untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-06-15


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EASTERN HANDICAPPER , 10 NORTH CLARK STREET, ROOM 706 CHICAGO, ILL. 50 Cent Letter and Special MONDAYS SPECIAL MUST WIN—ALSO PAY OVER 0 FOR i or you get the SPECIAL, FREE, for the rest of the week. We are I doing this because we know something. DONT MISS MONDAYS SPECIAL Dont forget that you must get 4-1 or better on this one. If he dont win and pay that, you get FIVE SPECIALS, FREE. That will mean a great loss to us so we must know what we are doing. To i protect the odd?, on this horse we are only sending a limited number of Specials to each of our dealers, so be sure and get yours early. 100 to 1 parlay goes on our 50 Cent Sheet. Be sure to get both Special and 50 Cent Sheet for Monday. ON SALE TODAY— SUNDAY— AT ALL NEWSDEALERS CHICAGO PLAYERS, ATTENTION! Come up to our office Monday, between 9 a. m. and 3 p. m., and get our BIG SPECIAL. Everybody come up. We would like to have a talk with you. Our office is in the heart of the city. Sunday, for sale at following newsstands: ARCADE KEWSSTORE 74 West Madison Street DAISS ■ W. Randolph Street NEWSSTAND Corner Quincy and State Streets For Sale Monday at all Loop newsstands. DETROIT — For sale at BAGLEY NEWSSTAND Corner Woodward and Monroe ATennes Front of the Baffley Monument. CLEVELAND— At O. C. SCHROEDER 212 East Superior Arena? ST. LOCIS — At WM. LASER 711 Market Street; also 410 Washington Street DAYTON— At ElPHRATS 129 South Jefferson Street Flayers in other cities, wire us and we will wire you Mondays Guaranteed Special. RELIABLE INFORMATION AT LATONIA Nothing required In adTance hut a Good Reputation. If yon can use some absolutely reliable information, information that yon can play with confidence, and yon are a business man that can rive the very best of references, and will agree to treat all of our dealings confidentially, let me hear from yon at once. If your references are satisfactory, yon will hear from me and I will give yon my terms. I want to state that yon coald not procure information of this hind at any priee, and if you knew the source of same, you wonld not hesitate, but would be glad to get in on same. Touts, tipsters, etc, save your time and mine. Address H. C. S. Room 431, Dennison Hotel - - Cincinnati, Ohio FREDDAVJT THE TURF WONDER 4 Court Square, Suite 9 Brooklyn, N. Y. TERMS: 0.00 for one weeks service, consists of one horse a day. Again My Followers Won Yesterday: Actuary 4.60- Won And once again the grabbers took their usual knockout when this horse came romping home in front, and as you all know that it takes little Fred Davis to make you a WINNER. Do business with one who knows and it will prove to you that all investments are safe investments that I advise. I am known wherever racing exists and with my reputation and following I can let you in on winning information; in other words, horses that are on edge and ready to earn brackets when I release the final O. K. to my clients. I am associated with those that are in the •know" and if you are a winner or a loser you simply cannot afford to miss a single day following my bona fide information. The day you miss is the day you lose, as naturally you will hear or see in my ad another winner. Friday: Battlefield 9.20- Won Thursday: T. S. Jordan. . . .7.60- Won Wednesday: Mcintosh 7.60- Won Tuesday: Flower Shop . . .2.70- Won Monday: Ballot Brush . . . ..70- Won Give my information a weeks trial and be convinced that you are getting 00 information for less than a day. If you were to pay J500 a day, you couldnt get any better than I give my clients for ten dollars a week. I advise you to wire your subscription with your correct name and address to avoid delay and that you should be able to appreciate the full value of bona fide information. SQUARE DEAL Racing Investments are the cream of Latonia information. Winners are what count. This week three of the best investments I have ever handled. I First one goes Tuesday, June 17. Profits of a 0 straight play to be wired me, my expense, day after race. Real sportsmen, send me to prepay telegrams and your correct name and street address. Rich Willis Apt. 2, Brittany Bldg. Cincinnati, Ohio. MONDAY * One of the best propositions I have ever handled. MEAL SPOKTSMEN ONLY WIRE NAME AT ONCE joe Mccarty SARATOGA SPRINGS NEW YORK If R. Retey ONE BEST— EACH DAY— SENT BY PREPAID TELEGRAM. TERMS: 6 DAYS, 0. W GET RICH WITH RETEY "M My one best yesterday was: Coif in 6.1 0- Won My one beet Friday was: , Battle Field.. 9.2tV- Won j LAST WEEK EYERY ONE BEST WON EXCEPT ONE AND THAT RAN SECOND AT 80 TO 1 I have one of the biggest followings of anyone in this business and all my followers should be getting rich. Another long one going Monday and many at big prices daring the week. Thousands of clients make it possible for me to sell this information at prices within the reach of the small bettor and, remember, RETEY PREPAYS TELEGRAMS SIX DAYS, 0.00 Rush your subscription. ! R. Retey 15 161st St, Jamaica, H. Y. 1 I i LATONIA RACES COLUSCHREINER AMERICAS PREMIER CLOCKER 30 Years Experience as Clocker YOU CAN EMPLOY ME TO WORK FOR YOU 5 FOR ANY TEN DAYS j Yon will find me to be just ten years ahead of I the present day people in my line. Rush your subscription. Dont fail to send your address. From me you get track conditions and no scratched j horses, but fit horses. My many slients will vouch for my marvelous success at Kentucky tracks. Consult a specialist of the game. I wire one or two horses daily at 11 oclock. TetegTt ph remittances or remit by express order in letter. Propositions not considered. Strictly cash onl-. HAVLIN HOTEL CINCINNATI, OHIO HAVLIN HOTEL CINCINNATI, OHIO THE ADMIRAL SYSTEM j The Employed Mans Sheet-Anchor I • A STRAIGHT FLAT BET ONLY At New York and Kentucky it I WOS 01.00 for week ending May 31. AVON 31.00 for week ending June 7. j AVON 04.00 this week np to Thursday. I AX ABSOLUTE HI IDEA I You are under no obligation when you in- I quire for full details and tabulated actual | past results. | THE ADMIRAL COMPANY 306 Stewart Bldg. Baltimore, Md. "IF IN NEED OF INFORMATION, WRITE OR WIRE WHEELER" Am on the ground; well connected. Term*; Win- . nings of 0, to be 7 to 5 or better. Writs for code, General Delivery, Latonia, Ky., or wire Latonia Race Track. | W. M. WHEELER , i I OHIO TURF EXCHANGE 845 WEST 47TH STBEET, ROOM 40$ -:- -:- AKRON, OHIO WRANGLER 0.70- WON ANNIE JORDAN 0.40- WON Two weeks ago I advertised I would send out two long shots during the Latonia meeting that wonld win at long prices. WRANGLER and ANNIE JORDAN were the two I had in view and both won as X expected. Plenty of money to operate with and patience to wait for the right day, is the only way t win. IS IT WORTH 0.00 to know the right day? I am positive about one Monday, June 16th, and Tues day, June 17th. I am making this offer: 0.00 for Mondays horse, or, 0.00 for both. Remember, yon get a winner for your money, at a price, and no information is released by me unless I am confident of winning and know the right money is down. I feel positive a 00 should give you a ,500 return on your investment. Wire your sub-; scription, or call. PHONE— LACKAWANNA 8878 i , j i Albert Mackley AMERICAS PREMIER TURFMAlf At Principal Newsstands, Priee fl.M Mailed you in a plain sealed envelope overnight, one week, .00. Send money to ALBERT MACKLEY ROOM ?•«, PUTNAM BLD., CHICAGO, ILL. I will wire a big 00 SPECIAL. Wednesday to all those that send me .00 for two weeks. Send money to my Chicago office. The Mackley army is cleaning up day after day. Some of my last winners : Yesterday"s winner was : Actuary 4.60- Won And winners for the week were : Actuary 4.60- Won Better Luck .80- Won T. S. Jordan . . .7.60- Won! Mcintosh 7.60- Won Huon Pine 4.00- 2nd! Ballot Brush . . . ..20- Won Goshawk 2.90- Won; Dustabout Lost I Only Give One Horse a Day Mondays Horse comes to me from the best connections. 1 1 have word that there will be a ton of money bet on this one in New York. The people betting this money are reliable horsemen and they know when to bet. If you are wise, get my Special TODAY Sunday for Monday. On sale wherever Racing Form is sold. CHICAGO FOR SALE at my branch office and at all newsstands. DETROIT FOR SALE at the Bagley Newsstand, Woodward at Monroe Ave., and other newsstands. CLEVELAND FOR SALE O. C. Schroeder, 212 East Superior Ave, ST. LOUIS FOR SALE Wm. Laser, 711 Market Street. LIVE WIRE Representative Han of good standing in each community to represent high-class turf proposition. Sells in sight. Spars time workers now making big money. Absolutely clean, legitimate proposition backed by 00,000 corporation. For application forms and full particulars address MOSTEE PUBLISHING CO. INC. 511 OAKLAND AVE. BALTIMORE, MD. • . ARE YOU 7 Interested in Racing • The San Francisco Home Stretch, a week* ly journal devoted exclusively to the thoroughbred, calls your attention to the fact | that five of Americas foremost turf writers write a story each week about the thoroughbred that will interest you. SINGLE COPY 15 CENTS Three months trial subscription. .00. We can use a few more reliable newsdealers in | the city of Chicago. Liberal commissions paid and unsold copies returnable. Address: 1 Ths Home Stretch Pub. Co., Phelan Bldg., San Francisco, Calif. i I I | Subscribe for Daily Racing Formi DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO f PLYMOUTH COT/BX ;: CHICAGO, BJbJ 1 Old Dan Lee Suite 305, 145 West 41st Street Corner Broadway New York, N. Y. HOURS: 10 A. M. TO 2 P. M. 0.00 DAILY 0.00 WEEKLY Mondays Horse has been burning up the track in private. I personally clocked this horse six furlongs in 1:13% and he sure can set a dizzy pace. My advice is to get the money Monday on OLD DAN LEES ADVICE, x S.ncereiy believe that a small investment should net you ,000 TOMORROW OLD DAN LEE gives strictly one horse a day. Never mere than one. except when I have an occational 00 FREE SPECIAL I am personally on the ground at the New York tracks at 4 oclock every morning. I also have a representative at Canada and Kentucky. I PROMISE YOU A SQUARE DEAL ASK DAD. He KNOWS! YESTEBDAYS HOKSE: Coffin Won . . 6.10- FRIDAYS HORSE: Lally 15-1 Won THUBSDAYS HORSE: Rosa Yeta . . . 15-1 Won WEDNESDAYS HORSE: Sans Peche . . 5-1 Won TUESDAYS HORSE: Conniebert 5-1 . . Won MONDAYS HORSE: Negociatenr 5-1 . . Won It was the end of a perfect week. boys. Start off tomorrow and let me prove to you what I knew. Do net miss another week like last. Wire money Western Union or Postal telegraph. | Sporting Leader *5 CENTS AT ALL NEWSSTANDS. NEW EDITION FOR SALE TODAYS FREE CODES: Latonia: Memphis-Kersey-Lament-Intent. Dorval: Albany-Fancy-Intent-Level. And under NO consideration whatever fail to ret the DOKVAL FREE CODE. Here is cue that will be a LONG PRICE. Some PIPPIN, this one. Get the NEW EDITION and look it up. AGAIN WE WON AL GERNS 0 SPECIAL: Betelpese, .60-, Won AND HOW WE CLEANED UP! Aqueduct Special : lAvisack, 8-1, Won Today Free: Al Gerns 0 Special With His Special. I tell you, I got this one SO STRONG "that only a broken leg can stop him from winning." said Bill to me last night. So there you are. For this 0 SPECIAL ask your newsdealer for Al Gerns Specials Only , at all newsstands. CHICAGOANS— FOR SALE SUNDAY: Arcade News, across Mcrrison Hotel, oa Clark St. DETROIT— FOE SALE: Triangle Newsstand, Griswold and Lafayette Sta. Family Theatre Newsstand, Cadillac Sq. | 1 i I I THE SURETY SYSTEM Averages two to three plays a day. Month of March, 1924, this system won 47.00 on a tea dol-I lar flat straight play. The very cream of the turf plays. Win» all the year, especially for handbook players. Write for particulars and terms. ATLANTIC COMMISSION COMPANY Box 1153 Atlantic City, N. J. iADVERTISE IN RACING FORM

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924061501/drf1924061501_15_1
Local Identifier: drf1924061501_15_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800