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Entries and Past Performances LATON I A THURSDAY, JUNE 26 WEATHER CLEAR: TRACK FAST. 80355 Deeming. 10 . .La 105 1:09m 115X720 Th figures under the leading "Ree." In 80287 Silver Slippers, 1. 115.. 715 the- entries below show the best time of 80393 Atomin, 18 115. .715 each horse at the distance since January 1. 80393 Midnight Hose, 17 115X710 1922. no matter where it finished. In case 80215 Lucerne, 8 115.. 710 where record was made on other than a fast 80140 Cordon Rouse, 11. 115.. 705 or good track, abbreviations show track 79528 Miss Einmcrt, 12. 115.. 705 conditions. 80287 Phils Sister, 2.. 115. .700 80253 Boo Boo, 3 115.. 700 80215 Jtosa Greener, 6. . 115. .700 76160 IS FIRST INDEX OP 1924. Soi8Ctc V" m 79686 IS FIRST NUMBER OF JUNE. Sorothy Adams.6 . - . Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Chicago time 2:00. Beauty Slave, 13. 115 Superior mud runner. X Good mud runner. "Venom, 14 115..... Fair mud runner. M Maidens. Apprentice Waterflag, 15 ... 115 allowance. bClinkers. Sparkle Star, 10.. 115 The following abbreviations are used to designate tracks at which time records shown in entries Third Race 1 Mile and 70 Xards. were were made nijue. Purse ,400. 3-year-olds. Claiming. - . Track record: Nov. 3. 1917 141 3 120. Aqueduct Aq. Jefferson Park JP 1 , . , or Aurora Au Kenilworth Ke 80394 Parody, 4 La 108 1:43 Jg""5. Belmont Park BP Kempton Park KP 80419 Klaxon, 2. .. ...La 110 1:44 104.. 720 Blue Bonnets BB King Edward Kl 80350 Swift Water M, Bowio Bo Latonia La 0 La 105 1:44,6 v?w Churchill Downs CD Laurel Xu 80351 oftocix Krishna, .1 ...... So ,in Columbus Co Lexington Lx 80455 The Reaper, 7.La 101 1:46 80220 Bugler, 8 ...La 110 1:45 109X70o Connauriit Park CP Mapla Heights MH Conneaut Lake CL Marlboro Mb 80419 Glanmore M, 3. "n 77966 Provident M. 5. 109. .700 Dado Park DP Mobile Mo Devonshire Do Mount Royal MR Dorval Do Omaha Om Fourth Race 1 Mile. Dufferin Du Pimlico Pm Devou Park Purse. Empire Em Reno Re Purse ,700. 4-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Pair Grounds FG Saratoga Sa Track record: June 19, 1924 1:36 3 107. Tort Erie FE Tanforan Ta 79640 chacolct, 4 . . . .La 102 1:39 6 120750 Hamilton Hm Thorncliffe Th 80217 Fiowers of Love.l 4 99.-745 Havre do Grace HG Tijuana Ti 8217 bPegasus, 2 CD 105 1:39 5 107 X735 Hawthorne Hw Toledo ..To 80218 Ten-Lec, 5 ...CD 109 1:37 6 108X735 Havana Hv Windsor. . Wi 80457s Wune Grass, 3. BP 111J1:36 5 110.. 730 Huntington Hu Woodbine Wo Jamaica Ja Tiiih Race 3-4 Mile. . Boone Purse. First Race 3-4 Mile. Purse ,600. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Tursc ,400. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Track record: June 20, 1924 1:09 3 107. Track record: June 20, 1924-1 :09-07;j 8 116x750 Audaciouai 4 CD Ind. ITorseandrnstros. Wt. Ren. A.Wt.han. 80143 Alice Blue Gown 8 hwm- C80081 Hunter, 6 ....La 103 1:12 113 X725 tliiZ? , 80319 BAO, Bob Cahill, 6. .La 99 10 3 102.. tak 745 80282 Queen Charming, 4 La 100 1:12 10S..720 80353 Dudley, 3 ....La 10j 110 La 110 110 5 80394 Queer, 17 La 105 1:12 110715 80319s Crayon, 2 Sa 120 1:11 5 107.. 73o 80217 Rocket, 80282 Ray Jr. 9 La 112 1:12 108X715 1 .. ..La 106 1.11 4 80251 Certain "i6,730 80214 Mason Towle, 3La 103 1:14 105X710 5 102 7 La Tana 80394 Miss Fortune, 18 FG 94 1:13 103.. 710 . x. E , , Sixth Race- 1-2 Furlongs. 80139 Mill Boy, 5 ..La 109 1:13 110.. 710 80353 Devil Girl, 16.La 112 1:13 105X710 Kla,e ru,rs, A ,A. Colts and Geldings. 80250 Watchful M, lLall7 1:14 113.. 705 Purse ,600. 2-year-olds. 80318 Spanish Rose, 7La 110 l:15h 107X705 , . Allowances. ,m June 1909 1:05 3-93. 79680 Great Beginner. Track record: 7, 12 MH 103 1:13 110. .705 80317 BENEDICT VOW, 80351 Elusive M. 13CD 103 1:14 105.. 705 1 La 115 1:06 108. .725 79006 Louise Wagner 79344 Flying Ebony, 2. 122X715 M, 2 Lx 10Hl:19m 107.. 700 78031 Tooniuch, 3 108. .710 80282 Double T. M, 8 80249 Tilka M, 4 106. .705 La 10011:13 105. .700 Fairy Master, 5.. 106 80282 Gussie P. M, 10 La 88 1:14 100.. 700 Seventh Race 1 1-16 Miles. 79442 Auntie Millin, 11 Purse ,400. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Lx 92 1:14 105.. 700 Track record: June 14. 19241:43 1 114. 74637 Polychresty M, 80116 Opulent, 9 La 100 1:45 5 100.. 725 . 14 , 110.. 700 803522bQuesada, S ...Pm 104 1:47 5 100 X 720 80351 Climax M, 15.La lllil:14 110. .700 80186 Sway, 3 Hw 105 1:45 8 105X715 , 80288 Untried, 2 La 102 1:44 4 105X715 Second Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. 80186 Oo La La, 6. .HG 101 1:40 5 102X710 Turse ,400. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Fillies. 80356 Fancy Free, 4.CD 111 1:46 5 110X710 , , TA"0W,anCn , 80141 Alard, 1 FG 110 1:48 4 07.. 705 ,m Track record: June 7, 1909 i 1:05 r-v 3 93. 80395 stUmp Jr., 7.. La 104 1:47 4 102X705 80215 Buttress, 4 115. .725 80421 Lugs, 8 La 115 1:47 5 105.. 705 lSt RACE M1J!i j 3year"oIds Claiming:. June 20, 1024 1:09 4-5 Index Course Dlsl Time Tck Odds Wt St U fit: Fin Jccucra Started Ordei of Finish HUNTER, ch. c, 3 113 By Peter Quince Muriel, by Watercress. - Trainer. D. E. Stewart. Owner, J. N. Camden. Breeder. J. N. Camden. 80081 Latonia 3-4 l:12good 11-5 103 1 1 -1 1" L McDottlO Sizzle, Daughter Dear. Mill Boy 79382 Churchill 1 l:39fast 3 107 4 Pulled up W Kelsay 9 Norseland, Annie Lyle, Shindy 79262 Churchill 3-4 1:13 good S 106 6 6 11 10i L McDottll Glyn, Flting On, Auntie May 78900 Churchill 1 l:40mud 31 1031 3 3 71 7" W Kelsay 9 King Gorin II., Dudley, Dazzler 75249 Latonia 3-4 l:13slow 9 104 7 7 7 7" E Blind 7 Bat.Creek. C.Gilmore, ChUhowee 74637 Latonia 51 f 1:07 fast 31-10 113 3 4 4 441 N Barrett 8 Baffling, Frank Gailor. Deronda QUEEN CHARMING, cn. r, 3 103 By Atheling H. Island Queen, by Dick Welles. Trainer. L. Johnson. Owner. W. H. Whitehouse. Breeder. Nevada Stock Farm. 10282 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 8-5 100 4 1 l1 11 F HstingslO Brookdale, Star Cudgel, Ray Jr. 97868 Jefferson 3-4 1:14 fast 18-5 100 2 3 6l 55 E Blind 15 Everglade, Dreamer, Stake Me 77802 Jefferson 3-4 l:14fast 31 102 1 3 2" 3 B Breningl4 Pathan, StakeMc, BxtraEdition 77G49 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13fast 18-5 S3 4 2 11 l4 B Brening 9 Whalebone, Lugs, IdleThoughts 77518 F.Grnds 3-4 1:13 fast 6 98 2 1 5 56 D Mergler 0 K.ONHIL, Blotter, Mali Jong 77387 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13fast 7 101 5 2 21 4 D Mergler 9 MahJong, BrilliantCast, Invictus QUEER, ch. f, 3 110 By Hilarious-Ethel Le Brume, by Broomstick. Trainer, L. H. Sewell. Owner, F. Weiland. Breeder. Williams Bros. 80394 Latonia 3-4 1:13 slow 3 108 2 1 11 11 F Thdyke 9 Polynesia, Parody, Volt 7P792 Latonia 3-4 l:12good 13-5 105 3 1 11 1 B Harvey 9 Volt, The Runt, Polynesia 792G2 Churchill 3-4 1:13 good 24f 101 1 1 1 65 F Thdykell Glyn. Flting On, Auntie May 79171 Churchill 7-8 1:30 slop 11 1041 3 6 6 6s H Long 7 MissMchief, AnnieLyle, Quivero 78800 Lexgton 3-4 l:13fast 6 9C 5 2 4h 5ei D Jones 12 Newlieauty, OddScth. Mex.Tea 705 1G Churchill 5-8 59fast 3 101 4 1 ll 21 T Brothers 6 Sanola, Wood Lady, Pest RAY JR., ch. e, 3 108 By Dick Finnell Moonet, by Donald A. Trainer. G. V. Barnes. Owner, C. W. Clark. Breeder. W. E. Walsh. 80282 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 81 112 3 3 31 41 H Long 10 Q.Charming, Bkdale, StarCudgel 79583 Churchill 1 l:37fast 74 115 5 8 8 8" H Long S Giblon, Corinth, Bob Tail 75064 Latonia 3-4 l:17hvy 6 110 5 2 31 S J D Mncy 0 Pest, Volt. Lady Jane 74891 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 11 115 1 2 11 In J D Mneyl2 Starbeck. Graeme, Polvo 74G33 Latonia 61 f 1:07 fast 52 115 7 3 3 3 J D Mneyl2 Sizzle, Gibbons, Firetoma 74458 Latonia El f l:07fast 62 112 4 3 12 11J J D Mneyl2 Batter Up, Horgan, PhilMcCann MASON TOWLE, ch. g, 3 105 By Hourless Humanity, by Voter. Trainer, L. Johnson. Owner, L. Johnson. Breeder, B. Comb3. 80214 Latonia lm"0y 1:45 fast 12 102 4 2 54 52 D Jones 9 T.Cpetitor, BhBuck, LadyJane 8007G Latonia 3-4 l:12good 61 103 5 2 31 410 G Ellis 11 Parody, T.Competitor, L.Mariau 79630 Churchill 3-4 l:13fast 4 113 8 9 91 Sl J Corcornl3 Nimrod, Volt, Elusive 76771 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13good 40 103 8 7 9l 91 J Heupel 10 Mercury, Centimeter, Julia M. 76366 Jefferson 3-4 l:lGgood 30 112 8 7 7" 71 N Barrett 9 Frankman, Deronda, Herb-rtus 74897 Latonia 2-4 1:13 fast 32 113 12 11 ll1 10 F Merimeel2 ColonelGilmore. Rambler, Dobsoa MISS FORTUNE, b. f. 3 103 By All Gold Stickling, by Broomstick. Trainer. A. Goldblatt. Owner, M. Shapoff. Breeder. H. P. Whitney. 80394 Latonia 3-4 1:11 slow 54 108 6 7 71 C F Merimee 9 Queer, Polynesia, Parody 80184 Latonia 3-4 l:llfast 34 103 8 7 9l 8 F MerimeelO Bobs Mary, Elvina, Sayno 77783 Jefferson 1 l:40faat 15 931 6 4 2n 2 B Brening- 7 Sympathy, Llewellyn, Blue Nose 77710 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14fast 5 99 3 1 3n 21 I Parke 12 El Astro, Swpstakes, Dglmut 77407 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13fast 20 98 5 4 51 El J Wallace 9 Translate. Sweepskes, Uon.Man 769G6 F.Grnds 1 l:43mud 7 99 2 4 5 510 E Blind 7 Payman, KingONeillll., Pathan 7G811 F.Grnds 3-4 1:15 mud 8 ICS 3 6 4 21 F Lee 9 Invictus, Mah Jong, Everglade MILL BOY, ch. g, 3 110 By Charles Edward Old Woman, by Yankee. Trainer. J. O. Whitlow. Owner, Hickey Bros.. Breeder. H. Montgomery. 80139 Latonia lm70y l:44fast 4G-5 108 3 1 P S15 D Hum 12 Colfin, Niagara, Annie Lyle 80081 Latonia 3-4 l:12good 16-5 109 5 6 41 41 E Pool 10 Hunter, Sizzle, Daughter Dear 79630 Churchill 3-4 l:13fast 13 113 9 5 4 4 W Kelsayl3 Nimrod, Volt, Elusive 78800 Lexgton 3-4 l:13fast 35 10S 11 10 81 Sl W Kelsay 12 Newlieauty, OddSeth, Mex.Tea 75512 Churchill 3-4 1:14 fast 3 115 1 2 11 in D ConnllylS Nogales, Lcvoy, Lady Burrows 75302 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 10 109 3 10 10s 962 D Connllyl3 Q.Charmg. Bainra, BlkUrackle DEVIL GIRL, b. f, 3 105 By Spanish Princo II. Little Devil, by Ogden. Trainer, R. L. Rogers. Owner, H. L. Crain. Breeder. J. E. Madden. 80350 Latonia 1 1-1G l:4Smud 51 105 7 7 7h 8" B Harvey . 8 AnnieLyle, Florence W., ByeBye 80220 Latonia lm70y 1:44 fast 10 101 9 4 31 2 B Harvey 9 Slicker, Bugler, Cyprcme 79841 Latonia lm"0y l:4ofast 9 100 9 9 7 8" D Jones 10 Ballot Brush.Annie Lyle, Bugler 79533 Churchill 1 1-16 1:52 hvy 2 99 1 4 6 6" G Ellis 6 Bugler, Ann M., Lady Jane 79134 Churchill 1 l:41mud 3-2 100 5 4 E 5" G Ellis 8 KgTut, PrtyPoIiticn, Niagara 79042 Churchill 1 1-1C l:47good 7 991 6 4 21 24 G Ellis 8 Firetoma, Bye Bye, Privilege WATCHFUL, b. c, 3 M 113 By Tho Manager Caution, by Planudes. Trainer, S. Chenault. Owner, T. C. McDowell. Breeder. T. C. McDowell. 80250 Latonia 3-4 1:12 fast 28 117 3 4 8l 8" J Howard 12 New Gold, Volt, Miss Mischief 80141 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 34f HO 8 8 12 12" J Howardl2 Brunswick, EasBells, Inquition SPANISH ROSE, b. f, 3 107 By Spanish Prince H. Met Mexican, by Mexican. Trainer, C. Van Dusen. Owner, W. C. Goodloe. Breeder. W. C. Goodloe. 80318 Latonia lmTOy l:43fast 11 107 2 3 6 61 H Stutts 6 Parody, Nimrod, Annio Ly!s 78750 Lexgton lm70y l:45fast 3-2 110 3 1 21 6" E Pool 8 Begonia, Amity Claim, OddScth 78085 Lexgton 1 l:43mud 29 121 3 4 6 31 W Lilley 8 Rinkey, Btiful Agnes. Elvina 78106 Tijuana 1 l:43mud 7 103 5 4 6 6" F J Baker 0 My Daddy, Freebooter. Gohlficld 78089 Tijuana lm70y l:44fast 17-10 100 2 1 2 3i D Jones 6 FastBoy, OddSeth, BarnDollar 77490 Tijuana 1 1:41 fast 33-10 103 2 2 21 41 A Claver 7 Over Shot, Settee, Golden Cup GREAT BEGINNER, b. c, 3 110 By Great Britain Zoraida, by Samson. Trainer, N. J. Hak. Owner, Million and Hak. Breeders. Million and Swan. 99680 M.Hghts 3-4 l:12fast 15 103 2 5 6 6J W Martin BattleSliot, F.Rowena, Crescent 78046 Havana 51 f l:09slow 8-5 105 3 3 ll 1 F Kiniry 8 Sol.sKilts. Silvergrift, KerryGl 77943 Havana 51 f 1:11 mud 7 107 9 9 71 714 F Kiniry 9 Rcmily, Kerry Girl, Suzuki 74973 Latonia 3-4 1:14 fast 20f 112 4 C 71 S J Pevic IV Blue White, Filibuster, Levoy 74633 Latonia El t 1:07 fast 2H 115 S 8 91 9 J Wallace 12 Sizzle, Gibbons, Ray Jr. 72223 Map.Hts 6 1 1:03 fast 41 114 4 5 6 6i H Garner 12 Joyce, Querulous, Chtnut Girl 72068 Map.Hts 6-8 l:02fast 29 109 7 6 5l 54 H Garner 9 Shindy, Goldmark, Joyce ELUSIVE, ch. f, 3 M 105 By The Manager Latonia, by Ogden. Trainer, J. Lowenstein. Owner, E. W. Newman. Breeder. T. C. McDowell. 80351 Latonia 3-4 l:15mud 71 106 3 2 l 3 E Martin 12 Krishna, John linger, Kitty Jim 79630 Churchill 3-4 l:13fast 13f 103 4 4 3 3 E OBrien 13 Nimrod, Volt, Mill Boy 79420 Churchill 3-4 l:14mud 58 100 4 4 61 8" E OBrien 8 Poland, Mexican Tea, Dunlo 79006 Churchill 1 l:39slow 31 93 7 7 8 8 E OBrien 9 NcwBauty. AmityClin, Pyloln "8826 Lexgton lm"0y l:46fast 45 97 9 5 6 641 F ThdykelO Klaxon, Alinka, Quinine 78770 Lexgton 3-4 1:14 fast 79 102-1 5 7 51 6 J Pevic 11 Lierrc, AticMillin, SisterJosella 75431 Churchill . 3-4 l:13fast 14f 115 5 6 11 10 T Brothers 15 N.Lhorne, N.McChoid. An.Lyle LOUISE WAGNER, ch. f, 3 M 107 By Campfire Amans, by Bryn Mawr. Trainer. M. Lowenstein. Owner, M. Lowenstein. Breeder, T. J. Healey. 79000 Churchill 1 l:39slow 94 991 3 6 7 75 R Yelton 9 NcwBauty, AinityCIm, PyPoln 78938 Churchill 1 1:43 hvy 17f 101 1 4 12h 13 R. Yelton 13 Bchloader, Am.Claim, N.Beauty . 78750 Lexgton lm70y l:45fast 114 102 2 9 9 9" R Yeltnn 9 Begonia, Amity Claim. Odd Scth 78583 Lexgton 3-4 1:16 mud 16f 1011 3 12 12 11 R Yelton 12 KittyTxell, Finday, SnowMden 73116 Devshire 5-8 1:01 fast 25 112 7 8 81 91 T Brothersl2 Atlantida. S. Marie. Ilcrmidal 71948 Hawthne 51 f 1:06 fast 30 99 4 8 8 8" R Yelton 8 Freclland. Beau.Addie. Laveen DOUBLE T., ch. c. 3 M 105 By Boots and Saddle Lady of Lynn,, by Voter. Trainer, R. Williams. Owner, S. W. Grant. Breeder. T. M. Murphy. 80282 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 23 1001 2 5 4 51 D MerglerlO Q.Charming, Bkdale, StarCudgel 80081 Latonia 3-4 l:12good 24 103 6 5 61 51 R WiamslO Hunter,- Sizzle, Daughter Dear 79793 Latonia 3-4 l:12good 37 98 3 2 3" 3 R Wiams 7 Snndalwd, WhoKsMe. Macbeth 79341 Churchill 3-4 l:13good 7 103 3 4 8 7 G Ellis 8 Sizzle. Colfin, Dusty Mary i 79220 Churchill 3-4 1:16 hvy 28 102 2 3 31 3 G Ellis 8 Moorfield, Sandalwood. Mex.Tea 78941 Churchill 3-4 1:15 hvy 31 1001 6 5 7 SM D Mergler 8 The Runt, Sequel, Napoo 74769 Latonia 6 f l:07fast 10 112 3 7 12 12" W Fronk 12 Wong Bok, Equity, Blue White GUSSIE P.. ch. f, 3 M 100 By Sweep On Esther Blues, by Blues. Trainer, J. M. Hukill. Owners. Lair and Parrishi. Breeders, Murphy and Shropshire. 80282 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 41 88 8 10 10 1010 H Hay 10 Q.Charming. Bkdale, StarCudgel .79220 Churchill 3-1 1:16 hvy 13 102 4 4 41 6,s D. Mergler 8 Moorfield, Sandalwood, DubleT. 78748 Lexgton. 3-4 l:13fast 14 94 6 4 4 4" D Jones 9 Miniu, P.Politicn, NghtyNisba 78643 Lexgton 3-4 l:14good U 100 4 2 2 24 D MerglerlO MexiianTea. Douifn. FlcrceW. AUNTIE MILLIN. ch. f. 3 105 By Dick Welles Crossover, by Octagon. Trainer, J. L. Paul. Owner. J. L. Paul. Breeder, J. B. Respess. 79442 M.Hghts 51 f 1:06 fast 7-5 102 10 8 8 71 R Aron 11 Matineeldol, MissEtta, Redwood 78824 Lexgton 3-4 1:14 fast 11-5 92 3 2 2 Ink e OBrien 8 Nimrod, RoyalDick. FairRowena 78770 Lexgton 3-4 1:14 fast 21 103 2 1 1 2 B Kenndvll Lierre, Sister Josella, Theo 78640 Lexgton 3-4 1:14 good 28 99 3 3 3" 3 P Thdyke 8 Welcome, Finday, Paul Micou 78433 Hunfton 5 f l:0Sfast 3-2 108 21 J Eaton 8 Pawnbroker, VirginiaB., Oneida 73413 Hunfton 6 f l:0Sfaandt 3-2 106 61 J Eaton 9 Meddling Mattie, April, Prl Bts 78295 Hunfton 5-8 l:01fast 3-2 103 11 J Eaton 10 Bigwig, Eunice Bailey, April POLYCHRESTY, br. g, 3 M 110 "By Polymelian Christabel, by Hamburg. Trainer, K. Spence. Owner. Audley Farm Stable. Breeder. B. Combs. 74637 Latonia 5 f 1:07 fast 3 110 8 8 8 8" T Murray 8 Baffling, Frank Gailor. Deronda 69086 Bowie 1-2 50mud lOf 116 7 6 6 6 H Lunsfd 7 Mender, Trop. Water, Ch.Archce CLIMAX, ch. g, 3 M 110 By Golden Maxim Eva K., by The Friar. Trainer. L. Calm. Owner. T. J. Pendergast. Breeder. T. II. Kurpnyr 80351 Latonia 3-4 l:15mud 29 Ull 7 7 6 61 H Lunsfdl2 Krishna, John linger. Elusive 80250 Latonia 3-4 1:12 fast 19f 111112 12 9 9" H Lunsfd 12 New Gold, Volt, Miss Mischief 80139 Latonia lm70y l:44fast 85 103 C 8 10"10 F HsUngsl2 Colfin, Ni.igara, Annie Lyle 80076 Latonia 3-4 l:12good 15 109 4 3 6l 8s H Lunsfdll Tarody, T.Competitor, L.Marian 79792 Latonia 3-4 l:12good 47 112 7 4 5 5" II Lunsfd 9 Queer, Volt, The Runt Onr DA PC 5 1-2 Fnrlongd. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Fillies. Special "Weights. C.I1U imUEL June T, 1909 1:05 2-5 !. BUTTRESS, b. f, 2 M 115 By Wrack Kate Adams, by Martinet. Trainer, J. McPherson. Owner, R. A. Fairbairn. Breeder, A. B. Hancock. 80215 Latonia 5-S 1:00 fast 8 112 8 3 3 3 J Gruber 12 AgnesCall. BeuIahStone, Deemg 79983 Latonia 5-8 1:03 mud 3-2 112 9 4 3 410 J Gruber 10 Aviette, Atomin, First Light 79755 Latonia 5-S l:04hvy 23-10 115 4 5 54 4 J Gruber 8 DonnaSanta, RdPcess. BtCake 79421 Churchill 4 f 60 mud 28 115 6 5 5l 31 J Gruber 9 Ivory, Donna Santa, Fr Vision DEEMING, b. f, 2 M 115 By Spanish Prince II. Pin Feather, by Dalhousie. Trainer, C. P. Smith. Owner, C. B. Dailey. Breeder, J. W. Bailey. 80355 Latonia 5 f 1:08 mud 33 105 7 5 5 5 B Harvey 8 Lit.Vi-iitor, KittyPat, RnralRte 80215 Latonia 5-8 1:00 fast 5 U2 1 4 4 4 D Hurn 12 AgnesCall, BlahStone, Buttress 80077 Latonia 5-S l:00good 42 115 4 4 3h 4 F Hstingsl2 BkwtCake, Vlette, BlahStone 79759 Latonia 5-8 l:04hvy 11 110 8 6 6 61 D Hurn 9 Wuhu, Sorline. Bad Luck 78672 Lexgton 1-2 51mud 36f 114U1 3 4 41 W Lilley 12 SmMengel, MyDear, MyDestiny 7858G Lexgton 1-2 50mud 31 102 10 10 6l 571 J McCoy 10 StepAIong, Notcnough, CrmPuff SILVER SLIPPERS, b. f, 2 M 115 By Ambassador TV Light Shoes, by Hamburg. Trainer, K. Spence. Owner, Audley Farm Stable. Breeder, M. and B. B. Jones. 80287 Latonia 5-S 59fast 25 107 7 5 5 4 H Stutts 9 Rothermcl. Bignonia, MissJennie ATOMIN. ch. f. 2 M 115 By Whisk Broom JX Miniato, by Querido. Trainer, M. Goldblatt. Owner. H. P. Whitney. Breeder, H. P. Whitney. 80393 Latonia 5-8 1:01 slow 5 112 3 3 3 3 M Garner 10 Follies, Vallettc, Homing Bird 80215 Latonia 5-8 1:00 fast 27-10 112 3 5 5l 51 M Garner 12 AgnesCall, BlahStone. Buttress 79983 Laionia 5-8 1:03 mud 15 112 1 6 2 2 D Hurn 10 Aviette, First Light, Buttress 79842 Latonia 6-8 l:00fast 15 112 5 4 4 5 J Corcornl2 R.Princess, AgnesCall, Brunliilda 79532 Churchill 4 f 56hvy 28 106 7 7 5 52 I Parko S MyDestiny, SniuMgel. F.Victoria 79217 Churchill 41 f 56hvy 32 115 7 6 6 6" W Lilley 7 Bignonia, Chinook. Fair Vision. MIDNIGHT ROSE. br. f. 2 M 115 By Huon Kopje, by Kroonstad. Trainer. R. C. Frakes. Owner, Kohn and Theisen. Breeder. Dr. D. B. Knox. 80393 Latonia 5-8 1:01 slow 10 112 4 6 51 5 W KelsaylO Follies, Valette. Atomin 79891 Latonia 5-8 59fast 24f 107 H 12 12 12" H Gray 12 SwpPk, Lit.Visitor, DonnaSta 79528 Churchill 4 f 56hvy 22 115 2 1 2 442 H Gray 9 Flyatit, Rock of Ages, My Dream 79340 Churchill 4 f 54good 61 115 6 5 5 6l II Gray 8 Sweep Park, Chinook, Probity 78939 Churchill 41 f 57 hvy 2 115 7 7 54 41 H Gray 8 Mximneh, DtcliGirl, B.oUoney 78749 Lexgton 4 f 51fast 9 114 10 11 71 714 T Murray 12 L.Visitor. If landPcess. Tiuamou LUCERNE, b. f, 2 M 115 By Light Brigadts Bunchy, by Llangwm. Trainer, D. E. Stewart. Owner, J. N. Camden. Breeder, J. N. Camden. 80215 Latonia 5-S 1:00 fast 27 112 10 11 8l 92 G Ellis 12 AgnesCall, BlahStone, Buttress CORDON ROUGE, b. f, 2 M 115 By Sun Briar Mum. by Freemason. Trainer, C. E. Patterson. Owner. P. T. Chinn. Breeder. W. S. Kilmer. 60140 Latonia 5-8 1:00 fast 27 H4 2 6 7 7" E Pool 12 Betelgse, Anhilatcr 79842 Latonia 6-S l:O0fast 71 112 6 5 6l 6" W Kelsay 12 R.Princess, AgnesCall, Brunhilde 78939 Churchill 41 f 57 hvy 24 115 6 6 61 614 K Erkson S Mximneh, DtcliGirl. B.oUoney 78749 Lexgton 41 f 61fast 11 114 9 8 12 321 K Ericknl2 L.Visitor. RlandPcess. MISS EMMERT, b. f, 2 M 115 By Spanish Prince II. Plain Dorothy, by Planudes. Trainer, M. Lowenstein. Owner, M. Lowenstein. Breeder; J. E. Madden. 79528 Churchill 4 f 5Ghvy 5 115 1 4 8s 818 W Kelsay 9 Flyatit, Rock of Ages, My Dream 79421 Churchill 4 f 56 mud 30 115 2 4 2 52 W Kelsay 9 Ivory, Donna Santa, Buttress 79129 Churchill 41 f 51 mud ISf 110 4 7 7n 614 R Yelton 11 Miss Jennie, Sorline. My Destiny PHILS SISTER, b. f, 2 M 115 By McGee White Plume, by Order. Trainer, E. Louden. Owner, C. W. Moore. Breeder. Mrs. C. W. Moore. 80287 Latonia 5-S 59afast 85 107 6 8 S 710 J Heupel 9 Rothermel. Bignonia. MissJennie BOO BOO, b. f, 2 M 115 By McGee Lithia. by Isgoldsby. Trainer, L. Jones. Owner. Harned Bros. and Jones. Breeder, Mrs. C. W. Moore. 80253 Latonia 5-S l:0Dfast 21f 111 S li 91 1010 W Fronk 12 StarGirl, DutchGlil, F.DeCoursy 80077 Latonia 5-S l:00good 12f 115 2 8 8 9 W Fronk 12 BkwtCake, Vlette. BlahStone 79340 Churchill 4 f 51,igo6d 15 115 5 3 6 514 W Fronk 8 Sweep Park. Chinook, Frobity 78939 Churchill 4 f 57 hvy 4 115 4 5 7n 7 W Fronk 8 Mximneh. DtcliGirl. B.oUoney ROSA GREENER, ch. f, 2 M 115 By Everest St. Theresa, by Marathon. Trainer, C. OMalley. Owner, C. OMalley. Breeder, C. T. Worthington. 80215 Latonia E-S 1:00 fast 60f 112 5 8 101 10" J Corcornl2 AgnesCall, BlahStone, Buttress First start fcr the following: POINSETTIA, b. f, 2 M 115 By Helmet Berryessa, by Uncle. Trainer, J. Walters. Owner, G. M. Hezdrie. Breeder, J. H. Rosseter. BETTY STAR, b. f, 2 M 115 By Danger Rock May Star, by Duval or Marathon. Trainer, A. W. Booker. Owner, R. Varwig. Breeder, R. Varwig. DOROTHY ADAMS, b. f. 2 M 115 By King Gorin Lillie Hay, by Reliable. Trainer, J. H. Nichols. Owner, S. K. Nichols. Breeder, S. K. Nichols. BEAUTY SLAVE, br. f, 2 M 115 By Black Toney Padula, by Laveno. Trainer, W. Hurley. Owner, Idle Hour Stock Farm Stable. Breeder, Idle Hour Stock Farm. VENOM, b. f, 2 M 115 By Colonel Winn Zin Del, by Dick Welles. Trainer, D. T. Morris. Owner, J. W. Parrish. Breeder, J. B. Respess. WATERFLAG, b. f, 2 M 115 By Sir Martin Waterblossom, by Waterboy. Trainer, S. Chenault. Owner, T. C. McDowell.- Breeder, T. C. McDowell. SPARKLE STAR, ch. f, 2 M 115 By Star Spangled Star of Rnznymede, by Star Shoot. Trainer, J. McPherson. Owner, R. A. Fairbairn. Breeder, R. L. Smith. 3rd RACE 1 l1!! 4111 7" Y J-earltls Clalmins. Nov. 3, 1917 PARODY, ch. f. 3 103 By Cylgad Aircraft, by Ayrshire. Trainer, A. Luzader. Owner. Portsmouth Stable. Bred in England by R. Whiteworth 80394 Latonia 3-4 1:13 slow 8 103 5 5 31 33 It Wiams 9 Queer. Polynesia, Volt 80318 Latonia lmTOy l:43fast 6-5 108 3 2 21 1 R Wiams 0 Nimrod, Anne Lyle, Bona Vera 80141 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 44-5 102 10 5 61 61 F IIstingsl2 Brunswick, EasBells, Inquition 8007G Latonia 3-4 l:12good 13-10 107 1 1 l5 Is E Martin 11 T.Cpetitor, L.Marian. M.Towle 79788 Latonia 3-4 l:13slow 12 lOSi 8 5 74 67 E Martin 8 DustyMry. P.Politician. Phidias KLAXON, br. g, 3 104 By Granite Daisy Louise, by Abe Frank. Trainer. R. C. Frakes. Own er. R. C. Frakes. Ereener, R. E. Beatty. 80419 Latonia lmTOy 1:45 fast 61 110 5 2 2l 21 H Gray 10 FlorenccW., ByeBve, Lex.Maid 80318 Latonia lmTOy l:43fast 2S 110 4 5 5 51 II Gray C Parody, Nimrod. Annie Lyle 80214 Latonia lmTOy 1:45 fast 5 107 5 6 6 6" H Gray 0 T.Cpetitor, BhBuck. LadyJano 80081 Latonia 3-4 l:12good 32 10S S 9 8 8" H Gray 10 Hunter, Sizzle. Daughter Dear 78903 Churchill 1 1-16 1:49 mud 61 10S 4 3 4 5" II Gray G Dobson, Allie Oclis. Firetoma 7882G Lexgton lmTOy l:46Vfaandt 24 107 10 9 51 1 II Gray 10 Alinka, Quinine. Fausto SWIFT WATER, b. f, 3 M 9D By Cataract Miss Metcalf. by Ardington. Trainer. W. L. Lewis. Owner. W. L. Lewis. Breeder. S. K. Nichols. 80350 Latonia 1 1-16 l:4Smud 22 98 5 5 5 51 I Jones 8 AnnieLyle, Florence W., ByeBye 80117 Latonia lm70y l:42fast 29 100 3 7 5 5 D Mergler 9 P.Politln, P.Dispatch, Fan.Free 79889 Latonia lmTOy l:42fast 44 103 8 6 7 7" B Harvey 9 SanVicente, Columbia, Hats Up 74557 Latonia 5 f 1:03 fast lTf 115 11 10 1010 J Wallace 12 LjMarn, An.Lyle. N.Lghorne 74318 Latonia 5 f 1:07 fast 23 10S 8 8 8 C10 F Merimee S P.Doreen. MahJong, Beau.Agnca 73993 Lexton 61 f l:07fast 07-10 113 12 9 51 48 J Pevic 12 Mah Jong, Nell McChord. Erne KRISHNA, b. c, 3 103 By Master Robert Epsom May, by Durbar. Trainer, W. Reed. Owner. J. B. Cloher. Breeder, C. B. Head. 80351 Latonia 3-4 l:15mud 10 100 8 6 3 l1 B Harvey 12 John Hager, Elusive, Kitty Jim 80181 Latonia 1 1-16 l:45fast 13 110 7 7 6 6" G Ellis 7 Phidias, L.P.deBriantc, HatsUp 79582 Churchill 1 l:3Sandfat 14 102 5 6 6 6 G Ellis 9 Ohone, SportyMcGee. S.Vicente 74598 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 42 113 12 12 12 . ?? J Howard 12 LordMartin, Everglade, Corinth 74109 Lexgton FC 1:13 mud 6 112 7 6 6 61 I Parke 11 Giblon, Baffling, Asaph 73945 Lexton 5 f 1:10 hvy 19 113 5 6 4 34 I Parko 12 Cloister, Jolly Boy, Ben Mack THE REAPER, b. f. 3 99 By Hells Bells Garner, by Radium. Trainer. R. Bolton. Owner, M. J. Cooke, Breeder. W. R. Coe. 80455 Seo todays chart. S0139 Latonia lm70y l:44fast 20 101 11 9 61 5i D Merglerl2 Colfin, Niagara, Annie Lyle 79935 Latonia 1 1-16 1:51 mud 9 91 2 2 3 3 R Wiams 7 MoorfId, P.Politicn. Roll. Wave 79533 Cliurchill 1 1-16 1:52 hvy 2 104 6 6 5 5" J Wood G Bugler, Ann M., Lady Jane 79:582 ChJrchill 1 l:39fast 5 100 7 5 5 41 G Ellis 9 Norseland, Annie Lyle, Shindy 79131 Churchill 1 l:42mud 5 102 5 3 24 2 F Thdyke 9 Privilege, Ann M., Colfin 7903G Churchill 1 1-16 1:49 good 71 102 1 1 1 1 H Long 7 Muskeg. Quotation, Lady Jane BUGLER, b. g, 3 109 By Polymelian Early Morning, by Ecouen. Trainer. J. J. Troxler. Owner, J. J. Troxlcr. Breeder. B. Combs. 80220 Latonia lm70y 1:41 fast 7 HO 1 2 2 3 H Stutts 9 Slicker, Devil Girl, Cyprerae 79935 Latonia 1 1-16 1:51 mud 6 100 5 5 54 6 J Wood 7 Moorfield. P.PoIitn, TheReapcr 79841 Latonia lmTOy l:43fast 9 105 8 4 4 341 G Ellis 10 BallotBrush.A.Lyle, LonnSmoke 79G3G Churchill 1 1-16 1:47 fast 12 100 3 5 3 341 J Wood 0 BherlyLove. An.Lyle. WarFzo 79533 Churchill 1 1-16 1:52 hvy 37 109 2 2 14 ll H Stutts 6 Ann M., Lady Jane, Bye Bye 79120 Churchill 3-1 l:14mud 28 110 8 7 8 61 B Harvey 8 Poland, Mexican Tea, Dunlo GLANMORE, T. p. 3 M 104 By Tho Curragli Cola, ir Combaur. I Trainer. M. J.owenstein. Owner. H. Xowcnstein. Broeder, J. Sanford. 80419 Latonia lmOy 1:45 fast 125 110 3 9 .9 10" R Tslton 10 Florence "VV., Klaxon, Bye Bye 79G30 Churchill 3-4 l:13fast 47 113 6 7 8 6 B HarvcylS Nimrod, Volt, Elusive 79303 Churchill 1 1:40 fast 9 110 6 4 4 7l M Garner 9 Irot.Politicn, AnnM., Mnsprinfi 79131 Churchill 1 l:42andmud 75 109 9 9 81 5tT R Tclton 9 Privilege, The Renper Ann M. 78CG7 Iexcton 3-4 l:13mud 521 100 7 10 8 8" R Ynlton 11 Kit.Troxell, Minus, SnowMaiden PEOVIDENT, h. e. 3 M 109 By Hessian Welsh Oueen. fry Bryn Mawr. Trainer, C. Van Dusen. Owner. VT. E. Applesate. Breeder. T. Piatt. 779C0 Tijuana 11-8 1:54 fast 8f -11115 13 12 12" D Connllyl5 IVpThsut, Cher.Lce, BterKton 77490 Tijuana 1 1:41 fast 33-10 107 1 3 5s 6 D Connlly 7 Over Shot, Settee, Golden Cup 77358 Tijuana 1 1:41 fast 37 C9 2 5 o 51 J Gormley 5 Nayarit, Lit.Clair, Golden Cup 7G747 Tijuana 6-8 l:01fast 39 112 511 D ConnHylO Tarvenu. Over Shot, Tranquil f ft. DA PC Mile. Devon Park Parse. 4-year-olds and upward, AIIoyf-HII nHUC ances. June 19, 1924 1:3G 3-5 3 107. CHACOLET. b. m. 6 120 By St. Amant Martial Note, by Carbine. Trainer, J. towe. Owner, H. P. Headley. Bred in England by lord Bosebery- 79C40 Belmont 1 1-4 2:03?sfast 4 120 3 6 6 63 F Smith 7 Mndllatter. I.ittlcCclt. AgaKhan 79343 Churchill 1 1-4 2:03andfast 21 125 11 11 2 2ll L McDottll Modest, Dazzler, Chilliowee 78901 Churchill 1 1-S l:54mud S-5 124 8 6 4J 24 L McDott S Chilliowee. Hopeless, Tcn-Ic 7.87.ri9 Pimlico 1 3-1G 47-10 115 2 8 4? lpt M Garner 12 Martgale. Kcv.Agent, K.SsScal 78584 Lexcton lm70y l:47mud 1-2 121 3 5 2 11 M Garner G Blue Nose. Barracuda. Solisa 754G1 Pimlico 2 1-4 3:5Sslop 3 117 3 1 1J 2l C Lans 4 Uepliaistos, Sunsini, Exodus IXOWERS OF XOVE, ch. f, 4 99 By Luke McXuke Woodlane, by Octagon. Trainer. G. H. Keene. Owner, J. O. and G. H. Keens. Breeders. J. O. and G. H. Keene. 80217 Latonia 3-4 l:llfast 13 106 10 4 31 4 L McDottl2 Bob Cahill, Rocket. Pegasus 746G2 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 41 104 5 4 3 14 J McCoy 7 Crayon, Brad.sToney. Moonlady C5524 Lexton 51 f l:0Gandfast 4 103 7 6 64 6?i B KenndylO L.Gorliam, B.Tomorrow, R.Tim. G529G Lexton 3-4 l:llandslow 4 111 6 5 5l 5 E Pool 9 Sweetheart, Skcezix, Oui Oul C-J88I Churchill 5i f l-OSandfast 3 112 5 2 ll l5. E Pool 12 GsMaid, SwtLady. Whitleather PEGASUS, b. g, 5 107 By Golden Maxim Brightstons, by Deutschland. Trainer. K. Spence. Owner. Audley Farm Stable. Breeder. T. M. Murphy. 80217 Latonia 3-4 l:llfast 14-5 113 7 7 41 3 B Kenndyl2 BobCahill, Rocket. Flrs of Love 801 13 Latonia 3-4 l:llfast 31-10 114 3 4 1" 2 B KenndylO Br.Tomorrow, Racket, East.Bells 79G33 Churchill 7-S 1:23 fast 13 115 3 4 6 Ci B Kenndy 7 AliccB.Gown, Actuary, R.vMtn 79383 Churchill 3-4 l:llifast 8 117 6 6 61 54 B Kenndy G Buster, Brdalbane, B.Tomorrow 79008 Churchill 3-4 1:12tss1ow 18 112 6 5 5 5i B Kenndy t! GreatJaz, Moonraker, EasterBIs 75314 Churchill 3-4 l:llfast 1 120 5 4 1 l1 E Pool G Great Jaz. BcttyBcall. M.Mfins 75455 Churchill 3-4 l:llfast 21 107 7 5 3 31 L McDott 7 Audacious, Dr.Uickman, In.Trail TEN-LEC, ch. m. 6 108 By Celt Network, by Eon. Trainer. A. Baker. Owner. L. Viaa. Breeder. A. B. Hancock. 80218 Latonia 1 l:37fast 4 108 3 5 41 44 E" Pool 7 BetterLuck, Sunspero. GreatJaz 79845 Latonia 3-4 l:llfast 7 113 4 3 31 34 E Pool 8 A.BlueGown, Buster. Leopardess 79471 Churchill 3-4 l:13hvy 9-5 109 6 3 31 3 E Pool 7 Exodus, Bourbon Boy, Certain 79089 Churchill 1 l:3Cfast 12-5 109 3 3 , 3l 34 E Pool 8 Actuary, Moonraker, Col.Gilmore 78901 Churchill 1 1-8 l:54mud 10 110 2 4 5 44 E Tool 8 Chilhowee, Chacolet, Hopeless 78725 Lexgton 3-4l:13Vgood 13-10 115 1 2 2and 21 E Pool 0 Laveen. AliceBlueGown, Possible JUNE GRASS, b. h, 5 .110 By Short Grass Comsora, by The Commoner. Trainer. C. H. Shilling. Owner, Mrs. C. H. Shilling, Breeders, Short Grass Stud. 80457 Seo todays chart. 80353 Latonia 3-4 l:13mud CI 111 1 5 5" 5" E Pool G Bndley, Leopardess, Dusty Mary 80252 Latonia 1 l:37rast 3 110 4 1 2 31 D Hum 5 Dazzler, Buster. Breakfast Bell 78835 Pimlico 3-1 l:llfast 5 114 2 6 5 5i D Hum 5 Shuffle Along, Noel, Wellfinder 78733 Pimlico 1 1:40 fast 7-5 118 3 1 1 l1 D Hum 0 Jeg, Leonard G., Minto II. 78G05 Un.Hunts 3-4 l:llifast 5 123 6 6 4 410 D Hum 7 Lnnius, Ormcsvale, Cherry Tie 75424 Pimlico 3-4 l:12Vfast 11-5 111 3 5 4 43 P Hstings 7 Mainmast, Flintstonc, A.Patrlae 75258 Pimlico 3-4 1:12 fast 5 110 2 2 11 14 F Hstings G Wellfinder, Dimesdale. Cooncan Ciu D"PC 3-4 Mile. Boone: Parse. 3-year-olds and npward. Allowances. Olll nrtUC Jnnc 20, 1924 1:00 4-5 3 107. AUDACIOUS, ch. h, 8 116 By Star Shoot Bold Girl, by Ogden. Trainer. A. Baker. Owner, L. Viau. Breeder. J. E. Madden. 80143 Latonia 11-16 1:43 fast 13-5 123 G 5 5 34 E Pool,, 11 Actuary, AliceBlueGn, nopelesa 79844 Latonia lm70y l:41fast 6-5 117 3 2 1 1 E Pool 4 Startle, Bour.Boy, UnitedVerde 79724 Latonia 1 1-1G 1:48 mud 2 122 2 3 2l 2 E Pool G Moonraker. Glide. Chilhowee 79342 Churchill 3-1 1:12 fast 14 119 7 5 2 2k E Pool 7 Goshawk, Bracdalhane, Befuddle 75554 Churchill 3-4 l:llfast 21-10 123 4 3 41 4 E Pool 5 Dr.Uickman, GreatJaz, Revenge 75455 Churchill 3-4 l:ll?sfast 6 120 3 1 2l 1 E Iool 7 Dr.Uickman, Pegasus, Ind. Trail 75375 Churchill 1 1-S 1:53 nvy 3 122 2 2 11 2 E Pool 5 G.ofnonor, Cker.Tree, L.Granite ALICE BLUE GOWN, gr. f, 4 111 By Luke McXuke Carene, by Grey Iiejr. Trainer. G. H. Keene. Owner. 7. O. and G. H. Keene. Breeders. J. O. and G. H. Keene. 80143 Latonia 1 1-16 1:43 fast 11-5 110 2 2 2l 21 L McDottll Actuary, Audacious, Hopeless 7984 5 Latonia 3-4 l:llfast 7-5 107 2 1 -1 1 L McDott 8 Buster, Ten-Lec. Leopardess 79G33 Churchill 7-8 l:23Hfast 21 110 7 3 2 Ink L McDott 7 Actuary, RkyMtn, Moonraker 79200 Churchill 3-1 l:12andgobd 2 107 5 5 3 3" L McDott G Buster. Dnstauout, Leopardess 78725 Lexgton 2-4 l:13VsRood 8-5 115 6 5 31 34 J McCoy G Laveen, Tcn-Lec, Possible 75194 Churchill 1 l:37fast 6 10G 2 2 3 44 J McCoy 9 Make Up, Heremon. Bclzonl 75454 Churchill 1 1:29 fast 21-10 102 1 2 14 H J McCoy G Wild Life. Oui Oui, Dustabout BOB CAHILL, ch. c, 3 102 By Polymelian Dreamy II., by Persimmon. Trainer. W. Hurley. Owner, Idle Hour Stock Farm Stable. Breeder, Idle Hour Stock Farm. 80319 Latonia 3-4 l:03fast 4 99 3 3 31 3 R Wlams G Sun Flag, Crayon," Clarence 80217 Latonia 3-4 l:llfast 1G 97 1 2 l l R Wiamsl2 Rocket. Pegasus, Fls of Love 80079 Latonia 3-4 1:12 good 26 102 7 5 5 5 G W Coll 7 T. S. Jordan, Buster, Braedalbe 7545G Churchill 3-4 1:13 fast 12 105 9 4 3 54 E Blind 11 Pr.Doreen. Clarence. SgeCoach 75278 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 5 107 1 2 2 3 E Blind 7 Calvin, Cloister, Deronda 7512G Latonia 1 l:39ffood 24f 104 4 12 12 12 F Smith 12 W.Cnsellor, Bat.Creek, BobTail 74G89 Latonia 3-4 1:12 fast 7 107 8 9 12 12 E Martin 13 Chilliowee, PrccssDoreeh, Sanola SRAlvN. br. f. 4 111 By Chicle Sketchy, by Peter Pan. Trainer. D. Xchan. Owner. B. Hickman. Breeder. H. P. Whitney. 80319 Latonia 3-4 l:09fast 4-5 110 2 1 2 2 M Gamer G Sun Flag. Bob Cahill, Clarence 80142 Latonia 3-4 l:10fast 12 10919 1 1 l1 M Garner 11 Dudley, Alchemy. Sun Flag 79892 Latonia 3-4 1:11 fast 17f 102 8 7 81 8 B Harvey 11 Goshawk, Bracdalhane, Dudley 75415 Churchill 7-S l:24andgo od 14 1 04 2 1 6 610 T Brothers 8 Tcn-Lec, Heremon, Pegasus 75374 Churchill 3-4 1:13 hvy 3 102 4 3 4 5 J Pevic 5 Ptllastc, PdarPeel, Marv.Maj 7527G Latonia 3-4 l:llfast 31 102 3 1 14 1 J Pevic Oui Oui. Al.B.Gown. Sweetheart ROCKET, b. e. 5 107 By Broomstick First Flight, by Thrush. Trairer. M. Goldblatt. Owner. H. P. Whitney. Breeder. H. P. Whitney. 80217 Latonia 3-4 l:llandfast 29-10 113 3 1 2 2 M Gamer 12 BobCahill, Pegasus, Fls ofLove 80113 Latonia 3-4 l:llfast 6 111 7 6 41 3 J CorcornlO Br.Tomorrow. Pegasus, E. Bells 77717 F.Crmls 3-4 1:13 fast 9-5 122 4 3 21 2 I Parke 4 Certain. Centimeter. Last One 77G71 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13andfast 9-20 114 2 2 iu in I Parko G Clglijordan, O.IIenry, Blue Nose V2831 Saratoga 3-1 l:10fast 5 120 2 1 l 21 C Kummerll Bluemont, Knobble, FrPhantom 72149 Empire Ab 3-4 l:08andfast 8-5 123 2 1 11 2k L McAtce C DryMobn, KBaltiir.ore, G.Times 72019 Empire Ab 3-4 l:0S3fast 13-5 12G 2 1 1 11 L McAtee 0 DryMoon. Good Times, Bluemont CERTAIN, b. g. 4 llfl By Ultimus Xady Savoy, by Morion. Trainer. J. McPherson. Owner, J. McPherson. Breeder. H. P. Headley. 80251 Latonia 34 l:10fast 4 103 2 4 3and 2 B Har-ey 7 Dudley, Dusty Mary, nopelcss 80142 Latonia 3-4 l:10andfast 33-5 10G 4 5 7 54 B Kenndy 11 Crayon, Dudley. Alchemy 79892 Latonia 3-4 1:11 fast 17f 108 1 6 5" 64 B Kenndyll Goshawk. Bracdalhane, Dudley 79722 Latonia 3-4 1:15 mud 8-5 115 3 3 1 1 B Kenndy 7 Glyn, Dust Flower, Climax 79471 Churchill 3-4 l:13andhvy 16 108 5 6 6 44 B Kenndy 7 Exodus. Boutbon Boy. Ten-Lec 79342 Churchill 3-1 1:12 fast 19 103 5 7 7 7" B Kenndy 7 Goshawk, Audacious, Brdalbane 77717 F.Grnds 3-4 1:13 fast 11-5 114 3 4 1 U L McDott 4 Rocket. Centimeter. Last One DUDLEY, b. g. 3 103 By Light Brigade Atalanta, by Uncle. Trainer. D. E. Stewart. Owner. J. N. Camden. Bueder. T. N. Camden. 80353 Latonia 3-4 l:13Vmud 1-2 110 2 1 1 1 L McDott G Leopards, DustyMary, Humortc 80251 Latonia 3-4 l:10fast 3-5 105 4 1 1 1 L McDott 7 Certain, Dusty Mary, Hopeless 80142 Latonia 3-4 l:10fast 2 103 10 4 24 2 L McDottll Crayon, Alchemy. Sun Flag 79892 Latonia 3-4 1:11 fast 15 105 6 3 3 3 L McDottll Goshawk. Braedalbane, GreatJaz 79301 Churchill 7-8 l:25andfast 6 106 9 . 6 41 44 L McDottlS BourbonBoy, Giblon. LordMartin XA TAFNA. br. m, 5 M 102 By Royal Eagle Toia, by Adventurer. Trainer, J. O. Whitlow. Ownsr, E. Cebrian. Bred in France by M. P. Chedeville. First start. Gh PA PC 5 1-2 lnrlongs. Dry Rid pre Purse. 2-ycar-olds. Colts and Dill ilHUQ Geldings. Allowances. June 7, 190U 1:05 2-5 a 93. BENEDICT VOW. ch. c, 2 108 By North Star in. Believe Me Boys, by Cunard. Trainer, H. J. Thompson. Owner, Idle Hour Stock Farm Stable .Breeder, Idle Hour Stock Farm. 80317 Latonia 61 f l:06fast 17-19 115 1 1 H 14 L Lyko 12 Zuker, Karachi, Hurry Inn 80080 Latonia o-S 1:01 sood 32 112 6 6 5 44 L Lyke G Ocean Current. Elss is, Special FLYING EBONY, br. c. 2 122 By The Finn Princess Mary, by Hessian. Trainer. C. H. Shilling. Owner. G. A. Cochran. Breeder, J. E. Madden. 79344 Churchill 41 f 5Jfast 3-10 115 2 1 1 15 D Hum 7 Step Along, CaptainHandl, Elector 79221 Churchill 41 f 54hvy 7-10 112 2 1 1 1 D Hum 5 O.Current. F.DeCoursy, S.Along 79088 Churchill 41 f 53fast 2-5 118 S 1 1 1 D Hum 9 Barrage, Modrsta. Son of Tromp - 78854 Pimlico 41 f 54slop 32-10 1081 4 1 Ink 21 D Hum 5 Sombre. J.F.Klver. BcrniceUar TOOMUCH, ch. c. 2 108 By Tho Manager Xady Moonet, by Dick Welles. Trainer. C. Van Dusen. Owner, W. E. Applegate. Breeder, W. E. Walsh. - 78031 Tijuana 1-2 49 hvy 7-10 113 7 5 74 V F J Baker 8 O.Current, Stampdale. M.Billy 77945 Tijuana 1-2 43andslow 11 118 8 9 9l 1011 D ConnllyR! Socrates, John T. D., Notcnough 7089 1 Tijuana 3-8 35fast 8-5 118 74 D Connolly 8 Don Eduardo. Nellie A., Sequan 7G822 Tijuana 1-4 23slow 6f 118 14 D Connllyll Notcnough. Woodcry. Parnell 7G571 Tijuana 1-4 23 fast 103 US a1" D ConnllylO Don Edwardo. Runlathe. Parnell TIXKA, ch. c, 2 M 116 By Xight Brigade Enigma, by Ben Brush. Trainer, D. E. Stewart. Own3r, J. N. Camden. Breeder. J. N. Camden. 80249 Latonia 5-S 1:00 fast 12 118 1 G 51 64 D Hum 11 Annihilator, Elector, Special 80112 Latonia 5-S l:005sfast 8 115 6 6 3" 2 L McDottll Battle Field, lyroot. Brave Bob 7984G Latonia 5-8 59fast G6 106 7 8 7 7" L McDott 8 StepAlong, O.Current. HI. Water FAIRY MASTER, br. c, 2 M 10G By Star Master Sand Fairy, by Rock Sand. Trainer, K. Spence. Owner, Audloy Farm Stable. Breeders, M. and B. B. Jones. First Start, 7tll RACE 1 Miles." 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. June 14, OPULENT, ch. h. 5 1C0. By Hilarious Rosctinge, by Ossary. Trainer. R. D. Williams. Owner. Williams Bros.. Breeder. Williams Bros. 801 10 Latonia 1 1-16 l:45fast 9-5 100 2 .1 l1 1 J Wood 11 Lieut.CoIonel. Westwd, nuonec 79720 Latonia lm70y 1:48 mud 23-10 101 Left at post. G Ellis 11 Wrangler, Quesada, Sway 79473 Churchill 1 1-8 l:57hvy 21 100 2 1 11 ll J Wood 8 Quesada, FlyingPrince. StumpJr. 79300 Churchill 1 l:3Sfast 2 107 2 1 1 14 G Ellis G Lucidus, S.oflTure. Bhsrlylxve 790G3 Churchill 1 l:39fast 2 110 3 4 4 5t0 D Jone3 S Lugs, Oo La la. Breechloader 79004 Churchill 1 1:41 slow 4-5 110 3 2 11 2k E Smwd 8 Repeater, Lucidus, Rob QUESADA. ch. g, 5 100 By Delhi Mistress Quickly, by Nasturtium. Trainer. A. Goldblatt. Owner, M. Ehapoff. Breeder. T. Plait. 80352 Latonia 1 1-8 1:55 mud 2 100 3 1 la 2a F Thdyke S BngBubbles, Smuts. Miss Mazic 80J80 Latonia 1 1-8 llVandfast 26 107 3 7 7 6l G Ellis 11 Napoo, Blowing Bubbles, Sway 79938 Latonia lm70y l:49niud 14-5 111 3 1 1 l4 F Hstings 9 Over Fire, Reel Foot, Ben Valet 79720 Latonia lm"0y 1:48 mud 31 107 4 2 2 24 F Merimeell Wrangler, Sway, Tan Son ,79587 Churchill 1 1-16 12 113 7 5 61 7" F Mcrimee 7 Fancylrce, Dobson, BallotBrush 79473 Churchill 1 1-8 l:57hvy 31 113 4 2 24 2 D Mergler S Opulent, FlyingPriuce, StumpJr. SWAY. b. g. 8 105 By Vulcain Ruby Eight, by Star Ruby. Trainer. W. H. Hall. Owner, W. H. Hall. Breeder. J. H. Woodford. 8018G Latonia 1 1-3 lSlHfast 31 102 6 3 3 3l F Hstingsll Napoo, BlowingBubbles, Ramkin 80111 Latonia 1 1-1G l:4Cfast 51 102 7 3 l1 l5 F Hstingsll Flying Prince. Lugs, Repeater 79794 Latonia lru70y l:41good 31 103 7 4 4 34 F Thdyke 7 Napoo. Lieut.CoIonel. Broth.Johc 79720 Latonia lm70y 1:48 mud 9 100 7 4 31 34 F Thdykell Wrangler, Quesada, Tan Son 79339 Churchill 1 l:40Vgood 6 101 6 2 11 Ink f Thdyke 7 Repter, ThoArchcr, WillowTrce 79257 Churchill 1 1:40 good 15 110 12 9 4l 44 F Thdyke 12 Modna. Westwood, Widgeon Continued on sixth page. LATONIA ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES Continued from fifth page. UNTRIED, ch. f, 4 105 By Great Britain Odd Nymph, by Oddfellow. Trainer. D. Shaw. Owner, A. P. Foley. Breeder. M. Moore. 80288 Latonia 1 3-16 l:58fast 37 101 1 1 2 2 F Hstings 7 Fancy Free, WarPrizc, Fantcche 80078 Latonia 1 1-16 l:46good 2i 108 3 3 4 4" F Hstings C Sunspot, Firctoma, Raider 79894 Latonia lm70y l:42fast 8 107 4 8 8 S J Corcorn 9 Firetoma, MissMcise, Mah Jons 7972G Latonia 1 1-16 l:49mud 37-10 107 2 2 31 31 J Corcorn O Triumph, Make Up, Fantoche 79426 Churchill 1 1-16 l:50mud 7-5 112 1 1 1J 1J J Corcorn G Dobson, Stump Jr., Oo La La OO LA LA. br. m, 5 102 By Fataud Rusty Coat, by Ethelbert. Trainer, K. Pitt. Owner, A. W. Jackson. Breeder. J. D. Neet. 80186 Latonia 1 1-8 l:Glfast 5 107 7 6 61 7" D Merglerll Napoo, Blowing Bubbles, Sway 79988 Latonia 1 1-8 l:5Smud 12 108 5 4 4 4" J Wood 6 Ballot Brush, Quotation, Pequot 79894 Latonia lm70y l:42fast 10 101 9 7 6 E52 J Pevic 9 Firetoma, MissMeise, Mah Jong 7942G Churchill 1 1-16 l:50mud 61 107 5 6 B,s 4 N J Bnes G Untried, Dobson, Stump Jr. 79063 Churchill 1 l:39fast 91 103 6 2 2 21 R Wliams S Lugs, Breechloader. Roldggold 75558 Churchill 1 1-16 1:47 fast 6 111 5 6 Bl 451 D Jones 9 Elias O., Halu, Randel FANCY FREE, blk. m. 5 110 By Hessian Ruth L., by Dorante. Trainer, J. HcGee. Owner, 7, McGee. Breeder. F. A. Forsvthe. 80356 Latonia lm70y l:45mud CI 110 5 4 4" 41 H Stutts 5 KingTut, Pr.rolitician, SunSpot 80288 Latonia 1 3-16 l:5Sfast 19-10 101 6 2 in l1 D Mergler 7 Untried. War Prize, Fantoche 80117 Latonia lm70y l:42fast 6-5 115 6 4 3i 31 B Harvey 9 P.Politin P.Dispatch, Mis.Mary 80041 Latonia 1 1-16 l:51hvy 4-5 113 4 3 3 2 L Lyke 6 BgBubbics, StumpJr., Ten.SeUi 79587 Churchill 1 1-16 l:46fast 11-10 111 6 2 1 Is L Lyke 7 Dobson. Ballot Brush, Privilege ALARD, ch. g. 4 97 By Tony Bonero Rose Pompon, by Royal Flush HI. Trainer, E. C. Crockett. Owner, W. Doll. Breeder. T. B. Jones. 80141 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 34f 112 4 11 101 10 H Gray 12 Brunswick-, EasBclls. Inquition 77847 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:4Sfast 8 105 3 5 5 5 B Brening 5 Llewellyn. T.dHonur, Isosceles 77803 Jefferson 1 1-16 1:48 fast 8 112 3 12 12s 12 E Blind 13 TanSon, Escarpolettc, RylDuck 77720 F.Grnds 1 1-S 1:51 fast 12 103 1 2 2 1J B Brening 9 Ramkin, Fannie Bean, Bucado 77675 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:4Sfast 7 111 3 10 10" 10" J Wallace 10 Bucado, Tan Son, Normal 77319 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1:43 fast 10 110 2 1 l1 Is G Brening 9 Bendita, WalnutHall, KingJohn STUMP JR., b. c, 4 102 By Golden Maxim Green Dawn, by Greanan. Trainer, R. McGarvey. Owner, Four Oaks Stock Farm Stable. Breeder. T. M. Murphy. 80395 Latonia 1 1-16 1:43 slow 5 110 2 2 3 3i D Hum 7 Over Fire, Sister Flo, Grass Tree 80041 Latonia 1 1-16 l:51hvy 6 108 1 1 21 3 D Hum ! BgBuhbles, FancyFree, Tcn.Scth 79720 Latonia lm70y 1:48 mud lOf 1071 9 5 5and 711 II Stutts 11 Wrangler, Quesada, Sway 79473 Churchill 1 1-8 l:57hvy 11 106 7 3 3 41 H Stutts 8 Opulent, Quesada, Flying Prince 7942G Churchill 1 1-16 l:50mud 10 109 2 2 21 341 H Stutts 6 Untried, Dobson, Oo La La 79219 Churchill 1 l:43hvy Bl 113 4 3 3 2 H Stutts 5 Willow Tree, Jupiter, Blue Bird LUGS. b. g, 5 105 By Bulse Princess Thorpe, by Woolsthorpe. Trainer, R. Bolton. Owner, M. J. Cooke. Breeder. J. W. Parrish." 80421 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 7 108 2 3 4K 52 M Garner 11 TenSixty, DustFlowcr, Guvnor 80111 Latonia 1 1-16 l:4Gfast 9-5 115 3 4 2 3 L Lyke 11 Sway, Flying Prince Repeater 79386 Churchill 1 1:39 fast 5 115 5 4 3 11 L Lyke 7 WarPrizc, Privilege, Bal.Brusb 79133 Churchill 3-4 1:14 mud El 115 6 4 41 5" N Barrett 7 Modna, W.KnwsMe, Rapid Day 79063 Churchill 1 l:39fast 8 118 5 1 l1 11 N Barrett 8 OoLaLa, Breechloader, Koldgold 778,71 Jefferson 3-4 l:14fast 10 114 12 6 41 2 I Parke 13 Vacuum, Longboat, Fifty-Fifty