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G. D. BRYAN PASSES AWAY Part Owner of Bowie, Marlboro and Other Tracks Succumbs to Paralytic Stroke. BALTIMORE, Md., Oct. 20. G. D. Bryan. Jr., died at his Atlantic City home Sunday afternoon. He is survived by his widow, who is a sister of G. W. Foreman. Mr. Bryan suffered a paralytic stroke at Mobile in March while en route from New Orleans to Balti-I more. From its effects he never completely! recovered, although he was improving up to the time of a second stroke last Friday. Fol-i lowing the setback he did not regain consciousness. The deceased was associated with James F. OHara in the ownership of several race tracks, the most prominent of which is Bowie. They recently sold their controlling, interest in Jefferson Park, near New Orleans. Mr. Bryan was 53 years old. He was a figure in thoroughbred racing for many years, having raced horses before entering the promotion end of the sport YONKERS, N. Y., Oct 20. News was received at Empire City of the death of Gadson D. Bryan, Jr., at Atlantic City. Mr. Bryan had considerable racing interests in partner, ship with James F. OHara of Baltimore and only recently he and his partner disposed of Jefferson Park race track at New Orleans to Robert Eddy, Jr., and some New Orleans associates. In addition to Jefferson Park Mr. Bryan with Mr. OHara was principal owner of the Bowie and Marlboro tracks in Mary, land as well as Kempton Park, Devonshire and Thorncliffe in Canada. The same confederacy conducted a winter meeting at Mexico City a few years back. After the close of the Jefferson Park meeting last spring Mr. Bryan suffered a paralytic stroke and he was in bad health all through the summer, which was spent at Atlantic City. He suffered a second stroke Friday night and late Saturday he was still in an unconscious condition. At that time his death was hourly expected, so that his talcing off was in no sense a surprise to his many friends of racing.