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I I . 1 — a Entries and Past Performances s AQUEDUCT ■ 7! MONDAY, JUNE 16 ! G WEATHER CLEAR; TRACK FAST. The figures under the heading "Bee." in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1, 1922, no matter where it finished. In cases where record was made on other tban a fast or good track, abbreviations show track conditions. 76460 IS FIRST INDEX OF 1924. 78688 IS THE FIRST INDEX OF MAT. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago timo, 1:30. ® Superior mini runner. X Good mtitl runner. 9 Fair mini runner. |M Mnidens. Apprentice sllowance. b Blinkers. The following abbreviations are used to lesignate tracks at which time records shown in entries were made : Aqueduct Aq Jefferson Park. JP Aurora Au Kenilworth Ke Belmont Park BP Kempton Park KP Bluo Bonnets BB King Edward Ki Bowie ....Bo Latcnia La Churchill Downs CD Laurel Lu Columbus Co Lexington Lx Connaught Park CP Mapl3 Heights MH Conneaut Lake CL Marlboro Mb Dade Park DP Mobile Mo Devonshire Da Mount Royal MR Dorval Do Omaha Om Dufferin Du Pimlico Pm I Empire Em Reno Ri I j Fair Grounds FG Saratoga Sa | Fort Erie FE Tanforan Ta Hamilton Hm Thorncliffe Th Havre do Grace HG Tijuana Ti Hawthorne Hw Toledo To Havana Hv Windsor Wi Huntington Hu Woodbine Wo Jamaica Ja First Race — 6 1-2 Furlongs. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Sept. 25, 1922 - 1 117%— 4— 121. Todays Tnd. Horse. Wt. Rm . A.Wt Hun 79136 St. Allan Aq 112 1:18% 1118X758 78689 bFlanncl Shirt ... ■ 122X74.". 79953 bMuskallonge ..BP 115 1:19% 0 116X745 79737 Yankee Princess Bo MB 1:23 3 102y"40 78241s hApex Bo 110 1:20% 5 tli..740 80122 BP 118 1:18% 0 116. .710 77966 •Sue Donovan ... 3 104x735 ■ 79015 Carmen Pantages Aq 10211:22% 4 109X735 80122 Curtis Bo 103 1 23V.m 4 111.. 730 79474 High Hand Aq 11211:21 4 114.. 730 78C63 Dclir.or Bo 112 1:21 % 3 104x725 75307 Remnant 3 99. 725 79895 Homestar M ... 4 109. .725 80122 Good Tirrfes ■ 120X725 79S99 Corn Products M 3 104.. 725 Second Race — 1 Mile. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: June 25, 1921—1:36 — 4—127. 79761 First Pick M... 3 106. .725 80O87 Annivcrs.ny . ..BP 10S 1:39 7 109X720 79859 .Taunebar BP 112 1 :39%s 5 109X715 79738 Trite Ja 113 1:39% • MfXTlS 80387 High Commander BP 111 l:39:i; 4 US. .713 79761 Ren Wood Sa 108 1:39% 4 106.. 710 78719 bSoviet Aq 105 1:44% 4 10KX710 800S7 bL* Eclair BP 111 1:39 6 109.710 79478 b.luno Aq 98 148% 5 109X705 79761 Bessie Ix-ighton Aq 103 1:41% 4 101X705 79478 Irene Sweeney BP 101 1:39% 4 106.. 700 79859 Sir Gallahad ILPm 115 1:44 10 107 .700 78568 Poor Snort Lu 110 1:44% 4 112X700 79859 Scare Crow .. .Aq 101 1:41% 4 113. .700 I I j | ■ 79869 bWarlike BP 112 1:43% 7 112 TOO » 79135 Savit M 3 91.. 700 „ 70157 Pensive M 4 108.. 700 " 79392 Mitau IP 9611:40 3 99. TOO » 78956 Bonfire 4 111X70- C Third Race-5-8 Mile. Twenty-Third Runninj Canarsie Claiming Stakes. ; ,000 Added. 7: 2 -year -olds. Track record: Sept. 25, 1922— 57%— 2— 107. 80083 Master Billv . .Ja 97 1:00% 104X725 C 79590 Socrates Ja 113 1:01 102.720 800832 Dugout 99. 715 79996 Barnev Google .Ja 112 1:01 %m 102x715 p 80123s Peanuts Ja 110 1:03% 109. .710 79138 Theo Kay Ja 107 1:00% 107x710 ; 79S57- Rejected BP 112 :59% 104x710 7 80151 Clavichord M 7 Ja 114 1:03 106.. 710 , 79*02 Hidalgo Ja 107 1:02 1012.. 705 7 7S996" Pocket. Mouse M 118.. 705 J 79637 Gladstone M .. 112.. TOO . 80388 Rodeo M 102. .700 80047 Ranock M 107.. 700 „ 79351 Wiser M Ja 114 1:01 94. .TOO ! Villager 102 , Fourth Race — 1 Mile. Olambnla Handicap. j ,200 added. 3-year-olds -nd upward. Track record: June 25, 1921— 148—8— 127. J 80149 CHERRY PIE.BP 113 1 :35% 4 124. 750 I 80046:! Horologe Bo 110 1:37 5 124X740 I j 80045- l.Brainstorm . . .BP 105 1 :3G% 5 126x74! t J 80146 Nautical BP 107 1:39% 3 121x7:.5 i j 80044s Roland BP 112 1:38% 8 111. .725 , 80345 Yalador Bo 115 1:38% 4 117x725 I Fifth Race — 1 Mile. ] Purse ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: June 25, 1921—1:36 — 4—127. - 800873 Royal Charlie. BP 107 148 5 104x725 7 79180= Water Girl . . .BP 103 1 :38% 4 101.. 720 1 7 80087 Keenan BP 111 1:39% « 111. .718 i 7 80087 Jay Ben BP 10611:39 3 99.715 I , 80C87-bVar Mask ...BP 107 1:39% 8 107x715 , 80122 bYalor BP 111 1:37% 10 112®710 79012s Bendita 4 108x710 « 78693 Moon Dream M 3 91.. 705 - 79098s Sword Pm 102 1:41% 5 104 . . 705 - 79474 Reverwyck FG 97 1:43% 4 113X705 ! . 79859 Scottish Chief .BP 112 1:40% 6 107.. 705 • 79538 Lagoon BP 95 l:43%m 3 89. .700 - 79859 Prima Donna .Aq 102 1:41% 4 103x703 63650 Meadoworth ..Hv 110 1:42 11 1884.789 i * , 79953 Montalvo BP 117 1:42% 6 114.700 . 78744 Idle Toy M 4 108. 700 , 74308 Royal Airman M 3 97. .703 . * . 80122 bHonor Man 8 112.700 . Cinna 7 109 I 1 Sixth Race, — 5-8 Mile. | Turse ,000. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Special Weights. - Track record: Sept. 25, 1922— 57%— 2—107. - 79140 Volante Ja 117 1:00% 115. .725 ", 1 8O0383 Sanford 115. .720 78978 Arbitration . . Pm 1083100% 115x715 " 79954 Seaman Ja 115 1:01% 115. .715 " 78854 Harlan 115. .710 ] 80047 Sumpter 115.. 710 9 80047 Gus R 115.710 I » 78863 115. 705 78930 Bscolane Jall5 1:04%h 115. .705 : • 80148s Rigoletto 118.. 700 I • 80148 Pol Roger 115. .700 ■ 79637 Gladstone 115.. 700 ! . 80047 Tick Tock 115.. TOO Red Sultan 115 Retire 115 i Sunsard 115 Ted 115 ; Despot 115 • • Fred Taral 115 Major Finley 115