untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-11-19


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THINK THIS OVER! I " IT THEN you play race after race, day after day, and lose VV all around, you say you are out of luck. Those who win consistently are just lucky, you say. It is 100 to 1 if the man who is a steady winner depended as much on his own judgment as you do, he would be as j bad off as you are, or broke. Successful players have reliable information, connections or associates and not just dumb luck. DONT FORGET THAT. Years in this business taught me that! I buy reliable information, from ; responsible connections, and pay money for it. I use it myself and WIN and t SELL IT TO A FEW OTHERS AND THEY WIN. You can go on guessing and losing if you want to. Nothing will stop you except death or accident. Or you can begin winning on real information. For instance : My Clients Won as Follows LADDIE BUCK TUESDAY: 8-1 Won DONAGHEE MONDAY: 2.90- Won I JUDGE FULLER SATURDAY: 10-1 Won PERRY BASCOM Suite 120, 1400 Broadway. Telephone Fitzroy 1045 London Office: 24 Sussex St., London, S. W., 1. NOTE. If in town, call at the office. I like to talk horse, if yon want to talk business. Out of town, wire your subscription. 5.00, ONE HORSE AT A PRICE. Full name, address and telephone number must be sent with your subscription. FRANK GREEN NEW YORK OFFICE: Room 504, 1547 Broadway, New Ycrk City. CHICAGO OFFICE: Room 626, 105 N. Clark St., Chicago, 111. My last two advertisements stated that two days information will be filed with this publication, the results of which will ho published, regardless of these horses winning or losing. Flayers who doubted the authenticity of these statements were requested to send me their names and addresses, so that I could send them the names of these horses before pest time. The horses appearing below were filed with more than three thousand players who wished to make sure that the statements made in my advertisements were true. YESTERDAY I FILED: Camouflage 2.50 Won King ONeill II. .00 Won Two more horses will be filed today with this publication, and with all players who have answered my advertisements. As I have often stated, it has always been my policy to give my clients the best information obtainable. It is for that reason that I am giving proof of my powers before demanding money for my services. The names of todays two horses will be mailed before past time to any one sending me their name and address. You will naturally receive this information too late for play, but the postmark will show ycu the time of mailing. PRESENT AND PAST MASTER 50 YEARS ON THE TURF HONEST OLD ANDY OCCASIONALS, 0.00 Daily; 5.00 Any Six Days. SUPERS, 5.00 Daily; 0.00 Any Six Days. ENTIRE COMPLETE SERVICE, ONLY 0.00 WEEK. SAVE 00. LAST CALL ! Positively Goes Today Rain or Shine Dont Miss It, Boys HOP ON! ITS FREE! READ BELOW! ACT AT ONCE! C3 FREE! ,000 Good Cheer PTFREE TO ALL 5 and 0 Weekly Subscribers! This is cneof the ripest and sweetest under-cover gocd things that I hive ever handled in my fifty years on the turf. Wo will rock tha books from coast to coast. "We know something. A BIG OPPORTUNITY GET YOUR SHARE IT SHOULD PAY AS GOOD AS MY FIRST ONE: C0M1XA, 1.20 WON SUBSCRIBE NOW Mail or wire your remittance with your correct address. MR. ANDY -:- -:- 171 Broadway, New York City him mm ATTENTION! Pay From Your Profits A PRIVATE HANDICAPPER, at liberty for the THE MASTER KEY SYSTEM of playing winter months only, wishes to connect with a high-the races will be mailed you for one weeks class racing sheet in like capacity or would act as trial. No charge unless it shows an average advisor to a few responsible business man who are I profit of at least 0 a day on the cpon to accept high-class, honest information that scale of play. For particulars mail this I am capable of furnishing to all those who are ad and a two-cent stamp to interested. U B HEWITT 225 Thirtieth St. Miami Boach. f!a. 424 tith St. Brooklyn. N. Y. fol-Winley Jw SHEET SOLD AT NEWSSTANDS 4b SPECIAL "WIRED FROM OFFICE The Old Boy Is Again in His Stride LILY M., .20 Won STATLER, .30, .20 2nd WERE THE TWO HORSES GIVEN ON MY DAILY WIRE YESTERDAY Win With Winley Is the byword of turf followers, from coast to coast. That is just what I am doing every day. Every day is a winning day for the Winley followers. HERE ARE A FEW MORE OF MY MOST RECENT WINNERS: Columbia $ 9.90, Won Lester Doctor 8.60, Won Little Visitor $ 3.80, Won Audacious 7.90, Won Bridesmaid 7.30, Won Won Senaado $ 6.30, Johnny Jewell 8.10, Won , ... ..A cnn Won Altawood $ 5.90, Won Bignonia 8.40, Maximaneh 6.70, Won Reputation 0.70, Won Mary Ellen O 7.20, Won Lass o Mine $ 7.00, Won UTTwo more winners go today on my Daily Two Horse Wire. Boys, all that I am permitted to say at this writing is, DONT MISS THESE TWO PROBABLE WINNERS. For Sale at the Newsdealers Listed Below and at My Office 1 SATURDAY GETAWAY DAY AT LEXINGTON will be the scene of the biggest special In months. When I say the biggest in months I mean that there will be more money won on this big one than on nnythng in the does not do any good. In order to get on to this good thing yes, when I say good thing. This one will be given out to only a few select clients and will not be open to the general public. I am forced to do this because too much publicity at times does not do any good. In order to get on to this good thing. Yes, when I say good thing, I know that this one Is a rlpo one at odds that will be disastrous to the layers, this one will cost 5.00, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE and no propositions whatever accepted If you are interested and would like to get on to one of the biggest specluls in months, then call at my Chicago office, or write, and we will try and see that you are one of the lucky ones to get on to this MAGNIFICENT GOOD THING. Call today lf possible, ns only 100 people will be let in on this big thing, and not all from one or two cities. Our books are open to FIFTEEN PEOPLE JN CHICAGO TEN IN DETItOIT FIVE IN ST. LOUIS TEN IN NEW YORK FIYE IN BUFFALO, N. Y. TWO IN CINCINNATI NO CLIENTS IN LEXINGTON, KY. FIYE PEOPLE IN LOS ANGELES FIYE IN BALTIMORE TEN IN MILWAUKEE FIFTEEN IN PORTLAND, ORE. TEN IN NEW ORLEANS THREE IN MIAMI FIYE IN WICHITA, KAN. And by doing this no money will get back to the track and hinder the odds. I will positively not take on any more clients than the amount listed above in each city. Hurry, Now. Wire or call at my office, or you will get left out. Detroiters, We Have Two Agents in Your City BAGLEY NEWBSTAND, Woodward and Monroe, in front of monument. NOTE The Bag-ley Newsstand is in front of no building:. DUNN NEWSSTAND, Michigan and Shelby, opposite New Cadillac Hotel. DETROITERS You can buy Cel. Winleys, every night at 6:30 p. m., for next days races. Those that cant buy their sheet in the morning- can now get it at night for the next day, only at the above two stands. CHICAGO PLAYERS, ATTENTION Col. Winleys for sale every night, at 6:30 p. m., for the next days races, at the Arcade Newsstore, 74 West Madison St., opposite Morrison Hotel, or at our office. Suite 416, Crilly Building, 35 South Dearborn Street. CLEVELAND FOR SALE 0. C. Schroeder, 212 East Superior. KANSAS CITY FOR SALE Ricksecker Cigar Store, 9th and Walnut. ST. LOtTIS FOR. SALE Wm. Laser, 711 Market St. OMAHA, Neb., FOR SALE Meyers Newsstand, 1411 Farnnm St. ALWYNS SERVICE I wiro ozo horso a day. I try to live up to my name. SIX DAYS SERVICE, 5. No subscription accopted for less than six days. My track connections send only long shots, no favorites. EXTRA DAYS SERVICE FREE ANY TIME MY HORSE IS MADE FAVORITE: MY ONE HORSE YESTERDAY WAS: Rupee, 7.10 Won This was my only horse and was filed in advance with this paper. MY ONE HORSE MONDAY WASi Rajah, 9-20 Won Saturday my horse won, but was favoritci Clients receive extra day far Saturday; Since November 1st I had the following! OUR OPTION, 12.20, won; GOLDEN RULE,-6.60, won; ROTHERMEL, 2.60, won RANDEL, 2.10, won; REPEATER, 0.50, won; TEX-ATION, .80 won; BALBOA, 9.10, won, and many others at good prices: Do not delay, es I have word on jveral moro big cleanups in course of preparation for getaway weeki Wire me 5 at ence, with your street address, and I will wire you as soon as subscription la received. It looks to me as if we can all gather a big bankroll before the end of this montht Bo dont delay but wire ysur 3ubseripton at once to ALWYNS SERVICE 147 WEST 41ST ST. NEW YORK CITY HENRY WELSH 20C BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY .00 DAILY S20.00 WEEKLY Now Are You Convinced? ! Smashed Over Another Double YESTERDAYS BOWIE DAILY WIRE: YESTERDAYS LEXINGTON FREE SPECIAL: Laddie Buck .. .8.00- Won Balboa 7.60- Won Tho only two horses given, both filed with this paper hours in advance. The second 50-1 parlay this week. MONDAYS DOUBLE WINNER: DRY MOON 2.40- Won SISTER FLO 1.40- Won WINNERS LAST WEEK: PENSIVE S1C.10. Won PETER PAUL 4.30-52 Won DUSKY DELLE S.10- Won BLUE AND RED 0.30- Won Not a losing day since last WEDNESDAY. A small play daily of 5, won over ,000 A small investment of 0 for a week of this information is better than owning a GOLD MINE. I PROMISE ANOTHER DOUBLE TODAY. A DAILY SPECIAL AT BOWIE And a FREE WIRE AT LEXINGTON. Only two horses given. , sent at once, gets this limit parlay. Wire a subscription now. Only 20, to cover you for tho week of all specials.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924111901/drf1924111901_11_1
Local Identifier: drf1924111901_11_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800