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ARE YOU 9 Interested in Racing • The San Francisco Home Stretch, a weekly journal devotjd exclusively to the thoroughbred, calls your attention to the fact that five of Americas foremost turf writers write a story each week about the thoroughbred that will interest you. SINGLE COPY 15 CERTS Three months trial subscription, .00. We can use a lew more reliable newsdealers in the city of Chicago. Liberal commissions paid and unsold copies returnable. Address: Tha Home Stretch Pub. Co., Pheian Bldg., San Francisco, Calif. Green River Jockey Club "DADE PARK" Bankrupt Sale Sealed bids for this property will be received until 2 p. in. Tuesday. June 17. lJ24. For particulars and terms, write or apply to OHIO V.VI.LF.Y BANKING A TKLST CO., Trustee. Henderson, Kv.