% 3 1«ix740 78644= ;raeme. 4 3 98 .740 78584* Barracuda, C .FC. 110 1:54% 0 106*735 78581* Cueandt of Honor. 7 CI 108 l:53h 4 UftXUB 78699 Thisaler. 2 -IP 117 2:01 m 3 101x730 77848 Rest Pal, B . . Sa 112 1:52 7 112x730 78584 Wida. 8 4 100x725 78584 Solisa, 9 Bo 97 1:56% 4 102.. 725 Sixth Race— 4 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 06. 2-year-olds. Claiming. Track record: May 11. 1911 53% 2— 115. 78672s Mary Dear. I 104x725 78672 Mv Destiny. 6 107 720 78672 Koxmore. 12 111 1M 78613 Beguine Ml. 7.. 111.. 710 78646* Vain Kllie Mi, 1 105.. 710 786S71 Subtle Ml. 8 107. .705 78672 Kockarden Mi. 4 110. 700 78697 Fran-es Johnson Mi. 9 107. 700 78645 Iidv Newtown Mi. 10 103. .700 78642 Broken Glass Ml. • 114. .700 Robs Hope. ■ ■*■ Hun Conaway, 11 100 Seventh Race — 1 1-16 Miles. Purse 00 4-voar olds and upward. Claiming. iTia.k record:" April 25, 1921— 1:42%— 3— 103. 78646 bKinburn. 6 . . .CD 104,1:45% 7 109x725 77872 »Neddsm. I ...CI 111 1:45% 7 101x720 78612 •Kscarpolette, 4Lx 103 1:46 7 105x715 77892 Huonec. 5 I* 114*1:46% 6 108x710 78640 Mack Frost. l.Hv 101 1:47 4 97x705 | 78608 John lloslior, 2Ie 101 1:46% 6 109® 705 l,Elf.TOX JOCKEY PERCFATAGES. From January 1, 192,-;, to April 25, ltEI-4, inclusive. At or Over Jockey. PC. Wt. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3.1 Tarke. 1 25 99 1082 275 182 134 Callahan. J 20 94 659 129 108 93 Fool. K. ,.«"V. M 110 460 87 95 i» earner. M. .J. 19 110 313 59 51 43 M.Dermott, L 18 107 804 141 131 123 Kennedy, R 18 105 477 76 78 C« Koern.r. 1 17 110 18 3 2 2 Marl in, E. 17 107 527 91 64 56 Howard, J 17 105 133 22 23 « Wilson. A 14 105 290 42 38 39 Hcupel, J 14 103 335 48 46 46 Harvey, B 13 105 743 95 80 96 Studcr. 0 13 1117 110 14 6 11 Fronk. W 13 104 8C7 114 107 95 Burke. H. J It 110 120 16 15 11 1once. 0 13 108 124 lfi 20 16 Mooiiev. J. 1 13 114 402 54 46 52 Rrolhers. T 12 103 705 87 100 108 Ycrrat. A 12 98 274 32 30 31 Rarr-tt. N 12 110 68 10 5 8 Connellv. 1 11 109 381 43 4« 40 lororan. J 11 108 772 83 97 84 McCcgr. J H 103 496 57 49 50 Jones. 1 10 94 357 37 31 36 At or Over Jockey. P.C. Wt. Mts. 1st. 2d 3d. Lyke. L 10 115 145 15 16 20 Harrington, R 10 110 220 23 20 26 Gray. II 10 103 107 11 » 12 Fa tor, K 10 lO". 537 62 59 63 Blind. ■ 09 115 410 30 3S 49 lx.see. W 08 103 83 7 5 10 Carroll. G. W 08 100 281 23 36 34 Jratinenian, 0 OS 103 7.8 6 8 9 Owens. J OS 109 339 28 27 37 Ressner, J 08 97 214 17 22 It Lillev. W 08 114 86 7 9 11 Murrav. T OS 110 133 U 8 17 Smith. F 08 106 229 19 22 23 Kaiser. II OS 100 155 12 13 IS Solicffol. R 07 111 229 17 15 34 Steam*. II 06 101 84 5 5 6 k.-dcri*. J 00 106 103 5 13 8 Clifford. R 05 100 134 7 14 16 Yelton. R »7 42 0 1 1 Holsov. R 97 4 0 0 0 Cheat him. R 93 38 0 3 3 Moeller. R 101 17 0 0 2 Disunion. C 103 19 0 0 1 Su-iuhart. L 100 3 0 0 0 DA PC •"*-* Mile. :.- «-ar-olils nnd upward. t laiminj?. I May S, 1117 1«4 Si HAUL 1:11 1-.% « 115. Index Course Dlst Time T ck Odds Wt St *; Sir Tin Jockcxs Started Ordei of Finish MINUS, br. f, 3 99 By Colonel Vennie — Amazon, by Yankee. Trainer. A. Hamd. Owner. J. B. Respess. Breeder. J. B. Respess. 78667 UiRli.n 3-1 li:%murl 41 105 5 3 2* 21 I Parke 11 K.Troxill. Snow Maiden. NcwBty 77959 Havana 2-4 1 ;l.imul 6-.". 10S 1115 1 .1 Pawson I IonaDare, Ancesfs, LongCrcen j j 77813 Havana 3-4 1:1. fast 2 105 2 2 2i l* J Dawson 9 Ancestress. Nimrod, 8uperann:i ! ! 77698 Havana 31 l:12%fast 2 98 6 3 4fc 81P Croos 8 M.I«assie. T.American. Ancestrs | 77550 Havana M f l:«8%slov 8-6 106 1 1 1* 11 P Groos 7 Moorfield. Blue Hill. Ancestress: ; 77483 Havana H l:06%fatt 3 99 5 1 1* 1J. P Croos 7 Ancestress. Trafslgr. IJUcksa** • 774:.l Havana 3-Hl:13%fast 2 101 4 2 3s 3s P Croos 7 Kiretoina. Ancestress. Imposble j KAUGHTY NISBA, ch. f. 5 101 By The Manager— Daisy Piatt, hy Marta Santa. ; Trainer. J. C. Milam. Owner, D. Breckinridge. f.2910 Latonia 3 4 1:13 fast 7 103 I 3 3s ?.* TV Fool 5 M.Winsor. J.Bowdre. M. Fallon, « 2830 latonia MRMstaM -3-5 102 7 3 l| 1J J Owens 8 Ararat. Iligli Cost. Lina Clark I ■2720 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 3-f 106 1 6 6 ro*i Fool .1 .lenn.Bowdie, Mar Winsor. Mom , 6:661 latonia 3 4 1 12%fa.-t 17 10 106 3 1 1» ?» A Wilson 7 Cangway, Dw.Buekner, Bonus! ! 62598 LfttOftta 34 1 Lfast 11-10 96 8 4 4:i3:| Ralls 8 Itarmc inla. Ararat. I»rd Allen •2435 latonia 3-4 1:12 fast 5 97 6 4 2- U C Ralls I MisvMufns, Hadrian. SHCombs . MISS MAZIE. b. f. 4 105 By Rock View — Clara Atkin, by Sals. Trainer. TJ. J. Hak. Owner, 0. Hak. Breeder. A. B. Hancock. 7.V.*74 I.atonia ImTOy 1 :44fast 34 9*11 9 71 "■ A 1errat 12 Britishl.iner. BenValet. Neddam 7."157 latonia 1 l-M I 4S fast 5j 111 6 I !■■ C2 M Carrier 8 MissMeise. iiuseppe. RpgMary 7." t91 latonia 1 1 16 l:.".l%hvy 5 1JC 4 5 4 1" J Pevic «i Komp gM "y. Krlanger. Tlorllsy 75006 I.ntonia 1 1 4 3:06 fa -t 27 102 8 6 8* 8*| B Harvey S Wild Life. Cukamo. Cash IIMt lata sjla 1 1 1C 1 47 fast 22 107 10 8 8 t*| J McCaf Id Bosli. Cash. FlowerSliop 747:tO Lai.nui linT" 1 4"%favt 16 K5 4 6 31 8*| L McDott 8 iem. Itosh, Flower Shop WIDGEON, ch. g. 5 103 By Star Shoot — Wide Eyes, by Hamburg. I Trainer. J. Lowenstein. Owner. S. Singer. Breeder. M. Jones. 7R4li Huntti.n 1 l:4V%fsVBt 6J 110 6| R ""ost llo 8 Ilicamer. Top.ingo. Hi: 1 11 7K273 Hunt ton llfast 3-8 110 P R Costello 8 Klaxy Mae. Silence, Kye Bright 78238 Huriftoii 1116 1.il fast 3-- 116 2» R r ,st-lloll Kred Kinney. S-cretary. Yo ick 78204 Huntlon ll:41tfast 6 111 l4 R CostellolO CrwIKiiine.v . Crtljidy. Tingling 77499 K.Cinds 1 1-16 1:49 good 2 110 2 8 2 2" H Stutts 9 F Kinney. F.Kinbry. tJen.Cadoina 77153 F.iir nds 11-16 1:48 fast 2 109 3 1 Is 21 11 Stutta 12 Dr.Whitehurst. B Crown, Cash GUSSIE P.. ch. f. 3 .M 94 By Sweep On— Esther Blues, by Blues. Trainer. J. M. Hukill. Owners. Lair Ic Parrish. Breeders, Murphy Ic Shropshire. 78643 Lsttspl— :-4 1 14V. ;oo.l 11 100 4 2 2* 2* 1 M. rglerlO M.xicaiilea, Dointn, HirnW PRETTY POLITICIAN, ch. f 3 94 By Ballot— Maifcu. by Hastings. Trainer. R. C. Frakes. Owner R. D. RoDson. Breeder. D. B. Knox. 75535 Churchill 7-S 1 landfast 21f 103 1 4 4" 4T J McCoy 14 Dart-Kay. Mah.long. Rreak Rell 7.-.4I6 lmr. 111 3 4 1 r.V.«"ood VI 103 S 7 4» 5- J Wallace 9 !"ss1K.| n. BeauAgnis. MahJong 74814 Latonia 3 4 1.13 fast 13 106 5 4 4 41? II Cray 8 S:.nola. MUiwrnice. Delectable 74414 lit assist tJflOT fast 11 109 11 i l"- P L M. D ottl2 tilide, MadainVennie Bret Milly 73830 LnsrtM i.4 f 1 08 fast 12 104 8 7 4 2 .1 McCoy 10 Dobson. Privilege, ireat Northn 73298 I - shire L- ". "ifast 2S 106 It 9 »* 9 J McCoy 11 F.Mack. Atlantida. Ictherwood 73144 DeCshire 6Jf 1:08 fast 10 110 9 7 71 4 J Mi-Coy 11 I.TIights, An.IIorton. Sir Glen 1 73082 Le shire 6-S 1 X. fast 64 108 6 4 3; 3* J McCoy 8 Energy. Deronda, Sir Cleu OUR OPTION, blk. f. 3 M 90 By Von Tromp — Electro, by Electioneer. Trainer. W. L. Lewis. Owner, W. L. Lewisl. Breeder. C. C. Patrick. 75t«l hnr hill 7-8 1 -T fast 90 11". 7 9 10* 1"" .1 McCoy 11 An l.yle. Waukiilla. N. McCl.ord I ..•27:i l-aloiia 3-4 1 i;Ufast 25 IK 1 12 s* 10 - .1 D MneylU Muldrgli. L.Sinoke. I-i I.deBnte 74973 I.atonia 34 111 fast 27 ICi Lett at post. F M. rim. .12 Xixia. ■sMUtllSsl mj llkll —kw 74660 Latonia 6J f 1 N fast M 112 7 I .A 6* K M« rim. . 12 Blue White. Kililmsler. Levoy 74561 I.atonia 3 4 1 B%faS* 42f 1C4 4 6 6J 6fi 1 M rim.eli: Hello. Markiluna. I:e-»;e Hoih: DIADEM, b. f. 3 99 By Light Brigade— Enigma, by Ben Brush. Trainer, J. C. Milam. Owner, . N. Camden. Breeder. J. N. Camden. 75535 Church, 11 7-8 1 "ffast 34 110 9 11 IT IS" M earner 14 DareSay. MahJong. Break Rell I 75187 1-atonia 3 4 1 I..inu«l 1.. 110 4 17 7s M Cainer 8 t.lide. Marg. Lawrence. SunSpot : 75000 I_itorua r; f 1 OS fast 39 112 4 1 l» 1* J Pevic 12 Annie l.yle. Minus. Bon.-i Vera 24557 LiUubut Li I i.Oi Im| | Hi I 2 V ll C Wulla 12 Ljilarn. An.I.j.e, .N.Lhorno . O-.l DA PC * l-2 Furlongs. 2-yrar-old*. Maiden.*. Fillie*. Special CWXi n/AUC, Weights. May 11, 1111 53 3-S 2 115. CORDON E0TJGE. b. f. S M 114 By Snn Briar— Mum. by Freemason. Trainer, C. £. Patterson. Owner, P. T. China. Breeder, W. S. Kilmer. First start. ROSE THORN, b. f, 2 Mi 114 By Troutbsck— Bramble Rose, by Yon Tromp. Trainer, C. E. Patterson. Owner, P. T. Chinn. Breeder, E. Cebrian. First start. R0CXLAND PRINCESS, ch. f, I 114 By Spanish Prince II.— Rockland, by Friar Rock. M Trainer. M. Lowenstein. Owner, M. Lowenstein. Breeder, J. E. Madden. 78609 Lasfstaa 1-2 60*ohvy M 112 7 6 3s E Pool » KyPat. HunilUoute, Rothrrrrwl 78586 Lexgion l-U 50 yriu l 133 102 5 S 7* S7J R Yelton 10 StepAlong, Xotenough, CrmlufC TINAMOO, br. f. 2 M 114 By Light Brigade— Casnarina by Plaudit. ■Trainer. D. £. Stewart. Owner. J. N. Carr.den. Breeder. J. N. Camden. 78645 Lox gton 1-2 4SH.eood 12 IflandJ 8 5 4J 4* L McDott 8 Iiress .oods r mluff. VainEllie AVIETTE, br. f, 2 M 114 By Brown Prince H.— Lida Flush, by Royal Hush III. Trainer. W. Buford. Owner. H. P. Headley. Breeder. H. P. Headley. 78668 LexKton -Z 51«imud 3-2 11 1 4 4 14 •** W W T or 8 ElizbothK., FloraUIhi. WineJus; GREAT WATERS, ch. f, 2 M 114 By Great Britain— Aquamarine, by Verdun. Trainer, H. Louden. Owner. P. Pbelpst. Breeder, E. F. Simms. 78024 Havana 1-3 52 mud 4 106 2 1 1 3J A McLlin 7 KthelF.. Lyllaldenmn. .InneDay 77851 Havana 1-2 4S*tra«=t 12 103 6 5 6 6" W Fronk 6 Dritroso, Ethel F.. Irisli I.aee 77785 Havana 1-2 48 fast 10 105 4 11* 2-J W Fronk 6 IrishUwe. KtlielF.. Ijiilvllaldea 77458 Havana 1-2 47Hfast 10 104 1 4 4J r.i W Fronk 6 Deitroso. CasRie Ann komiu 77392 Havana 1-2 4SV»fast 3J 104 4 9 10 1 13 T BrothorslO Rosita, June Day. Jis Time 77127 Havana 3-8 38Ahvv 6 108 2 2J V-l W Fronk 8 Tea Fight, ltosita, The treole LITTLE VISITOR, b. f. 2 M 114 By Sweep— Marraret Hastings, by Hastings. Trainer. W. Perkins. Owner, 3. L. Knight. Breeder. C. Nuckols. 78609 Lexgton 1-2 60%hvy 1 112 6 4 5* 5» M Barrett 9 KyFat, K.Koute. sfliTiaW— ■ BIT 0- HONEY, ch. f. 2 M 114 By SUr Master— Thelma S.. by Harrigan. Trainer. K. Spence. Owner, Audley Farm Stable. Breeder. M. and B. B. Jone«. 78609 Iex: pton 1-2 60*shvy 21 112 9 9 81 8« B Kenndy 9 Kylat. K.Koute. Kkdlrim e ;s 77120 F.Grnds 3-8 35 fast 10 115 6 5l 4* H Stutts 12 Vanidom. M.iIhII .. Kvdet oursy 76646 F.Grnds 3-8 36fast 4-5 115 2 2i 2» E Pool 11 Mary Dear. Mabel C .." NtKhad* 76503 F.Grnds 3 8 i6*tmud 7 115 9 7* 7*2 E Scobie 10 Dress Goods. Evelvi., Mabel C. THANK YOU. br. f. 2 M 114 By Under Fire— Betty Haggin by McGee. Trainer, E. Louden. Owner, C. W. Moore. Breeder, kri. C. W Moore. 78668 Lex" g ton 1-2 51Smud 14 112 S U 61 53 E Pool 8 Klizbetlih Flora l- ll;i. Vin..lus; 0UELL. ch. f. 2 M 114 By Vindex— Muffins, by Fits-Herbert. Trainer, C. Phillips. Owner, Greentree Stable. Breeder F. W. Armstrong. 78668 IexKto.i 1-2 51Vnud 26 114J 5 S 7J S" W Lilley 8 KliabethK.. Flora Iwl la. WineJus; 77867 Jefferson 1-2 48Vifast 40 114 1 11 12J l-!* J CorcorunH Kelle II., Little Stff, Waratali First start for the following: AGNES CALL. ch. f. 2 M 114 By Sweep On— Colle. by Marta Santa. Trainer, E. P. 0 Mem. Owner, OMeara Bros.. Breeder, E. P. 0 Meara. MIDNIGHT ROSE. br. f. 2 M 114 By Huoc— Kopje, by Kroonstad. Trainer. R. C. Frakes. Owner, Koha and Theisen. Breeder, Dr. D. B. Knox. BROWNIE, br. f, 2 M 114 By Brown Prince II.— Blakeslee. by Yankee. Trainer, W. Buford. Owner, H. P. Headley. Breeder, W. D. Millard. j j ! ! | ; • j ; I , ! . 1 I I : . Or»rl DAPLT ■ sWawSJ and 70 Yardw. .".- ear-olds. Iaiminpr. I Sept. 11, Ul« OIU llrAUt 1:4 1-5 3 102. ODD BETH. ch. f. 3 107 By Seth— Odd Pose, by Oddfellow. Trainer. J. J. Duggan. Owner, C. B. Shafer. Breeder. B. A. Jones. 78667 l,ex gton 3-4 l:15**mud 52f 101 4 5 41 7* D Merglerll Kit.Troxell. Minus. Snow Maiden 78089 Tijuana lm70y 1 :44**,fast 5 101 4 2 U 2» J Wood 0 Fastltoy. Suan.Kose. KarnlV.Ir 78965 Tijuana 11-16 1::* fast 2 109 3 1 It 1 J Maiben 7 Towawnd. Taxation. Malvern 78053 Tijuana 3 4 lil.lifchvy 4 10H 4 1 1J I" J Maiben I Mollie K.. Iubli.itv. Fast Hoy 77904 Tijuana 3-4 l:13V»faat 2 108 3 2 21 2* J Maiben 9 Publicity. FnxtHor Q Catherine 77B21 Tijuana 3-4 l:13*fast 10 108 6 1 2* 2»i J Smith 11 MollieK.. SthsMemrv. Iublicy 77770 Tijuana 1 1:42 fast 5 104 3 1 1" 2 F J Baker S Whiff. Malvern, fyprtn.e 7 7687 Tijuana 3-4 1:13 fast 61 106 1 2 21 21 J Maiben 7 New Beauty, fyiireme, Tublieity BUSH BUCK. b. g. 3 105 By Pataud— Ala Ruscel, by Russell. Trainer, J. McPherson. Owner, J. McPherson. Breeder. W. G. Shropshire. 78610 I.-igton lmTOy 1 49%hvy 71 102 3 1 2 2= I Farke «5 FireBoT, AnivClaini Ncrseland 77740 Jefferson 3-4 IJHtflBt 18:. 116 6 6 3» 1"* I Iarke 15 Melbourne. U-vot The Kea|M-r 77626 F.Grnds 3-4 1 :14»%got d 10 110 13 10 10l »»3 .1 Kederis 13 KyKUir. I omedv. Wati hCharin 773*0 IVGinds 3-4 1 : 15% slow 5 HG 9 8 51 5«1 I Parke H AraityClaiin. : dfield. Attraetie 77233 Rtlrnds 3-4 l:14Vfast 20 116 3 5 6l 6-i B Harvey 14 SunMart. WaUhChm. Uoldfield SPANISH ROSE, b. f. 3 110 By Spanish Prince II— Met Mexican, by Mexican. Trainer, C. Van Dusen. Owner. W. C. Gocdloe. Breeder. W. C. Goodloe. 78585 LexKton 1 l:43niud 29 121 3 4 5= 37 W Lilley 8 Rinkcv. 15 tifnl Anes. Elvina 78106 Tijuana 1 1 :43Vnud 1 10:5 5 4 6 611 F J Baker 6 Mv Daddv. Freebooter ;«.lilfield 78089 Tijuana lm70y l:Mast 17-10 100 2 1 2l 3J D Jones 6 Fastltoy." OddSetli. 15arnlollar 77490 Tijuana 1 1:41 fast 33-10 105 2 2 2*1 4 A flaver 7 Over Shot. Settee. Colden V«p 77424 TijUi-na 5 f 107%. last 51 110 5 5 4"» 3l D ConnIly 8 Postillion, OoldenCup, Hitrump 77273 Tijuana, £1 f 1 07 fast 13-10 110 3 1 1* 1» F Weiner 7 Fastltoy. PrettvMally. OddSetli 76664 Tijuana 6-8 1 00%,fast 3 113 I* G Mein 7 NewBeauty. KecSaW, I Itradley 76481 Tijuana 2-4 1 :15,mud 5J 90 4*3 E OBrien 8 T.AImoner. Hilarity. Turbulent 76420 Tijuana 3-4 l:15hvy 7 110 1» D Connelly 5 PrtyMally, I.Franees. L.Thistle ISAMAN. b. c. 3 Ml 107 By Granite — Wanda Pitzer. by Peep oDay. Trainer. J. S. Ownbey. Owner, J. H. Louchheim. Breeder. J. H. Louchheim. 78696 LexStM lm74i l:49?thvy 7 108 4 2 3= 33 H Stutts 8 Muskeg, Nor-eland l.u-ler 7793:1 JeffCl— :4 1:i:.Shvy ll 110 12 9 51 47 J Wallace 15 lx-o.. Benicna. Jim Kenney 77888 Jefferson 3-4 1 16. .mud 15 105 13 5 4 3Ti J Wallace 1". M.Mattie. Mcintosh. DoubSliot 77494 F.Grnds 3-4 l:15%»rood R 10C 7 9 8= 91 II Stutta 14 Sea -Wolf. B Black. I.etl: Steel 76963 F.drmls 3-4 1 :li; 5mud 13 5 109 8 6 7« 7" F Lee 11 Ix-onard.;.. IT— Mill St tierard 76482 KC.rnds I 4 1 : l:: 0fast 40 US 10 9 • 7,5W Lilley 1 1 Brilt a-t. W.t Wizard Fausto 75512 Churchill 3 4 1:14 fast 13 11.10 1 12* 121* E Martin 15 Mill Hov, " Nogales. ]voy 175217 I.atonia I 1 1 :;hvy ri 114 11 6 6s 6" J D Mney 12 Arabis. 1 he Kunt. a vov 75028 Latonia £1 f i :09 mud ISf llj 1 C 7" 6; J D M.Kyl2 Phil Metann. Kquily. Eerglade AMITY CLAIM, br. f, 3 100 By Rock View— Gold, by Golden Garter. Trainer. C. Phillips. Owner, Greentree Stable. Biceder. A. B. Hancock. 78667 LnstM 3-4 l:i:.mud 25 101 2 4 5J 5*1 F Thdyk-11 Kit.Troxell. Minns. SnowMaiden 78610 UxRton lmTOy 1 llny i| 9I 2 I 3J 3« F Thdyke I Fire Boy, Bu-h Bad N.rseland 77912 Jefferson lm70y l.Vhvy U 107 4 6 •** S*1 J Corcoran I Invietus. P.rilliant last PoIm, i77843 Jefferson 1 1-8 1 :.".6»tiKOod IE 90 1 7 7 7*W Harvey 7 Edward* i v. Lhvell n Ial.utta 777«i0 Jefferson 1 1 16 1 :4SVfast 10 89 1 4 5 SSW Harvey 5 Barracuda". Quiiero. Isoseeles 77585 I-.Crnds 11.4L shvy 15 94 I 6 3= 2»k C, Cooper 6 Tcles o| e. BrilliitCast. Invietus 177456 KUriKls lm7f"y l:48hvy 41 106 3 3 4* 4"J J Corcoran 8 Anne. Quivero Betas llo«er 77368 IVC.rnds lm70y 1 46*£,fast 4 9S 12 7 41 3=1 F Thdykel- IMbmssb, W gBok. 15 « hM aget 77320 FC.rnds 3-4 1 15t,s!jv 6 HI 5 4 2s 11 J Corcoranll Coldfield. Atlraetive. Henrj J. NORAH. b. f 3 95 By Jim Gaffney— Marian Casey, by Star Rub*. Trainer. C. H. Smith. Owner. C. H. Smith. Breeder. W. B. Miller. 78696 Lexgton lmTOy 1 49hvy 9i 103 2 5 5* 5M J Pevic 8 Muskeg. Norseland. Isaman 78342 Hunt ton 1 1 H 1 :;.4Va»t 9 M 1= W Martin 8 Dunoon. Dreamer. Vehement 78275 Hunlton 1 1-1 1 :..7s-fast 9 5 .K» 5 i L Montry I MockOrge. TlieChamn. Plantde 77890 Jefferson 11-16 1:5.5 mud 15 103 10 10 10 10:: J Wallace 10 Quinliani. Crea t.Northern. liugler 77610 IMlriuls lm70y 1 49hvy 15 92 7 7 6* 5 L LanR 8 SethvKlower. Warl.jn.h. Tight 77450 K.Cinils 1 1-16 1 .**smud 41 94 7 7 7* T» B Brcning 9 F gnedZ I, EddieJr., OurB thday 77391 F.tlr nds 1m70y I 47ifast 8 91 11 S «» 4«i L U-iiik 11 M. Follies. K Oorge. Antiquity 76948 F.Crnds lmToy 1 :46Hfeood 30 93 8 8 7l f" W Har-eyll FrostyBoy, Xanthos. 5. Northern BEGONIA, ch. f, 3 M 105 By AtweU— Margaret T., by Sempronius. Trainer, H. Oots. Owner. II. Oots. Breeder. R. ft H. Oots. 77781 J. fferson 11:4:: fast 15 93 13 9 71 7*J R Griffin 16 Omnipotent. Servitor. Mr Be. k 77712 FGrnds 1 1-16 1 :471ifast 20 90 3 8 7 6»i S Griffin 8 Jou.lou, Highspeed, ThreeJIsjasaN 77363 F.Grnds lm7fy l:454ifast 10 107 6 8 9= 7" L McDottl2 Quivero. TrontwieK. The F.ih;,h STARG0. b. c. S 107 By Irish Exile— Queensland II., by Nonchalance. Trainer. F. Brooks. Owner, T. V. Moctjoy. Breeder. L. L. Allen. 78667 bexBtM 3-4 l:15mud 90 9* 9 f 95 V" E OBrien 11 Kit.Troxell, Minus. SnowMaiden 77801 J.ff.rsoii 3-4 1 14fa.st 8 9* 6 E 21 5*J D Junes 11 Lady Bos., longboat, Julia M 77670 F Gr mis 3-4 1 :!4*;,fast 4 99 3 3 li 1*" B Brening 9 D Boiling. KndRobin. M Harvey 77608 F ;rnds 3-4 1 l..Hhvy 12 101 6 4 * ■ 2* B Bretiing 7 Guvnor, Sling, Simpli. ity 7749.1 F.Grnds 3-4 1 Higood 15 98 7 8 3" 1*| J Chalmrs 9 P Miton, DbfoiiDder, Lit Alfred 77361 FUrr.os 3-4 1 :!3fast 20 99 5 6 4* 1J K Blind 10 Arrowhead. Pl.Mi.ou. I Boiling 77255 F C.r n.ls 3 4 1:13Sfast 20 99 2 3 71 7»1 B BreninglO Poppy e. Arrowhead. Fifty Fifty 76985 FCriids 3-4 1 :16"ihvy 15 101 6 5 7* 7*1 D Jones 8 Antotiia. orsl Beef, ssatea LOUISE WAGNER, ch. f. 3 M 102 By Campfire— Amans, by Bryn Mawr. Trainer. M. Lowenstein. 0wn?r. M. k J. Lowenstein. Breeder. T. J. Healey. 78583 U glon 3-4 116 mud Ml loll 3 U Q 11- 1 Yelton 12 Kitt T sell. Findav. SnowMdeu 73116 Dev shire 5-8 1:01 fast 15 112 7 8 8- 9*i T Brothersll Atlantida. S.Marie. IlerniidaU 7I91H H..wthne a t IM fast 30 99 4 8 8 h~" It Yelton 8 Freelland, Beau Addle. I.ue.u BUGLER, b. g. 3 M 100 By Polymelian— Early Morning, by Ecouen. Trainer. J. J. Troxler. Owner, J. J. Troxler. Breeder. B. Combs. 78696 Ln gt..n lin74iy 149-hvy 13 10 1 4 4» 43 D Mergler 8 Muskeg, Norsclsnd, Isaman 77890 MfeiMa 1 1 16 IM mud 20 100 3 8 41 3* D Mergbr 10 Quinham, i Northern, tioldmarsl 77740 .leff.rson 3-4 1 14;. fast 20 116 9 10 10 »° E Martin 15 Bush Burk. MelN urne. Uvoy 77494 Kf.rn.ls 3-4 1 l.good 20 10110 | 6 7»1 I Jones 14 Sea Wolf, B Bla.k, Beth Steel 77099 FGrnds 3-4L.14 fast 10 103 8 8 61 and» F Ie LtBrookdale. Benigua. Autinuity 76836 F Gr n.ls 3 4 1 lf.Vlow 8 105 3 3 41 6»1 F Lee 12 ioldmark . The Keaper. Balduie 76679 FGrnds 3 -4 1 liVmud 13-5 103 10 4 4" 35 I Parko 11 It. Manager. Antiq ty. St i.erard 76020 J.ffeison l| f 1 :10»s.slow 6 115 2 2 J1 2 E Martin 9 Times I p. Harberrj. Frontsmu 75123 Latum* i-4 l.UHKood li Uj J 9 V VJ T Brotaenll Uorgun, Muldraugb. tahin SNOW MAIDEN, b. f. 3 110 By Wrack— Gclee. by Isinglass. Trainer. L. H. SowelL Owner. F. Wlelandl. Breeder. A. B. Hancock. 78667 I .ex gton 3-4 1 : 15%mud 53 10110 6 CI !| K Tool 11 KittyTroxell. Minus. NewBeauty 78610 l.cxgton lmTOy l:4»Hhvy It 99 C 6 5" 5» I. Montrv li FileBoy. BushBuck. AmyClaim 78583 Lex gion 3-4 1:16 mud 16f 100 11 6 41 3| V Ttadykel2 KittyTroxell. Finday. Elemental 76539 FGrnds lmTOy 1 :47islow II 98 7 6 7-7iJ Walla..- ■ Frostyltoy. Srths Flwr. O.Star 76816 Jefferson 1 l:43%hvy 20 108 8 S 8 7* D Mergler 13 B. Wright. W Lynch. J. Northern 761IIS Jefferson 1 1:46 hvy 30 94 8 8 • «•• A Hunt S Sedgefield. Bronmflax. Col Boy 76150 J.ffTson 11:46 slow 8 107 8 7 7" 7» B Harvey 8 SethsFiower. Kebrah, B.Wright 75997 Jefferson 3-4 1:17 slow 20 107 8 10 10»10»» B Harvey 11 Peggy O.. I .sFlower. Ph. Suow Ah RAPC ;t-4 Mile. R-ycar-oldH and npnard. Uinilnfc. lay ». Ml •frill nHUC 1:11 1-3 41 115. KITTT WILLIAMS, br. f, 4 107 By Granite— Dustpan II.. by Sweeper. Trainer. 3. S. Ownbey. Owner. 3. H. Loucbheim. Breeder. J. H. Louchheim. 72211 Hawlhne 51 f 1 :07 *raud 3-5 103 2 2 2 2| L McDott • ManelK.. Delante. CarlosBnrinue 71880 Hawlhne 51 f 1 :06 fart 15-10 10S 2 1 8* 2» L McDott 7 B. OFlyun. Clenconoko. .1. Bauer 71539 liawthne 3-4 1:t3%slow 21 104 1 1 I" 2* L M Dot t 4 PrinccK., Kirk I. aly. looters 71445 liawthne "-4 l:12Vsfast 6 104 2 3 4s 3» L McDott * J.Pryor. UMareollia, Mabel K. 71262 1-atonia 3-4 1:15 hvy 21 103 5 6 51 41 W FY—* !» M P.Gdner. Certain. R|igMar 71063 1-atonia 3 4 1 llfa-st 11 104 4 3 S" 9" L McDottll Ararat. While Star. Pegasus 70990 I-atonia 3-4 1:12 fast 12 92 8 5 ? 6:| P C.roos 10 Quail—. B BelveMe. Jim. Daw RAPID DAY. cb. g, 8 103 By Rapid Water— Sweet Day, by Peep oDay. Trainer. R. McGarrey. Owner. R. McGarrey. Breeder. F. D. Knight. 77801 Jefferson 2-4 l:14fast 20 101 10 3 6 10 « I. Fichon 11 I.ady Rose. I_ongho.it. Julii M. 77627 K tlrmls 3-4 1 :14Vfegood 3 106 5 2 11 2H Stutts 11 PoorSport. Stamp. PorothyRyan 77517 RCrnda 2-4 1 :14fast 16-5 106 7 4 51 l| Q W Trail 13 RkerBr n. Sis.Jo..la. Palm. IK 77276 K Grnds 3-4 113%fast 10 104 2 2 21 5» G W CrolllI Simplicity. MidntK.illi.-. 1—1— 77148 I- Grnds 3-4 1 :14%faat IS 5 104 3 2 S1 11" J Heup.-l 12 K. Bottom, Cap Costigan. Stamp 71029 Iatonia 3 4 l:l2%fast 21 107 11 Fell. A Abl 11 Bo Klixnhettnwti. Uusteii. Lugs 70592 Iatonia 3 4 IztSfcftaat 17 100 S 8 7 5" J Owns 9 Honor .Man. Caligula. Ararat GLYN b. m, 5 109 By Delhi— Bourbon Lass, by Bourbon Beau. Trainer, J. C. Gallaher. Owner. Galls her Bros.. Breeder. Gallaher Bros. 78608 Lexgton 3-4 1:17 hvy 7 1 100 1 1 21 •- D Jones li Til. Brush. Bui Irrof. Exchange 75534 Churchill 3-4 l:12*ifast 0 102 1 2 2 21 B Harvey t East. Bells, Br.id.sToncy. O.Oui 75496 Churchill 3 4 1 :13 ,ifa.st 2-2 105 I 2 1" l B Harvey • J. J. Kelly. AuntieMay. Bl Mac 75275 Latest* 3-4 1:ll%fast 8 106 1 2 2s I" B lanlTIJ S K.ister Bels, Isosceles. Lugs 75220 Iatonia . -4 1:16 hvy BJ 103 1 5 4 31 B Harvey T, Triumph, Certain. Sympathy 75090 Iitonia 2-4 l:15hvy 6-5 105 3 2 3* 3!1 B Hravey IS Marsdale. Intried, Rustem • 5002 1-atonia 3 4 113%fast 4 103 2 2 2* 3- B Harvey li Raster Bells. Anonymous. IjjRS J4893 I.atonia S-4 t Jlfktaat 6 106 2 2 3 J« ■ Harvey 5 BillOKlynn. Sympathy. II Man EXCHANGE, b. g, 3 93 By Tea Caddy— Betty Haggin. by McGee. Trainer. J. D. Lenahan. Owner. C. Lenaban. Breeder. C. W. Moore. 78608 L—ataei 3-4 117 hvy 12 lOt 3 3 3" 4* r Merg1--r 0 Ballot Brush, lilyn. Bulletproof 77538 ICrmls 3-4 IK-fast 16 5 101 2 1 |a| l»k 1 I-anR U BillyKlair. JouJou. ThreeSquare 77141! llirniis 2-4 1 :14%mud fi 103 3 3 71 7,# D Merrier S M. Domino. Irederirktown. Du.ky 77315 lCrniU 3-4 1 :14ViBDod 6 102 1115 1"* L I.atiR S I.idy Kose. Kindred, Kinijsclere j 77315 I-MIrnds 3-4 l:13*ifast O-i 108 H 3 5" 5" Q Fields 9 Kverslade. Privilege, Leonard; 77056 Kiirnds 3-4 1:13 fast 4 108 2 1 1» 1» Q Fields 13 BillyKlair. Mcintosh, Sea-Wolf 77005 Fliinds 3-4 1:15 hvy 13-5 88 1 1 1» 3» L. I.an? ■ BiffBang. Iiedn ont. ■ harlie 76944 FCCnds 3 4 1.14ViBood 10 106 1 3 31 5» L MeDVittll JuliaM.. W.theWizard. DeviltJirl 7677G r.Grnila 3-4 1:15Vsmud S lit I 1 21 Ill. M Dott 9 W.theWir. d. FirePy. Tt-lesrope WELCOME, ch. c. 3 100 By Atwell— Stella Moberly. by Woolsthorpe. Trainer. H. Oota. Owner, H. Oots. Breeder. T. Piatt. 78640 l.ex Kton 3-11:14 good 12-5 94 4 4 21 l* S Griffin s Kind.iy. AuntieMillin. PaulMieu 76386 lifflim 3-4 1:15 good 31 98 5 1 1* li F Lee 10 Bigwig. M. Fortune. Businesslike 71790 liawthne I S 59 fast 4 109 2 4 4* 4i b McDott S Surah E!i7.ab»t!i. Clide. NwLaCf 71595 llawthnn 5S1:00 fast 8 111 7 6 7 5»1 L McDott 7 Buddy Ugkt, No Iidy. P.iewie 70277 1 hurrhill 41 f 51 good 10 109 4 7 51 3« L JlcDolt :i hero. I-ee. BoyOBoy. N.Bea..ty C9936 Chunhi.l 41 f 55 mud 8 105 7 5 1" K» I* McDott 9 But tie Rent. FrostyRoy, Muskeg POLYNESIA, b. f. 3 94 By Polymelian— Poterne. by Elf. Trainer. M. Smart. Owner. S. Ross.. Breeder. Himyar Stud. 71633 An,u«s:lict 5-8 1:00 fast 1 114 2 2 2 ?*? R PaaaV ■ Baby Lane, Cockney. Anne 71230 A.juediu-t 5 8 LOOVkfast I 114 2 1 1* 1* K Barnes 12 McAtlliffe. K.sRansoin. T.World 71060 Aqueduct 5 S 58fast li 1!2 2 4 41 4* ■ Barnes U Initiate. Pond Lily. Fluvanna .1,174 Pclmopt 6-8 st 1.00 fasi 16-5 118 2 1 1J l- ■ Barnes 4 Apolosy. Maxie. Chemiserie 70311 Heimont 4i f Si! aJfast 8 106» 2 1 I" 1 ■ Barnes 8 U Audrey. I. lioeo, ClarieeC.II MM Iimlieo 41 f 54 fast 24 UiiA 4 6 41 47 L Morris 9 K.s It imson. Flying Fur, Bamra C9547 limh.o 41 f 59Sfast 19 109 6 5 51 4;J S McLane S Y. Princess. CM. West. Fly. Fur FERGUSON, ch. g. 5 106 By Frizzle — Mrs. F. G. Hogan. by Sir Dixon. Trainer. W. L. Drake. Owner. W. L. Drake. Breede*. E. R. Bradley. 78013 Havana 1 1-16 l:47Hfast 6 97 5 I 2"* 41 H Callahan 7 Brit ishLiner. Diversity. Babbling 77300 Havana 11-16 1:48 good 1. 105 4 7 8 8" W McCabe 8 Randel, Sportiboy. North Wales 77055 Havana 3 4 117%hvy 4 107 3 4 4* 4«1 W Fronk .".John Morrill. Jolly. LoI.I oraine 76787 Havana 3-4 l:17V»hvy 2* 105 1 5 3* 2« A Pickens 6 S. Maiden. C.BoylL. C.Whitney 76513 Havana 51 f l:06ftfa3t 20 106 4 i 5 2" A Piek-ns 5 Mabel K., Jolly. Finday 78173 Havana lm50y 1:43 fast 10 111 2 8 8 8" R Cheatm H Lucy Kate, llentycoos. Randel 76071 Havana lm50y l:42*fast 2 105 3 4 41 5»J J Callahan ■ Hainan. Blanche Mac, Claymore 75870 Havana lmTOy 1:44 fast 21 103 1 1 11 ►* A Pickens 5 BlamhcMac. Rom. Mary. Jellison OLD BOURBON, ch. f. 3 M 99 By Cresta Blanca. by Transvaal. Trainer. A. J. Gorey. Owner, A. 3. Gorey. Breeder. A. J. Gorey. 78585 LexBton 1 l:43mud 31 116 7 8 8 1" W Pool 8 Kinkey, B tifulAgnes, SpshRose 74814 Iatonia 3 4 1:13 fast 79 102 4 7 8 andU Curvy SSanola. Ml-iwren.e. Delectable 74728 Iatonia 3-4 l:13landfast 73 112 9 Fell. J Mdoy 12 Pngram. l»evil ; i rl. Polvo HUGHES GRAHAM, b. g. 4 110 By Mont il Or II.— Theodorita. by Dick Welle*. Trainer. F. Brooks. Owner. T. V. Mountjoy. Barter. S. K. Nichols. 78694 Lexffton 3-t l:16%hvy 8 113 1 4 4» 4" J Pevic 7 Marionette. D.ofPeace. Rhelieu 77739 Jefferson 2-4 l:13fast 20 107 5 6 7* li B Brening S Caligula. Kingsclere, Whalehone 77538 FCrnds 3-4 l:14fast 20 111 8 4 7* 9*1 J H BurkelJ F.x. hange. Billy Klair. Jou Jou 77344 FC.rn.ls 3 4 1:14%good 10 115 7 7 9l 8» G BreninglO Ruhj. i;olden Billows. Lugs 77186 FGrnds 111 VQnf 3 114 S I 5» 410 K Pool f. M Domino. 1. Farrell, tialtman 77122 "ilrmls 3-4 1:14 fast S 110 8 9 8 S« F ThdykelO Kingsclcrc. Lily M.. Isosceles 76771 FUrnds 3 4 1:13H.K"od 12 117 6 6 6| 7T1 J CorcoranlO Mercury. Centimeter, Julia M. 76608 Filrnds f I IltHfitt 15 113 6 fi 4 4J J Cor onnlO Ctimetcr. Cljordan. L.Marcela 76443 Jeffeison 1 1 40%fast 15 106 3 1 4» 5*1 J Corcoran 8 Roseate IL. Thin.ble. Rarracud? Klh DA PC ! 1-S Mllra. aniden Handieap. R- ear-olds and upward. May OU1 nHUC io, loiti — i:r»o i-r» — i — ii4. BELZONI. b g. 4 101 By Hessian— Recline, by Ogden. Trainer. K. Spence. Owner. Audley Farm Stable. Breeder. J. L. Tarlton. 75553 h in hill 1 1-16 1:47 fast 7-5 98 4 4 4J 3» J Wallace .*, Dustaliolit. Ikmges. Moss Fox II 75194 Churchill 1 l:37Vfast 7 97 8 6 4 3| J Wallace !» Makel p. lleremon. AI.BIiUllovn 75134 chunhill 1 1-16 1 :46Vfcfast S 99 3 5 41 3*1 J Wallace • Cher. Tree. Whiskaway, L.Madp 75124 Latonia 1 1 .good 10 102 3 5 5« 5»i F 11 stints I InMe •iiorin. Tea-toe, P.arcuda 74500 Iatonia 1 1-16 1 :45%fast T.-5 102 3 3 31 TlJ Wallace Post Haste. Triumph. Wid I 74159 Iatonia 1 1 16 1 :15%fast 16-5 113 7 3 31 3J E Pool 8 G.ofllonor. L.Madcap. Barracuda HOPELESS, b. g. 4 110 By Huon— Kolinsky . by Unci*. i Trainer. W. Buford. Owner. H. P. Headley. Biteder. W. B. Miller. 785S1 l.exton 3-4 1 : 144fcnr.nl 7 10S 3 3 u4 21 R Martin 6 M nraker. lit ofllonor, Bril.Cas I 7542 1 Pimlico ImTOy I tt.fast 5 107 6 4 3» l1" O Fi.t.is 8 Bnnter. Sun Juest. Wildrake 752H5 Pimlico 1 1-4 2:06Vsfast 43 105 10 3 :i 6H1 Q Fields 10 11—11 1 ill Ilia. Jadfly. T Ml— III 75159 1-atonia 1 1 :3SV,fast -11 113 o 7 « P i. McDott C JimnnVDa w. J P.oviir-. Hi remon 74461 l.atoni.t 1 3 16 1 :56-fast 21 105 9 14 l.V I".J* A Wilscn 16 Cha.olet. Iii.Mernor m. S. Along 74207 I.aton:a 1 1-16 1:44 fast 8 102 7 2 31 3»i J Heuptl 11 liiMen.onam. Actuary. Chacloet RINKEY. b. f. 3 105 By Pennant— Ballet, by Ben Brush. Trainer. C. Phillips. Owner. Greentrt Stable. Breeder. Greentree Stable. 78585 I-exgton 1 l:43mud 1 121 1 I l«| 1» I Parke 8 Btifu! Agnes, SpisbRose. Elvina 7:974 Jefferson 1 1 S 1 :57»*mud 5 112 4 3 34 V- I Parke 11 ltlackiiold. Bril.Cjst. Frankuian 77870 Jefferson lmTOy 1 :45»4fast 17 10 108 4 1 U ♦■ I Parke 8 Barracuda. Henry. Rama 77409 F.43r*Bda 1 1-8 lJ**Jjlaat 6 103 1 1 SI 7*1 J 0— — f It FlintStone. SetngSun. Dr. Clark 77278 Ilirnila 11:40 fast 6 100 4 2 31 2l F Thdyke » F.Stone. Cloujordan. Rarraeud.i 77150 F«;r-nds 3 4 1:13 fast 7-5 102 4 5 21 1*1 Parke 10 MahJong. Sec Thoughts. F.vidu. 76881 FC.rnds 3-4 1 :13%slow 7 5 116 fi 4 1" 2» I Park; ■ K.OVIl It., M thJong. L.Doetor 76735 FGrnds 51 f 1 OSslow 13 10 110 6 3 Ill* I Parke ".» Devil Girl. Mali Jong. Tamhon 76648 F Crnds 3-4 l:12fast 7-5 103 2 2 l1 l»k I Parke 6 Thorndale, KgONeilllL, P.. Cast GRAEME, cb. g. 3 98 By Light Brigade— Yolando. by St. Florlan. Trainer, D. E. Stewart. Owner. J. N. Camden. Breeder. J. N. Camden. 78644 I.e ton lmTOy l:43%good 8| 106 3 3 21 21 L McDott I PeauButler. A I ta wood, Cbilhee 75516 Churchill 1 1 :3X*ifast 41 991 4 3 Mj lU .JcCoy silihlon. Ijrd Martin. Dudley 75452 Churchill 1 1 :391ifast 11 10 112 6 2 21 21 J Pevic 13 Dudley. W.th.-Wixa rd. Frnkman 75307 Iatonia 1 1:40 fast 6 102 6 5 7" 7* J Pevic 8 King Jorin II.. Stanwix Jihlou 75088 Uatot.i* I !:41%hvy 13-10 112 7 2 31 4» I. McDottl2 SunSpot, Ih-vilUirl. Phy I Louise 74978 I_ii..ma 1 l:384fast 8 108 8 7 4 3l M Garner 9 Cloister. Bob Tail, i.ihlon 74891 1-atonia 3-4 1 :13ifast 27-10 115 0 4 J» f Smith IS RnyJr . Siarheck. Polvo 73224 Saratoga 51 f 1.0J good 4 115 2 3 5* 5* M Garner 8 SunPal, Prs Doreen. Mr. Mutt BARRACUDA, ch. g. 4 106 By Trap Rock— Balar.coire. by Meddler. Trainer. C. Howard. Owner. 3. N. Holman. Breeder A. Belmont. 78581 I.extfton lm70y l:47Vnud 1* "• * 1» 3l F Murphy 0 hacolet. Rlue Nose, Solisa 77973 .1. ff.-rson 3-4 1 15.inu l 20 115 4 5 4l 4» F Murphy 6 Moonrakcr. Raffles. Slereury 77935 Jeff.iso.i 1 1 16 l:50%hvy 4 118 4 3 1» 4i F Murphy 6 Rustahoiit. Rama, Llewellyn 77870 Jefferson Im70y l:45*ilast 6 115 7 4 2* 1" D M-rgler » Rinkey. D. Henry. Rama 77848 Jeff.rson 3-4 1.13Hfast 3 114 3 3 4» 441 J Corcoran • Centimeter. Raffles. John Finn 77760 Jeff, r.son 1 1 16 1 :481ifast 7-5 115 2 2 1» 1« F .Murphy ."» Quiver o. Isosceles, T.dHonneiir 77718 F.tlrn.is 1 ! 16 1 59%fast 41 110 6 3 3» 4*1 G Fields 9 FlintStone. SettingSun. Thimble 77673 FGrnds 1 1 8 1:54 fast 41 107 1 3 21 4-J D M. rgl r 7 Rest Pal. Revenge. Flint Stone 77541 FGrnds 1 1 39?sfaat 13 5 M 3 4 3 3= U Mergler 5ThorudaIe, Rest Pal, Isosceles GUEST OF HONOR, ch. c. 4 110 By Pataud— Bright Start, by Star Shoot Trainer. J. McPherson. Owner. Fair Acres Fsrm. Breeder. D. T. Matlack. 78581 I.exgton 3-J 1 HSmtid SI 110 4 4 3 31! B K. nn "dy I Moonraker. Hopeless, Bril tCast 77215 FGrnds 1 1 16 1 :47«4fast 7 114 4 6 6»61B Harvey 7 RestPal. BleysTon ey, Bar.ud.i 77151 FGrnds 1 l-16 146%fast 41 115 4 5 5 5j .1 iruber 5 TheRollCall. Romany. P.est Pal 77046 Ic.rn.in lmTOy 1 :44%fast 7 116 2 5 S 5* J Gruber 5 Best Pal. O Henry. Lad.vMad.ap 76880 F.Ofada ::-l l:13«is!ow 20 119 4 T 7 6»| J Gruber 7 JohnFinn, Moonraker, Ml It Ml J ■Jr.375 Churchill 1 IS 1:53 hvy 21-10 108 1 3 2 1"» M Gamer I Audacious, her. Tree, KGranite 74976 latonia 1 1 3S%fast 2 109 J 4 1» 1 M Garner H Dengi s. Barracuda. Cb.s Play 74636 Latonia lmTOy 1 :42V»fast 4 101 1 4 2» 2« J Wallace 7 hacolet. Audacious, Best Pul 74459 Iatonia 1 1 16 145%fast 8 104 4 7 21 li I Parke 8 LadyUadcap. Belzoni. Barracuda DAZZLER. cb. c. 3 101 By Whisk Brcom IT.— Masda. by Fair Play. Trainer. C. Phillins. Owner. Greentree Stable. Breeder. H. P. Whitney. 78699 l.ex gton 3-4 l:18%hvy 11 100 4 2 1" li F TliMvke 5 Ancestress, Volt. Phil McCann 77974 Jefferson 1 1 :.7vuu.i 6 117 6 7 71 75 J Corroranll Bluck»;oid. Brilliant! ast. Kinkey 77842 Jefferson lmTOy 1 :46%good 8 W 6 4 3 5a I Parke 7 P.IkCold, Fred, ricktn. Brill ast 77761 lette— on 3-4 1 12Kfaat 7 100 4 fi 4» 4* I Paike t Httl.CoM. I. Doctor. Fredkto*n 75683 Howie •;* f 1 20fast 6 5 108 1 4 6* 6«| F Col letti !»Miss Whisk. Fxploit. Sarko 75463 Pimlico lmTOy 1 47slop 13 10 105 1 1 3 :.»! It M At.e 4 Donaghee. SiniM.iid. n, Donnelly 75442 Pimlico 1 1 :39Vast 7 KB 4 12 lOlll".! Cor.oranl3 Seii.Norns. IjidyB. lie, Biglilaze 75180 Kmpire 1 l:39%fast 3 103 1 X 3* 31 II Thurb. r S Sting, fllf II. Miss Ccnaa BEST PAL. br. h. 7 112 By Helmet— Paduin. by Laveno. Trainer. C. Howard. Owner. S. N. Holman. Breeder. E. R. Bradley. 77848 Jefferson 3-4 l:13Vifast 3 118 fi 4 6*1 W Crump « Centimeter. Raffles. John Finn 77718 IGrnds 1 3 14 1 594»fast 4| 114 1 i 51 8" J Kederis 9 FlintStone. SettingSun. Thimble 77673 IM.rnds 1 1 4 1 54 fast 4| 111 1 1 1* 1* J Kederis 7 Revenge. Flint Stone. Barracuda 77541 Pt;rndn 1 1 :39%f ast 13-6 IK 2 3 2 2» J Kederla 5 Thorndale. Barracuda, Isosceles 77519 FGrnds lmTO/ 144%fast 5 115 4 3 1» fil J Kederis 5 Revenge, Barracuda. Romany 77409 lGin.U 1 I 8 1 :53%f ast 8 134 14 4 6 lll U Mergler 13 FlintStone, SefngSun. Dr lark 77215 KGind* 1 1 16 1 4TJ»faat 4-1 114 4 3 H 1«* D Mergler 7 KyaToney. Barracuda. Thimble 77151 FGrnds 1 1 16 l:44%faat 12 5 114 3 I 3* 11 G Brening 5 T K.Call. Romany, LadyMadcap WIDA. br. c, 4 10* By Dick Finnell— Last Leaf, by KlLHerraa. Trainer. J. F. Moodv. Owner T. E. Mueller. Breeder. E. T. Mueller. 78584 Lexgton lm70y 1 :47Hmu.l 17 101 6 4 6 4»» A Terrat 6 hacolet, BlueNose. Barracuda 77748 Havana lrnSOy 1 42 fast 3 110 7 1 1 2» J Connors 7 i.eorge Kiifu Bluellill. Plentcs 77680 Havana 1m70y 1 :43«tfast 3 112 4 4 4 4,i A Yerrat 7 Geo.Ktiffan, Bluelliil. S. Maiden 77563 Havana lmfiOy 1:44 good 21 114 7 7 34 4»i A Yerrat 8 Wildcat, Firetoma. Geo. Kuffan 77376 Havana 3 4 1:13 fast 5 114 I 7 7| 7*4 A Yerrat 10 PrlnceKegt, Marnette. Topanga 76471 Havana 3 4 lUUat 3 117 5 7 6 6l A Yerrat 8 PreRegent. Topango. Whirlwd SOLISA. ch. f. 4 10S By Spanish Prince II. — Fresnay. by Meddler. Trainer. C. Phillips. Owner. Greentree Stable. Breeder. Greentree Stable. 78584 lexgton lmTOy 1 47%mud 7 101 4 4 fi» 4* F Thdyke 6 hacolet. BloeNose. Barracuda 779:*.5 J ffcrson 1 1-16 l:50%hvy 12 107 1 fi 6» 5«l J Corcoran 6 Dustabout. Rama, Llewellyn 77008 FGrnds 11-16 1:49 hvy 8 108 1 fi 5» 5» J Corcoran 8 Olynthus, Rama. Rest Pal 76736 F.Grnds 1 l:42Hslow 41 109 6 fi 5» 4T| J Corcoran T Triumpli, Sedgefield. Barracuda 76616 F.Grnds lmTOy 1 :43«*f aft 5 108 5 3 5" 5«1 J Corcoran 1 Roseatell.. IlintRock. Barcuda V6506 FGrnds 1 1 llHinml 6 104 2 3 ll li J Corcoran 4 U Granite. Thimble. Red Arrow 76163 FC.rnds 1 1-16 1 :46*if ast 5 113 12 15 13 13" C I.ang 15 Delante, Barracuda. Revenge 76326 Jefferson 1 1-16 1:51 hvy 12 111 6 7 S* 6» J Corcoran 9 Delante, Rama. Best Pal 75778 Bowie 1 1-16 l:51»imud 8 107 5 3 3« 2»1 F Col letti 5 ForestLore, Shamrock. W.Rarre j 6th RAPE 4 -"• Jar,,0,,**,-_ 2-year-old*. Claiming. May 11, 1911 MARY DEAR. blk. f, 2 104 By Moss Fox— Dispatch, by Blarney or Sweeper. Trainer. G. Land. Owner. E C. Walker. Breeder. C. B. Head. 78672 Lexgton 1-2 51Smud 91 109 3 2 1| 2» H Stutts 12 SaraMengel, My Destiny. Deemg 78613 Lexgton 1-2 51%hvy 17 10 110 I 2 Mj 4i L McDottPJ Lit. Jimmy, S Men gel. Lit Gipsy 77910 Jefferson 1 2 5!%hvy 13-10 116 4 12 3*1 H Stutts 14 Neat Girl. My Biddy. Four, ross 77779 Jefferson 12 4SSfast 41 112 2 1 U 1« H Stutts 14 Little Jimmy. Channel. Lotto 77605 F llrn.Is 31 f 42hvy 6 109 1 1| 2» H Stutts 8 F.De! oursv. KouiiV. B Winfrey 77406 FC.rnds 31 f 41=r.fast 12 114 1 2» 6»i L McDottl.l Vanidoso. Kvelyn. AlevWoo dliffe 77275 F.Grnds 31 f 42 fast 12 113 2 31 6»i J Wallace 13 Evelyn. Fovmore. Barnev Cooge 76981 F Grnds 3-8 36V4hvy 10 117 2 11 2| L McDotllU Step Aloag. Mab-lC . S Mengel "6857 FGrnds 3-8 35*fast S 117 2 2l 2i L McDott 9 Wheaton. Sara Mengel. Sh. Louise 7664G FGrnds 3 8 36«tfast 6 115 1 1» 1» K Martin 11 Bit o Honey. MabelC. N Shade MY DESTINY, ch. f. 2 107 By Manager Waite— Marie Hyde, by Handcuff. Trainer. C. Van Dusen. Owner, W. E. Applegate. Breeder. J. W. Fuller. 78672 Lexgton 1-2 51*femud 46 108 2 6 5l 3* E Pool 1:1 SumMeng.l, MaryDear, Da— sens 78091 Tijuana 1-2 49-Kmud T3 111 2 6 6* 4«1 F J Baker 7 San Isabel. NellieA.. Mooiii bild 78016 Tijuana 1-2 50 «mud 10 112 1 4 ■* 5 K J KakerT Nellie A. Sin Isabel. MoonChild 77901 Tijuana 1-2 49%fast I 112 2 4 6*121 F Iantrellll Onr Roy. I o ksure. I.thontoii 77771 Tijuana i-2 4S*4fast 41 115 2 6 8» 8« D Connlly 9 Rear Shot. Sequau, San Isabel F0XM0RE. br. c, 2 111 By Moss Fox— Lismore. by Blarney. Trainer. J. D. Grant. Owner. W. V. ReeresV Breeder. C. B. Head. 78672 Lexgton 1-2 51«£mud 7 112 5 1 2i 5J1 W Ke.savPJ SmMen gel. MyDar. MyDetinr .8586 Lexgton 1-2 MM— mi M 114 S 2 41 4rl J Howard M StepAlong. Notenoiih. CrmPuff 77669 F.Grnds 1-2 48ifast 8 115 3 1 in 1"* G Walls 11 Channel. W ! While.l S M.ngel 77605 FGrnds 31 f 42hvy 8 112 4 4 31 D Mernler I F.DeCoiirs.v. MryDear. R Winfy 77537 FCrnds 2| f 42Vifast 5 115 6 4 i» E Martin S R lloogle, ALWaailltYe. Rellell. 177106 FCrnds 31 f 41%fast 5 117 7 41 iJ J Kederis 13 Vanidoso. Kvelyn. Alex Woodliffe 177275 Fllrnds 31 f 42 fast 8 112 1 li 2» J K.sleris 13 Kvelyn. Rameylioo gle. iTa— I— 77078 F.Gi nils 8J f 41ifast 15 110 2 l« 1 K Martin 14 Parolell.. RedSeth. RillWinfrey BEGTJTNE, br. f. 2 M 1H By Light Brigade— Discipline, by Grecnan. Trainer. D. E. Stewart. Owner, 3. N. Cainden . Breeder. J. N. Camden. 78613 Lexgton 1-2 51hvy 81 110 9 I 9l W Kelsayl2 Lit. Jimmy. S..Men-.-l, Lilliijisy VAIN ELLIE, b. f, 2 M 105 By Huon— Malta, by Himyar. Trainer. H. Louden. Owner. Tobacco Stable. Breeder. W. B. Miller. 78645 Lex gton 1-3 48 gooU 138 104 5 3 31 3,! A Pickens S Dress! Icsxls. CrmPuff. Tinainoa 77392 Havana 1 2 4S«ifast 31 104 5 4 4« J*i W Fronl; 111 Rosita. June Day. Jig Time 77327 Havana 1-2 48Sfast C HM 5 I 4! 4?1 W Fronk 7 awlll—. Tints the Time, Glory SUBTLE, b. f. 2 M 107 By Huon— Niobe. by TJncle. Trainer, W. Buford. Owner. H. P. Headley. Breeder, H. P. Headley. 78697 Lex gton 4 f 58 hvy 19-10 109 I 1 11 2s E Martin I Frightful. Fourcross. C.Schrielr 78672 Lexgton 1-2 alniud 15 108 6 9 11" 10" E Martin 12 SiiiMenuel. Myl ear, Mj Hellas/ ROCKARDEN, b. c, 2 M 110 By St. Rock— Arden Rose, by Orlando. Trainer. W. S. Bruce. Owner. W. S. Bruce. Breeder. J. F. Winn. 78672 Ij—gtaa 1-2 51Smud 36f Ma] 1 11 It* Tl"- W Pool PJ SmMeiigel. MyDcar. MyD.--liiiy FRANCES JOHNSON, b. f, 2 M 107 By Sir John Johnson— Flying Frances, by Planudes. Trainer. W. Perkins. Owner, W. Perkins. Breeder. W. Perkins. 78697 Lex gton 4i f 58 hvy 21-10 110 4 3 5* 5- N* Barrett • Frightful. Subtle. Fourcross LADY NEWTOWN, ch. f. 2 M 103 By Stockwell— Happiness, by Hapsburg. TTainer. S. Berry. Owner. H. L. Harp. Breeder. H. L. Harp. 78645 Lexgton 1-2 48good 193 106 1 6 6: 6 • G W Carl I PressGoods. Cr mPuff. VaiiiLllie BROKEN GLASS, b. g. 2 iM 114 By McGee— Mirror, by Sir Dixon. Trainer, E. Louden. Owner. C. W. Moore. Breeder. Mrs. C. W. Moore. 78642 Lexgton 1-3 49 good TS 112 j I 3 9 * J McCoy J Romp, Kim. Louis Rubeinsteia First start for Die following: BOBS HOPE. ch. f. 2 M 109 By The Manager— Peepaway. by Peep oDay. Trainer. E. Glass. Owner. R. L. Sullivan . Breeder, B. Combs. HTJN C0NAWAY. b. c. S M 100 By The Manager— Palisade, by Von Tromp. Trainer, W. L. Young. Owner, L. L. Hanks. Breeder, J. L. TarLoa. 7fh RnPC ■ 1-145 Mile*. 4-year-olds and upward. laiming. April *J5, /IN nAUu i« ai — 1:4 4-5— a — 103. KLNBDRN. ch. g. 7 109 By Duval— Royal Captive, by Golden Maxim. Trainer. J. C. Gallaher. Owner. Gallaher Bros.. Breeder. Gallagher Bros. 78646 Lexgton lmTOy l:45sgood 7-10 108 1 1 1» Is M Garner S Timbrel. Major Chilton. Praise 78587 Lex gton lmTOy 1:18 mud 6-5 111 1 1 1 31 M Garner 10 IJucsada. Permarco. Randel 76967 FGtnds I 1-16 I :49.«mud 10 106 I 3 4 4" B Harvey 4 Tony Beau, Raffles. Venule I 76925 Fllrnds 1 1-16 1 :4T%alnw 40 107 3 7 7 7* IJ Harvey 7 Deadlock. Dustalwuit. Tv Bean 176779 Flirnds 1 1 16 1 :49Smu.l 20 106 3 4 4 41 P. Harvey 4 T R Call, Sedgefield, Llewellyn |75373 Churchill 11-16 14S hvy C3-10 111 2 4 5= E«» B ILirvey IRI.SIone. oil Billows. StumpJr. 75183 Latonia ImToy 1:19 mud 3-2 106 5 4 4» 4:* It Harvey | Hold Me. Make Pp. Poppye 7 ." ! «." Latonia 1 1-16 1 :50Sjhvy 16 5 101 2 4 4 4:0 B Harvey 4 hrrryTree, DareSay, Pi iuceK. 74895 Latonia 1 l:38Vaat 21 108 6 6 C 6: J Heupei S Ld. Madcap. Triumph. J Rowdre NEDDAM. b. g. 7 101 By Ormondale— Miss Kearney, bv Planudes. Trainer. C. Howard. Owner. S. N. Holman. Breeder. J. E. Madden. 77872 Jefferson 1 1-8 1:56 fast 12 102 4 4 4 8" D Mergler 9 Majority. Vitamin. Attorney 77784 Jefferson 1 1-16 1 :4SV,fust 10 108 3 3 91 9»D Mergler 12 Duuibfiider. Repeater. Wat. Girl 77675 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1 :485fa.t 8 102 4 1 4» T*l D Mergler 10 Buoadn. Tan Son. Normal 77369 FCrnds 1 1 IS 1 :47*-,fast I 111 2 4 65 8"D Meriror S Lily M.. Wrangler. Rucado 77216 FCrnds lmTOy !:44%teal 5 IM 3 S 51 5" D Mergler s Rock Rot t Sweepy. I oledBoy 77047 IGrnds I 1-16 l:ITfast 16 5 99 1 I 1« 1* D Mergii r 7 P.ruiiell, Anonymous. Normal 76946 F.Grnds lmTOy l:45good 15 104 2 2 2i 2* D Mergler B TheRollCall. Sweepy. Westwood ESCARPOLETTE, b. m. 7 105 By Fitz Herbert— Balancoire, by Meddler. Trainer. T. F. Devereaux. Owner. T. F. Devereaux. Bred in France bv C. ti. Mackay. 781112 Lexgton 1 l:45l;,hvy 7 97 2 3 2l ll F Thd.vU* I Planet. Llewellvn. Ril. Q— M 77849 .Icff.rson 1 1 -1 G I :49Sfast 7-" 109 5 4 41 6=1 D Mergler S Our Star, Juno. Three Square 77803 .I-fferson 1 1-1i 1 48 fast 10 104 12 8 7 21 D Jones 13 Tan Son. Royal Duck. Richelieu 77742 Jefferson 11-16 1:48 fast 15 111 1 1 11 11 J CorcoranlO Tod v. Richelieu. Stump 77586 F Grnds 1116 1:50 hvy 12 106 5 8 6» 4« H Kaiser I II 111— . F.Sneezy. iiarg.Ware 77346 FGrn.ls I IS 1:55 good 6 108 3 5 4« 4« H Kais r B Gondolier. Stiimplr. I . Faithful 76840 F .Grnds 1 3-16 2:03Sslow 7 104 2 6 71 9" J Wallace 10 St.Donnrd. Gondolier. Superbua 76774 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1 :4S5igood 3 10516 5 5! a* L McDott 8 Reverwy. k. Rii| ee. King Johl. HUONEC. br. g, 6 108 By Huon— Anecdote, by Tom Ochiltree. Trainer, R. McGarvey. Owner. Mrs. R. McGarrey. Breeder. W. 3. Kiimer. 77892 Jeff, net 1 i 16 1 :51..iud 8 101 6 5 fi 5T I Parke ■ Sog. Anion. Calcutta. W T.ikeAll 77X13 Jefferson 1 1-4 l:56 *good 7 10* 7 3 5 5» L McDott 7 Kdwardi. y. I.hvelln, alcutta 77630 I.Gin.ls 1 I 16 .OIHgoo.l 8 110 4 4 21 1- L. McDott 11 The Archer. Gondolier. Insulate 77579 FCrnds 1 1 8 1 55 .mu.l S 107 3 4 4J .1" I, McD ott S Llewellyn. Wrangler. Fantoclie 77478 FGrn.ls 1 1-4 1 :57Vlow 3-5 105 4 I 3 21 B Brening 7 iJres ida . Tight. Dr. R— 77104 F.Gr inls 1 3-16 2:02 fast S 107 6 6 4! 4» L McDott S Roval Duck! Rupee. Tan Son 77009 FGrn.ls 1 1-16 1 -50V»hvy 15 106 6 5 _,« 4» L M.-Dott • Pcpiot. FreezvSnc zy, liondolier 76840 F.Grnds 1 3-16 :03Sslow 7 106 4 8 9 7«| B Harvey 10 St. Don ard. liondolier. Superbum 76773 FCrnds 1 1-16 1 l*»good 12 lc6 6 6 41 5« J ID upel 9 Miss Meise, Pcqiiot, Neddam JACK FROST, br. g. 4 97 By Tea Caddy— High Stakes, by Fair Play. Trainer, J. Everman. Owner. C. E. and J. Hamilton. Breeder, F. B. Foster. 78640 Lexgton 3-4 1:11 good ls9 106 6 T T: T« E OBrien S Welcome. Finday. Auntie Miliin 78614 Lexgton lmTOy l:fiOSlivy 5s 147 4 6 6 6" E OBrien 0 Kirklevinglon. l.ylnex, Repter 78045 Havana lmTOy 1 47 slow 12 104 2 6 T 1 S" J OBrien S Vice Ihairn. Perhaps. Bro.Johil 77960 Havana 3-4 1:l3-Smud 15 99 7 8 8 8»« J Dawson ■ Mabel K.. Hullo. Perhaps 77856 Havana lm50y l:4t%Caat 12 109 1 1 11 31 W Fronk « Amelia S, llalu. Hillman C. 77727 Havana lm50y l:4t%Caat 8 105 6 5 51 5* J Ietrecca 7 lint Liner, C.Adams. S.Wiggins 77593 Havana 1 1 16 1 fast 3 101 5 2 2» 5»J J Dawson 6 J Morrill, t ap.Adams. HillmanC. 77528 Havana 51 f 1:13 hvy 6 107 1 4 4* li A Overton 9 R. Stride. Ijiugh FyesIL. GetKiu JOHN HOSHOR, b. g, 6 109 By Light o m Life— Imprint, by K.nght of the Trainer, F. Brooks. Owner, T V. Mountjoy. Thistle. Breeder. G. Gray. 78608 Lexgton 3-4 1:17 hvy Ti 112 5 6 6 5" E Pool « Ballot Brush, lilyn. Bulletproof 77152 FCrnds 2-4 Ll.Vthvy 15 105 4 9 11 13» J Heupel 13 Colonel Winn. Mcintosh. Stamp 70592 Latonia 1-4 l:l2«sfast 46 108 4 9 6 4«i W K.isay U Honor Man. Caligula. Ararat 70I4 Jefferson. lmTOy 1 :4J mud 3 110 2 2 2* 2» W K.isay I Wynnewood. Financial Rooster oC956 Jefferson 3-4 1:11fast 15 112 2 4 * 2J W K.-lsay 7 Ararat. JakeRerger. llrik-r 66798 Dadeprk 1 1 S 1 V.slow 11-10 111 1 1 1« 1* A Roach I Pl.lltra. Bios House. .MnF.lder 66754 Da.l.PrU 1 1-16 ! :".2V.niud 6 103 2 3 4» 415 H Stearns 5 Has teside. Iuiy Astor, Raider 66713 DadePrk 1 1 3S%faat 2 1 » I 4 3" !■» H Stearns 6 lligliGe.u. Jacobean. Ravenswd 66601 Latonia 3-4 lllfast 25 109 2 7 !• T» H Stearns S Ahadane. Dr Hickman. Ablaie 66312 Latonia 3-4 1 Lfast 89 107 9 9 4* 4*1 L Gregory 9 GrnGold. Henry. A. Alexander

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924050301/drf1924050301_4_1
Local Identifier: drf1924050301_4_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800