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HARVEY AMES EABLE BUILDING BROADWAY AT 52D STREET NEW YORK CITY Yesterdays "Harvey Transaction" Blue Ridge, 4-1, Second The "Harvey Transaction" today starts at Aqueduct where the horse is running on its own training ground and should more than compensate for the reverse of yesterdays "Harvey Transaction." Subscription, 00, must be remitted early as, in the case of yesterday, positively no service to any one unless subscription is here. This in view of the tremendous expense involved. TELEPHONES— CIRCLE 2591, 2592, 2593 and 5749 Dan Lee Suite 305, 145 West 41st Street Corner Broadway New York, N. Y. HOURS: 10 A. M. TO 2 P. M. 0.00 DAILY 0.00 WEEKLY Todays one horse has received a very long and careful preparation for todays race. I have had this horse under my eye personally for several days and know that he is right on edge and ready for a winning race. Also I have received the final O. K. from my connections that today is the day. All who responded to my advertisement on Monday received the following winners: YESTERDAYS HORSE: Lally 15-1 Won THURSDAYS HORSE: Rosa Yela . . . 15-1 Won WEDNESDAYS HORSE: Sans Peche . . 5-1 Won TUESDAYS HORSE: Connie-Bert . . 5-1 Won MONDAYS HORSE: 5-1 Won Negociateur . . I am personally on the job at the race track every day. That is the reason why I have had so many winners. I trust no representatives to gather my information for me. I am at the race track at four oclock every morning. My long experience and years of association with horsemen in this country and abroad make it possible for me to obtain such marvelous results. Expect this one to pay the limit today. Call at office or wire money by Western Union or Postal Telegraph. Edward C. Walker CLOCKER | Today the horses will romp over the Aqueduct | race track and at this track more horses have been . kept under cover this year than ever before. You will seo horses making: their first start in the East and some will show wonderful reversal of form from their last years form — thats where I come in I those are the stables that I watch. Horses fit, just waiting: for a soft spot. | MY PREVIOUS EECOHD: Yesterday I Wired : SWEET ANN 6-1 Won THURSDAY NO WIRE SENT Wednesday I wired: EXALTED RULER 4-1 Won Tuesday I wired: SIMOON 5-1 Won Monday I wired: NEGOCIATEUR 5-1 Won Saturday Z wired: BELPHRIZONIA 6-1 Won Friday I wired: NEGOCIATEUR 7-1 Won Thursday I wired: HIDALGO 7-2 Won You will find it to your advantage to join me during: this meeting-, as in previous years I have , had a larger percentage of winners at this track than at Belmont Park and at Belmont I made a | record among the dockers at that track. MY TEBMS: DAILY— 0 FOE SIX DAYS NEW ADDRESS: EDWARD C. WALKER / Behonberger — Old South Boad Aqueduct, L. I., N. Y. Our weekly Parlay Page is worth while. Buy oopy from your dealer or send for 4 weeks. 1 GALLOPS, 219 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, FRED DAVIS THE TURF WONDER 4 Court Square, Suite 9 Brooklyn, N. Y. TERMS: 0.00 for one weeks service, consists of one horse a day. Again My Followers Won Yesterday: Battlefield 9.20- Won And once again the grabbers took their usual knockout when this horse came romping home in front, and as you all know that it takes little Fred Davis to make you a WINNER. Do business with one who knows and it will prove to you that all investments are safe investments that I advise. I am known wherever racing exists and with my reputation and following I can let you in on winning information; in other words, horses that are on edge and ready to earn brackets when I release the final O. K. to my clients. I am associated with those that are in the know" and if you are a winner or a loser you simply cannot afford to miss a single day following my bona fide information. The day you miss is the day you lose, as naturally you will hear or see in my ad another winner. Thursday: T.S. Jordan.... 7.60- Won Wednesday : Mcintosh 7.60- Won Tuesday: Flower Shop . . .2.70- Won Monday: Ballot Brush .....70- Won Give my information a weeks trial and be convinced that you are getting 00 information for less than a day. If you were to pay 00 a day, you couldnt get any better than I give my clients for ten dollars a week. I advise you to wire your subscription with your correct name and address to avoid delay and that you should be able to appreciate the full value of bona fide information. | | . I | R. Retey ONE BEST— EACH DAY— SENT BY PRE- PAID TELEGRAM TEBMS: 6 DAYS, 0. 9«» GET RICH WITH RETEY 1« Well, boys, I TOLD YOU ALL I HAD A GOOD ONE FOB YESTEBDAY and I gave you all: Battlefield 9.20- Won For Today I have a hundred per cent improved horse. Throw your dope hooks out of the window, for you are going to see a slow horse run fast today at Latonia. All I have to say is, dump yesterdays winnings right back today and go to bed happy. KEMEMBER, BETEY FBEFAYS THE TELEGRAMS SLY DAYS, 0.00 No service unless yon send your address. Rush your order for six days of my ONE BESTS at once, as next week and today soma greatly improved horses are due to come laughing home. Be in on them, R. Retey 15 161st St., Jamaica, N. Y. , | OH, BOYS, LOOK ! This system is still picking the long shots. Here are a few: Blue Van 25.80- Sleepy Head 6-1 Firetoma . ... .7.70- Persian Maid. 6 30 Flower Shop . .2.7G-S2 Moonraker 7.20- Wrangler 0.70- Collision ... 5.80- Top Notch 6.85- Cote dOr 0 00- Wilkes-Barre 4.25- Exodus 1.90- Sea Tide 20-1 Honest Mose . ?20.80- and a large number of others. SYSTEM NO. 2. This wonderful system only had 9 losers in the last meetings at Louisville, Thorncliffe and naught combined; best bet only hid 3 losers in 3S days. Last meetings at Aqueduct and Lexington combined only had 3 losers, best bet only had 1 loser. In one week at the different tracks same system only had 11 losers out of 88 bets; best bets only had 1 loser. Get these systems and pick your own winners. Can be played at or away from ths track. Price in ! full for both only 0.00. Then, after you get them, | and if they have not done just as I advertise, I will gladly return your money. J. H. CROSMAN BOX 26 PALMYRA, IND. 1 Subscribe for Daily Racing Form y— A DISTINCTIVE SEBVICE Kentucky Turf Bureau 1350 BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY 0 FOR SIX WIRES OR FOR ONE DAY Yesterdays Latonia Wire: Brt TomTw .90- Won MAKING 10 STRAIGHT WINNERS A 5 straight play past ten days at Latonia won over ,000 on our service. Thursdays Latonia Wire: T. S. JORDAN 7.60-12 WON Wednesdays Latonia Wire: Mcintosh .eo- won Tuesdays Latonia Wire: FLOWER SHOP 2.70- WON Mondays Latonia Wire: THE RUNT $ 7.60- WON LAST WEEK 5 DAYS 5 WINNERS: SAN VICENTE $ S.00-J2 WON MAKE UP 0.16- WON DUSTY MARY 3.60- WON DUSTY MARY 7.30- WON CLARENCE 2.90- WON PAoolher Sensational Event Today AT LATONIA Do Not Miss It Telegraph 0 for six wires. Be sure to include your correct street address. Do it now. Gars Weekly 35 Cents at All Newsstands TODAYS FREE CODE: LATONIA: Virginia-Snow-House-House. CANADA: Wyoming-Grass-Brown-River. Yes sir, and the Latonia Code is some Big Melon, ready to be "Cut Today." TODAY — Occasional Free on Gars Daily. I got this one Bed Hot. This bird should win every bit as easily as Last Saturdays Grand Special: Nimrod 4.00- Won HOW WE CLEANED UP! Comes from the same source as Nimrod. For this one ask your newsdealer for GARS DAILY 50 Cents at All Newsstands DETBOIT: For sale Triangle Newsstand, Gris-wold and Lafayette; Family Theatre Newsstand, Cadillac Square. CHICAGO ANS: For sale at all principal newsstands. LIVE WIRE Representative Man of good standing in each community to represent high-class turf proposition. Sells on sight. Spare time workers now making big money. Absolutely clean, legitimate proposition backed by 00,000 corporation. For application forms and full particulars address MONTEE PUBLISHING CO. INC. 511 OAKLAND AVE. BALTIMORE, MD. 20 to 1 is the price that is expected on a horse that is eligible to start at Latonia Monday, June 16th, or Tuesday. June 17th, and the people that are handling this deal expect the horse to gallop home, while the majority of the crowd will be wondering what it is all about. There will possibly be three or four spots of this kind during the entire Latonia meeting and those that accept this proposition and remit after the horse has won will be considered in the future when something of this character arises. This horse is expected to be an outsider in the betting, and we feel certain that the horse will justify our confidence by winning his race. The terms for this horse will be the winnings of 0, to be remitted the day after horse wins, by telegraph. Wire, write or telephone your acceptance to t p PRICE 140 Pike St. COVINGTON, KY. Phone: Covington 2395. FREE I I How a telegraph operator discovered ■ I the secret of making money on the races. I For details, mail this ad. with a two- I cent stamp to B J. K. WILLIS, B 225 30th St., Miami Beacb, Florida 8 MONDAY One of the best propositions I have ever handled. REAL SPORTSMEN ONLY WIRE NAME AT ONCE joe Mccarty SARATOGA SPRINGS NEW YORK I ARCH B. ODOM RACE TRACK, LATONIA, KY, I am sending out good ones from here and. if you want to get winners, s2nd me your name and address at once. All I want is the winnings of a .00 straight play. Expect to have another Best Pal in few days. Mail address: 1040 Scott St., Covington, Ky. P. S. — I am a brother of George Odom and personally acquainted with all the horsemen here. Rush answer— one goes today. v i aatf Master Ratings 35 CENTS, AT ALL NEWSSTANDS Published by the SPORTING LEADER HURRAH! I Again "One Best" Won ! Special Long Shot PRETTY POLITICIAN 1.30- WON I tell you, these ONE BEST are the GREATEST THINGS you ever saw. The MASTER RATINGS are the talk of the country. Won 21.50 ON "ONE BEST" PAST 4 DAYS on a 0 bet. Thats DELIVERING, isnt it I TODAYS LATONIA "ONE BEST" A MIGHTY SMART TRICK One that has shown plenty in private. Remember, WEDNESDAYS "ONE BEST" Peggy S.,6.75-,Won THURSDAYS "ONE BEST" Spot Cash, .65-, Won So rush right now to your newsdealer and ask for the MASTER RATINGS 440 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. only 35 cents, mailed, two weeks, . Address DETROIT FOR SALE AT Triangle Newsstand Griswold and Lafayette Family Theatre Newsstand Cadillac Square CHICAG0ANS For sale at all leading newsstands. OMAHA, NEB. — Myer Coren 1411 Farnam St. ST. LOUIS— Wm. Laser 711 Market and 410 Washington Sts. CLEVELAND — 0. Schroeder. .212 East Superior Ave. And cities where BACING FORM is sold. I EASTERN HANDICAPPER 50 CENTS AT ALL LEADING NEWSSTANDS LOOK! AGAIN WE CLEAN UP! Yesterdays GRAND LOKG SHOT Sway 3.10- Won I told you he would romp home at a price. WW Yesterdays Parlay Won Again SWAY— LITTLE VISITOR PAID 10-1 Thursdays clean-up Ocean Current ...90- Won Spot Cash .65- Won H- Parlay Above Two Specials BOTH WON— PAID 11-1. Our new Latonia connections goin ?reat. Last two days we gave you only four Specials — all WON. Two days straight the Parlay won. The biggest 50 cents worth ever. QT" TODAYS ONE BEST Here is the best thing sent to the post at Latonia, Will win in a common gallop. ANOTHER WINNING PARLAY TODAY We will make it three straight. Go right now to your dealer and get the EASTERN HANDICAPPER Only £0 cents in all leading cities. W Chicago Players, Attention! Come up to our office from 10 a. m. to 2 p. m., or for sale at all LOOP NEWSSTANLo. DETROIT PLAYERS. ATTENTION! For sale at BAGLEY NEWSSTAND, cor. Woodward and Monroe; front of Bagley Monument. Other Principal Dealers : Cleveland — SCHROEDER. 212 E. Superior Ave. St. Louis — Wm. Laser. 711 Market St. Dayton — EUPHRAT. 129 S. Jefferson St. or mailed two weeks, . Send to EASTERN HANDICAPPER 10 North Clark St. Chicago, III. B. Tomorrow. ..90- Won was yesterdays best. Long shot was scratched. This makes 9 WINNERS out of 10, including Baffling 4.50- Won This certainly has the world beat. Remember, we do not give six or more horses, absolutely only TWO A DAY and all it costs is 50 cents daily. For sale, all Chicago leading Loop newsstands and office. CINCINNATI AGENT — Fountain Square Newsstand. DETROIT AGENT— Dunns Newsstand. Mailed the night before. 1 week. .03; 2 weeks. .00. Get yours early before your newsdealer sells out. .00 Occasional Goes Today For Sale at Office Only 411, 22 W. QUINCY ST. CHICAGO, LLL. GARS WEEKLY 35 cents at all newsstands. TODAYS FREE CODES: LATONIA: Virginia -Snow -House -House. CANADA: Wyoming-Grass-Brown-River.