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7th DA PIT * Mile and TO Yards. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. June fill nHl/L a, i« ay — 1:4« 2-5 — 7 — 111. QUININE, b. g, 3 101 By Martinet— Musical Girl, by Hilarious. Trainer, P. J. "William*. Ownner. Williams Bros.. Breeders. Williams Bros. 79867 Omaha lniTOy l:«S.fa =t 1 100 ft J Heupel 9 EllaWood, .lohnArbor, FullAgain 79692 Omaha 3-i l:ftf%fnat 4-5 106 f » J Heupel 10 Collision, Menage. Debtor 78826 Lexgton ImTOy l:4»JV„rast 39 97 1 3 lh P D Jones 10 Klaxon, Alinka, Fausto 78671 Lexgton 3-4 l:18%mud 16 97 2 6 6* 71! D Jones 7 DustyMy, C.Encanto, Carnarvon 78C10 Lex Kton ImTOy l:49V,hvy 21 95 4 6 6 6» D Jones 6 FireBoy, BushBuck, AmyClaim 75412 Churchill 1 1:40 good Ilf 107 11 13 121 12" W Lancet 15 P. Louise. W.t.Wizrd. Lex. Maid 749*3 Landtonia 3-4 1:14 fa«=t 47 112 11 9 9J Ol E Martin 12 Blue White. Filibuster. Levoy 70629 Latonia 41 f 53«tfast 50 97 5 7 8" S5 T Brothers 9 Queen Bess. Cher.Lee, N. Beauty SPEAR SHOT. b. g, 3 103 By Assagai— Magic Sbot, by Magic II. Trainer. D. F. Cannon. Owner, G. Drumheller. Breeder. W. S. Kilmer. 79866 Omaha ImTOy l:4ti,fast 31 100 53 J Gormley 9 W. Mtgomery, M.Lad, Swagger 79660 Omaha 51 f l:07*tfast 5j 98 7e J Gormley 11 Feodor, Carrie Moore. Mouxie 78508 Tijuana 1 l:tt%faat 30 100 5 3 21 2JJ M Frey 10 Zillah. Debtor. Bnrdalid 78121 Tijuana 5Sl:00*sfast 20 109 7 7 6i 5« M Ftey 10 Salton, Furious Bill, Babe Ruth 78:t." 0 Tijuana 3-4 1:14 fast 13-S 107 2 4 41 V M Frey 7 Zillah, Josephine Newell, Setteo 78191 Tiiuana 4i f 54 good 06f 105 6 8 85 6«J M Frev 9 Ft. Churchill, D.Turpin, Cedrlc 78125 Tijuana 41 f 96 105 8 8 8 8" F J BaUer S MotorCop, Dr.McArtaur, Faber 78107 Tijuana 3-4 1:15 mud 14 102 5 6 7 7*1 D Jones 8 Al Hotfoot, Brandeis, Malvern FULL AGAIN, b. m, 8 103 By Harrigan— Betty Fuller, by McGee. Trainer, B. A. Moore. Owne-. B. A. Moore. Breeder. B. A. Jones. 79867 Omaha ImTOy l:4CS,fast 23-10 107 41 H Zander !» Quinine, Klla Wood, John Arbor ".9770 Omaha 1 1:41 fast 13 101 24 H Zander 10 Praise, Ella Wood, Yermak 78444 Tijuana 1 1 8 l:55«sfast 470 107 11 12 121 10»i E Neal 14 MarthaL., Col. Lit, GreenSpring 77924 Tijuana lm70y 1:47 fast 19-IOf 106 11 11 11 1012 E Neal 11 Flycjst, Furor, Canny Lady 77831 Tijuana 1 1-1C 1 :49%fast 19f 106 13 13 13 13 • J "Wood 13 Cavaldrll, Encrinite, Insurce 76640 Cul.City 3-4 1:16 good — 115 1" E T Moore 8 Canvasback, Fred. Fear, SilkSox 7G583 Cul.City 1 l:43*sgood — ill 75 E T Moore 7 Orleans Girl. Tutt, Jly Laddie WALNUT HALL, b. cr. 10 112 Ey Sunflower II.— Water weed, by Watercress. Trainer, W. Phillips. Owner. F. Nugent. Bred in England by J. B. Joel. 79698 Omaha 1 1-16 l:50Wast 7-5 115 3i J Heupel 8 Felix M., Bills Luck, MarchLad 78830 Lexgton 1 3-l l:59fast 51 109 7 6 5» 5| L McDottlO StoneAge, SeaConrt, Maj. Chilton 78776 LcxVton 11-4 2:08 fast £3-10 105 3 2 31 5» S Griffin 7 Kirklevgton. Attorney, Timbrel! 7 8727 lexgton 1 1-8 1:55 good 3 112 2 3 21 2 1 S Griffin 8 PaclMicou. Kirklevington. SeaUt 77872 Jefferson 1 1-8 1:56 fast 6 110 5 2 2» 4f L McDott 9 Majority, Vitamin, Attorney 77630 F.Grnds 1 3-16 i::019tgood 15 112 7 6 6» 6» J Owens 11 Huonec. The Archer, Gondolier MISSOURI BOY. ch. g. 6 113 By Harrigan — Shrewd, by The Sharper. Trainer. H. C. McConnell. Owner. H. C. McConnell. Breeder. E. M. McCulloch. 7991 -J Seo todays chart. 79733 Omaha ll:4 W*fast 4 110 321 P Horn 11 W.Hven, W.Mgomery, Mdrono 7V103 Tijuana 1 1-8 1 :55%fast 14 5f 103 2 4 3» 5s] J Wood 12 Dolph. Miss Claire, Arravan 77274 Tijuana 1 1 S 1 :7i5 fast 41 106 1 7 4J 2ll W Molters 10 Fayelle, Sea Way, Fireworth 77163 Tijuana 1 1 S 1 rs-fast 53 104 3 8 8 8*1 W Molters 8 ThoLamb, PrinceDirect. Breeze 77093 Tijuana 1 l:43M fxst ic-5 108 5 7 31 1» S ODonn112 Theresa, OllieWood. E. Harrigan *7042 Tijuana ImTOy 1 :46- .fast 19 110 971 F Cantrell 11 Breeze. Virgo, Encrinite 7C957 Tijuana 1116 1:47 fast 23-10 107 1» S ODonn112 Plunger. The Wag. Colonel Lit BOCOD. ch. h. 8 113 By Voorhees — Love of Gold, by Goldfinch. Trainer. G. I. Hall. Owner, G. L. Hall. Breeder. A. B. Sprockets. 79813 Omaha 1 1-16 l:" l,hvy 4 100 2»» G Ury 5 M.J.Baker, Restful, Bills Luck 79663 Omaha 1 1-1G 1 :4S,fast 19 104 43 J Dawson 6FairOri«nt, NebraskaLad. Cbiva 74186 Omaha 11:46 mud 1 115 3 3 1« 1" E Petzoldt 8 AliceByers, Col. Tex, C.A.Byrne 74122 Omaha 11:40 fast 17 110 2 8 8* 4*1 V Ghridge 9 Biddledee. Zing. Miss G. Denny ; 73881 Omaha 1 1:48 mud 5 115 2 1 l1 21 V Ghriilge 7 Overstep. Consolation. IxistBrush MISS PAIGE, b. f. 4 107 By J. H. Houghton— Ailsa Paige, by Ossary. Trainer, M. Fulley. Owner, J. E. Rees. Breeder. J. A. BlackwelL 79812 Omaha 3-4 l:15%hry 25 104 5«J H Zander 10 FullMoon, M.Cntrary, M. Spears 78440 Tijuana 1 l:42%faat 23 10f 99 7 2 2 1° G Ellis 12 Miss Fryfr. Joe Tag, Kirkwood 78304 Tijuana 1 m70y 1:46?es1ow 14 163 3 2 3*1 34 A Francol2 Caunzel. Tennilee. Mary Doe 78258 Tijuana 5J f 1:10 mud 19 107 6 8 6* 6T1 M Frey 10 Norfd Honey, F.G.Corley, Coombs 78103 Tijuana lm70y 1 :49 mud 69 101 3 6 6*1 6" M Frey 11 PlowSteel, Yermak, DaintvLady 78007 Tijuana 1 1-1S 1 :51*,mud 13f 190 6 6 8 8" J Berg 8 Gnnsight. Gail Ford, H. Warren 77757 Tijuana lm70y ligood If 100 2 7 8 8* T Wilson 8 Pr.Direet, Tikeh, Peter Pierson PEMBROKE, ch. g. 6 112 By Ballot — Eccenana, by Hanover. Trainer. S. Orr. Owner. S. Orr. Breeders. H. H. and J. H. Gaines. 79773 Omaha 1 l:41%fast 4 104 2* J Dawson K Encrinite, Pmpadour, RayAtkin 74189 Omaha 1 1-1C l:51mud 8-5 107 1 1 ]i 1» H Zander 9 Jay Mac, Gen. Byng. Burgoyne 74081 Omaha 1 1 :40%fast 41 105 6 6 5 58 H Zander li Overstep. Arravan. Maysville 73880 Omaha 1 1 :47%mud 18-j i04 4 2 S* 33 H Zander S Jordan. H.of thcNth, Kticntor 72605 Aurora lm70y l:46imud 2J 107 1 1 1J 1 A Fraley 5 Proceeds. Zapatos. Full Moon 724S2 Aurora lm70y 1 :48%fast 10 104 2 1 1* I4 G Sutton I Am. Soldier. Diana, Shoreaeres 72421 Map.Hts 1 1-16 1 :52*t.mud 43 107 5 4 3 41 W iancet 8 Smart Guy. Ragazza, Few Acres THE BESERT. b. g. 8 112 By Black Sand— Parthenis, by Ajaz. Trainer. W. Ormes. Owner. C. Vail. Breeder. Belair Stud. 79914 Seo todays chart. 78279 Tijuana HNf 1:49 Sbvy 11-10 111 4 3 1* 1 E Fator 8 J. Arbor, Promenade. Sal.Carter "8117 Tijuana r.i f 1 :09 good 90 107 11 11 11 10* F J Bakeill Braxos, Jack I edi, Babe Ruth 76497 Tijuana lm.Oy l:49?smud 2 113 4* E Fator 6 The Lamb, Wylie, Dolph 76403 Tijuana 1 lit! 1 :512t,hvy 2 111 3« E Fator 7 Ginger. Tule, WeddingPrince 76240 Tijuana ImTOv l:4Shvy 27-10 111 1* E Fator 9 Toouibeola. DoubleVan. Olynipd 70166 Tijuana lm70y lfast 27 104 8| A Claver 10 Ioacher, Roisterer, Col. Lit 75972 Tijuana lm70y 1 :4C%fast 35f 185 7*3 F WTatrousl2 Sea Way, UManning, W.Prince MARY CONTRARY, ch. f, Z 102 By Ballot— Mary Cary, by Sain. Trainer. P. A. Cornwell. Owner, L. R. Knifong. Breeder. C. H. Berrrman. 79812 Omaha 3-1 l:15%hvy 5 102 25 F Horn 10 Full Moon. Miss Spears. Ispham 78508 Tijuana 11:41Vrfast 14 110 4 8 •• 7«1 C Corbett 10 Zillah. Spear Shot, Debtor 78280 Tijuana lm70y 1 4* *.hvy 13-10 102 5 4 21 1 G Ellis • QnCathne. Mizanna Krekznnas 78154 Tijuana ft 1 :4Shvy 23 10 104 C 1 1* ft* L Creery 7 Mizmna. Krekzunas, Townsend 78111 Tijuana 11:46 good 17-5 103 2 6 41 3*1 F J BakerlO Ooidenta, Mizanna, Zillah 77986 Tijuana 5j f l:09-mu«l 2 105 5 5 3i 11 F J Baker 7 Bmerang. Contribution, StarRed 77860 Tijuana 51 f 1 :07%,fast El 106 9 10 71 6"i F Horn 11 Barn ] ol r, Boomn, Conb t u ELLA WOOD. ch. m, 6 103 By Deering — Neosha Dale, by Ormondale. Trainer. W. P. Gaines. Own?r, Mrs. E. Gaines. Breeder. T. H. Jones. 79867 Omaha lniTOy l:4Bftstsuat 12 105 Ll E Fator 9 Quiuine, John Arbor, Full Again 79770 Omaha 1 1:41 fast 61 103 ft* J DawsonlO Praise. Full Again, Yermak 79733 Omaha 1 l:4 7trast ff 105 8«1 J Dawson 11 W.Hven, W.Mgomery, Mis. Boy 74123 Omaha 1 1-16 1 :49*fast 14 109 1 4 5 6= C Gross S H.Wright. Balfour, MissD.Dance 73840 Omaha lm70y 1 :..3ismu l 23 104 8 5 41 4«1 L Armstg 0 The Desert, Smart Alex. Col. Tex f.r .-;57 Omaha 3-4 IdSfftCMt 13 5 112 310 D Hum 8 M.Denzin, Des.Rose. N.Witwer 4,4 325 Hastings Ab -8 59*.fast 21 luS 5«1 Wr Miller 6 Velvet, Rosroe Goo. e, Ed 1 » Van .3625 Reno 3-4 lltVfast 26 98 3»» II Long 7 Gandoiosa. EllaWood. Flor.Deen 63586 Reno 3-4 1:14 Vifast 1 102 2t H Long 8 Little Abe, Jay Mac, Our Uazu STAR CLOUDY, b. g. 3 102 By Wrack— Stellarina, by Star Shoot. Trainer. D. Howell. Owner, C. E. Thompson. Breeder. L. Garth. 79908 See todays chart. 79809 Omaha 5J f 1 :09 hvy 33-10 105 3*1 F Horn 11 Blue Van, Moon Winks, Perch 79728 Omaha 61 f l:0S *,fast P2-5 108 41 F Horn 9 Pay Off, Sea Beach, Ispham 76398 Tijuana Ml tf%ft»J I 104 43 F Stevens 8 Hrandeis. Kullanti. Mad Trooper 76317 Tijuana 5 f 1 0S* fast 21 100 5*1 F Stevens 14 Omega. Q. Catherine, A. Lester 76260 Tijuana EKl:02/ihvy 33 103 6*1 ¥ Stevens 10 S.sAlibi. Q Catherine, Brandeis 76041 Tijuana 61 f 1 8 112 6JP Walls 7Uttle Clair. Crescent. Brandeis 74328 Th eliffe 3-4 Ll.Vifast 12 102 11 7 51 »i F Stevens 11 Fl. Princess. Odd Seth. Malvern JIM HEFFERLNG. b. g, 9 113 By Trap Rock— Fairy, by St. Frusquin. Trainer. E. E. Sterrett. Owner, E. E. Sterrett. Breeder. E. L. Davis. 79914 Seo todays chart. 79697 Omaha 1 l:4i%fast 63 105 8* H Zander 10 Figuration, M.J.B.iker, C Moore 79658 Omaha 51 f 1 07 fast »1 113 7»1 H Zander 8 MsiyBruen, F.G.Cley. Calgyljid 79052 Akron 61 f l:23Vfcmud 8-5 107 C" J Cowan 8 Aunt. Em., LewisB.." I" 1!. Walker 78993 Akron ft. t 1:20 hvy 4* 102 1 ] Cowan 6 P.ePal, lloraccl.erch, R.Wehle 75293 Wheeling lm70y 1:58 hvy 11 HI V F Horn 10 Blarnev Boy, Nea|K litan, Unit 75169 Wheals 1 1 16 2:02 hvy 8-5 99 C3 J Berg 9 Phelan. Eternity. Auiaze 75103 Whelg Ab 3-4 1:23 sloxv 8-5 110 2 C Jackscn 7 Dr. Hall. Kentlnere, Ind. Chant 74907 Akron 3-4 l:17=fast 13 111 7 J Berg 10 Chow, OurKate, Top Rung TIS SETH. ch. g. 3 M 102 By Seth— Tze-Lsi. by Voter. Trainer, B. F. McClain, Jr. Owner, Ak-Sar-Ben Stable. Breeder. B. A. Jones. 79914 BM todays i-hart. 79692 Omaha 3-4 I:tt%faa* 8 110 4» H Gamer 10 Collision, M.nage, Debtor 71718 Hawthne 6-8 l:05»shvy 10 115 6 6 6 7" E IVtzoldt 7 Sarazin, Hrandeis, No Ladr 71113 Omaha 41 f Mfast 21 112 5 I 5* ft»J ■ H lines 6 Crescent, Clever Seth, Baleful 70896 Omaha 41 f k%n%SMi ftl "4 4 4 3J :1K H Bnes 6 S ,sFlower. Maz Seth. AChtnut 70801 Omaha 41 f 57,mud 13 114 4 4 41 ! K H P.nes 6 S s.k S.-Ren. Brdeis, S.sFler 68784 Havana 1-2 49 fast 6 104 9 9 9 9 ■ V Merimee 9 Norseld. Dixonsliije. Suzuki MORNING TACE, b. m. 6 107 By The Picket— Mary King, by Fatherless. Trainer. B. F. McClain. Owner. J. Sneed. Breeder. J. R. Tarlton. 79867 Omaha Bii70y ]:46Hfast 61 105 91 II Gamer 9 Quinine, EllaWood, John Arbor 79770 Omaha 1 1:41 fast 30 101 6- J Gurmleyl" Praise. Full Again. Ella Wood 79733 Omaha ft I:4*fcfaat 8f 101 ll» J Jormleyll W.Hven. W.Mgoini ry, Mis. Hoy :.053 Mneuve Ab 3-4 1 -Higooil O-H 105 2" F Kullman 7 Lady lone. Dinty Moore, Lively 72997 Mneuve lm70y 2:0s34.mid 15 101 2* V P.ullman 5 T.CIkrner, Satinmore. S.Cnange 72968 M neuve IHI llHTftllina IS 111 4*1 C iiMahy 7 K.sQueen, M. Holland. DorlorD, 72936 Mneuve Ab 5 8 1:02 good 8 115 5-JJ J Kennedy 7 Lb Felix, I.t.W.J.Mray, Ein.ator SEA BEACH, b. g. 11 113 By Marta Santa— Sea Spray, by Star Shoot. Trainer. A. Neal. Owner. A.Neal. Breeder. Clay Bros. 79728 Omaha 51 t l:0Kfast 18 115 2 V Wf iner t Pay Off, Ispham. Star Cloudy 78416 Tijuina ft| f I.OWkflrt M IIS 2 2 2 I .1 Class 14 1 lirome, Zition. C.indoro*:! 78300 Tijuana 6 f 1 :t 9»r,hiow 11 5f 113 8 6 ftV| ti i M Fiey 12 Rn.den. Chrome, t andorosa 77772 Tijuana 6-8 l:0LVifaat 3f 114 1 2 3- 4-l P Martinzll San-rado. Mayo H.. Scottish Iid 77684 Tijuana 6 8 ft Jg%g— I. 14-6f 114 1 2 3" l| P MartinzKl Kortt hur. hill. Mayo R., Vanloo 77640 Tijuana 6 fl:08Sfa»t 31 lOf 114 3 1 31 ft*! P Martinez! I Mntainr, Mayorllse, OllieWd 77552 Tijuana 3-4 l.livfast 19-5f 111 I 1 i: 9 1 V Maitinzll Xciuiilee, Reg. Girl, MayurUouse